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Task 1

The given diagram shows how the west park secondary school changed over 60 years since 1950.
Overall, apart from the main road which stays unchanged for the whole period, the school and
its surrounding area have gone through many dramatic changes.
In 1950, the school had one building and was located to the northeast of the area, right next to
some houses. Around the school, we have a playground at the back and farmland just adjacent
to the main school building. After 30 years the area of the house was demolished to build a car
park. Along with it, the school was separated into 2 parts: the science block, and the other, the
main building, which was the old building. In addition, a noteworthy change is the conversion of
farmland into a sports field.
In 2010, the most noticeable change is the expansion of the car park which now covered almost
half of the total area of the school. Therefore, the playground was shrunken along with the
sports field to have space for the enlarged carpark.

Task 2
Every person has unique skills and capabilities; therefore, we began to believe that people’s
characteristics are God-gifted. There even has been much research indicating that inherited
traits are more powerful in developing our personality. However, I strongly disagree, I believe
that experience is more powerful in character building at different phases of life than the traits
we inherited. To reinforce my opinion, through this essay, I will discuss the major impact of the
experience on developing our personality.
Many people believe that genetics play a large role in determining a person’s character and that
a person’s personality was influenced by the information in the genes that were passed down
from generation to generation. However, we all know that twins have the same genes, yet as
individuals, they can be quite unalike in behavior, in characteristics, and tend to grow more
different as they age more.
The second thing I want to talk about is how we humans behave, we’re highly dynamic creatures
that interact and socialize all the time with our surroundings. Therefore, some people’s behavior
can be linked to things that influenced them in their life such as parenting styles and learned
experiences. For instance, a child might learn through observation and reinforcement to say
“please” and “thank you”. Another source of influence in their living environment, for example,
people who face a lot of hardships in their lives tend to be more decisive in situations.
In conclusion, I believe that our life experiences have a greater impact on our personalities and
growth than the traits we are born with. If we employ the experiences we have obtained in our
daily life, we will be able to consider from multiple viewpoints and make good decisions.
Draft 2
Task 1
The given diagram portrayed the changes that the west park secondary school has gone through
for 60 years, starting from 1950.
Overall, apart from the main road, the school and its surrounding area have gone through many
dramatic changes.
In 1950, the school had one building and was located to the northeast of the area, right next to
some houses. Around the school, we have a playground at the back and farmland just adjacent
to the main school building. After 30 years the area of the house was demolished and replaced
with a car park. Along with it, the school was separated into 2 parts: the science block, and the
main building, which was the old building. In addition, another noticeable change is the
conversion of farmland into a sports field.
In 2010, the biggest modification is the expansion of the car park which now covered almost half
of the total area of the school. Therefore, the playground was shrunken along with the sports
field to have space for the enlarged carpark.

Task 2
Even though we are all humans, every person has unique skills, capabilities, and personalities,
so, we began to ask why? There has been much research, on finding out where they come from.
Some indicate that they’re from inherited traits, while others stated that they come from many
aspects and the impact of the surrounding environment and experience. Though I’m not sure
about the first one.
First off, many people believe that genetics play a large role in determining a person’s character
and personality as it was influenced by the information in the genes that were passed down from
generation to generation. However, we all know that twins have the same genes, yet as
individuals, they can be quite unalike in behavior, in characteristics, and tend to grow more
different as they age more. Though we do agree that genetics have a role in this play but only as
a side character it seems.
Now, the main point, but first, I want to talk about how we humans behave, we’re highly dynamic
creatures that interact and socialize at all times with our surroundings. Therefore, people’s
behavior can be affected by their living conditions and environments. For instance, people who
grew up with a harsh childhood tend to be more aggressive with other people Another way is
through experience, for example, people facing a lot of hardships in life tend to make people more
decisive as they build up with every problem they face.
In conclusion, I believe that our life experiences have a greater impact on our personalities and
growth than the traits we are born with. If we employ the experiences we have obtained in our
daily life, we will be able to consider from multiple viewpoints and make good decisions.
Draft 3
Every person has unique skills, capabilities, and personalities, but, why? Why everyone is
different and where are those things come from? There has been much research, on finding out
where they come from. Some indicate that they’re from inherited traits, while others stated that
they come from many aspects and the impact of the surrounding environment and experience.
Though I’m not sure about the first one.
First off, as I mentioned before, some researchers indicate that they’re from inherited traits or
genes, and they believe that it plays a large role in determining a person’s character and
personality. As it was influenced by the information in the genes that were passed down from
generation to generation. However, we all know that twins have the same genes, yet as
individuals, they can be quite unalike in behavior, in characteristics, and tend to grow more
different as they age more. Though we can’t deny that genetics still have some impact on how we
behave but still, not enough to truly influence our personalities dramatically.
Now, to the main opinion, but first, I want to talk about how we humans behave, we’re highly
dynamic creatures that interact and socialize at all times with our surroundings. Therefore,
people’s behavior can be easily affected by their living conditions and environments. For instance,
people who grew up with a harsh childhood tend to be more aggressive with other people Another
way is through the experience they have gathered in life, facing a lot of hardships in life tend to
make people more decisive as they build up with every problem they face.
In conclusion, I believe that our life experiences have a greater impact on our personalities and
growth than the traits we are born with. If we employ the experiences we have obtained in our
daily life, we will be able to consider from multiple viewpoints and make good decisions.

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