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Starting image:

With the dome image, I firstly used the magic wand tool (hotkey: W) to select
the sky and remove it from my background copy of the dome.
With this image, I then used the polygonal lasso tool (hotkey: L) to snip off the
top of the dome and I also cut into the dome too so that I could add some
rubble in later.

I used the lasso tool again to cut out some rubble from the image provided so
that I could ruin my dome.
I changed the saturation and lightness of the rubble to make it look more
dystopian, I filled in the holes I made with the lasso tool with the rubble that I
copied and pasted from the other image. I also used the transform function
(CTRL + T) in order to rotate the rubble and size it to fit the holes in the dome.
I did the same trick to remove the sky from my tower image. I then used the
polygonal lasso tool to snip the tower at the top, I cut it (hotkey: CTRL + X) and
pasted it back onto the tower at an angle so it looked like it had been broken
down. To put the broken part of the tower at this angle, I used the transform

Next, I put some more rubble by copying and pasting it into the tower image
and using the transform function to position it. I also used the burn tool
(hotkey: O) to burn the tower and the other buildings. I moved the rubble to
the bottom layer so that it looked like it was behind and inside the ruined
tower to make it look more realistic.

I then selected these colours in my toolbar so that I could make my clouds that
colour. To get the clouds, first I made a new layer and then clicked this route of
buttons: Filter>Render>Clouds
This makes clouds using the two colours provided by me above.
I then clicked Edit>Transform>Perspective in order to get this image above
where I changed how the image was viewed by stretching the picture using the
white squares and blue lines.

I then copied and pasted the dome into the image of the tower and used the
transform function in order to make it fit. I then used the burn tool again
(hotkey: O) on the dome so that it would match the rest of the buildings.
Finally, I changed the hue and saturation of the tower image and the dome by
pressing CTRL + U. This led me to the final result.

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