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Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774

2/3 ( 98 ) 2019

Метою роботи є дослiдження питань, пов'язаних iз системами UDC 004.942

керування дорожнiм рухом, та представлення системи управлiння, DOI: 10.15587/1729-4061.2019.160049
яка використовує iнтелектуальнi транспортнi системи та нейроннi
мережi. Використання iнтелектуальних транспортних систем
(ITС) – це засiб покращення транспортних систем, що робить його
незалежним вiд розвитку вiдповiдної iнфраструктури. Атрибути
нейронних мереж втiлено з метою вирiшення проблем оптимiза-
цiї, якi передбачають розробку оптимальних стратегiй управлiн-
ня трафiком. Представлена система управлiння дорожньо-тран-
спортним рухом, яка використовує IТС та нейроннi мережi, може MANAGEMENT
бути застосована для прогнозування рiзноманiтних ситуацiй у сферi
управлiння дорожнiм рухом. SYSTEM IN
Представленi результати дослiджень, метою яких була перевiр-
ка ефективностi нейронних мереж в аспектi прогнозування обся- THE NEURAL
гу перевезень на окремих нацiональних дорогах, реалiзованих на
основi наукового пошуку та дискурсу логiстичних аспектiв управ-
лiння дорожнiм рухом, з особливим акцентом на iнтелектуаль-
нi транспортнi системи. Вищезгаданi питання є надзвичайно важ-
ливими через необхiднiсть виявлення очiкуваного навантаження на
маршрути. Важливими елементами iнтенсивностi руху є коливан-
ня трафiку, пов'язанi з такими факторами, як час, рух, архiтек- PERSPECTIVE
тура дорiг i використання потужностей. Дослiдження послужило
перевiрцi ефективностi чотирьох незалежних нейронних мереж, про- A. Brzozowska
гнозуючих обсяг трафiку, протягом тижня для визначених моментiв Doctor of Sciences in
часу. Емпiричнi данi, використанi в представлених дослiдженнях, Economics, Professor
були отриманi з датчикiв руху, встановлених на вибраних нацiо- Department of Business Informatics
нальних дорогах, в певнi промiжки часу. Це дозволило визначити Czestochowa University of Technology
перспективи розвитку нейронних мереж на основi дослiджуваної
J. H. Dabrowskiego str., 69,
моделi, що представляє собою набiр елементiв штучного iнтелек-
ту що керують обсягами транспортних засобiв та вловлюють
Czestochowa, Poland, 42-201
повторюванi закономiрностi. Представлено результати викори- E-mail:
стання авторської моделi впровадження алгоритму на основi ней- D. Bubel
ронних мереж у транспортних мережах для виконання кiлькiсного Doctor of Sciences in Economics
та якiсного аналiзу її дiяльностi, а також накопичення вiдповiдних Main Library
даних. Проаналiзовано рiзнi способи отримання даних для ефектив- Czestochowa University of Technology
ного моделювання. Внаслiдок виявлення рiзноманiтних неточностей, Al. Armii Krajowej str., 36,
системних недосконалостей або надмiрних витрат були запропоно-
Czestochowa, Poland, 42-200
ванi альтернативнi рiшення, що можуть усунути такого типу про-
блеми. Авторами також були запропонованi пiдходи, що дозволяють
обмежити появу таких проблем. Наведенi результати дослiджень A. Kalinichenko
обґрунтовують доцiльнiсть використання нейронних мереж для Doctor of Sciences in
регулювання транспортних потокiв. Представленi результати були Agriculture, Professor
отриманi у ходi фактичних спостережень й порiвнювалися з резуль- Institute of Technical Science
татами iнших дiючих систем. Авторами проаналiзовано адекват- University of Opole
нiсть представленої моделi та можливостi її вдосконалення Dmowskiego str., 7-9,
Ключовi слова: iнтелектуальнi транспортнi системи, нейроннi
Opole, Poland, 45-759
мережi, управлiння дорожнiм рухом

