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accuracy (n) /ˈækjərəsi/ sự chính xác '=the fact of being exact or

correct We can predict changes with a surprising degree of [accuracy]. Chúng

tôi có thể dự đoán những thay đổi với mức độ [chính xác] đáng ngạc nhiên. In
passage: Education is valued greatly in Japanese culture; maths is recognised as an
important compulsory subject throughout schooling; and the emphasis is on hard work
coupled with a focus on accuracy.
a focus on (n) /ə ˈfoʊkɪs ɔn/ "trọng tâm, sự chú trọng vào" '=the thing or
person that people are most interested in; the act of paying special attention to
something and making people interested in it We shall maintain our [focus on]
the needs of the customer. Chúng tôi sẽ duy trì [tập trung vào] nhu cầu của
khách hàng. In passage: Education is valued greatly in Japanese culture; maths is
recognised as an important compulsory subject throughout schooling; and the
emphasis is on hard work coupled with a focus on accuracy.
attainment (n) /əˈteɪnmənt/ thành tựu '=success in achieving something The
[attainment] of his ambitions was still a dream. [Đạt được] tham vọng của anh
vẫn chỉ là một giấc mơ. In passage: Japan has a significantly better record in
terms of average mathematical attainment than England and Wales.
attitude towards (n) /ˈætəˌtud təˈwɔrdz/ thái độ đối với '=the way that you think
and feel about somebody/something; the way that you behave towards
somebody/something that shows how you think and feel These societies have to
change their [attitudes towards] women. Những xã hội này phải thay đổi [thái độ
của họ đối với] phụ nữ. "In passage: However, the Japanese attitude towards
education runs along the lines of ‘if you work hard enough, you can do almost
centralised (adj) "được tập trung, tập quyền" '=controlled by one main
system or authority Their beliefs in individual freedom over [centralized]
government were strong Niềm tin của họ vào tự do cá nhân đối với chính phủ [tập
trung] rất mạnh mẽ "In passage: Besides approving textbooks, Monbusho also
decides the highly centralised national curriculum and how it is to be delivered."
circulate (v) /ˈsərkjəˌleɪt/ "giao lưu, lưu truyền" '=move around a social
function in order to talk to many different people "The couple [circulated],
chatting to their guests" "Cặp đôi [quay vòng], trò chuyện với khách của họ"
"In passage: At this point, the teacher would circulate and make sure that
all the pupils were coping well."
combine with (v) /ˈkɑmbaɪn wɪθ/ kết hợp với '=to come together to form a single
thing or group; to join two or more things or groups together to form a single one
Hydrogen [combines with] oxygen to form water. Hydro [kết hợp với] oxy để
tạo thành nước. "In passage: The impression is that the logical nature of the
textbooks and their comprehensive coverage of different types of examples, combined
with the relative homogeneity of the class, renders work sheets unnecessary."
comprehensive (adj) /ˌkɑmpriˈhɛnsɪv/ "bao hàm, toàn diện" '=complete and
including everything that is necessary He has written a fully [comprehensive]
guide to Rome. Anh ấy đã viết một hướng dẫn đầy đủ [toàn diện] về Rome. "In
passage: The impression is that the logical nature of the textbooks and their
comprehensive coverage of different types of examples, combined with the relative
homogeneity of the class, renders work sheets unnecessary."
concentrate on (v) /ˈkɑnsənˌtreɪt ɔn/ tập trung/ chuyên tâm vào '=to give
all your attention to something and not think about anything else I struggled
to [concentrate on] my job because I was worried about my son. Tôi đã cố gắng
[tập trung] vào công việc của mình vì tôi lo lắng cho con trai mình. "In passage:
Teachers begin with a formal address and mutual bowing, and then concentrate on
whole-class teaching."
consistent (adj) /kənˈsɪstənt/ ổn định "'=always behaving in the same way,
or having the same opinions, standards, etc." He has been Milan's most
[consistent] player ('= who plays well most often) this season. Anh ấy là cầu thủ
[nhất quán] nhất của Milan ('= người chơi tốt thường xuyên nhất) trong mùa giải
này. "In passage: The percentage of Gross National Product spent on education is
reasonably similar in the two countries, so how is this higher and more consistent
attainment in maths achieved?"
demonstrate (v) /ˈdɛmənˌstreɪt/ "Bày tỏ, biểu lộ, làm thấy rõ" '=to show
something clearly by giving proof or evidence New research convincingly
[demonstrates] that age-related memory loss is not inevitable. Nghiên cứu mới
[chứng minh] một cách thuyết phục rằng mất trí nhớ do tuổi tác không phải là không
thể tránh khỏi. "In passage: Examples are demonstrated on the board; questions
from the textbook are worked through first with the class, and then the class is
set questions from the textbook to do individually"
elaboration (n) /ɪˌlæbərˈeɪʃən/ "sự thảo luận kỹ lưỡng, sự sửa soạn công phu"
'=the addition of more information to or an explanation of something that you
have said The importance of the plan needs no further [elaboration]. Tầm quan
trọng của kế hoạch không cần [xây dựng thêm]. "In passage: After the homework has
been discussed, the teacher explains the topic of the lesson, slowly and with a lot
of repetition and elaboration"
emphasis (n) /ˈɛmfəsɪs/ sự nhấn mạnh '=pecial importance that is given
to something Since the elections there has been a greater [emphasis] on
education. "Kể từ cuộc bầu cử, giáo dục đã được chú trọng nhiều hơn." In passage:
Education is valued greatly in Japanese culture; maths is recognised as an
important compulsory subject throughout schooling; and the emphasis is on hard work
coupled with a focus on accuracy.
homogeneity (n) /ˌhɑməʤəˈniəti/ "Tính đồng nhất, tình đồng đều, tính thuần
nhất" '=the quality in a group of people or things of being all the same or all of
the same type Cultural [homogeneity] is created by education and the media.
