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Assessment in Learning 1

Activity No. 6

1. How do you write a Table of Specification?

- A Table of Specifications is created in three steps: 1) selecting the measurement goals
and domain to be covered, 2) separating the domain into key or somewhat
independent parts- concepts, terminology, methods, and applications, and 3)
producing the table.
2. What are the elements of a Table of Specification?
- Tables of Specification are often constructed based on the course objectives, topics
covered in class, the amount of time spent on those topics, textbook chapter themes,
and the emphasis and space supplied in the text.
3. Why is a Table of Specification important?
- A Table of Specifications enables the teacher to create a test that focuses on the
important areas and weights those areas depending on their value. A Table of
Specifications shows the teacher that an exam has content validity, that it covers what
should be covered.
4. What are the key points in the module?  
 Instructional leadership
 Standard-based assessment
5. Based on your readings, how can you apply the content from this module to your daily
- Is to be good leader mostly in the teenager around in the community and the kids
because it changing its because of time
6. What insights did the module provide in your course?
- How can I handle to my future students when I teach them.

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