1. Introduction Modern road traffic management systems rely on tech-

nologies based on telecommunications, IT and transport
Congestions in road traffic pose an increasing problem in management methods, and take into account the following
today’s urban agglomerations. The dynamic increase in the elements [5]:
number of vehicles leads to an increased volume of traffic, – road infrastructure;
resulting in obstructions in individual and public transport – forecast of changes in traffic volume in the covered
traffic, reduced travel time and regularity of rides as well as area;
increased costs of vehicle use. It is possible to implement ele- – forecast of changes in traffic distribution caused by a
ments of artificial intelligence into algorithms for road traffic change in traffic organisation as a result of situations dis-
control and management [1, 2]. Through their adoption, we rupting traffic flow;
can obtain inference algorithms that take into account spe- – capacity of roads and streets on sections between
cific characteristics of road transportation [3]. The process junctions;
of traffic control runs smoothly, and we can achieve better – junction capacity;
optimisation results compared to rule-based algorithms [4]. – level of traffic safety;


 A. Brzozowska, D. Bubel, A. Kalinichenko, 2019

Control processes

– impact of changes in traffic organisation on time losses routes, forecasting of traffic parameters, traffic control and
or gains of different user groups, especially public transport transport policy and economy.
users; Since the mid-1990s, there have been several new po-
– investment and operating costs resulting from the im- sitions in magazines and a similar number in conference
plementation and functioning of a road traffic management materials. In 2011, the use of traditional statistical methods
system; and neural networks in research on traffic management
– communications capacity of an area. issues was compared [13]. They suggested a division of the
Additional indicators determining the optimisation of application topics into six groups of issues: traffic analysis,
road traffic control and management are parameters deter- infrastructure management, maintenance, planning, envi-
mining traffic flow and capacity. Traffic flow depends on the ronmental protection, safety and behaviour of traffic partici-
following [6]: pants. The implementation of intelligent traffic management
– time losses at individual junctions; and control systems makes it necessary to link the above
– number of vehicle stops; issues, hence the progressive combination of research prob-
– length of queues on access lanes to junctions; lems, also in relation to transport, what has been presented
– distribution of time losses (e. g. standard deviation); in the publication [14]. Artificial neural network prepared
– distribution of queue lengths. in the form of a program or hardware system performed cal-
Road traffic management algorithms more and more culations using a set of layered, simple elements modelling
often use artificial intelligence methods such as: fuzzy logic the action of neurons [15]. A frequent forecast parameter is
[7, 8], genetic algorithms [9, 10] or neural networks [11]. the traffic volume, therefore, some researchers provided the
The topicality of the indicated subject is dictated by the network with historical values of density, traffic speed and
necessity to create a knowledge base on the traffic volume identified the day of the week for which the forecast was
existing within the road network, taking into account the made [16]. The paper [17] presented a method of classifying
road surface loads, possibilities of road reconstruction and time series of traffic flow rates by day of the week. Other
road surface improvement in a specified period of time, in researchers used the data entered into the neural network,
a model perspective. Later on, the following was presented additionally applying the Levenberg-Marquardt network
in the work: analysis of literature and problem statement; learning algorithm. This has significantly improved network
the purpose and objectives of the study; intelligent logistics performance and reduced the traffic forecasting error [18].
systems; essence of road traffic management; Intelligent Complexes of calculation methods based on statistics and ar-
Transportation Systems and their role in road traffic man- tificial intelligence are gaining popularity and are becoming
agement; Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in terms important research topics. An important problem for traffic
of road traffic management; neural networks in the aspect management is the detection of traffic events that lead to
of road traffic management and Road traffic management disturbances even in the whole traffic area. Authors of the
system presented as a model. publication [19] developed a network solution based on traf-
fic intensity, which allows for almost real-time generation
of matrix values for current traffic management. In their
2. Literature review and problem statement research, a solution for a network generating a short-term
forecast of the speed of movement based on current data and
Compilation of literature has shown that there are many time of a day was proposed. Such network uses historical
assumptions about the diversity of intelligent transport sys- data and creates the matrix in the studied area [20].
tems related to traffic management. The choice of the right The authors of the solution presented in the article [21]
assumption depends on individual needs. This creates an used a network to connect the data from road sensors and
opportunity to create a specific traffic management system mobile measuring stations installed in cars. This type of
and at the same time poses a challenge to the development of network reflects the traffic parameters in the whole surveyed
neural networks. If a suitable control plan is chosen for the use area. In the works [22, 23], the ability to connect different
of variable cycle lengths, the compatibility and interconnec- types of data over a neural network in terms of traffic man-
tivity of the traffic management systems of different genera- agement was proposed.
tions (III and IV) are of paramount importance. Due to the In the literature presented, the issues related to ITS were
constantly growing interest in intelligent logistics systems, reviewed to allow their critical analysis. This made it possi-
the authors predict a constant increase in the distribution and ble to draw conclusions that the problems are not sufficiently
use of neural networks in forecasting traffic volume. emphasized in them and supported by research. Hence it was
The neural network’s ability to reproduce non-linear necessary to try to supplement them, to better inform indi-
relationships between variables describing object’s behavior vidual road users, thus ensuring safer and more coordinated
and the ability to develop effective configurations is condu- use of transport systems using neural networks.
cive to traffic management applications. The review takes It is important because IT technologies, compiling trans-
into account articles published in magazines in recent years. port engineering, contribute to more effective planning,
The idea of neural networks was introduced in the 60s, design, maintenance and maintenance of transport systems
and started to be used in terms of traffic management in the management.
90s. The significant interest in neural networks has been
shown in 1995 by Dougherty’s review of network applica-
tions [12]. The author distinguished nine areas of network 3. The aim and objectives of the study
applications: assessment of drivers’; behaviour, determina-
tion of traffic parameters and timetables, assessment of road The aim of the paper is to identify the issues focused
surfaces, detection and classification of vehicles, analysis of around traffic management systems using Intelligent Trans-
traffic flow and detection of events, optimisation of travel port Systems and neural networks.