[Tính đồng nhất] văn hóa được tạo ra bởi giáo dục và các phương tiện truyền
thông. "In passage: The impression is that the logical nature of the textbooks
and their comprehensive coverage of different types of examples, combined with the
relative homogeneity of the class, renders work sheets unnecessary."
incidentally (adv) /ˌɪnsɪˈdɛntəli/ tình cờ '=in a way that was not planned but
that is connected with something else The information was only discovered
[incidentally]. Thông tin chỉ được phát hiện [tình cờ]. "In passage: Large
sample international comparisons of pupils’ attainments since the 1960s have
established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores of
average attainment, but there was also a larger proportion of ‘low’ attainers in
England, where, incidentally, the variation in attainment scores was much greater."
inspirational (adj) /ˌɪnspərˈeɪʃənəl/ truyền cảm hứng "'=providing exciting
new ideas; making somebody want to create something, especially in art, literature
or music" an [inspirational] leader một nhà lãnh đạo [truyền cảm hứng] In
passage: They were mainly good and one or two were inspirational.
keep (v) /kip/ "giữ ở trạng thái, ví trí nào đó" '=to stay in a particular
condition or position; to make somebody/something do this I could not [keep]
silent any longer. Tôi không thể [giữ] im lặng thêm nữa. "In passage: It is
remarkable that large, mixed-ability classes could be kept together for maths
throughout all their compulsory schooling from 6 to 15."
keep informed of (v) /kip ˌɪnˈfɔrmd əv/ nắm thông tin về... '=having or
showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject or situation [Keep me
informed of] any developments. [Hãy thông báo cho tôi về] bất kỳ sự phát triển
nào. "In passage: Parents are kept closely informed of their children’s progress
and will play a part in helping their children to keep up with class, sending them
to ‘Juku’ (private evening tuition) if extra help is needed and encouraging them to
work harder."
keep up with (phrasal v) /kip əp wɪθ/ bắt kịp/ theo kịp '=to do whatever is
necessary to stay level or equal with someone or something Wages are failing to
[keep up with] inflation. Tiền lương không thể [theo kịp] lạm phát. "In passage:
Parents are kept closely informed of their children’s progress and will play a part
in helping their children to keep up with class, sending them to ‘Juku’ (private
evening tuition) if extra help is needed and encouraging them to work harder."
let off steam (idiom) /lɛt ɔf stim/ thư giãn/ nghỉ ngơi "'=to get rid of
your energy, anger or strong emotions by doing something active or noisy" I went
for a long walk to [let off steam]. Tôi đã đi bộ một quãng dài để [xả hơi]. "In
passage: Classrooms are large and pupils sit at single desks in rows. Lessons last
for a standardised 50 minutes and are always followed by a 10-minute break, which
gives the pupils a chance to let off steam."
mutual (adj) /mˈjuʧuəl/ "lẫn nhau, qua lại" "'=(of two or more people or
groups) feeling the same emotion, or doing the same thing to or for each other"
"We let the subject drop, by [mutual] agreement." "Chúng tôi để chủ đề này
giảm xuống, theo thỏa thuận của [hai bên]." "In passage: Teachers begin with a
formal address and mutual bowing, and then concentrate on whole-class teaching."
presumably (adv) /prɪˈzuməbli/ đoán chừng '=used to say what you think is the
likely situation [Presumably] he just forgot to send the letter [Có lẽ] anh ấy vừa
quên gửi lá thư "In passage: These textbooks are, on the whole, small, presumably
inexpensive to produce, but well set out and logically developed."
relate to (phrasal v) /rɪˈleɪt tɪ/ liên quan đến/ có sự liên hệ với '=to be
connected with something/somebody; to refer to something/somebody We shall
discuss the problem as it [relates to] our specific case. Chúng ta sẽ thảo luận
vấn đề vì nó [liên quan đến] trường hợp cụ thể của chúng ta. "In passage: Other
relevant points relate to the supportive attitude of a class towards slower pupils,
the lack of competition within a class, and the positive emphasis on learning for
oneself and improving one’s own standard."
