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_______ is a framework for optimization and system of linearnon linear equations matplotlib FuncDesigner OpenOpt scipy 3
______ is a tool for 2D 3D Ndimensional geometric modeling OpenOpt SpaceFunc scipy numpy 2
Any complex number multiplying by -1, rotate it by ______ degree. 900 270 800 3600 3
In GF(2) field , 1x1 is always equal to _ 0 -1 1 2 3
Quantity having magnitude but no direction is called _____ quantity. scalar dimensional vector magnitude 1
In a complex number, if the imaginary part is zero then the number is purely __________. real imaginary integral natural 1
The sum of two vectors is the ________ of a parallelogram. Diagonal side angle area 1
Set of all linear combinations of vectors is called __ Diagonal span dimension tuple 2
Any vector in Rn can be generated by its _ vector. standard duplicate similar equal 1
If V be a vector space and vEV and 'a' be any scalar then (-a).v = _______ negative av positive av av- v 1
______ library produces quality figures in hardcopy formats. FuncDesigner matplotlib SpaceFunc matplotlib 4
Vector space is __ with resect to addition Addition Subtraction division Multiplication 1
The Euclidian space R4 has vectors with ______ entries two three four one 3
The Euclidian space R2 has vectors with ______ entries three five two one 3
The field GF(2) has two elements ______ 0 and 1 1 and 2 3 and 1 1 and 4 1
The absolute value of 3+4i is _______ 4 6 5 0 2
If z = 4 + 4i, real and imaginary part of z is _______. 4 1 i 3 1
In GF(2) field , 1+1 is equal to _ 1 0 -1 2 2
A quantity having both magnitude and directions is called _______ quantity. vector scalar GF(2) GF(3) 1
If vector a = (3,2) and vector b=(4,3) then a+b is _ (7,5) (6,6) (1,1) (3,4) 1
The dot product of two vectors is always a __________ vector comple scalar dot 3
The triangular system of linear equation can be solved by _______ forward sub backward sub forward and backward
substitution 3
A linear equation with right and side equal to zero is called ________ linear system saturated homogeneous non homogeneous 3
The set of vectors in a vector space is said to be ___ if there exists scalars such that not alllinear
are zeros
system linearly dependent scalar span 2
For vector v EV the additive inverse is _______ 0 1 v-1 negative v 4
Who developed the Python language? Zim Den Guido van Rossum Niene Stom Wick van Rossum 2
In which year was the Python language developed? 1995 1972 1981 1989 4
In which language is Python written? English Php C C++ 3
Which one of the following is the correct extension of the Python file? .py .python .p .pth 1
What do we use to define a block of code in Python language? key brackets identation files 3
What is the method inside the class in python language? object function attribute argument 2
Which of the following is not a keyword in Python language? val raise try with 1
_______ package adds a fast compact multidimensional arry facility to python numpy scipy OpenOpt matplotlib 1
In a complex number, if the real part is zero then the number is purely __________. real imaginary integral natural 2
Two complex numbers are equal if and only if their real and imaginary parts are ________. different equal finite distinct 2
(5 + 5i) + (5 -5i) = ________. 10 0 5i 10-5i 1
________ library provides high performance easy to use data structure and data tools for ppython
SpaceFunc scipy PANDAS OpenOpt 3
If z = a + bi is complex number then conjugate of z is ________. a bi a-bi ba 3
Conjugate of _______ is 4 – 5i. 4i 4i 4+5i 5i+4 3
Vectors which lie in same line or parallel line are known as _______ vectors collinear negative like unit 1
The dot product of two vectors is _____________ scalar vector integer null 1
If z = x – yi is complex number then conjugate of z is ________. yi x+yi xz xi 2
(3 + 4i) + (5 -5i) = ________. 8-i 8+i 7-i 7+i 1
If z = 42+ 6i, real and real part of z is _______. 6i 6 42i 42 4
The conjugate of complex number 3+4i is _________ 4-3i 3i-4 3-4i 4i 3
Any complex number multiplying by I, rotate it by ______ degree. 900 400 180 270 1
the exponential representation of complex number is ____________ reiθ erθ eiθ rieθ 1
If V be vector space and ACV and if A is a vector space under the operation of vector addition
and scalar multiplication
Subsetthen A is the _______ of
V Space 1
_______ in an open source library of scientific tools for Python. numpy scipy OpenOpt matplotlib 2
_______ is a collection of Python modules for scientific computing. Scientific Python matplotlib SpaceFunc FuncDesigner 1
A rectangular array of m rows and n columns is called a _ matrix transpose basis space 1
Interchange of rows and columns is called _ of matrix space null basis transpose 4
Inverse of matrix is _________ null repeated unique scalar 3