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/3 ( 98 ) 2019

To achieve this qualitative research, the following tasks of transportation, such as availability, mobility and safety,
have been set: while at the same time substantially weakening its negative
1. Analyse the road traffic management system, which is features such as costs of building infrastructure, congestion,
based on Intelligent Transport Systems. road incidents, negative impact on the environment and en-
2. Impact of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on ergy consumption [26].
road traffic management.
3. Indication of attributes of neural networks in intelli- ETC.
gent traffic management systems.

4. Intelligent logistics systems Assessment of traffic conditions – relevant

Intelligent logistics systems mainly aim to increase the Assessment
traffic conditions – relevant
– parameters characterising
safety and smoothness of traffic and reduce the environ- parameters
USERS FROM GROUP traffic according
A to routes
mental impact, and they constitute components of the infra-
structure. Their task in road traffic is to warn of dangerous Assessment of traffic conditions – relevant
Traffic description – parameters characterising
situations such as: congestions, fog, glaze, strong side wind Geometry
parametersdescription – parameters characterising
traffic according to routes
the geometry of the individual parts
and damaged road surface, and to impact the speed of driv-
ing, ensure that appropriate distances are maintained be- Traffic description – parameters characterising
Geometry descriptionto–routes
traffic according parameters characterising
tween vehicles, regulate vehicles’ joining the traffic, control the geometry of the individual parts
traffic lights and inform about a change of traffic directions.
The multitude of the possibilities of using technical solutions Geometry description – parameters characterising
that improve the flow of traffic on communication routes, the geometry of the individual parts
contribute to increased safety of road traffic, improve envi-
ronmental situation by reduction of exhaust emission and Fig. 1. Components of the description of a road
noise, and bring concrete economic benefits, are a sufficient infrastructure element
justification of investments in telematics.
The development of road infrastructure, which is stimu- Many years of qualitative research have shown that the
lated by dynamic development of motorisation, and increas- use of intelligent logistics systems can be translated into
ing mobility of humans have led to a situation when the daily even 30–35 % reduction of road infrastructure expenditures
use of a network of roads is becoming ever more burdensome. while keeping the same level of functionality.
Road infrastructure has the form of a network, which con-
sists of arcs and apices in the symbolic notation. The linear
or point parts of the network are referred to as infrastructure 5. Essence of road traffic management
elements [24].
The most basic description of an element of infrastruc- Road traffic management, carried out by coordination
ture involves defining geometrical characteristics of its and central control of traffic lights covering from several to
individual parts, which is presented in Fig. 1. a dozen or so junctions or by means of a hybrid system that
Road administrators have for many years been searching combines the characteristics of a centralised system and dis-
for successful solutions to ensure an efficient, effective and, tributed intelligence and uses intelligent controllers, allows
above all, safe management of road traffic. Attempts to ex- any traffic lights control software, which is updated online
pand road infrastructure following the development of mo- depending on current traffic situation, to be loaded into
torisation are doomed to failure, and efforts should be rather controllers. Road traffic management systems often do not
concentrated on a more efficient management of road infra- require replacement of the existing infrastructure, including
structure through modernisation of the existing network of traffic lights controllers [27].
roads and streets, implementation of road hierarchization or Fig. 2 presents a diagram of road traffic management
limitation of their accessibility in selected areas. Such ac- with the use of ITS.
tivities should be additionally supported by implementation
of modern ICT solutions that aid traditional forms of traffic INTELLIGENT
traffic detectors and
management and organisation. TRANSPORTATION
lights CCTV monitoring
Intelligent logistics systems are a combination of in- SYSTEMS
formation and communication technologies with road in-
frastructure for achievement of synergy in the area of an RS232 fibre
efficient and effective management of road infrastructure LAN
and handling of road users [25]. CONTROL CENTRE
The use of intelligent logistics systems is one of the ways LAPTOP (SERVERS)
to improve transportation systems in order to increase their
efficiency, effectiveness and safety. They provide various Fig. 2. An example of using intelligent transportation
tools, from advanced systems for traffic control using traf- systems to manage road traffic
fic lights, through systems for managing vehicle flows in a
network of streets and roads, to systems executing priorities A road traffic management system uses various informa-
for privileged means of transport. Such systems owe their tion sources in the form of cameras or inductive loops, which
attractiveness to the fact that they provide huge possibil- enable direct traffic management. Intelligent transportation
ities of significant strengthening of the positive attributes systems work with systems for automatic detection of acci-