remarkably (adv) /rɪˈmɑrkəbli/ đáng chú ý '=in a way that is unusual or
surprising and causes people to take notice The car is in [remarkably] good
condition for its age. Chiếc xe ở trong tình trạng [đáng kể] tốt so với tuổi của
nó. In passage: Traditional ways of teaching form the basis of the lesson and the
remarkably quiet classes take their own notes of the points made and the examples
render (v) /ˈrɛndər/ "nộp, trao, đưa ra" '=to give something to someone:
His rudeness [rendered] me speechless. Sự thô lỗ của anh ấy khiến tôi
không nói nên lời. "In passage: The impression is that the logical nature of
the textbooks and their comprehensive coverage of different types of examples,
combined with the relative homogeneity of the class, renders work sheets
seek (noun) from (v) /sik (naʊn) frəm/ tìm kiếm điều gì từ.... '=to look for
something/somebody Drivers are advised to [seek] alternative routes. Người
lái xe nên [tìm kiếm] các tuyến đường thay thế. "In passage: In observed lessons,
any strugglers would be assisted by the teacher or quietly seek help from their
set out (phrasal v) /sɛt aʊt/ trình bày "'=to present ideas, facts, etc. in
an organized way, in speech or writing" He [set out] his objections to the plan.
Anh ta [đặt ra] sự phản đối của mình đối với kế hoạch. "In passage: These
textbooks are, on the whole, small, presumably inexpensive to produce, but well set
out and logically developed."
set sth back from sth (phrasal v) đặt cái gì cách xa cái gì "'=to place
something, especially a building, at a distance from something" The house is [set
well back] from the road. Ngôi nhà [nằm ở phía sau] so với mặt đường. "In
passage: Schools are usually modern in design, set well back from the road and
spacious inside."
solution to (n) /səˈluʃən tɪ/ giải pháp cho... '=a way of solving a problem
or dealing with a difficult situation There's no simple [solution to] this
problem. Không có [giải pháp] đơn giản cho vấn đề này. "In passage: At the
beginning, the pupils put solutions to the homework on the board, then the teachers
comment, correct or elaborate as necessary."
standardise (v) tiêu chuẩn hóa '=to make objects or activities of the same
type have the same features or qualities; to make something standard a
[standardized] contract/design/test hợp đồng / thiết kế / thử nghiệm [được tiêu
chuẩn hóa] "In passage: Classrooms are large and pupils sit at single desks in
rows. Lessons last for a standardised 50 minutes and are always followed by a 10-
minute break, which gives the pupils a chance to let off steam."
struggler (n) người phấn đấu '=a person who struggles with difficulties or
with great effort Dunnington improved their survival chances after beating fellow
[strugglers] Huntington 6-3. Dunnington đã cải thiện cơ hội sống sót của họ sau
khi đánh bại các đồng nghiệp [đấu tranh] Huntington với tỷ số 6-3. "In passage:
In observed lessons, any strugglers would be assisted by the teacher or quietly
seek help from their neighbour"
supplementary (adj) /ˌsəpləˈmɛntəˌri/ "bổ sung, thêm vào" "'=that is
provided, needed, or asked for in addition to something else" A [supplementary]
budget may be needed to cover the cost of repairs. Có thể cần một ngân sách [bổ
sung] để trang trải chi phí sửa chữa. In passage: Only rarely are supplementary
worksheets distributed in a maths class
take note of (idiom) /teɪk noʊt əv/ ghi chép lại '=to pay attention to
something and be sure to remember it Under the new rules the penalty for
illegal play is increased. Players [take note]. "Theo quy định mới, hình phạt cho
hành vi chơi bất hợp pháp được tăng lên. Người chơi [lưu ý]." In passage:
Traditional ways of teaching form the basis of the lesson and the remarkably quiet
classes take their own notes of the points made and the examples demonstrated.
tobe keen to (adj) /toʊb kin tɪ/ "thích, có hứng thú làm gì" '=wanting to do
something or wanting something to happen very much John was very [keen to] help.
John rất [muốn] giúp đỡ. In passage: (One teacher was particularly keen
to introduce colour and pictures into maths textbooks: he felt this would make them
more accessible to pupils brought up in a cartoon culture.)
tobe recognised as (v) /toʊb ˈrɛkəgˌnaɪzd ɛz/ được công nhận là... "'=to know
who somebody is or what something is when you see or hear them or it, because you
have seen or heard them or it before" He [recognized the man as] one of the
police officers. Anh ta [nhận ra người đàn ông là] một trong những cảnh sát.In
passage: Education is valued greatly in Japanese culture; maths is recognised as an
important compulsory subject throughout schooling; and the emphasis is on hard work
coupled with a focus on accuracy.
unjustified (adj) /ənˈʤəstəˌfaɪd/ phi lý '=wrong and/or not deserved There
were admittedly some [unjustified] delays in some Olympic projects Phải thừa
nhận rằng có một số sự chậm trễ [vô cớ] trong một số dự án Olympic "In passage:
And the view of repetitively boring lessons and learning the facts by heart, which
is sometimes quoted in relation to Japanese classes, may be unfair and unjustified"
unstreamed (v) "Không phân dòng, không phân luồng" '=British education (of
children) not divided into groups or streams according to ability an
[unstreamed] class một lớp [không được truyền trực tuyến] In passage:
Classes are large – usually about 40 – and are unstreamed.
variation (n) /ˌvɛriˈeɪʃən/ sự biến đổi "'=a difference, or a thing that differs
slightly from another of its type" Her movies are all [variations] on the same
theme. Các bộ phim của cô ấy đều [biến thể] về cùng một chủ đề. "In passage:
Large sample international comparisons of pupils’ attainments since the 1960s have
established that not only did Japanese pupils at age 13 have better scores of
average attainment, but there was also a larger proportion of ‘low’ attainers in
England, where, incidentally, the variation in attainment scores was much greater."

