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Hungarian, Sumerian and Egyptian.

Hungarian, Sumerian and Hebrew.




Mikes International
The Hague, Holland

Two Addenda to ’Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian’ (EDH)

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ISSN 1570-0070 ISBN-13: 978-90-8501-105-7 NUR 616

© Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007, All Rights Reserved

© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - II -
Two Addenda to ’Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian’ (EDH)


On January 22 we published the ‘Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian (EDH)’ electronically written by

Professor Alfréd Tóth. Present volume, entitled ‘Hungarian, Sumerian and Egyptian. — Hungarian,
Sumerian and Hebrew. Two Addenda to Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian (EDH)’ follows and completes
that work.

The Hague (Holland), February 5, 2007


© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - III -
Two Addenda to ’Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian’ (EDH)


Publisher’s preface........................................................................................................... III

HUNGARIAN, SUMERIAN AND EGYPTIAN...........................................................1
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2
2. Hungarian-Sumerian-Egyptian Etymologies ........................................................................ 4
3. Conclusions .......................................................................................................................... 59
4. Bibliography ..........................................................................................................................61
HUNGARIAN, SUMERIAN AND HEBREW ............................................................62
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 63
2. Hungarian-Sumerian-Hebrew Etymologies........................................................................ 64
3. Conclusions .........................................................................................................................107
4. Bibliography ........................................................................................................................108
About the author ............................................................................................................109

© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - IV -



© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -1-

1. Introduction

In the most recent Sumerian Grammar (Edzard 2003), Dietz Otto Edzard deals on less than one page
with the possible relationship between Sumerian and other languages under the title “The (hopeless)
question of the linguistic affiliation of Sumerian”, thus proving to be biased from the beginning.
Superfluous to say that he does not even mention the very well known Sumerian-Hungarian language
comparisons that started already in the 19th century (cf. Érdy 1974).
According to Edzard, there are two reasons, why “the problem is practically insoluble”: 1. “Sumerian
must have separated from a hypothetical language family of which it was part in the middle or late
fourth millennium B.C. at the latest. We know next to nothing about the sound and structure of
Sumerian before the middle of the third millennium. Thus there is a gap of at least two thousand years
between that time and the oldest reconstructible form of any languages which have been compared to
Sumerian” (2003, p. 2). – Here is to say that the time difference between Vedic (testified since about
1500 B.C.) and Albanian (testified since about 1500 A.D.) is around 3000 years, thus one millennium
more than between Sumerian and the oldest reconstructible form of an other language. Therefore,
according to Edzard, it would not have been possible to prove that both Vedic and Albanian belong to
the Indo-European language family. However, this is internationally accepted by all linguists.
Edzard’s other objection against the comparison of Sumerian and any other language is: 2. “Efforts to
find cognates have been exclusively based on the sounds of individual words” (2003, p. 2.). – Here is to
say that this is simply not true, because even the kling-klang etymologists always considered the
semantic similarities between words, too. Moreover, the comparison of words – consisting of sounds
and semantics – is exactly the method how the Indo-European language family has been established.
But not enough with that: Proto-Indo-European is a reconstruction that never existed as a language,
while Sumerian was once a living and not an artificial language. Moreover, there is to underline that the
comparison of two non-artificial languages like Sumerian and Hungarian is methodically acceptable,
while the comparison of a couple of languages with an artificial language like Proto-Indo-European is
unscientific, because Proto-Indo-European was first reconstructed from the alleged Indo-European
languages and then the affiliation of this languages to a hypothetical Indo-European language family
was “proved” by comparing them to the reconstructed Proto-language – this is thus logically circular
and methodically unacceptable.
In this contribution I show the linguistic relationship between Hungarian, Sumerian, and Egyptian. The
method that I use is historical linguistics, but I will follow the same strategy that I have already
established in EDH (Tóth 2007): There I took the Sumerian-Hungarian dictionary of Gostony (1975),
revised it by correcting mistakes and updating this standard work to the newest results of Sumerology.
The result were 1042 safe Sumerian-Hungarian cognates that I compared after with words of other
languages that had been compared to Hungarian by other authors already before. Therefore, I always
compared at least the cognates of 3 and not only 2 languages with one another, hence excluding the
danger of mistaken etymologies as much as it is possible in diachronic linguistics. Mathematically
speaking, the fact that only two languages have 1042 common safe cognates excludes the chance, but
the other fact that I was able to show remarkable numbers of cognates in 17 language families
comprising several dozens of languages excludes any doubts of the genetic affiliations of the languages
Hungarian and Egyptian were compared to one another relatively late – first by the Hungarian historian
Tibor Baráth (Baráth 1968-74; Baráth 1973; Baráth 1988; Baráth s.a.), but according to Lajos Bíró, “Th.
Glock 1916-ban azt írta, hogy a magyar nép az egyiptomi-főníciai kultúrkörből ered” (Bíró s.a.). In
1935/36, the Finn hobby-researcher Sigurd Wettenhovi-Aspa published his “capital work” about the
alleged Fenno-Egyptian cultural origin of the whole Old World, claiming amongst other things that
there is no Indo-European language family and trying to “prove” his theory by giving such “word
© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -2-

