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Field Subject: English Level III Grade VIII Date: Estimated time

Languages and 27/10/2022 45’+45’

Learning situations:
1. Module 2: Magicians
2. Past Simple and Past Continuous
Learning outcomes related to the topic Key words: Home schooling, practice
The student: exams, formal lesson, Pubic show,
 Talk about magic shows and magicians prison, drown, tank, trick, single, poor,
 Review past simple and past continuous tenses. diamond
 talk about school and abilities.
Resources and aids Cross curricular link:
Textbook, CDs, flashcards ---
Methodologies, techniques and student’s activities
Brainstorming, individual work, questions and answers
Warm up: Greet the students and ask about their day.

Brainstorming: I start the class asking students if they like magic? And why yes and no? Then I ask them to talk
about a magic show they have seen. Where was it (TV, live etc.)? When was it? Describe what tricks did you see?

I ask students to read and listen to the texts (a and b) about David Copperfield and The Great Houdini. Ask them if
they know anything about them. Then they have to answer the questions: “Which magician had a more difficult
childhood? Why? “Are the two magicians’ tricks similar or different?” Students complete the reading exercises
and we discuss the answers together.

Topic 2

I write two sentences in the blackboard: Yesterday I met my old friend, Jenny. (past simple)
I was having lunch when the phone rang.(past continuous)
I explain to students how we conjugate the verbs in Past simple (regular, irregular verbs) and in Past Continuous
(was/were+ Verb+ ing). We use Past Simple for actions that happened in the past whereas Past Continuous for
actions that happened in progress in the past. I also tell them the time expressions that we use with each tense.
Students then give some examples and identify the verbs.
In order to reflect on the learning of this class I ask students to work with the exercises on page 21. We discuss the
exercises together.

Evaluation: based on their participation, answers

Home-work: Workbook exercises

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