account for (phrasal v) /əˈkaʊnt fər/ giải thích cho... '=to be the explanation
or cause of something The differences in achievement between the pupils are
partly [accounted for] by differences in age. Sự khác biệt về thành tích giữa các
học sinh được [giải thích] một phần bởi sự khác biệt về tuổi tác. "In passage:
By the mid-1960s, the situation took an alarming turn with the outbreak of four
more new pests, necessitating pesticide spraying to such an extent that 50% of the
financial outlay on cotton production was accounted for by pesticides."
adverse (adj) /ˌædˈvərs/ bất lợi '=having a negative or harmful effect on
something The match has been cancelled because of [adverse] weather conditions
Trận đấu đã bị hủy vì điều kiện thời tiết [bất lợi] "In passage: Most of the
pesticides in the market today remain inadequately tested for properties that cause
cancer and mutations as well as for other adverse effects on health, says a study
by United States environmental agencies."
agroecologist (n) nhà nông nghiệp sinh thái '=a person who specializes in
agroecology ('= the science or the activity of following the principles of ecology
('= the study of how different parts of the environment relate to one another) in
farming systems) [Agroecologists] will work with farmers to design and manage
agricultural ecosystems [Nhà nông học] sẽ làm việc với nông dân để thiết kế và quản
lý hệ sinh thái nông nghiệp In passage: This results in what agroecologists call
the ‘treadmill syndrome’
apart from (preposition) /əˈpɑrt frəm/ ngoại trừ '=except for I've
finished [apart from] the last question. Tôi đã hoàn thành [ngoài] câu hỏi cuối
cùng. "In passage: Apart from engendering widespread ecological disorders,
pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed of chemical-resistant,
highly lethal superbugs."
a variety of (n) /ə vərˈaɪəti əv/ nhiều.... '=several different sorts of the
same thing There is a wide [variety of] patterns to choose from. Có rất nhiều mẫu
[nhiều loại] để bạn lựa chọn. "In passage: Not to be left behind are the disease-
spreading pests, about 100 species of which have become immune to a variety of
insecticides now in use."
avidly (adv) /ˈævədli/ "Say sưa, ngấu nghiến" '=in an extremely eager or
interested way She reads [avidly] Cô ấy đọc [một cách cuồng nhiệt] "In
passage: In the early 1940s, basking in the glory of chemical- based intensive
agriculture, the farmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to boost crop
bask (v) /bæsk/ tận hưởng '=revel in and make the most of (something pleasing)
"He positively [basks] in this news, delighted at the thought." "Anh ấy tích
cực [đắm chìm] trước tin tức này, vui mừng trước suy nghĩ này." "In passage: In
the early 1940s, basking in the glory of chemical- based intensive agriculture, the
farmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to boost crop yield."
beetle (n) /ˈbitəl/ bọ cánh cứng '=an insect with a hard shell-like back
Among all the insects only [beetles] have these specialized fore-wings.
Trong số tất cả các loài côn trùng chỉ có [bọ cánh cứng] có đôi cánh trước
chuyên biệt này. "In passage: By using Neochetina bruci, a beetle native to
Brazil, scientists at Kerala Agricultural University freed a 12- kilometre- long
canal from the clutches of the weed Salvinia molesta, popularly called ‘African
Payal’ in Kerala"
bring about (phrasal v) /brɪŋ əˈbaʊt/ gây ra '=to cause something to
happen He [brought about] his company's collapse by his reckless spending.
Anh ta [đã gây ra] sự sụp đổ cho công ty của mình bằng cách chi tiêu liều
lĩnh của mình. In passage: The havoc that the ‘treadmill syndrome’ can bring
about is well illustrated by what happened to cotton farmers in Central America.
chemical-resistant (adj) chống chịu/ kháng hóa chất '=not harmed or affected
by chemicals [chemical- resistant] gloves găng tay [chống hóa chất] "In
passage: Apart from engendering widespread ecological disorders, pesticides have
contributed to the emergence of a new breed of chemical-resistant, highly lethal
clutch (n) /kləʧ/ "đám, nhóm" "'=a group of people, animals or things" He's
won a whole [clutch] of awards. Anh ấy đã giành được toàn bộ [ly hợp] giải
thưởng. "In passage: By using Neochetina bruci, a beetle native to Brazil,
scientists at Kerala Agricultural University freed a 12- kilometre- long canal from
the clutches of the weed Salvinia molesta, popularly called ‘African Payal’ in
defoliant (n) /dɪˈfoʊliənt/ thuốc làm rụng lá "'=a chemical that removes the
leaves from plants, sometimes used as a weapon in war" "To minimize the trash
collected, the plants are sometimes sprayed with a chemical [defoliant] causing the
leaves to drop prior to picking." "Để giảm thiểu rác bị thu gom, cây đôi khi được
phun một chất hóa học [chất làm rụng lá] làm cho lá rụng trước khi hái." In
passage: CIBC is also perfecting the technique for breeding parasites that prey on
‘disapene scale’ insects – notorious defoliants of fruit trees in the US and India.
