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Draw the following: 5pts

Ostwald folin

Volumetric (transfer) pipette

Serological pipette
Mohr pipette


2. What are the different types of pipette bub? 1 pt

3. 2 types of pipette according to drainage. Explain briefly. 1pt

An etched continuous ring or two small, closely spaced continuous rings are seen towards the top of a
blowout pipet. The last drop of liquid therefore must be released into the receiving vessel. Without
these markings, a pipet is self-draining, and content of pipet drain by gravity.

4. 2 types of pipette according to use. Explain briefly 1pt

 MEASURING OR GRADUATED - These are graduated or measuring pipettes, and because of their
several graduations, they may dispense various volumes. Its length is graduated consistently.
The Mohr pipette has graded endpoints above the tip, while the serological pipette has
graduated marks all the way to the tip. The Mohr pipet self-drains. The serological pipette
features an etched ring (or couple of rings) near the bulb end of the pipette indicating that it is a
blow-out pipette and must be blown out to deliver the complete volume of the pipette.
Serological pipettes drain more quickly than Mohr pipettes because they have a bigger tip.
 TRANSFER - It transfers a specified amount of liquid without further separation. Both volumetric
and Ostwald-Folin pipettes are among them. They are made up of a thinner glass tube linked to
a cylindrical bulb at both ends. The upper suction tube has a calibration mark etched all around
it. To prevent rapid liquid outflow and insufficient drainage, the delivery orifice's bore needs to
be appropriately small.

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