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Starting image:

First, I got rid of the trees by using a combination of the clone stamp tool
(hotkey: S) and the spot healing tool (hotkey: J), I didn’t get rid of the bottom
of the trees as they were going to be covered by clouds anyway.
Next, I used the polygonal lasso tool (hotkey: L) in order to select the clouds
from the provided image and I copied it using CTRL + C.

After that, I pasted the clouds using CTRL + V, also I used the transform
function (Hotkey: CTRL + T) in order to position it where I wanted in the image.
I then used the hue and saturation menu (hotkey: CTRL + U) to change the
colour of the clouds to match the atmosphere of the original image.
Now I was going to need the man and the wooden pier that he is sat on, to do
this I selected them by using the quick selection tool (Hotkey: W). I then
pressed CTRL + C and then CTRL + V to paste it into my picture.

After I pasted the man into the image, I used the transform function in order to
fit him to size and into the middle of the picture. To make the shadow, I went
back to the image which I had taken the man from and used the quick
selection tool in order to just get the man himself. I copied and pasted it into
this image and used the transform function to make it upside down, so it
looked like a shadow. I then changed the hue and saturation of the man
(hotkey: CTRL + U) so his shadow was dark and finally I adjusted the opacity to
make it look more like a shadow.

Next, I needed the frame, so I used the polygonal lasso tool (hotkey: L) to trim
the outer edge of the frame. Then, I held down the ALT key in order to take
away from my selection. I used this function on the inner edge of the frame in
order to just capture the frame itself. I copied my selection and pasted it into
my picture.
After pasting the frames in, I used the transform function to adjust their size
and rotate them so that they were in the clouds. I also used the eraser tool
(Hotkey: E) in order to cut off the bottom of the frames.

Next, I coloured the frames by first selecting the inner frame using the
polygonal lasso tool and then used the hue and saturation menu to adjust the
colour to a light blue. I then held the same selection but inversed it (hotkey:
CTRL + SHIFT + I) to select the outer frame. From here, I used the hue and
saturation menu once again to make it a darker colour (almost black).
To make the finishing touches to my image, I made a new layer and used the
fill tool (hotkey: G) to make it a solid blue. I then changed the opacity and
layered it over everything else in order to create this light blue tinge over the
whole image. As you can see in the image, I also had a selected layer in which I
put over the top of my frames and background. Within this layer, I used the
brush tool (Hotkey: B) to make a glowing affect by changing the hardness to a
lower setting and changing the brush kind to “soft light”. I used this brush and
painted near where my frames were to make a glowing affect come from

Finished Result:

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