detrimental (adj) /ˌdɛtrəˈmɛnəl/ gây thiệt hại '=causing harm or damage
Their decision could be [detrimental] to the future of the company. Quyết
định của họ có thể [gây bất lợi] cho tương lai của công ty."In passage: The
advantage of biological control in contrast to other methods is that it provides a
relatively low-cost, perpetual control system with a minimum of detrimental side-
devour (v) /dɪˈvaʊər/ ngấu nghiến "'=to eat all of something quickly, especially
because you are very hungry" He [devoured] half of his burger in one bite. Anh ta
[ngấu nghiến] một nửa chiếc bánh mì kẹp thịt của mình trong một lần cắn. "In
passage: A natural predator indigenous to India, Neodumetia sangawani, was found
useful in controlling the Rhodes grass-scale insect that was devouring forage grass
in many parts of the US"
disorder (n) /dɪˈsɔrdər/ sự rối loạn '=a state of untidiness or lack of
organization The whole office was in a state of [disorder]. Toàn bộ văn phòng
ở trong tình trạng [rối loạn]. "In passage: Apart from engendering widespread
ecological disorders, pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed
of chemical-resistant, highly lethal superbugs."
engaged in (adj) /ɪnˈgeɪʤd ɪn/ đắm chìm '=busy doing something; involved
with somebody/something in an active and interested way They were [engaged in]
conversation. Họ đã [tham gia vào] cuộc trò chuyện. "In passage: The
Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control (CIBC) in Bangalore, with its global
network of research laboratories and field stations, is one of the most active,
non-commercial research agencies engaged in pest control by setting natural
predators against parasites."
engender (v) /ɪnˈʤɛndər/ "sinh ra, gây ra" '=to cause something to come into
existence Your book has [engendered] much controversy. Cuốn sách của bạn đã
[gây ra] nhiều tranh cãi. "In passage: Apart from engendering widespread
ecological disorders, pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed
of chemical-resistant, highly lethal superbugs."
eradication (n) /ɪˌrædəˈkeɪʃən/ sự loại bỏ '=the process of getting rid of
something completely or of destroying something bad The department faces either a
budget cut or [eradication]. Bộ phải đối mặt với việc cắt giảm ngân sách hoặc [xóa
sổ]. "In passage: Similarly the Hyderabad-based Regional Research Laboratory
(RRL), supported by CIBC, is now trying out an Argentinian weevil for the
eradication of water hyacinth, another dangerous weed, which has become a nuisance
in many parts of the world."
exert (adj) influence on (v) /ɪgˈzərt (adj*) ˈɪnfluəns ɔn/ có tác động đến...
"'=to use something such as authority, power, influence, etc. in order to
make something happen" If you were to [exert your influence] they might change
their decision. "Nếu bạn muốn [phát huy ảnh hưởng của mình], họ có thể thay đổi
quyết định của mình." "In passage: CIBC successfully used a seed-feeding weevil,
native to Mexico, to control the obnoxious parthenium weed, known to exert devious
influence on agriculture and human health in both India and Australia"
forage (n) /ˈfɔrɪʤ/ "Thức ăn cho súc vật, cỏ" '=food for horses and cows
[forage] crops/grass [thức ăn gia súc] cây trồng / cỏ "In passage: A
natural predator indigenous to India, Neodumetia sangawani, was found useful in
controlling the Rhodes grass-scale insect that was devouring forage grass in many
parts of the US"
havoc (n) /ˈhævək/ sự tàn phá '=confusion and lack of order that result in
damage or trouble The storm created complete [havoc] in the park. Cơn bão đã tạo ra
[tàn phá] hoàn toàn trong công viên. In passage: The havoc that the ‘treadmill
syndrome’ can bring about is well illustrated by what happened to cotton farmers in
Central America.
hyacinth (n) /ˈhaɪəˌsɪnθ/ cây lan dạ hương '=a pleasant-smelling plant with a
lot of small flowers that grow close together around one thick stem "In Europe,
winter holiday parties are resplendent with fragrant [hyacinths]." "Ở Châu Âu,
các bữa tiệc kỳ nghỉ mùa đông rực rỡ với [hoa lục bình] thơm." "In passage:
Similarly the Hyderabad-based Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), supported by
CIBC, is now trying out an Argentinian weevil for the eradication of water
hyacinth, another dangerous weed, which has become a nuisance in many parts of the
immune (v) /ˌɪmˈjun/ miễn dịch '=protected against a particular disease by
particular substances in the blood He seems to be [immune] to colds - he just
never gets them. Anh ta dường như [miễn dịch] với cảm lạnh - anh ta không bao giờ
bị cảm lạnh. "In passage: Not to be left behind are the disease-spreading
pests, about 100 species of which have become immune to a variety of insecticides
now in use."