Control processes

dents using various detection algorithms and with traffic

meters installed at entrances in order to increase road capac- INTELLIGENT
ity. They automatically calculate predicated trip times based TRANSPORTATION applications Transportation telematics
on the current traffic situation and the information gener-
ated on variable speed limit signs and via the Internet [28].
Fig. 3 presents an example of cooperation between ITS
and variable speed limit signs during management of road Methods for controlling and
Telematics managing transportation
traffic on expressways. systems and networks

Communication Information
technologies technologies

Fig. 4. Components of Intelligent Transportation Systems

In cities, a very important role is played by traffic engi-

neering, especially the management of traffic lights. Appro-
priate coordination and management improves the flow of
traffic (Fig. 1), and can also become an element of integrat-
ed systems for transportation management, supporting or
working with telematic systems.
The aim of telematic solutions is to automatically obtain,
process and properly interpret information, and transmit data
Fig. 3. An example of using intelligent transportation in an efficient and cost-effective way, all in real time. The var-
systems for road traffic management through information on ious types of devices and tasks can consist of different systems
variable speed limit signs and sub-systems connected in a network covering the area of
a city, region or country. Such solutions are possible thanks
Intelligent transportation systems work with systems to the use of appropriate devices (inductive loops, video
for automatic detection of accidents using various detection cameras) that are connected with controllers and computers
algorithms and with traffic meters installed at entrances in to enable a more effective use of road infrastructure. The
order to increase road capacity. sub-systems that use ITS are presented in Fig. 5.


6. Intelligent transportation systems and their role in
road traffic management

Intelligent transportation systems (ITS) refer to infor- urban traffic management

mation and communication systems that are designed to
provide services connected with various types of transpor- public transport management
tation and traffic management, make it possible to provide
users with information and ensure a safe and coordinated
use of transportation networks. The scope of application of incidents management
intelligent transportation systems includes [29]:
– road traffic management systems;
making traffic information available to travellers
– public transport management systems;
– systems for management of the transportation of cargo
and a fleet of vehicles;
management of systems for road and transport
– systems for management of road incidents and rescue services use payments
– systems for managing traffic safety and monitoring the Fig. 5. Sub-systems that use ITS
violation of regulations.
Intelligent transportation systems use a number of The term Intelligent Transportation Systems refers to
information and communication technologies such as: the systems that cover a wide range of various technologies
Internet, mobile networks (GSM), traffic monitoring de- (telecommunications, IT, automatic and measurement tech-
vices (sensors, detectors, controllers, video detectors), TV nologies) and management techniques used in transporta-
surveillance equipment (surveillance cameras), weather tion to protect the life of traffic participants, increase the
monitoring and measurement devices and systems, variable effectiveness of a transportation system and protect the
message signs, satellite navigation systems (GPS), radio resources of the natural environment [31]. These systems
communication systems (DAB, RDS-TMC), geographical are also designed to provide services connected with the
databases (GIS) and road databases and electronic cards different transport modes and road traffic management,
[30]. Mutual relations and links between the different ar- to effectively inform users and ensure a safer, coordinated
eas of transportation management and ITS are presented and intelligent use of transport networks [32]. Among the
in Fig. 4. characteristics of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS),