equations” like English (!) pyramid = Finn pyhät raamit “holy frame”. By another “equation”:
Bonaparte = Finn Punaparta = “Redbeard” he proved that he is unable to differentiate between nouns
and names, that he does not know that certain words are borrowings and that he does not know Latin.
That he did not even know the parts of speech, he proved with his “equations” German “der (masc.
article)” (English “the”) = Finn terä = phallus, penis, and German “die (fem. article)” = Finn tissi =
“tits, bosom”. Attempts like this damaged the comparison of any member of the so-called Finno-Ugric
language family – and thus traditionally also Hungarian – with Egyptian enormously.
It was only by chance that I learned in the fall of 2006 about a to me hitherto unknown publication by
the Finn linguist Helmi Poukka: “Unkarin ja Egyptin sanojen vertailua” (Poukka 1979). My extensive
researches showed that this booklet is only in one library of the world – according to “WorldCat”: in
Kent State University Library in the U.S. But since American copyright law did not allow me to get a
copy of this book and since the rules of this University Library did not allow me either to borrow this
book, because it is a typewriter manuscript (that was given to Kent by István Erdély), I had no chance
to use it for EDH (Tóth 2007). That I finally got a photocopy of this booklet, that contains 9461
common Egyptian-Hungarian etymologies, I owe to the generosity of PD Dr. Johannes Reckel of
Göttingen University. Since the American copyright law does not apply for borrowings outside of the
US, Dr. Reckel was able to get a copy of Poukka’s remarkable work and could send it to me – back to
the US.
Poukka follows the transcription of Erman and Grapow (1961). For technical reasons, I had to replace
h with a dot underneath by ħ and h with a semicircle underneath by h, the one example where dotted w
appears, I had to use underlining.

1 The numbering of the cognates in Poukka’s works jumps from no. 845 to 946, thus the nos. 946ss. should be read as
846ss., so that the booklet does not contain 1046 cognates, as indicated, but “only” 946. This fact is taken into consideration
in our present study.

© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -3-

2. Hungarian-Sumerian-Egyptian Etymologies
1 adni “to give”
ŠL 183; MSL III 202, 291; Gost. 305; Poukka, No. 2
Sum. ag, ang
Egypt. rdj “to give”

2 ág “branch”
ŠL 334; Gost. 124; Poukka, No. 3
Sum. á
Egypt. chmw “little branches (?)”

3 ágy “bed”
ŠL 97/8, 12; Gost. 796; Poukka, No. 6
Sum. aka
Egypt. ħnkj “bed”

4 akarni “to want”

ŠL 97; MSL III 291; Gost. 304, 433a, 685; Poukka, No. 11
Sum. ag, aka
Egypt. k3j “to think, to want”

5 akol “fence for sheep”

Gost. 716; Poukka, No. 12
Sum. udul, utul
Egypt. jħw “fence for horses”

6 alak “form”
ŠL 358/3, 4; Gost. 604; Poukka, No. 18
Sum. alam, alan
Egypt. crq “to complete”

7 alkotni “to form, to build”

ŠL 358/3, 4; Gost. 604; Poukka, No. 19
Sum. alam, alan
Egypt. ħnt “business”

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8 állni “to stand”

ŠL 80; MSL III 176; Gost. 332, 874; Poukka, No. 20
Sum. gal, al
Egypt. cħc “to get up, to stand”

9 álom “sleep; dream”

ŠL 358/3, 4; Gost. 472, 604; Poukka, No. 22
Sum. a-a-lum, alam, alan
Egypt. nmc “to sleep”

10 aludni, alszik, aluv- “to sleep”

ŠL 358/3, 4; Gost. 604; Poukka, No. 22
Sum. alam, alan
Egypt. nmc “to sleep”

11 anya “mother”
Gost. 436; Poukka, Nos. 25
Sum. ama
Egypt. mnct “nurse”