indigenous (adj) /ˌɪnˈdɪʤənəs/ có (nguồn) gốc từ "'=(of plants and animals)
having originally developed in a particular place, rather than having been brought
there from somewhere else" The kangaroo is [indigenous] to Australia. Chuột
túi là [bản địa] của Úc. "In passage: A natural predator indigenous to India,
Neodumetia sangawani, was found useful in controlling the Rhodes grass-scale insect
that was devouring forage grass in many parts of the US"
indiscriminate (v) /ˌɪndɪˈskrɪmənət/ "Không phân biệt, bừa bãi" "'=action is
done without thought about what the result may be, especially when it causes people
to be harmed" the [indiscriminate] nature of nuclear weapons bản chất [bừa bãi]
của vũ khí hạt nhân "In passage: In the face of the escalating perils from
indiscriminate applications of pesticides, a more effective and ecologically sound
strategy of biological control, involving the selective use of natural enemies of
the pest population, is fast gaining popularity – though, as yet, it is a new field
with limited potential."
infest (v) /ˌɪnˈfɛst/ tràn vào phá hoại '=(of animals and insects that carry
disease) to cause a problem by being present in large numbers The barn was
[infested] with rats. Chuồng bị [nhiễm] chuột. "In passage: About 30,000
hectares of rice fields in Kerala are infested by this weed."
in the glory of (n) /ɪn ðə ˈglɔri əv/ cảm giác chiến thắng "'=great
admiration, honour, and praise that you earn by doing something successfully"
He revelled [in the glory of] scoring three goals in the final eight minutes.
Anh ấy say sưa [trong vinh quang] ghi được ba bàn thắng trong tám phút cuối
cùng. "In passage: In the early 1940s, basking in the glory of chemical- based
intensive agriculture, the farmers avidly took to pesticides as a sure measure to
boost crop yield."
invasion (n) /ˌɪnˈveɪʒən/ sự xâm lấn '=an occasion when a large number of
people or things come to a place in an annoying and unwanted way the annual
[invasion] of foreign tourists [cuộc xâm lược] hàng năm của khách du lịch nước
ngoài "In passage: In the early 1970s, the spraying frequently reached 70 times a
season as the farmers were pushed to the wall by the invasion of genetically
stronger insect species."
larval (adj) /ˈlɑrvəl/ thuộc ấu trùng '=relating to a form of an insect or an
animal such as a frog that has left its egg but is not yet completely developed
Strong winds can catch this early [larval] form of the insect and carry it up
to 50 miles. Gió mạnh có thể bắt được dạng [ấu trùng] ban đầu của loài côn
trùng này và mang nó đi xa đến 50 dặm. "In passage: In the late 1960s, when Sri
Lanka’s flourishing coconut groves were plagued by leaf-mining hispides, a larval
parasite imported from Singapore brought the pest under control."
leave behind (phrasal v) /liv bɪˈhaɪnd/ bỏ lại '=to forget to take something
or someone with you I think I must have [left my keys behind]. Tôi nghĩ
chắc tôi đã [để quên chìa khóa]. "In passage: Not to be left behind are the
disease-spreading pests, about 100 species of which have become immune to a variety
of insecticides now in use."
lethal (adj) /ˈliθəl/ gây chết người '=able to cause or causing death;
extremely dangerous "Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full
of [lethal] fumes." "Ba phút sau khi ngọn lửa bắt đầu, ngôi nhà bốc đầy khói
[gây chết người]." "In passage: Apart from engendering widespread ecological
disorders, pesticides have contributed to the emergence of a new breed of chemical-
resistant, highly lethal superbugs."
mutation (n) /mjuˈteɪʃən/ đột biến "'=a process in which the genetic
material of a person, a plant or an animal changes in structure when it is passed
on to children, etc., causing different physical characteristics to develop; a
change of this kind" These cells have been affected by [mutation]. Những tế bào
này đã bị ảnh hưởng bởi [đột biến]. "In passage: Most of the pesticides in the
market today remain inadequately tested for properties that cause cancer and
mutations as well as for other adverse effects on health, says a study by United
States environmental agencies."
necessitate (v) /nəˈsɛsəˌteɪt/ đòi hỏi phải "'=to cause something to be
needed, or to make something necessary" An important meeting [necessitates] my
being in Boston on Friday. Một cuộc họp quan trọng [cần thiết] tôi có mặt ở
Boston vào thứ Sáu. "In passage: By the mid-1960s, the situation took an
alarming turn with the outbreak of four more new pests, necessitating pesticide
spraying to such an extent that 50% of the financial outlay on cotton production
was accounted for by pesticides."
nuisance (n) /ˈnusəns/ "Mối gây thiệt hại, mối gây khó chịu, mối làm phiền toái,
mối làm rầy, mối làm phiền" "'=a thing, person or situation that is annoying or
causes trouble or problems" It's a [nuisance] having to go back tomorrow. Thật
là một [phiền toái] khi phải quay lại vào ngày mai. "In passage: Similarly the
Hyderabad-based Regional Research Laboratory (RRL), supported by CIBC, is now
trying out an Argentinian weevil for the eradication of water hyacinth, another
dangerous weed, which has become a nuisance in many parts of the world."