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/3 ( 98 ) 2019

it is worth highlighting: integration of technol- Table 1

ogies, tools and software to ensure an efficient Division of Intelligent Transportation Systems
information flow, the system’s ability to take
independent decisions in different situations, ITS category Service Nr Service name
flexibility and hight adaptability – ability to 1 Pre-trip information
create configurations depending on the needs –
2 On-trip information
and effectiveness understood as universality of Traveler information
benefits. 3 On-trip public transport
The characteristics of ITS show that such 4 Route Guidance and Navigation
systems can be a solution to transportation 5 Transportation planning support
problems in cities and thus successfully support 6 Traffic control
the concepts of urban logistics. Traffic management
7 Incident management
Each subsystem of an ITS system has
specific requirements regarding communi- 8 Policing, enforcing traffic regulations
cation channels, which have to match the 9 Vision enhancement
needs of a specific sub-system, its topology, 10 Automated vehicle operation
users, taking into account the costs of both Vehicle
11 Longitudinal collision avoidance
the construction and use of the system. Of
12 Safety readiness
importance are also connections that impact
13 Emergency notification and personal security
financial settlements between road traffic
participants, administration and road owners. Emergency 14 Emergency vehicle management
The key element of these systems is informa- 15 Hazardous Materials and incident notification
tion distributed by various types of commu- 16 Public travel safety
nication means. Due to the use of telecom- Safety
17 Intelligent junctions
munications and IT devices, these systems
are in fact communication and information
systems. Therefore, an important issue is information se- 7. Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in terms of
curity of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) [33]. road traffic management
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are created
by implementing various interoperating telematic solutions The variety of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)
supported by appropriate, dedicated applications. Elements and their uses determines road traffic management in vari-
comprising Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are ous ways. In urban areas, characterised by high density of
presented in Fig. 6. road infrastructure, solving the issues of road traffic man-
agement through infrastructure development is the least
Intelligent Transportation effective approach. The effects will be much more visible in
Transportation Telematics non-urban areas. Intelligent Transportation Systems work
Systems (ITS) very well, among other things, in: traffic management on
expressways, the functioning of public transport, etc. Intel-
ligent Transportation Systems can also be used to improve
Methods for controlling and information exchange among drivers, carriers and logistics
Telematics managing transportation
systems and networks centres [35, 36].
The benefits of using Intelligent Transportation Systems
Fig. 6. Elements of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) in terms of road traffic management [37]:
(source: own study) – Increasing the capacity of roads by 20–25 %;
– Improving the safety of road traffic (reduction of the
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) constitute a number of accidents by 40–80 %);
wide range of various tools based on information technology, – Reduction of travel times and energy consumption (by
wireless communication and vehicle electronics. Telematic 45–70 %);
technologies are located in elements of transportation in- – Improvement of the quality of the natural environment
frastructure and vehicles. The main aim of such activities is (reduction of exhaust emission by 30–50 %);
to manage road traffic in terms of management of vehicles, – Improvement of the comfort of travelling and traffic
cargo and routes for improvement of safety, reduction of conditions for drivers, public transport users and pedes-
congestions, shortening of travel times and reduction of fuel trians;
consumption. The scope of the use of intelligent transporta- – Reduction of the costs of fleet vehicle management;
tion systems is presented in Table 1. – Reduction of the costs connected with maintenance
Intelligent solutions in road traffic management deter- and renovation of road surfaces;
mine the architecture of Intelligent Transportation System – Increasing economic benefits in a region.
(ITS), i. e. a range of (logical, physical and communica- In order to successfully achieve the above-listed objec-
tion) links among the elements of systems established by tives, the process of road traffic management should be based
Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) to create scalable on access to data that arrives automatically and at a proper
solutions [34]. Very often, different architectures do not time interval. Some data has to be available in real time
indicate specific technologies, thus becoming open systems (e. g. alerts, emergency connections, images from cameras).
and increasing competitiveness of implemented solutions. Other data may arrive with little delays.

