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Lesson 2 (sept 7,2021)

Topic: First vs. Second Language

Communicative Competence
1.Grammatical Linguistic

Gramtical Competence
-the acquisition of phonological rulesw,morphological words,syntactic
rules,semantic rules and lexixal items
Sociolinguistic Competence
-the learning of pragmatic aspect of various speech acts,namely,the cultural
values, norms, and other sociocultural conventions in social contexts
-they are the context and topic of discourse, the participants social status, sex,
age and other factors which influence styles and registers of speech
Discourse Competence
-the knowledge of rules regarding the cohesion (grammatical links) and coherence
(appropriate combination of communicative actions) of various types of discourse
(oral and written)
Strategic Competence
-to do with the knowledge of verbal and non verbal strategies to compensate for
breakdown such as self correction
-it involves the enhancement of the effectiveness of communication such as:
- recognizing disourse structure
-activating background knowledge
-contextual guesing
- tolerating ambiguity

First Language Vs. Second Language

First Language
-Language is important.
-it helps in the expression of their desires, needs, and sentiments
-babibes learn their first language from the moment they are born up to period
considered by psychologists as crucials
-this language is used in their homes
-people learn their first language from the people that surround them
-Ergo, the children cannot selct their first language

Telegraphic speech
-first language is unconsciously learned by children because the process is

The Second Language

-When a person accommodates another language, this language is called L2 or the
second language.
-Unlike L2, learning a second language is a conscious process. It requires effort
in learning the structure, vocabulary, pronunciation, function, and the rules of
this language (Mananay and Sumalinog, 2021).

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