12 apró “small”, aprólék “small parts of meat”, aprólékos “meticulous”, apróság “trifle”
ŠL 437; MSL III 155; Gost. 751; Poukka, No. 27
Sum. amar
Egypt. šrj “to be small”

13 ár “flood”
ŠL 579; Gost. 37, 141; Poukka, No. 29
Sum. a, a-ma-ru
Egypt. w3h “to be flooded”

14 aratni “to harvest”

ŠL 594/2; 56, 5; MSL III 269, 270; Gost. 397, 802, 803; Poukka, No. 31
Sum. ur4, uru
Egypt. cw3j “to harvest”

© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 -5-

15 ásni “to dig”, ásó “spade”

Gost. 639; Poukka, No. 35
Sum. al-zu
Egypt. šd “to dig”

16 asszony “woman”
ŠL 80; MSL III 176; Gost. 332, 457; Poukka, No. 36
Sum. gal, gašan
Egypt. ħmt “woman, wife”

17 átkozni “to curse”, átok “curse”

ŠL 339; Gost. 17; Poukka, No. 40
Sum. aš-tug
Egypt. cnh “oath”, crq “to swear”

18 atya “father”
Gost. 435; Poukka, No. 41
Sum. ad, ad-da
Egypt. jt “father”

19 báj “charme”
ŠL 461; Gost. 34; Poukka, No. 47
Sum. ba
Egypt. bj3w “miraculous things”

20 bal “left”, balog “left-handed””

ŠL 9; 352a; MSL III 79/1; Gost. ad 288, 588; Poukka, No. 50
Sum. bal, ba
Egypt. j3bj “left, the left side”

21 bánya “mine”
Gost. 664; Poukka, No. 54
Sum. ma-na
Egypt. bj3 “mine”

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22 bárány “lamb”
ŠL 74/345; Gost. 650; Poukka, No. 56
Sum. udu-bar-rin-na
Egypt. b3 “little buck (ram)”

23 beszélni “to speak”, beszéd “speech”

ŠL 214/16, 31; Gost. 300; Poukka, No. 64
Sum. be
Egypt. pħ “to ask, consult s.o.”

24 bika “bull”
ŠL 421/3, 6; Gost. 737; Poukka, No. 68
Sum. alim
Egypt. ħp “bull of Apis”

25 birka, birge, bürge “sheep”

Gost. 653; Poukka, No. 56
Sum. bargal
Egypt. b3 “little buck (ram)”

26 bírni “to possess; to stand; to be able to”, bíró “judge”, bírság “fine”, birtok “property”
ŠL 11/2, 7; Gost. 495; Poukka, No. 69
Sum. bur
Egypt. b3 “to be powerful”

27 bocsá(j)tani, old buls- “to let”

ŠL 11/4; Gost. 367; Poukka, No. 72
Sum. bur, bul
Egypt. bz “to introduce”

28 boldog, bódog “happy”

Gost. 132; Poukka, No. 75
Sum. ba-dug(-ga)
Egypt. mcr “to be happy”

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29 bor “wine”
ŠL 349/1, 2, 4; 349; Gost. 574, 711; Poukka, No. 78
Sum. bur
Egypt. jrp “wine”

30 borjú “calf”
Gost. 649; Poukka, No. 79
Sum. buru
Egypt. j3wt “cattle”

31 bőr “skin”, bőrönd “suitcase”

ŠL 74/58, 105; Gost. 205a, 206; Poukka, No. 86
Sum. bar, bár
Egypt. 3bwt “the outside of”

32 bú “grief, sorrow”, bús “sad”

ŠL 230/15, 16; Gost. 819; Poukka, No. 89
Sum. du
Egypt. mħ “to care”

33 csacsi “fool”
ŠL 208; Gost. 752; Poukka, No. 99
Sum. anše
Egypt. c3 “donkey”

34 csapni “to catch”

ŠL 68/13; Gost. 273; Poukka, No. 104
Sum. šub
Egypt. hbhb “to destroy enemies”

35 csata “battle”, csatolni “to tie up”

ŠL 549; Gost. 593; Poukka, No. 107
Sum. šudul, šudun
Egypt. cdt “massacre”

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36 csekély “scarse”
ŠL 595; Gost. 545; Poukka, No. 109
Sum. gin
Egypt. cnd “few, scarse”

37 csepp “drop”, csepegni “to drop”

Gost. 659; Poukka, No. 110
Sum. še x
Egypt. ħwt “rain, flood”

38 csillag “star”, csillogni “to shine”

ŠL 381, 393; 231; 126/58; Gost. 91, 359, 360, 370; Poukka, No. 113s.
Sum. zalag, zal, zil(-la)
Egypt. hc “to rise (stars)”, j3hw “shine; to shine”