obnoxious (adj) /ɑbˈnɑkʃəs/ "khó chịu, độc" '=very unpleasant or rude Some
of his colleagues say that he's loud and [obnoxious]. Một số đồng nghiệp của anh ấy
nói rằng anh ấy ồn ào và [đáng ghét]. "In passage: CIBC successfully used a
seed-feeding weevil, native to Mexico, to control the obnoxious parthenium weed,
known to exert devious influence on agriculture and human health in both India and
offspring (n) /ˈɔfˌsprɪŋ/ con non '=the young of an animal "In the case
of the guinea pig, the number of [offspring] varies between two and five." "Trong
trường hợp của chuột lang, số lượng [con cái] thay đổi từ hai đến năm." "In
passage: Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic diversity, many
pests are known to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in
resistance to pesticides."
outlay (n) /ˈaʊˌtleɪ/ kinh phí "'=an amount of money spent for a particular
purpose, especially as a first investment in something" Few are able to afford
the cash [outlay]. Rất ít người có khả năng chi trả [chi phí] tiền mặt. "In
passage: By the mid-1960s, the situation took an alarming turn with the outbreak of
four more new pests, necessitating pesticide spraying to such an extent that 50% of
the financial outlay on cotton production was accounted for by pesticides."
parthenium (n) thực vật họ cúc '=a genus of North American shrubs in the
sunflower tribe within the daisy family and subfamily Asteroideae [Parthenium]
is an annual herb with a deep taproot and an erect stem that becomes woody with age
"[Parthenium] là một loại thảo mộc hàng năm có rễ củ sâu và thân mọc thẳng,
trở thành gỗ theo tuổi" "In passage: CIBC successfully used a seed-feeding weevil,
native to Mexico, to control the obnoxious parthenium weed, known to exert devious
influence on agriculture and human health in both India and Australia"
peril (n) /ˈpɛrəl/ hiểm họa "'=great danger, or something that is very
dangerous" Teenagers must be warned about the [perils] of unsafe sex. Thanh thiếu
niên phải được cảnh báo về [nguy cơ] của tình dục không an toàn. "In passage: In
the face of the escalating perils from indiscriminate applications of pesticides, a
more effective and ecologically sound strategy of biological control, involving the
selective use of natural enemies of the pest population, is fast gaining popularity
– though, as yet, it is a new field with limited potential."
perpetual (adj) /pərˈpɛʧuəl/ "Không ngớt, không ngừng; liên tục" '=continuing for a
long period of time without stopping or being interrupted We lived for years in a
[perpetual] state of fear. Chúng tôi đã sống trong nhiều năm trong tình trạng sợ
hãi [vĩnh viễn]. "In passage: The advantage of biological control in contrast to
other methods is that it provides a relatively low-cost, perpetual control system
with a minimum of detrimental side-effects."
plague (v) /pleɪg/ "gây bệnh dịch, gây tai hại/ họa" '=to cause pain or
trouble to somebody/something over a period of time Economic problems continued
to [plague] the country. Các vấn đề kinh tế tiếp tục [gây bệnh] cho đất nước.
"In passage: In the late 1960s, when Sri Lanka’s flourishing coconut groves
were plagued by leaf-mining hispides, a larval parasite imported from Singapore
brought the pest under control."
pose a threat to (v) /poʊz ə θrɛt tɪ/ đe dọa đến... "'=a statement in which
you tell somebody that you will punish or harm them, especially if they do not do
what you want" Drugs [pose a major threat to] our society. Ma túy [gây ra mối
đe dọa lớn cho] xã hội của chúng ta. In passage: The continuous and reckless
use of synthetic chemicals for the control of pests which pose a threat to
agricultural crops and human health is proving to be counter-productive.
predator (n) /ˈprɛdətər/ thiên địch "'=an animal that hunts, kills, and eats
other animals" "lions, wolves, and other [predators]" "sư tử, chó sói và [động
vật ăn thịt] khác" "In passage: The Commonwealth Institute of Biological
Control (CIBC) in Bangalore, with its global network of research laboratories and
field stations, is one of the most active, non-commercial research agencies engaged
in pest control by setting natural predators against parasites."
prey on (phrasal v) /preɪ ɔn/ săn... '=(of an animal or a bird) to hunt
and kill another animal for food Hawks [prey on] rodents and small birds. Diều
hâu [săn mồi] các loài gặm nhấm và chim nhỏ. In passage: CIBC is also perfecting
the technique for breeding parasites that prey on ‘disapene scale’ insects –
notorious defoliants of fruit trees in the US and India.
proliferation (n) /ˌproʊlɪfərˈeɪʃən/ "Sự phát triển, sự gia tăng nhanh" '=the
fact of something increasing a lot and suddenly in number or amount The past two
years have seen the [proliferation] of TV channels. Hai năm qua đã chứng kiến sự
gia tăng của các kênh truyền hình. "In passage: The insecticide was applied eight
times a year in the mid-1940s, rising to 28 in a season in the mid-1950s, following
the sudden proliferation of three new varieties of chemical- resistant pests."
