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Fragrant= having a pleasant smell

2. Native= growing, living, produced etc in one particular place = indigenous
3. Anoint=to make someone holy in a religious ceremony by putting holy water or oil on
4. Token= signal, mark, evidence
5. Mourner= a person who attends a funeral as a relative or friend of the dead person.
6. Funeral= a ceremony for burying or cremating (=burning) a dead person
7. Scent= smell, fragrance
8. Additive= a substance that is added to food to improve its taste, appearance etc
9. Condiment= spice, seasoning, flavoring
10. Exotic= foreign, non-native
11. Banquet= formal meal At someone’s disposal= available to sb
12. Ailment= illness, sickness, disease
13. Indigestion= pain or discomfort in the stomach associated with difficulty in
digesting food
14. Elite= the richest, most powerful in a society
15. Merchant= dealer, buyer and seller, tradesman
16. Guard= protect, defend
17. Rival= competitor, opponent, enemy, foe # partner, ally
18. Overland= across the land, not by sea or by air
19. Have monopoly of= have exclusive possession, have control over something
20. Virtual= almost, nearly
21. Exorbitantly= to a very high degree that does not seem reasonable
22. Couple something with something= to consider one thing along with or in
addition to something else
23. Spur = encourage, stimulate, boost
24. Eager = enthusiastic, excited
25. Cultivation= the preparation and use of land for growing plants or crops
26. Ethnic group= a group of people from a particular culture or of a particular race
27. Peel= to remove the skin of fruit and vegetables
28. Pliable= easily bent, flexible
29. Associate with= link with, connect with , relate to
30. Tribute= something that you say, do, or give in order to express your respect or
admiration for someone
31. Enslave= to make somebody a slave
32. Generate profits= earn, gain money
33. Displace somebody= replace = to take the place or position of something or
34. Ally yourself to/with somebody= to start to support someone
35. Inland= center, inner, domestic
36. Overrun= invade, spread
37. Occupy= take possession of, invade
38. Expel somebody from somewhere= to force someone to leave a place
39. Lucrative= profitable, money-making # unprofitable
40. Treat sb harshly= to behave towards somebody sb in an unkind or cruel way
41. Ever-increasing= increasing all the time
42. Alter= change, convert
43. Practice= custom, procedure, tradition, habit, method, system
44. Exhausted= depleted, used up, run out, spent, finished
45. Strip off/of= to remove, pull or tear the covering, or outer layer from something.
46. Bark= the hard outer covering of a tree
47. Supplement= add to, enhance, increase, make bigger
48. Diminish= decrease, decline, reduce, lessen, shrink # increase
49. Supersede= to take the place of something/somebody that is considered to be old-
fashioned or no longer the best available
50. Reinforce= strengthen, consolidate # weaken
51. Prairie= plain, grassland, savannah
52. Vole= a small animal like a mouse or rat that lives in fields or near rivers
53. Trigger= cause, generate # stop, halt
54. Release= to allow a substance to move or flow freely
55. Attachment= bond, closeness, relationship, intimacy
56. Sniff= inhale, breathe
57. Empathetic= having the ability to imagine how someone else feels
58. Generous= willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help people or give
them pleasure # mean, selfish
59. Cooperative= willing to work with someone else to achieve something that you
both want
60. Revise= adjust, change, correct,modify.
61. Optimistic= positive, bright # pessimistic
62. Emerge= come out, appear # disappear
63. Groundbreaking= unprecedented, revolutionary, innovative, pioneering
64. Anonymous= nameless, unknown, unidentified # named
65. Guarantee= assure, ensure, warrant.
66. Lonesome= lonely, solitary, isolated
67. Charitable= giving, generous, benevolent, open-handed
68. Constructively= usefully, beneficially, helpfully # destructively
69. Universally= everywhere, worldwide, globally, internationally
70. Enhance= improve, boost, enrich, Increase
71. Inhale= breathe in, take in, sniff in Envy= jealousy # goodwill Administer=
manage, control
72. Outcome= result, consequence, effect, aftermath
73. Disposition= nature, character, personality
74. Adept= expert, skillful, proficient, talented # inept
75. Cooperation= collaboration
76. Subject= a person that participates in a test.
77. Sensitive= easily offended, easily upset, easily hurt
78. Rejection= refusal, denial # acceptance
79. Conduct= carry out, organize
80. Reveal= make public, publish, divulge, disclose, unveil # hide, conceal
81. A dose of= a measured amount of something such as medicine
82. Favouritism= the act of unfairly treating one person better than others because you
like them better
83. Associate smt with smt = link with, connect with, relate to
84. Bias= the action of supporting or opposing a particular person in unfair way,
because of allowing personal opinions to influence your judgment= prejudice,
85. Goodwill= kindness
86. Subtlety= a small but important detail
87. Take no notice of= not to give st attention, ignore
88. Nuanced= made slightly different in appearance, meaning or sound, etc
89. Propel smth down= push/force/boost/ drive smth down.
