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The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and

Organizational Leadership

Which of the following is an influential factor in shaping the students’ character and values system?
school norms
school climate
school leadership
school relationship

Which is NOT included in the leaders' influence to the effectiveness of an organization?

The choice of objectives and strategies to pursue
The mutual trust and cooperation of members
The allocation of resources to activities and objectives
The demotivation of members to achieve the objectives

Which of the following describes the primary role of the supervising teacher in the education of the student teacher?
A. Setting a good example for the student teachers to follow
B. Helping the student teachers develop effective ways of teaching
C. Determining the educational philosophy to be implemented by the student teachers
D. Providing the student teacher with the information on classroom management technique

Which has the most negative effect on schools' ability to fulfill their mission
appropriate class size
committed faculty members
multiple and conflicting mandates
harmonious relationship with the community

Why do you think schools are important organization in the society?

a. it prepares young children of their future roles as productive citizens in the country.
b. it preserved and transferred new knowledge through socialization.
c. it enhances the framework of teaching-learning process.
d. it influences students’ decision-making skills.

Which of the following situations would peer coaching be the most appropriate professional development strategy
for a school leader to use?
A. Teacher as a group wish to learn more about the benefits and limitations of a particular instructional strategy
B. Teacher have identified a problem in a specific area of instruction and are ready to develop.
C. Teachers from several schools in the district have reassigned to teach at a newly built school building.
D. Teachers have received trainings on a new instructional strategy and are ready to implement this in the

How can demographic and behavioral change affect the society?

New investors are bringing fresh capital into the sector.
It regulates cost of capital in exerting pressure on business.
It forces financial institutions to deal with divergent customer expectations, and new customer bases and workforces.
Reshape attitudes toward risk and redrawn the boundary between retail wholesale banking.

Among the expected changes in educational institutions, which of the following is NOT likely to happen?
A. Hiring of techy teachers will be expected.
B. Technological advancement will be the schools’ priority.
C. Teachers who have been teaching for so long but do not have the know-how in using advanced technology in
teaching will be asked to retire earlier.
D. All choices are correct.

The following are the responses of educational institutions to the social changes except,
a. Curriculum must be progressive and innovative.
b. Classrooms must be equipped with technology.
c. Instruction must focus on the holistic development of every learner.
d. Old disciplines must remain stagnant to embrace new research.

The following are essential skills needed as schools face 4th Industrial Revolution. Which of the following is not
a. collaboration
b. creativity
c. new behavior
d. innovation skills

What is the main purpose of social institutions?

To create an infrastructure system throughout the world
To help carry out functions that are crucial for the society’s survival
To make buildings, such as prison, to help society
To create differences in the world so each society is unique

Which of the following best describes internal commitment?

a. teachers and students, and staff must see their responsibilities in the changes that will happen.
b. all faculty, administrators, and staff experience a high degree of ownership and a feeling of responsibility on the
changes that they wish to happen.
c. selected members of the school must possess innovative behaviors and creativity
d. schools need to evolve and be a model of a good social institution.

Trade and agricultural schools are good models of how a school can influence positive social changes. Which of
the following statement is the aim of these schools?
a. to contribute to the economic development of the people and the community.
b. to produce professionals and scientists
c. to develop local doctors and nurses
d. to promote of cultural understanding and respect to diversity

Which of the following is considered as the role of the teacher to nation building in responding to the needs of the
global community?
A. Developing students to become cosmopolitan members of the society.
B. Improve strategies and techniques that are doable for teaching and learning process.
C. Attends seminars and workshops in order to promote cultural understanding.
D. All of the above

To effectively serve as an agent of social change, good schools should

a. make an effort to serve all types of students by providing a good physical and socio-emotional environment to
b disregard the changes and maintain the old policies for a continuous flow of teaching-learning process
c. maintain a socratic method of teaching for the leaners to develop discipline
d. replace the school’s personnel and staff that only displays work commitment and effort

Why do we need cultural transmission?

