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Advantages of hurting your hand

Your hands, kinda important, cuz you use them everyday. And if you’ve ever been in the situation of not
being able to use 1 or both of your hands… yeah it sucks BUT in my experience it can also help. Oke so
you might want to know what happened with my left hand and uhnn…. From what the doctor told me, it
had something to do with my muscles and tendons, so it hurt when I did normale stuff like ‘…..’ , so I was
advised to not do play games, sports and do quick movements, Which was pretty hardddd.

A couple days went by and that meant I would be Friday and that also would mean first period gym
class. Even tho I couldn’t join in I would go and cheer my friends on. So I woke up 7.30 and looked at
my school schedule of the day and(looks at schedule ) ‘½th period gym class, next class 8 th period ‘. I had
almost 7 hours inbetween classes! Btw I come from the Netherlands, I don’t know if these things
happen a lot in other countries but yeah these things happen here, and normaly it wouldn’t be a
problem cuz I could just not go to school. BUT the difference between gym class and all the others
classes was that you couldn’t skip more than 10 gym classes, this rule even counted sick days, so I
couldn’t ask my mom to call school(my mom is really cool cuz she would do that for me). So I had this
plan, I did have to go to school but I only had to persuade my gym teacher and I could go back home to
do some useful stuff like watching netflix . so standing infront of my teacher, I told my sad story about
how I cant join in class cuz of my hand and that we don’t have any classes after this(lie) so If I can go
back home. She shook her head and told me ‘yeah that is really unfortunate, and I get that you want to
go home…. BUT you can sit next to me, cuz maby you can join in for something’ ._.’I thought this video
was called the adventages of hurting your hand…..’ so I asked what are we going to do this class’
‘dodgeball!’ ._. After thinking to myself that you use your hands with dodgeball, I asked her if we where
going to do anything else which she replied with ‘it is just dodgeball today’…. Tottaly defeated I sat nex
to her, with my plans in ruin. But I didn’t give up, I wasn’t going to just sit here, so I got this genius Idea
again. you only use 1 hand with dodgeball, So me being right-handed meant that I didn’t HAVE to use
my left hand(im so smart). So I told my teacher that I would try 1 match, she did tell me to stay a bit
close to her so she could keep an eye on me for if anything happened, but atleast I wouldn’t do nothing
for 1,5 hours, so I joined a team and even tho I could only use 1 hand that meant we where going to win
cuz im here (wish store almight). She blew the whistle and it started, it was intense I kept my hand to
my chest dodging some balls, completely missing my throws, CUZ of the balancing and not just that I
suck. until right in front of me someone grabbed the ball. This guy was build like a tank, played rugby
proffesionally and what made it even worse was that he is also named after a god. We made eye contact
and I knew that he was going for me. I could just have tried to dodge the ball BUT, 1 dodging a ball
throw at mac5 would be hard to dodge and 2 I would die. And me playing to win wasn’t planning on
losing. I didn’t think I just went right(he throws) then I jumped to my left pressing my hand to my chest.
When I landed It hurt like hell but I dodged it so it was totally wor- (looking my teacher in the eyes)

pov teach: a kid askes to go back home cuz his hand hurts and says he can join in. then proceed to throw
him self to the side landing on his hand that was supposed to hurt
(end credits, doctor behind the scenes)

Oke so after looking at your hand and hearing your complaints

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