Control processes

8. Neural networks in the aspect of road traffic In the prediction module, a neural network was used to
management forecast traffic volume, with the following assumptions [41]:
– measurements of traffic volume parameters at regular
The different attributes of neural networks allow them intervals constitute a time sequence;
to be used in various elements and modules of an intelli- – if the values in such a sequence change cyclically, we
gent system for road traffic management. Thanks to the can, based on that, predict the value that has not been yet
function of classification and recognition, a network learns measured at a given moment;
the basic characteristics of presented patterns, and on – time window is historical data that can be used to pre-
this basis makes the right classification decision. Through dict another value of the sequence;
approximation, a network can act as an approximator of – short-term prediction usually refers to one or two val-
a multivariable function, and association enables a network ues forward;
[38] to remember a set of patterns in such a way that after – long-term prediction covers longer measurement pe-
being presented with a new pattern it will respond by in- riods.
dicating the pattern it remembers that is most similar to
the new one. Data grouping, in turn, allows a network [39] Detectors Parking Camera Data from Environ- Police,
to automatically discover similarities in processed data, and video system network roads and ment and ambulance,
detectors detectors bridges weather accidents
whereas prediction enables forecasting of future executions
authority monitoring and other
or statistical characteristics of a stochastic process. The ap- traffic
propriate neural network architecture is also characterised disruptions
by low sensitivity to errors in a data set; while in a classical
computer programme a data error may lead to completely
wrong results, a neural network can ignore such an error. A Road Module for
traffic Road traffic prediction of
neural network’s ability to work effectively after suffering control in a management road traffic
a partial damage, e. g. removal of a few neurons or links junctions centre parameters
among them, also makes it suitable for use in road traffic network
management systems.
The characteristic of neural networks that is most often
used in road traffic management systems is its ability to pre- Traffic Public
Informati Informa- In- Radio,
dict various traffic parameters, such as capacity, traffic vol- lights transport on about tion vehicle the
control manage- parking points at naviga- Internet,
ume and queue length, based on historical data. I generation ment and
places for entry tion GPS
road traffic management systems use a set of control plans control vehicles points systems
with parameters set off-line based on a given time of the day,
taking into account a constant cycle length. II generation Fig. 7. Diagram of a road traffic management system
road traffic management systems have an online optimisa-
tion procedure which uses predicted values of traffic volume The idea of the proposed data prediction using a time
5–10 minutes prior to inputting the calculated control plan. window and a neural network is presented in Fig. 8.
III generation road traffic management systems enable
online optimisation based on the prediction of traffic volume
registered 3–6 minutes prior to the selection of a control
plan, taking into account a variable cycle length, whereas
IV generation road traffic management systems adapt man- 0.5

agement plans to the current traffic volume rather than to Volume 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time
predicted values, or to values predicted within the interval -0.5
of several seconds.
An example can be road traffic management systems
that predict the length of vehicle queues at the next junc- -1.5

tion using traffic intensity profiles taking into account time

losses and vehicles stops, updated every few seconds. Queue Fig. 8. Time window – input of neural network
lengths are minimised by changing splits, offsets and cycle
lengths. A neural network will make it possible to obtain a fast
In three-level, adaptive road traffic management sys- short-term prediction, up to 5 seconds, which has a sig-
tems, the key to the optimisation process is accurate esti- nificant impact on road traffic management. It has been
mation and prediction of traffic flows using three types of assumed that traffic volume in the location examined on
detectors. A master unit is responsible for monitoring, diag- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday will be similar.
nostics and supervision of the optimisation of the junction On Saturday, due to people going shopping to supermarkets,
network covered by a system. At a lower level is a master traffic volume will be different than on Sunday. Observa-
controller. At the lowest level is a local controller. tions also show that on Friday, due to people going away
for weekends, traffic volume is distributed differently than
on the other weekdays. Therefore, four neural networks: for
9. Road traffic management system presented as a model Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Friday, have been proposed.
Daily cycles were divided into 60-second time windows with
A model of a modern road traffic management system a 5-second step, which gives 12 values in total. The training
with the proposed prediction module that uses a neural net- sequence will consist of 1440(24×60) time windows, each
work is presented in Fig. 7. with 12 values.

Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies ISSN 1729-3774 2/3 ( 98 ) 2019

10. Discussion of results of research of traffic a human being exerts over the systems they create, which in
management systems using Intelligent Transport Systems the area addressed in this paper is manifested in ITS’s low
and neural networks tolerance to disruption, considered to be the major disad-
vantage of such systems. An increase in this control, with-
The interpretation and discussion of the obtained re- out the need for a human being to be engaged in each case,
sults makes it possible to draw conclusions and propose as well as an increase in the control over the complexity of
solutions in the area of contemporary issues – analysis of systems, without the loss of their functionality, leads to the
intelligent transportation systems that use neural networks phenomenon of intelligent transportation systems that use
with respect to the recommended model of road traffic neural networks. A promising path in this regard is to take
management. With a view to further research, the most advantage of the natural paradox of constructing reliable
advanced information technologies were characterised systems from unreliable elements. The above-presented
and classified, which revealed some of their shortcomings model of road traffic management does not diminish the
and limitations, especially in terms of basic methodolog- importance of partial, universal solutions. An example of
ical problems of designing such technologies in the area that is simulation using ITS based on neural networks that
of planning, control and management. The new prospects can communicate within heterogeneous networks.
and advantages offered by the research concentrate around
qualitative methods for supporting design decision-making
in the area of management, and possibilities of using neural 11. Conclusions
networks in flexible intelligent transportation systems. De-
signing flexible intelligent transportation systems attracts In the research, the variety of applications of intelligent
continuous interest and currently constitutes one of basic transport systems in the fulfillment of tasks at the level of
directions of research that is of fundamental importance in traffic management were indicated. Researchers found the
the study of engineering and transportation management. application of this system for autonomous vehicles [42].
The research, though limited, shows that the possibility Good compliance of the measurements made with reality
of road traffic management largely depends on the level of was achieved, and the presented errors are so small that such
undertaken activity involving the use of neural networks. a solution can be included as an algorithm that can be used
As the above-presented research results, so different from in measurements. The study points to qualitative research
those obtained by other researchers, show, this requires indicators:
overcoming quantitative limitations. The need to change 1. Efficiency of applied solutions within the framework
the paradigm of perception refers to the design, function- of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) results in taking sys-
ing and management of road traffic using neural networks. tem actions aiming at the development of Intelligent Trans-
This statement takes on a new importance during the shift port Systems. The implementation of Intelligent Transport
from the extensive to the intensive phase of economic glo- Systems modules is a solution and a useful instrument for
balisation. The extensive phase is characterised, among measuring traffic volume, controlling related processes, dis-
other things, by a simple migration of individual data. covering optimal potentials and internal and external road
However, it can be assumed that in the long run more communication.
competitive will be those systems in which innovative tech- 2. Intelligent transportation systems refer to a wide
niques of road traffic management have been implemented, range of various technologies that involve communication,
thus allowing, among other things, the existing road infra- information, automatic and measuring solutions and man-
structure to be used. Such an approach is a characteristic agement techniques which are used in transportation to pro-
of intensive globalisation, which in the future will prevail tect the life of traffic participants, increase the effectiveness
over the present one, as the extensive growth possibilities of and efficiency of the transportation system and protect the
the existing systems will be exhausted. Thus, this situation natural environment.
imposes new requirements on the forms of flexible intel- 3. The neural network makes it possible to obtain re-
ligent transportation systems, which are one of the tools sults for short-term prediction. Therefore, it can be used in
for increasing the potential of neural networks. Therefore, traffic management systems, which require the inclusion of
efforts should be taken to create new forms of prospective an unprecedented parameter for the optimization process,
directions of road traffic management in line with the evo- e.g. in the form of intensity or length of the queue. Intel-
lutionary progress in the area of fully automated ITS. With ligent transport systems and neural networks are used in
the complexity of these systems growing dynamically, con- forecasting traffic conditions, and decision-makers can use
ventional technologies can no longer meet the requirements the model proposed by the authors to solve traffic manage-
of modern civilisation. This leads to decreased control that ment issues.


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