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Assignment 1B

Assignment Work Allocation Form

Student Information
In 29 September 2022, my group gave a presentation on our project ' Intelligent color
palette'. We were reviewed by team 8 and were given a full mark. However, there
were a number of constructive criticisms in regards to our content, presentation skills
and the presentation itself, which will be in turn reflected on below.

Part 1: Improvement of function introduction

The content of our presentation as suggested by our teacher was missing the function
introduction, which is a very significant part. The perfect feature introduction allows
the audience to have a more comprehensive understanding of the product and reflects
the professionalism of the introducer. The content of a ppt allows your audience to
connect with your message and takes them on a journey with you. Good content will
explain and educate your audience about your product or service and convey
information to your audience that they will remember. If you are presenting on the
topic of change, it can inspire your audience to want to change with you and commit
to helping facilitate that change (Huang et al., 2022). Therefore, it is crucial for us to
refine our introduction to the function of the Intelligent Color Palette.

Part 2: Improvements to the presentation skills

The lack of animation in ppt is also a problem we have, which may make the whole
ppt unvibrant. Undoubtedly, ppt animation has many benefits for speakers. One is that
animations help to make PowerPoint presentations more dynamic. For example, we
can use various effect elements, such as size, shape, movement or time. Objects can
also be made to rotate, grow and turn, fade and so on. In addition, visual media
engage the audience more thoroughly than any other media. First of all, people see
themselves in visuals. No one likes to have an imagination anymore, especially when
they need their brainpower to focus on the business aspects of what you are saying.
Give people what they want without making them work for it. Show it to them in
visual form so that they do not have to imagine it. But it's worth noting that
animations should always serve the purpose. They should effectively illustrate or
emphasize the content or context, and we should avoid any animations that don't
support content or lack meaning (Zongker, 2013).
Part 3: Improvements to the presentation itself
Our speed of our speech was not controlled in place, and it took a long time. Speech
should not be too slow, because it will give others space to wander and the feeling of
stupid, slowness and lack of education. According to past academic research, speaker
guides recommend that presenters speak at a rate of 100 to 165 words per minute, as
this is the rate at which they have tested most audiences and found it easiest to process
the information they hear (Inoue, 2019). In short, presentations should not always be
at one speed. We need to speak at a pace that is consistent, articulate and logical.

Part 4: Perceptions of the review with peers

As a team, we were required to review team9. Peer reviews make us more objective,
and sometimes it's easier for us to find solutions to problems in other people's work.

The exquisite ppt was one of the first things that attracted me and made me
thoroughly enjoy the whole viewing process. Also, I noticed that team9's speakers had
a lot of body language and eye contact, which is surely a merit of speech. According
to research, body language can increase the appeal of speech and impress the
audience. Like facial expressions, body language, and gestures, eye contact is a
nonverbal way of communicating. All forms of nonverbal communication can help or
hinder communication. Good eye contact can also make others like and respect you
more, making it an important tool for building and maintaining relationships (Barrett
et al., 2022). However, as a reviewer, I commented that team 9 has too many ppt
words. Projected slides are a great medium to graphically depict ideas or provide
overviews. But it's a bad medium for detail and reading. Therefore, the group needs to
avoid paragraphs, quotations, or even complete sentences. For example, you can limit
a slide to five lines of text and use words and phrases to express your point. This way
viewers will be able to digest and retain key points more easily.
Word Count: 726 words

1. Zongker, D. E. (2003). Creating animation for presentations. ProQuest
Dissertations Publishing.
2. Barrett, N. E., Liu, G.-Z., & Wang, H.-C. (2022). Seamless learning for oral
presentations: designing for performance needs. Computer Assisted Language
Learning, 35(3), 551–576.
3. Inoue, T., & Liao, W. (2019). Speech Speed Awareness System Slows Down
Native Speaker’s Talk. Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing, 159–
4. Huang, X., Xiao, Y., Webster, J. S., Howe, R. E., & Li, Y. (2022). Exploring
Shanghai students’ mathematics learning as related to content presentation in
textbooks: the case of the commutative property of addition. ZDM, 54(3), 595–

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