prove to be (adj) (v) /pruv tɪ bi (adj*)/ chứng tỏ/ tỏ ra... '=to show
after a time or by experience that something or someone has a particular quality
The new safety procedures have so far [proven to be] satisfactory. Các
quy trình an toàn mới cho đến nay [đã được chứng minh là] đạt yêu cầu. In passage:
The continuous and reckless use of synthetic chemicals for the control of pests
which pose a threat to agricultural crops and human health is proving to be
range of (noun) (n) /reɪnʤ əv (naʊn)/ "khoảng, lượng" "'=the level to which
something is limited, or the area within which something operates" a wide
[range of] subjects nhiều [nhiều] chủ đề "In passage: According to a recent
study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), more than 300 species of
agricultural pests have developed resistance to a wide range of potent chemicals."
reckless (adj) /ˈrɛkləs/ "Thiếu thận trọng, hấp tấp, khinh suất, liều lĩnh,
táo bạo" '=showing a lack of care about danger and the possible results of your
actions He showed a [reckless] disregard for his own safety. Anh ta đã thể hiện
sự coi thường [liều lĩnh] đối với sự an toàn của bản thân. In passage: The
continuous and reckless use of synthetic chemicals for the control of pests which
pose a threat to agricultural crops and human health is proving to be counter-
self-dispersing (adj) tự phân tán '=spread across or move away over a large area
by themselves A [self-dispersing] pigment was produced by a diazonium coupling
reaction Một sắc tố [tự phân tán] được tạo ra bởi phản ứng ghép đôi diazonium
"In passage: When handled by experts, bio-control is safe, non-polluting and
side-effect (n) tác dụng phụ "'=an unpleasant effect of a drug, medical
treatment, or vaccine ('= a substance put into a person's body to stop them
gettting a disease) that happens in addition to the main intended effect" Does
this drug have any [side effects] Thuốc này có bất kỳ [tác dụng phụ] nào không
"In passage: The advantage of biological control in contrast to other methods
is that it provides a relatively low-cost, perpetual control system with a minimum
of detrimental side-effects."
syndrome (n) /ˈsɪnˌdroʊm/ hội chứng '=a combination of medical problems that
shows the existence of a particular disease or mental condition "What is commonly
known as influenza or the flu is a [syndrome], not a disease." "Những gì thường
được gọi là bệnh cúm hoặc bệnh cúm là một [hội chứng], không phải là một căn bệnh."
In passage: This results in what agroecologists call the ‘treadmill syndrome’
synthetic (adj) /sɪnˈθɛtɪk/ tổng hợp "'=of or relating to products made from
artificial substances, often copying a natural product" The chemicals which
comprise [synthetic] drugs are natural. Các hóa chất bao gồm ma túy [tổng hợp] là
tự nhiên. "In passage: Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic
diversity, many pests are known to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring
with a built-in resistance to pesticides."
take a/an (adj) turn (v) /teɪk a/an* (adj*) tərn/ có một bước ngoạt/ chuyển
hướng '=an unusual or unexpected change in what is happening His health has
[taken a turn] for the worse ('= suddenly got worse). Sức khỏe của anh ấy [có một
bước chuyển biến] trở nên tồi tệ hơn ('= đột nhiên trở nên tồi tệ hơn). "In
passage: By the mid-1960s, the situation took an alarming turn with the outbreak of
four more new pests, necessitating pesticide spraying to such an extent that 50% of
the financial outlay on cotton production was accounted for by pesticides."
tremendous (adj) /trɪˈmɛndəs/ "ghê gớm, khủng khiếp" "'=very great in amount
or level, or extremely good" They were making a [tremendous] amount of noise last
night. Họ đã gây ra một tiếng ồn [khủng khiếp] vào đêm qua. "In passage:
Because of their tremendous breeding potential and genetic diversity, many pests
are known to withstand synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in
resistance to pesticides."
weevil (n) /ˈwivəl/ con mọt '=any of various beetles that destroy crops
such as grains and cotton These [weevils] were all individually labelled to
ensure that only marked insects were taken into account. Tất cả [những con mọt]
này đều được dán nhãn riêng để đảm bảo rằng chỉ những loài côn trùng được đánh dấu
mới được tính đến. "In passage: CIBC successfully used a seed-feeding weevil,
native to Mexico, to control the obnoxious parthenium weed, known to exert devious
influence on agriculture and human health in both India and Australia"
wipe out (v) /waɪp aʊt/ quét sạch '=to destroy or remove somebody/something
completely Whole villages were [wiped out] by the earthquake. Toàn bộ ngôi làng
bị [xóa sổ] bởi trận động đất. "In passage: One glaring disadvantage of
pesticides’ application is that, while destroying harmful pests, they also wipe out
many useful non-targeted organisms, which keep the growth of the pest population in
withstand (v) /wɪθˈstænd/ chống chịu "'=to be strong enough not to be hurt or
damaged by extreme conditions, the use of force, etc" The materials used have to be
able to [withstand] high temperatures. Các vật liệu được sử dụng phải có khả
năng [chịu được] nhiệt độ cao. "In passage: Because of their tremendous
breeding potential and genetic diversity, many pests are known to withstand
synthetic chemicals and bear offspring with a built-in resistance to pesticides."

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