39 csín “elegance”
ŠL 440; 468; Gost. 303, 573; Poukka, No. 115
Sum. dim, kug-dim
Egypt. cn, cjn “to be beautiful”

40 csinos “pretty”
ŠL 8; Gost. 160; Poukka, No. 115
Sum. šen
Egypt. cn, cjn “to be beautiful”

41 csomó “knot”
ŠL 126; 555/8; 319; Gost. 356, 609; Poukka, No. 119
Sum. šum, zum
Egypt. zm3w “assembly, mixture”

42 cső “pipe”
Gost. 612; Poukka, No. 123
Sum. ...te
Egypt. jzw “reed”

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43 csurogni “to run, to flow”, csurranni “to flow slowly”

ŠL 101, 7; 491; Gost. 308, 368; Poukka, No. 122
Sum. šur, zar
Egypt. 3s “to hurry”

44 csüngeni “to depend”

ŠL 93/2; Gost. 795; Poukka, No. 126
Sum. šinig
Egypt. chj “to hang up”

45 dagadni “to swell”, daganat “tumor”

Gost. 173; Poukka, No. 131
Sum. dugud
Egypt. dd3 “fat; fat, grease”

46 dal “song”, old dalu, dalolni “to sing”

ŠL 211; MSL III 323; Gost. 108, 517; Poukka, No. 132
Sum. tal, gala
Egypt. drt “lamenting woman”

47 dél, delet “midday; south”

ŠL 74x; MSL 57/5; Gost. 62, 102; Poukka, No. 135
Sum. dal-la, dal, da-al
Egypt. rs “south”

48 derék “waist”
ŠL 123; Gost. 419; Poukka, No. 138
Sum. dirig
Egypt. qj “figure”

49 derű “sunshine”
ŠL 536; Gost. 182; Poukka, No. 139
Sum. duru
Egypt. dw3 “to be morning”

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50 deszka “board”
ŠL 86; 335; Gost. 617, 618; Poukka, No. 140
Sum. gi-dal, giš-da
Egypt. wdħw “napkin”

51 dicsérni, dücsérni “to praise”, dicséret “praise”

LM 480; ŠL 15; 338; Gost. 23, 295, 342; Poukka, No. 141
Sum. d-DIŠ, dug4, de
Egypt. wtz “to utter; to glorify”

52 díj “salary; taxe”

Gost. 485; Poukka, No. 143
Sum. di
Egypt. jwc “to inherit; to give as a gift”

53 dísz “decoration”
LM 480; Gost. 23; Poukka, No. 144
Sum. d-DIŠ
Egypt. sd “to dress, to decorate”

54 disznó “pig”
ŠL 467; Gost. 715; Poukka, No. 145
Sum. dun(-a)
Egypt. cnht “small cattle (?), goat”

55 dobni “to throw”

ŠL 138; Gost. 340; Poukka, No. 146
Sum. dub
Egypt. wdj “to throw”

56 dolog “thing”, dolgozni “to work”

ŠL 278/3-5; MSL III 125/321; Gost. 130; Poukka, No. 148
Sum. galga
Egypt. whd “suffering, hurting”

© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 11 -

57 domb “hill”, domború “vaulted”

ŠL 459; 400/2, 3; Gost. 61a, 228, 262; Poukka, No. 149
Sum. du6, dubur, du6, dul
Egypt. dw “mountain”

58 dőlni, dűlni “to fall”

ŠL 89/2, 3, 8; 595/19; Gost. 262, 372, 623; Poukka, No. 150
Sum. du6, dul, tun, tu10, dun, tun
Egypt. dndn “to storm against s.o. or”

59 dönteni “to turn upside down; to decide”

ŠL 89/2, 3, 8; 595/19; Gost. 372, 623; Poukka, No. 151
Sum. tun, tu10, dun, tun
Egypt. dnd “to storm against, to rage at”

60 dús “rich”
ŠL 230/15, 16; Gost. 819; Poukka, No. 153
Sum. du
Egypt. cd “to be in good shape”

61 düh “rage”, dühös “furious”

ŠL 138/14; Gost. 234; Poukka, No. 154
Sum. dih
Egypt. hcr “to rage”

62 dűlő “slope”
ŠL 459; Gost. 61a, 262; Poukka, No. 150
Sum. du6, dul
Egypt. dndn “to storm against”

63 edény “pot”
ŠL 143; 168/8; Gost. 536, 670; Poukka, No. 156
Sum. dug-udul4, edin
Egypt. dnjt “basket”