A. To establish intercultural competence
B. To be able to decide about our career goals
C. To teach others especially the future generations
D. To better understand enculturation and acculturation

Which of the following roles of the teacher in the society best illustrated in the situation? Teachers are held
responsible on the students' success. Thus, they are accountable on their actions that concerned to their
A. Teacher as a second parent
B. Teacher as a motivator
C. Teacher as a prime mover of change
D. Teacher as an Innovator

Teacher, as one indicator of an effective school, what characteristics must possess?

a. having resources that are good and up-to-date
b. applying rules evenly and fairly
c. helping people reach their individual potential
d. maintaining an environment that is good to work in

Which of the following statements described the teacher as a vital link in the community?
A. She must befriend the politicians for the community's program.
B. She must control the budget of the community.
C. She holds key position in the community.
D. She maintains a wholesome and enduring rapport with the community.

When minor children are entrusted by parents to a school, the parents delegate to the school certain responsibilities
for their children, and the school has certain liabilities. What role is performed by the teacher?
loco parentis
para teacher
care taker
care provider

How can teachers influence positive social changes?

Discourage students to play a part in larger societal improvement.
Teach students “what to think” instead of “how to think”.
Set high expectations exceeding beyond their capacity.
Make classroom democratic to establish the idea of active participation in the community.

Which of the following situations BEST illustrates a teacher as a motivator?

A. T. Tina likes to give star stamps to her class if they completed a certain task.
B. T. Love gives her best smile every time her pupils behave in the class.
C. T. Yuki praise them such as "You're doing great" and "Keep it up" every time his class achieve something.
D. All of the above

A teacher leaders presenting weekly after-school professional development. These sessions focus on sharing
examples of practice, school-based programs and resources to support student outcomes. What leadership
style is this?
a. distributed
b. transformational
c. instructional
d. transactional

A principal is about to take over the leadership of a low-performing school. One of the principal’s first goals will
be to evaluate teacher quality in the school. The principal can best begin this process by __________.
A. observing instruction in each classroom
B. having each teacher complete a teaching self-evaluation
C. interviewing each teacher about his or her teaching practices
D. comparing student grade in each subject area

In which of the following situations would peer coaching be the most appropriate professional development
strategy for a school leader to use?
a. Teachers as a group wish to learn more about the benefits and limitations of a particular instructional strategy.
b. Teachers have identified a problem in a specific area of instruction and are ready to develop a plan to address
the need.
c. Teachers from several schools in the district have reassigned to teach at a newly built school.
d. Teachers have received training on a new instructional strategy and are ready to implement it in their classrooms.

Which of the following is the major function of a school principal?

a. managing the major administrative tasks
b. working as a support staff in security and maintenance
c. acts as teacher aids, librarians, office personnel, etc.,
d. responsible for managing the classroom

Which is a proactive leadership practice?

Tell them that you enforce the rules on everyone, no exception.
Set all rules and expectations on day 1.
Reprimand the misbehaving individual in the presence of his or her group.
Stress on penalty for every violation.

Today, families believe their children have a right to effective, high-quality teaching and care and have become
more demanding in their quest for high-quality education. Schools are seeking ways to involve families in their
quest for quality. As a result, parent involvement has changed in which of the following important ways?
A. Schools and other agencies are expected and involve and collaborate with parents and families in significant ways.
B. Educators now expect that parents will be involved in the education of their children both at home and at school.
C. Parent involvement may mean that while teachers work with parents to help children learn, they also have to
teach parents how to work with their children.
D. All of the above

Which is NOT among the issues that influenced the implementation of K-12?
A. Low score in the country’s national assessment test.
B. Poor quality of education
C. Too young for labor force
D. Too many practical subjects

Which of the following pertains to a leadership style based on a process of exchange. Followers who did poorly are
either punished through suspension or separation from their job.

Which of the following leadership approaches wherein the leader is too trusting that he or she delegates work to
his or her followers with so much confidence that it will be accomplished successfully?
A. involving
B. persuading
C. empowering
D. commanding

The following are the DepEd Management Structure at present, the Department operates with four
Undersecretaries areas EXCEPT:
A.Programs and Projects
B.Regional Operations
C.Finance and Administration
D.Illegal Affairs

Which law provides the creation of four undersecretaries and four assistant secretaries?
a. Republic Act 232
b. Republic Act 322
c. Republic Act 8672
d. Republic Act 9156

What office provides leadership and management of the Department’s mandate at the regional level?
a. superintendent
b. regional director
c. secretary
d. undersecretary