A null space is the set of solutions to the ____ system . homogeneous linear system saturated non homogeneous 1
A __________ is a collection of words used to represent distinct messages. program code group code basis 2
A code forming a group under binary operation ⊕ is called a group code basis annihilator code 1
If f is a linear function and g is a inverse then g is _ function linear non linear homogeneous non homogeneous 1
Every superset of linearly dependent set is _________ dependent independent scalar dimension 1
Dimension is the number of vectors in any _ of the vector space. null space basis matrix space 2
Nullity of T is the Dimension of _ of T matrix code null space basis 3
Matrix with 3 columns and 2 rows is denoted by _ M3x2 M2x3 M3.2 M3+2 2
Inverse of matrix is possible only if matrix is _________ singular non singular unitary hermitian 2
If a matrix is RxC and a vector is a C vector then the product is called _ multiplication matrix-vector vector-matrix matrix-matrix vector-vector 1
In a vector- matrix multiplication vector should be _______ vector n vector C vector R vector M vector 3
For any mxn matrix A and n- vector a vector z is in the null space of a AiffA(x+z)= _ Ax Az xz zx 1
The weight of the word 001101100 is ______ 2 5 1 4 4
If most of the elements of a matrix have zerovalue is called _____ matrix sparse null nilpotent inverse 1
The weight of the word 001101101 is ______ 2 5 1 4 2
Every subset of linearly dependent set is _________ dependent independent null space unitary 2
dim(W1 U W2) = dim(W1)+dim(W2)-______- dim(W1 n W2) dim (W1+W2) dim(W1) dim(W2) 1
If U and V be the two vector dpace and T:U--> V then rank(T)+nullity(T)=_____ dim(V) dim(U) Nullity(U) Nullity(V) 2
The weight of the word 11001100101 is ______ 6 4 3 1 1
If A and B are symmetric matrices of the same order, then AB is a symmetric matrixA – Bis askew-symmetric matrix
AB + BA is a symmetric
AB –matrix
BA is a symmetric matrix
If A is a square matrix, then A – A’ is a diagonal matrix skew-symmetric matrix symmetric matrix null matrix 2
An ________ function is a function that reverse another function. reverse inverse null shuffle 2
Each column of a matrix is represented by ________ of numbers. set list vector subspace 2
If daya is already an ndarray , then _____ flag determines whether the d ata s copied or view
copyis constructed. data dtype idict 1
Returns a new matrix of given shape and type without initializing entries. identity(n[,dtype]) ones(shape[,dtype,order]) randn(*args) empty(shape[,dtype,order]) 4
Returns a new matrix of given shape and type filled with zeros. eye(n[,M,k,dtype]) empty(shape[,dtype,order]) zeros(shape[,dtype,order])
randn(*args) 3
Returns matrix of ones randn(*args) zeros(shape[,dtype,order]) empty(shape[,dtype,order])
identity(n[,dtype]) 2
Return a atrix with one of the diagonal and zeros elsewhere eye(n[,M,k,dtype]) empty(shape[,dtype,order]) identity(n[,dtype]) ones(shape[,dtype,order]) 1
Returns a square identity matrix of givwn size empty(shape[,dtype,order])
eye(n[,M,k,dtype]) ones(shape[,dtype,order])
identity(n[,dtype]) 4
Returns a random matrix with data from the "standard normal" distribution. ones(shape[,dtype,order])randn(*args) empty(shape[,dtype,order])
zeros(shape[,dtype,order]) 2
The weight of the word 000000001 is ______ 1 7 8 0 1
The attribute of Math Object that returns the (multiplicative)inverse of invertible self dtype A1 shape I 4
The attribute of Math Object that returns the transpose of the matrix T A1 H I 1
The attribute of Math Object that return self as an ndarray object A A1 H I 1
The attribute of Math Object that returns data type of the matrixs elements base dtype shape size 2
If A and B are matrices of the same order, then (AB’ – BA’) is a skew-symmetric matrix null matrix symmetric matrix unit matrix 1
The attribute of Math Object that returns number of elements in the array base dtype shape size 4
If A is any square matrix, then which of the following is skew-symmetric? A + AT A - AT A AT A ATA 2
The attribute of Math Object that returns tuple of matrix dimensions base dtype shape size 3
If a matrix A is both symmetric and skew-symmetric, then A is a diagonal matrix A is a zero matrix A is a scalar matrix A is a square matrix 2
If A2 – A + I = O, then the inverse of A is I–A A–I A A+I 1
The attribute of Math Object that returns the (complex) conjugate transpose of self. A size H base 3
For any square matrix A, AAT is a unit matrix symmetric matrix skew-symmetric matrix
diagonal matrix 2
The attribute of Math Object that return self as a flattened ndarray A1 H I A 2
If A is a matrix of order m × n and B is a matrix such that AB’ and B’A are both defined, then
m × the
m order of matrix B nis× n n×m m×n 4
Total number of possible matrices of order 3 × 3 with each entry 2 or 0 is 9 27 81 512 4