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64 ég “heaven, sky”
ŠL 324; 381; 257; 251i; Gost. 8, 330; Poukka, No. 159
Sum. é, e8
Egypt. šnc “thunderstorm”

65 égni “to burn”

MSL III 202, 291; 381; 257; 251i; Gost. 305, 330; Poukka, No. 158
Sum. ag, ang, e8
Egypt. nwh “to burn, to warm up”

66 egy, old ig “1”, egyenes “straight”, egyed “individual”, egyetem “university”

ŠL 85; Gost. 181, 823; Poukka, No. 161
Sum. gi-na, dil
Egypt. wc “1”

67 éj “night”
ŠL 427; Gost. 49; Poukka, No. 163
Sum. gig, ge6
Egypt. wh “evening, night”

68 ejteni “to drop”

ŠL 461; 308; Gost. 5, 188, 189, 429; Poukka, No. 164
Sum. ešemen, e
Egypt. stj “to sow”, stj “to throw”

69 ék “wedge”, ékjel, ékszer “jewels”

ŠL 183; MSL III 202, 291; ŠL 80; 347; Gost. 305, 561, 562, 600; Poukka, No. 166
Sum. ag, ang, ig, ek, igi-gal, aga
Egypt. hkr “jewels”

70 eke “plow”
ŠL 97/8, 12; Gost. 697, 796; Poukka, No. 165
Sum. iku, aka
Egypt. sk3 “to plough”

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71 elég “enough”
MSL VI 59/99; Gost. 197; Poukka, No. 169
Sum. egir
Egypt. nqsqs “to be overfull”

72 eme “female”
Gost. 208; Poukka, No. 174
Sum. en-bar
Egypt. mwt “mother”

73 emelni “to lift”

ŠL 433; Gost. 164, 401; Poukka, No. 176
Sum. nim
Egypt. mnw “monument”

74 én “I”
ŠL 233; Gost. 811; Poukka, No. 178
Sum. ĝa-e
Egypt. jnk “I”

75 ének “song”, énekelni “to sing”

ŠL 546/2; Gost. 16; Poukka, No. 179
Sum. en-ag
Egypt. hnwt “musician (fem.), dancer (fem.)”

76 engedni “to let, to allow”

ŠL 183; MSL III 202, 291; Gost. 305; Poukka, No. 180
Sum. ag, ang
Egypt. nc “to be merciful”

77 építeni “to build”, épülni “to get built”

ŠL 324; Gost. 8; Poukka, No. 183
Sum. é
Egypt. 3tp “to load”

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78 eredni “to arise”, eredet “origin”

ŠL 185; Gost. 237; Poukka, No. 185
Sum. ur7, ur6
Egypt. wd3 “to move, to go”

79 érezni “to feel”

ŠL 579; 56/5; Gost. 329, 802; Poukka, No. 190
Sum. er, uru
Egypt. sj3 “to recognize”

80 érkezni “to arrive”

ŠL 232/4; Gost. 314; Poukka, No. 191
Sum. ir
Egypt. s3ħ “to approach”

81 erkölcs, old erkőcs “moral”

Gost. 501; Poukka, No. 192
Sum. arhuš
Egypt. crq “to be reasonable”

82 erő “strength, force”

ŠL 50; 56, 5; Gost. 493, 802; Poukka, No. 193
Sum. er, eri, erum, uru
Egypt. wsr “to be strong”

83 érték “worth”
ŠL 50; Gost. 493; Poukka, No. 194
Sum. er, eri, erum
Egypt. tr “to respect, to honor”

84 eskű, esküv- “oath”, esküdni “to swear”

ŠL 452; Gost. 104; Poukka, No. 197
Sum. izkim
Egypt. sksk “to destroy”

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85 esni “to fall”, esemény “event”, eső “rain”

ŠL 461; 308; Gost. 5, 188, 429; Poukka, No. 196, 198
Sum. ešemen, e
Egypt. skj “to go down”, šnjt “rain”

86 ész, eszet “reason”, eszme “idea”, eszmélni “to reflect”

ŠL 536/26, 48; Gost. 110, 111; Poukka, No. 200
Sum. uš4, umuš
Egypt. s33 “reasonable, wise”

87 eszköz “tool”
ŠL 296; Gost. 787; Poukka, No. 203
Sum. isu
Egypt. zħ “advice, plan”

88 ezer “1000”
Gost. 885; Poukka, No. 206
Sum. eš
Egypt. h3 “1000”

89 falu “village”
ŠL 38/2; Gost. 682; Poukka, No. 213
Sum. alum (Akk.)
Egypt. zww (zw3w?) “area”