What do you think is the purpose of the teachers’ professional development?

a. to improve the teaching learning process for the sake of the students
b. to earn more experiences to get a high position
c. to ear a lot of degree and be promoted
d. to be part of prestigious organization

No great leader will fit squarely into one leadership style, but there are traits that unite them. Which of the following
is NOT exemplary style a good leader?
a. Ability to motivate
b. Acknowledging success
c. Moving with the times
d. Passion and professionalism

The following are common leadership challenges EXCEPT:

a. Providing time and material
b. Handling different perspectives.
c. Managing a team
d. Leading change

Which of the following situations best describes a leader who is enjoined to cultivate influence not authority?
A. Leaders who give answers to lead the followers to the standards set in the performance of their tasks.
B. Leaders who seek to create teams in which both formalized positions of authority may greatly facilitate the
leadership process; simply occupying such a position is not sufficient to make someone a leader.
C. Leaders who do not stick to just one style in their entire leadership term.
D. Leaders bestow powers in delegating the tasks.

Which of the following statements about leadership is false?

a. Not every leader is manager
b. When people operate as leaders their role is always clearly established and defined
c. Leadership does not necessarily take place within a hierarchical structure of an organization
d. All of the above

What will happen when a leader does not have a clear vision of what the future would be for the organization?
A. The goals set won’t be achieved as the goals are linked to the vision.
B. The leader can’t expect high level of commitment among the subordinates.
C. As a team, the leader is not always expected to be the prime mover. The subordinates must be motivated to take
the role of the leader.
D. A and B are correct.

Which of the following principles of effective organizational leadership do have a classic slogan, “to thy own
self be true” which should be applicable to every leader in this design?
A.Proficiency must be observed in every task.
B.Knowledge of the people around you and be aware of their welfare.
C.Master yourself and find ways to improve.
D.Share information with people of one’s domain.

Which of the following principles of effective organizational leadership refer to a type of leader who never says
“no” to his superior when he knows very well that he can tackle the work entrusted to him?
A.Do not evade responsibilities and be accountable to your own actions.
B.Create an atmosphere of responsibility in your group.
C.Decisions must be sound and time bound.
D.Commit and train your people to collaborate as a team.

A parent comes into the conference ranting about your homework policy. What should be your appropriate response?
a. Just say that you are the teacher, and you decide.
b. Tell them that if their child behaved better in class, you would not have to be strict.
c. Explain the educational benefits of your homework policy.
d. Explain that this policy is important because their child’s classmates are just not so smart.

Education is a continuous process of experiencing and of visiting or reorganizing experiences according to

progressivism. What does this mean in relation with organizational leaders?
A. Education goes on throughout life.
B. Education begins and ends in school.
C. Education takes place anytime and anywhere.
D. Education happens formally and informally.

Which of the following would manifest best teacher-parent relationship?

a. Teacher to inflict punishment to offending student upon the approval of parents.
b. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment with parents’ consent.
c. Teacher to inflict corporal punishment on offending student at all times.
d. Teacher to inflict no corporal punishment so as not to offend the parents.

Which of the following exemplifies the best example of cooperation and voluntarism in the Parent-Teacher Association?
a. Helping hands after a natural crisis, e.g. devastating storm
b. Attending regular meetings
c. Fund raising for PT funds
d. Running the school canteen

Which of the following is NOT correct about schools as a social organization?

A. They are avenues of cultural transmission.
B. They are powerful instruments of social change.
C. They are agents of conflicts and disintegration.
D. All choices are correct.

Which among the following does NOT speak of truth about education and social change?
A. Social changes do not demand anything from the educational institutions.
B. Education brings social change both to the individual and the community at large.
C.Teachers are the agents of change, education the stimulus and the students are the recipients and preservers of
D. With the influence of technology and advancements in science, educational institutions must respond accordingly.

Jun has the ability to understand system work using application of technology like coding, artificial intelligence and
engineering principles. Which of the following megatrends he possess?
A. Human literation
B. Data literation
C. System literation
D. Technological literation

Teachers are our light and the school is our telescope and the mirrors reflect the changes made by our teachers’
day in and day out as they interact with the students interested in their care. What role of teacher is this?
a. Innovator
b. Prime Mover of Change
c. Presenter of Information
d. Role Model

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