90. Investigation= examination, study, inspection
91. Pinpoint= locate, identify, find
92. Core= central, key, basic, fundamental, principal, primary, main, chief, crucial #
93. Catalogue= list, classify
94. Hypothesis= theory, assumption
95. Mutually exclusive= not possible at the same time
96. Motivate= encourage, stimulate Seek out= look for smt using a lot of effort.
97. Spotlight= attention, focus Posture= gesture, position, pose Flicker= glimmer
98. Attuned to= familiar with
99. Prone to= likely to get, likely to have, susceptible, vulnerable
100. Interpret= understand, comprehend, make sense of, explain
101. Social cues= Verbal/Nonverbal hints which can be negative or positive. These cues
guide the conversation—(ex: vocal tone, facial expression, body language,...)
102. In the worst light= in a negative way= negatively.
103. Perplexing= complex, complicated
104. Molecule= the simplest unit of a chemical substance, usually in a group of two or
more atoms.
105. Primitive= prehistoric, ancient, earliest
106. higher-order thinking= think at a level that is higher than memorizing facts or
telling something back to someone exactly the way it was told to you.
107. Manifest= display, show, reveal, express
108. Make the most of sth= to take full advantage of sth because it may not last long.
109. In the course of= while, during
110. Conduct= carry out, organize
111. Recognize= realize, be aware of, identify
112. Profound= intense, extreme, great
113. Aspiration= desire, wish, aim
114. Peripheral= outer, external # central
115. Ignore= take no notice of/pay no attention to
116. Innovation= revolution, modernization
117. Response= reaction, reply
118. Miss= fail to grasp, fail to take, let go
119. Jeopardize= threaten, risk, put in danger
120. Cede= give up, leave
121. Transform= alter, convert, change
122. Twofold= having two parts.
123. Spur smb to= urge, push, stimulate, drive
124. Expansively= broadly, widely, thoroughly Engender= produce, cause, create
125. Personnel= worker, staff, employee
126. Adept at= expert, skillful, talented
127. Infuse= inspire
128. Augment= supplement, enhance, boost, increase
129. Retain= keep, hold, maintain
130. Attribute= quality, characteristic, trait, feature, element
131. Unleash= release, set free # control
132. Downturn= decline, downward, recession
133. Opulence= wealth, affluence, richness
134. Initiate= start, begin, commence
135. Eager= enthusiastic, excited, keen
136. Insight= perception, awareness, understanding, comprehension
137. Launch= introduce, start, begin
138. Vibrant= vivid, lively, colorful
139. Conventional= normal, regular, traditional
140. Sub-brand= a secondary brand within a main brand
141. Avert= prevent, stop, avoid
142. Recession= downturn, decline, collapse
143. Mindset= a set of attitudes or fixed ideas that somebody has and that are often
difficult to change
144. Renewal= reform
145. Retailer= a person or business that sells goods to customers in a shop
146. Demonstrate= show, indicate, prove
147. Commitment= responsibility, promise
148. Tangible= visible, obvious, apparent, clear
149. Accumulate= gather, collect
150. Redeem= exchange, convert
151. Abandon= leave, give up
152. Offering= product or service
153. Augment (with)= to increase the value, amount, effectiveness of something.
154. Radical= revolutionary, progressive
155. Transcend= go further, go beyond, exceed
156. Entail= require, need, demand
157. Address= solve, tackle, deal with
158. Arise from= be caused/produced by
159. At first glance= when you first look at or think about something, often rather
160. Incorporate= integrate, combine
161. Irrelevant= unconnected, unrelated
162. Worthwhile= valuable, useful, beneficial,# worthless, useless
163. Integrate= combine, incorporate
164. Athletic= relating to sports
165. Team up with= to join with another partners to do something together
166. Comprise= include, consist of # exclude
167. Amateur= non-professional, non- specialist
168. Engagement with= the fact that you becoming involved with someone or
something in order to understand them
169. Counteract= to do smt to reduce or prevent the bad or harmful effects of smt
170. Reaffirm= to state something again in order to emphasize that it is still true
171. Oppose= be against, object to, disagree with, disapprove of # support, in favor of
Undesirable= unpleasant, unwelcome, unwanted # desirable, pleasant, preferable
172. Accomplish= achieve, complete
173. Perceive= become aware of, recognize,
174. Feature= to show something as a special or important part of something
175. Interactive= involving communication between people
176. Virtual= Something that is virtual can be done or seen using a computer and
therefore without going anywhere or talking to anyone.
177. Cater= serve, satisfy, provide, supply, offer.
178. Obesity= fatness, overweightness
179. Perspective= viewpoint, outlook, standpoint
180. Determine=decide on, come to a decision about, choose
181. Category= a category in retailing is a group of the same products (ex: soft drinks,
182. Reinvigorate= to make something stronger, or more exciting or successful again=
refresh, revive, recover.
183. Analysis= examination, study, evaluation
184. Disparity= difference, gap, discrepancy
185. Clash= conflict, fight

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