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You will never believe what happened last month. This is the scariest history of my life. We decided
to go to the mountain with my friends. We reserved (the house) for 5 days and we were very happy
to have a good time together.

When we arrived in the rented house, we met a lot of rock climbers. There were people from around
the world. Indeed, my friends and I we have never practiced this kind of sport and we were very
excited to do that this for the first time.

In the morning, we joined our team. The leader explained us the rules and advised us to always stay
together. After 45 minutes of walking, we saw a very big wooden bridge. When I was passing it, I
heard a noise behind me. Suddenly, a bear appeared, and I screamed. The Bridge broke and I almost
fell. The leader saved me after a long time under the bridge.

This was the last time that I went to the mountain. Since that day I have never came gone back
(returned) in that place.

Arlinda Zejnuni

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