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SIGHT WORD. commonly used words that young children are encouraged to memorize as a whole by sight. Keep records of work Label the make things flashcards of words constantly re-use words keep the words within reach of the pupils WORD ATTACK being able to recognize and analyze a printed word to connect it to the spoken word it represents basic 70 array configuration Pps clues using picture using clues: structural clues using contextual using the Sf clues dictionary simultaneous development of all four, language skil child's own language and experience 41. What | think about, Ian talk about. 2. What | say, ! can write 3. What | can write, | can read 4. Lean read what Ihave written, and lean also read vat other people have written for me to ead learning to love the books the knowledge the joy they bring Individualized learning Fewer repetitions ‘Smooth transition from spoken to written language print is "speech written down" NGUAGE EXPERIENCE APPROACH field trips to places of interest painting pictures to represent what the child sees or imagines listening to stories. and poems every day sensory exoeriences BIG BOOK APPROACH Make us of big book to provide an enjoyable learning experience for children 1) Pupils ston @ mat withthe big book open in font of ham 2} Teachers stimulates their background knowledge 53} Read story while porting to the words ') For next round, stucents wl be the ane who pont he wore 5} Discuss the picture in te book 6} Conduct activity based onthe book 1) Pages are large (18 inch x 12 inch) 2) 1 3 lines only in one page 3) Large picture 1) The picture, mime & cher suppor systems enable him to Lundertand what he ras 2)inceease motwation 3) Allow natura integration of 4 sub-sils 4) Hp students to lean proper punctuation & pronunciation 5) Hop students to gain indiviual reading slals [APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE SELECTION OF TEXT: FOR EARLY READIN U ILLUSTRATIONS AND COLOUR SIMPLE BUT INTERESTING DEVELOPMENTAL READING = acon psn wees ct xi roy ta ed nung rata ete ganar, eg stare son a lang pony . Inawoy that eure be tient wad proces A 2, Suitabiity language B a Wha weroad (er hy we ives nt the maximo ese less Lien lead hance to aeauire th reading eer Silat teacher warts to 4. Balance, 3. Concepts | | become as ares of weadin TENCE require. ‘SELECTION OF TEXTS. inthetet READING Cc peda Sead 7, Road the tox carey and suitability 5. Content reasoning mark or take notes on the ‘72a that need pracoe. Possible procedure for detormining how linking ver. to exploit a text 2.Think about {pao of plod, available use of words, characters options inf action, 6 presentation. layout ofthe tox. DEVISING ACTIVITY TYPE - VERBAL RESPONSES 2 verbal responses Do you ke this story? “reading aloud Does tis sory rong silent reading youl anybing your Wien charatr do you Ike beter? Mlige es gastos Reat-abud isan struciona practice where teachers, parents, and argiers ead txts loud oeirn, The reader incorpras varaons in ich tone, pace au ‘comments 0 predic imum ence mindes questions, ‘ea Grate sean ~ ‘questions can have singe if wt settee Fue orfabe questons | [=Ereble outs cover a en ; ani proviso away toqway | | vise on othroweden ‘ er | Hestknowiedge and | | Se becontuc : : ts inspire rita! tikeng pees) yee nae Ss . ee ne : perceived eon) of oer question formats evince . oemee Non-verbal TYPES responses oh tet stale or yr purposes et yur acy ut he pupls na ston ats natural ar Examples 2) Gaps, plechans, histogram, re dlagrams, chats Ways of Dealing with Mixed Abilities in a Reading Lessor ron Integrating Reading with Other Skills eee contribute to the development of other skills ome ways reading cal ontribute to the jevelopment of other kills = oo Group 6: Teaching Learning Strategies 1. Teacher needs to teach reading as part of broader context that includes listening, speaking, writing physical activity and singing. 3. Use play techniques in teaching the pupils wherever possible words 4. Give them many opportunities to understand the meaning of the ideas about what a word means 5. Let people use as many of their senses as possible in forming their 7. begin reading instruction using the whole word method so that they can read simple texts quickly. 8. Do not teach words with isolation 9. Do not use flashcards of words. until pupils know the meaning of the words on the flashcards. 11. Give a lot of audio-visual support when 10. Create an enviroment that supports learning to read. ~ Try label everything in the classroom. ~ Create a mini library in the classroom with attrative books - they can read whenever they free. ~ Pin up instructions or bulletins about pupils in class you introduce new language through reading 12. Enable pupils to overcome the problem they would face in expressing their understanding in words by allowing them to express their understanding through some non-verbal ways 13. Build up your pupils’ ability to listen to & understand English before you start teaching them to read. FIRSTLY, Vary the kinds materials given so that pupils realize that different materials need to read differently. e.g. poem * newspaper * comic Group 6: teaching Learning Strategies THEN, Organise time activities to STRATEGY FOR make pupils pace their BEGINNING & reading efficiently. DEVELOPING READERS| e.g. tongue twister in 1 minute reading stages GROUP ¢ 1- Pre Reading 2: While Reading 3: Post Reading + Stimulate interest + To introduce language or concepts “To help the pupils se° the relationship of ideas ina feu {ext by providing a framework - Answer questions like stimulus for discussion inertia = Filing gaps in the table eee nae - Drawing a poster vee + Solving a problem = Make pupils look closely into the text - Look out of the text to see its relevance to other activites the pupils may find interesting or useful GROUP | Select skills that are appropriate to for the level of your pupils KBSR and KBSM are claimed to be minimum syllabus, you may} cover more but not less than what is in the syllabus Select: * What order and combination you will teach each skill * Howto teach it * What level of sophistifications "There are only a limited number of reading skills and an almost Unlimited number of readimg tasks" Select a variety of tasks with the use of a variaty of different texts, there will automicatically be a natural integrateion and recyling of a reading skills RECICLING SeIULE abating spe rsa et ae FS

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