90 far “ass”
ŠL 74/58, 86, 105; Gost. 205a; Poukka, No. 214
Sum. bar
Egypt. prt “semen; descendants”

91 faragni “to carve”, faragó “carver”

ŠL 349/65; Gost. 575; Poukka, No. 216
Sum. bur-gul
Egypt. wh3 “column, pillar”

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92 fehér, fejér “white”

ŠL 181; 468; Gost. 155, 572; Poukka, No. 221
Sum. babbar, ku-babbar
Egypt. b3q “to be bright, to be clear”

93 fejsze “axe”
Gost. 637; Poukka, No. 224
Sum. pašu
Egypt. zf “knife, sword”

94 fél (felet) “half”, felezni “to divide in half”

ŠL 589/27; 74/58, 105; 2/4, 12, 13; MSL V 10, 20; Gost. 67, 205a, 382, 384, 631, 862; Poukka,
No. 226
Sum. ha-la, bar, ba, hal, ba-ra
Egypt. psšt “half, division”

95 félni “to be afraid”, félelem “fear”

ŠL 78; Gost. 892; Poukka, No. 227
Sum. hu-luh-ha
Egypt. k3p “to hide”

96 figyelni “to watch out”

ŠL 449; Gost. 217; Poukka, No. 239
Sum. igi
Egypt. hf “to see, to watch”

97 fiú “son; boy”

ŠL 144/37; MSL V 305; Gost. 456; Poukka, No. 240
Sum. ibila
Egypt. sfj “child, boy”

98 fogni “to seize”, fogadni “to receive”, foganni “to be expecting a baby”
ŠL 450; 78/3; 412; Gost. 364, 365, 381; Poukka, No. 243
Sum. pad, pag, ugu, ugun
Egypt. hfc “to seize, to catch”

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99 fogyni “to diminish”

ŠL 69; 152/8; Gost. 363, 403; Poukka, No. 244
Sum. bad bis, ug9
Egypt. hbj “to diminish, to subtract”

100 főni, főlni “to cook (v/i)”, főzni “to cook (v/t)”
ŠL 172; Gost. 350; Poukka, No. 253
Sum. bil
Egypt. fsj “to cook”

101 fújni “to blow”; fúvatni “to blow, to blow out”

ŠL 371; LM 515; Gost. 339; Poukka, No. 254
Sum. bu, bu5
Egypt. wf3 “to speak, to utter”

102 fű (fűvet) “grass”

ŠL 318; MSL III 69/13; Gost. 698; Poukka, No. 257
Sum. u
Egypt. rnpwt “fresh plants”

103 fűlni “to be heated”, fűteni “to heat”

ŠL 172; Gost. 350; Poukka, No. 261
Sum. bil
Egypt. d3f “to burn”

104 fűzni “to fix”, füzet “exercise book”

ŠL 318/28; Gost. 502; Poukka, No. 262
Sum. u-zug
Egypt. spj “to bind together a ship”

105 gabona “grain”

Gost. 696; Poukka, No. 263
Sum. gan-ba
Egypt. gb “the Earth God”

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106 gége “throat”

ŠL 106; Gost. 240; Poukka, No. 267
Sum. gu
Egypt. hh “neck”

107 gond “worry”, gondolni “to think”

ŠL 108/1; 106/11; MSL III 152/367; Gost. 82; Poukka, No. 268, 269
Sum. gun
Egypt. gmħ “to watch, to to catch sight of”, hmt “to think, to intend”

108 gőg “arrogance”, gőgös “arrogant”

ŠL 427; 106; Gost. 49, 240; Poukka, No. 271
Sum. gíg, ge6, gu
Egypt. hj “to be high”

109 görcs “knot”

ŠL 313/6; Gost. 548; Poukka, No. 272
Sum. ge
Egypt. crq “to bend”

110 gyalog “on foot”, gyalogolni “to walk”

ŠL 332; LM 66; Gost. 315, 316, 423; Poukka, No. 276
Sum. alaku (Akk.), gug4
Egypt. rd “leg, foot”

111 gyenge “weak”

ŠL 15; 446; Gost. 145, 149; Poukka, No. 281
Sum. dim-ma, gig
Egypt. gnn “to be soft, to be weak”

112 gyep “lawn”

ŠL 85; Gost. 784; Poukka, No. 282
Sum. gi
Egypt. w3d “to be green, to be fresh”

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113 gyeplő “rein”

ŠL 122a/2; Gost. 569; Poukka, No. 283
Sum. dellu
Egypt. nħb “to harness”

114 gyere, jer “come (imperative 2nd pers. of sg.)”

