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Technological Factors

Q-What technological advancements and innovations are available or on the horizon?

Technology  has revolutionized our world

and has great implications in creating 
pet products and providing  pet services.

Pet games has been developed which stimulate pet's brain and keep the
indulged physically  as well as mentally. For example PupPod Interactive
Dog Game.

Pet apparel with tracking  and monitoring  devices for the ease of the owner example Wagz
Smart Dog Collar which monitors pet health.

Automatic self-cleaning litter boxes with sensors and electric  motors with

detect and auto clean, saving the owner from the task.

Smart pet doors which utilizes a smart collar or a chip and opens and
closes the door for the pet.
There is a huge scope for further technological development and utilization,
company can invers in Research and development for the same. (1)

Q- How will this technology impact on our operations?

Our operation wouldn't be much impacted. As technological development is

very dynamic process, our company would also adequately invest in
Research and development for making innovative, friendly  products.
However, our company  certainly need to think out of traditional
accessories and should invest in advanced one like smart collars.

Q- How will the technology and communications infrastructure impact our

In today's world both technology and communication infrastructure largely  impact
businesses. It ensures product deliveries across large geographical distances. We need
to prevent security breaches as well so investing in good communication
infrastructure is crucial. With the advancement  of technology and network
upgradation is required to save the company  from network failures. With E-
Commerce a major role player in business, high quality technology and
communications infrastructure is required to communicate  to customers
and help in easy service delivery, query resolution. (2)

Business risk can be avoided  by adequately investing in this sector.

Q-How can competitors technology and development affect this market?

Competitors technology and development largely affect the market of pet apparel and accessories. If some
other company is providing pet collars with location trackers at a reasonable rate, consumers would less
likely buy the traditional colars. The competitors are many to our company, we need to upgrade our
technology to fight. But the traditional products are not out of sight for customers  they are also preferred. 

Q- Are emerging technologies and automation implemented?

Our products  are handicrafted  in Canada, the is certainly  a huge scope for implementing emerging 
technologies. There is automation in production line, supply chain, online business but new technology
needs to be implemented  for product development, high tech pet products can be designed for the ease of
consumer. (6)

Q- How important is research and innovation in this market?

There is a huge scope for research and innovation in this market, with new technologies in line and ever
increasing Artificial intelligence, innovative pet products can be developed by adequate research and
production measures. The company  should invest in this sector.

Q- What technology incentives are in this market?

E sales are usually promoted for example in India there is government scope for promoting E- business.
Use of clean energy is promoted while setting up and running  the enterprise. With strict rules on animal
trafficking this sector is under influence  of government policies that vary from state to state. Policies are
revised from time to time.







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