The attribute of Math Object that finds base object if memory is from some other object base dtype shape size 1
Prime number P is the sum of squares if (P-1) is divisible by 4 2 1 0 1
Norm of vector (1,2,3) is ___ √2 √9 √4 √1 3
A vector space together with inner product is called _ product space outer space inner space inner product space 4
The distance of two vectors x and y is d(x,y) = _________ ||x+y|| |x-y| ||x-y|| |x+y| 3
cosine angle between two vectors is _______ u.v /||u||||v|| u.v ||u.v|| u||v 1
A set of vectors are orthonormal if each pair is orthogonal and each vector is a _________eigen
vector eulear unit inner product space 3
|A - λI | = 0 is called _ equation characteristics homogeneous eigen linear 1
Google search engine is based on ____________ eulear vector span vector unit vector eigen vector 4
Internet worm replicates and distribute its copies to its ____ program code network system 3
The preferred orthogonalization process is _______________ Schmid Gram chmidt process characteristic Nullity(V) 2
The dot product of (1,2,3) and (1 -1 0) is _____ 1 -1 0 2 2
A vector whose norm is 1 is called __ vector. null basis unit scalar 3
The distance of (2,3) and (3,4) is ________ √2 3 1 √3 1
The angle between (1,0,1) and (1,1,0) is __________ degree. 90 180 30 60 4
Two vectors are said to be orthogonal if angle between them is _________ deree 90 180 30 60 1
The set of vectors (1,2,1)(4,-2,0)(2,4,-10) are __________ vectors. orthogonal non orthogonal unit homogeneous 1
Diagonalization of a matrix is used to find ___________ of matrix. inverse nth power eigen vectors eulers vector 2
__________ is a square whose elements are probabilities and whode column add up to 1. inverse transpose stochastic orthogonal 3
The angle between the vectors (0,2,2) and (0,-5,-5) is __________ degree 90 180 30 60 2
Google search engine was developed by Larry page and ____________ Robert T Moris Sergey Brin Jeff Bezos Sachin Bansal 2
Vectors which have same direction are called _____ vectors unit like zero equal 2
The __________ subroutine computes eigen values. eigvals() reig() eig() vec() 1
The __________ function gives back a tuple holding eigen values and eigen vectors. val() eig() null() copy() 2
The model where probability of going from one state to another depends on current state rather
than more completeorthogonal
historical description is called
__ span vector 3
The equation obtained by solving the determinants is called __________ characteristics equation polynomial eigen value eiigen vector 1
Orthogonal means ________ straight rotation perpendicular inverse 3
The output when we execute list("hello") is ________ {h,e,l,l,0} ['h','e','l','l','o'] [hello] {he,'ll',oo} 2
Suppose list1 is [2445,133,12454,123], then max(list1) is_________ 12454 133 2445 123 1
To shuffle the list(say list1) we use __________ functio. shuffle() shuffrandom() listrandom(shuffle) random.shuffle(list1) 4
Suppose list1 is [2,33,222,14,25], then list1 [:-1] is_________ [33,22,14] [14,222,33] [2,33,222,14] [0,2,33,222] 3
Suppose list1 = [0.5 * x for x in range (0,4)], list1 is ________ [0.0,0.5,1.0,1.5] [0,0,5] [0.5,0.0,0,05] [0,0.0,0.1] 1
To add a new element to a list we use __ command. list1.append(5) random.shuffle(list1) reig() shuffle() 1
The output of print [if i%2==0:I;else:i+1;for I in range(4)]) is ___________ error null value accepted 1
(1,2,3) is a Python _______ tuple column list array 1
The output of >>>t=(1,2,4,3)>>>t[1:3] is ___________ (2,4) (0,2) (0,4) (4,2) 1
The data type of (1) is _______ float integer string char 2
If a =(1,2,3,4) then a[1:-1] is ___________ (0,2) (1,2) (2,3) (3,2) 3
a=[(1,1),(2,4),(3,9)] is ________ type of data list of tuples list table set 1
__________ creates an empty set. error() set() mut() array() 2
Sets make use of __________ keys list tuple set 1
Dictionary makes use of _______ key value keys array tuple 1
____________ represents an empty dictionary {} [] () (} 1
In python elements of a set must not be _________ and sets are mutable. tuples mutable set column 2
The __________ operator isnt valid fo the set data type. multiplication subraction division addition 1
The members of a set can be accessed by their _________ values since the elements of thefilter
sets are unordered. shuffle key value index 3
The ___________ function will return all the values from list which are true whwn passederror
to function set. filter index shuffle 2
A ____________ doesn’t have duplicate values set tuples list column 1
What will be out of z=complex(2,-3) print(z) 2-3j 3-2j 3j-0 2j-3 1
What will be out of z=complex() print(z) 1 1+0j 0j(5-9j) 9-5j 2
What will be out of z=complex('5-9j') print(z) 5-9j 5j 0j(5-9j) 9j 3

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