ŠL 444; Gost. 231; Poukka, No. 284
Sum. gir
Egypt. wd3 “to move, to go”

115 gyermek, gyerek “child”

ŠL 134; Gost. 437; Poukka, No. 286
Sum. um(-u)
Egypt. hrd “child”

116 gyertya “candle”

ŠL 256/1; Gost. 24; Poukka, No. 285
Sum. gagia
Egypt. tk3 “flame, torch”

117 gyilkolni “to kill”, gyilkos “killer”, gyilok “dagger”

Gost. 488; Poukka, No. 287
Sum. gil
Egypt. hdb “to kill”

118 gyöngy “pearl”

ŠL 446; 60; Gost. 150, 157, 701; Poukka, No. 289
Sum. gig, dim4(-ma), gig, še-gig
Egypt. mnh “to put pearls on a thread”

119 győzni “to win”, győző “winner”

ŠL 296; 559; 296; Gost. 345, 510, 787; Poukka, No. 290
Sum. giš, giš-guza, isu
Egypt. hnz “to walk through”

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120 gyújtani “to light”

ŠL 129 a/31 a/c; 371; Gost. 47b, 361; Poukka, No. 291
Sum. mul, mulu, ul-ul, gid(-da)
Egypt. wbd “to burn”

121 gyulladni “to become inflamed”, gyúlni “to ignite”

ŠL 129 a/31 a/c; 371; Gost. 47b, 361; Poukka, No. 291
Sum. mul, mulu, ul-ul, gid(-da)
Egypt. wbd “to burn”

122 gyűlni “to accumulate”

ŠL 173; Gost. 200; Poukka, No. 292
Sum. gibil
Egypt. jnq “to comprise, to collect”

123 gyümölcs, old gimilsu “fruit”

ŠL 296/2-6; Gost. 786; Poukka, No. 293
Sum. giš
Egypt. d3mw “the young generation”

124 gyűrű “ring”

ŠL 401; Gost. 399, 605; Poukka, No. 294
Sum. hur, gur
Egypt. qsr “ring”

125 hágó “path in the high mountains”

ŠL 230; Gost. 582; Poukka, No. 297
Sum. gag
Egypt. ħfd “to mount, to climb”

126 hagyni “to let”

Gost. 404; Poukka, No. 298
Sum. u-gu
Egypt. ddj “to stay, to last”

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127 hal “fish”

ŠL 589; Gost. 730, 731; Poukka, No. 306
Sum. ku6, ha
Egypt. ħ3m “to catch fishes and birds”

128 hála “thanks”

ŠL 550; Gost. 99; Poukka, No. 307
Sum. húl
Egypt. hnw “cheers; to cheer”

129 haladni “to proceed”

ŠL 550; Gost. 99, 385; Poukka, No. 308
Sum. húl, hal bis
Egypt. jsq “to hesitate, to stay”

130 halni “to die”

ŠL 456; Gost. 98; Poukka, No. 311
Sum. hul
Egypt. jwnw “pile of corpes”

131 halom “pile”

ŠL 143; Gost. 106; Poukka, No. 310
Sum. he, he-gal, he-nun
Egypt. q3w “hight”

132 hamu “ashes”

ŠL 212; Gost. 198, 199; Poukka, No. 313
Sum. ukum, kum-ma
Egypt. hmw “dust”

133 harag “anger”

ŠL 22; Gost. 194; Poukka, No. 319
Sum. urgu
Egypt. rqw “enemy, fiend”

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134 haszon “use, advantage”, hasznos “useful”

Gost. 144; Poukka, No. 324
Sum. á-áš
Egypt. mnh “to produce well”

135 hát “back”

ŠL 190; Gost. 248; Poukka, No. 326
Sum. haš
Egypt. ħ3 “back of one’s head, backside”

136 határ, old hudur “border”, határolni “to mark off”, határozni “to decide”
ŠL 96; Gost. 272, 491; Poukka, No. 328
Sum. kud, bulug
Egypt. drw, t3š “border”

137 ház “house”

ŠL 339; 233; Gost. 446, 452; Poukka, No. 332
Sum. ni(ri-a), ga
Egypt. ħt “big house, temple”, qd “to build”

138 hegy “mountain”

ŠL 230; Gost. 582; Poukka, No. 333
Sum. gag
Egypt. htjw “mountains”

139 hely “place”, helyezni “to put”

ŠL 461; Gost. 40; Poukka, No. 334, 335
Sum. ki, ke
Egypt. hnw “place of residence, house, grave”, hnj “to settle”

140 hiány “defect, fault”, hiba “fault”

ŠL 461; 86/58, 60; Gost. 40, 41; Poukka, No. 339
Sum. ki, ke, ri-ba-na
Egypt. nhj “to lack”

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141 híg “thin, liquid”

ŠL 86/58, 60; Gost. 41; Poukka, No. 342
Sum. ri-ba-na
Egypt. 342 jwħ “to moisten”

142 hívni “to call”, hű (hívet) “faithful”

ŠL152(4); MSL III 351; Gost. 518; Poukka, No. 347
Sum. ubara
Egypt. nhb “to determine”, qnbtj “kind of official”

143 hold, hód “moon”

ŠL 550; Gost. 88; Poukka, No. 348
Sum. húl
Egypt. jcħ “moon”

144 hon “homeland”

ŠL 195/2; Gost. 482; Poukka, No. 354
Sum. nu
Egypt. nht “protection wall”

145 hosszú “long”

ŠL 211; Gost. 171; Poukka, No. 356
Sum. uš
Egypt. wsh “to be wide; width”

146 hozni “to bring”

Gost. 858; Poukka, No. 357
Sum. še, eš, eše, uš
Egypt. ħnk “to bring, to offer”

147 hő, hév “heat”

ŠL 143; Gost. 106; Poukka, No. 358
Sum. he, he-gal, he-nun
Egypt. hm “to get hot”

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148 hölgy “lady”

Gost. 435; Poukka, No. 359
Sum. ad, ad-da
Egypt. h3rt “widow”

149 hullani “to fall”, hulla “corpse”, hullám “wave”

ŠL 456; Gost. 98; Poukka, No. 361, 362
Sum. hul
Egypt. h3nw “wave”, hr “to fall”

150 húzni “to pull”

LM 401; Gost. 398; Poukka, No. 364
Sum. hur
Egypt. mz “to bring; to play an instrument”

151 hűs, hűvös “cool”

Gost. 66; Poukka, No. 365
Sum. sid
Egypt. ħs “to freeze; coldness”

152 idő “time; weather”

ŠL 381; 52; Gost. 42, 44; Poukka, No. 371
Sum. ud, ud-(d)a, itu
Egypt. tr, tj “time”

153 ifjú “young”

ŠL 144/37; MSL V 305; Gost. 456; Poukka, No. 372
Sum. ibila
Egypt. rnpj “to be young”, sfj “child, boy”

154 igaz “true”

ŠL 449; Gost. 217; Poukka, No. 373
Sum. igi
Egypt. cq3 “true; to be true”

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155 ígérni “to promise”

ŠL 449; Gost. 217; Poukka, No. 374
Sum. igi
Egypt. w3ħ “to last”

156 illetni “to touch; to deserve”, illeték “duty, tax”, illeszteni “to fit into, to adapt”
ŠL 166/b; Gost. 508; Poukka, No. 377
Sum. illat (probably < Akk.)
Egypt. š3j “to determine, to command”

157 ima “prayer”, imádni “to adore”

ŠL 152, 117, 118; ŠL 142; Gost. 15, 317; Poukka, No. 378
Sum. mú-mú, i
Egypt. “to be sacrificed; prayer”

158 ime “ecce”

Gost. 828; Poukka, No. 379
Sum. i-ne
Egypt. jm “there, from there”

159 indulni, indulni “to depart”

ŠL 148/17, 52; 381; Gost. 140, 328; Poukka, No. 381
Sum. in-di, ud-du
Egypt. ncj “to come, to go to”

160 inni, iszik, iv- “to drink”

ŠL 28; Gost. 319; Poukka, No. 392
Sum. im-ma
Egypt. jbj “to be thirsty”

161 ipar “industry, trade”, iparos “industrial, trader”

ŠL 23/1; Gost. 484; Poukka, No. 385
Sum. ibira
Egypt. hpr “to create, to produce, to complete”

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162 irigy “jealous”

ŠL 172; Gost. 195; Poukka, No. 387
Sum. erim
Egypt. d3j “to oppose, to resist”

163 isten “god”

ŠL 480; LM 480; Gost. 22, 23; Poukka, No. 391
Sum. išten, d-DIŠ
Egypt. jst, st “Isis”

164 iszony “horror, disgust”

Gost. 741; Poukka, No. 393
Sum. ušum(-gal/-bašmu)
Egypt. znj “grieve, disluck”

165 ítélet “opinion, judgment”

ŠL 457; Gost. 485; Poukka, No. 394
Sum. di
Egypt. wdc “to divide, to decide”

166 járni “to go; to come”

ŠL 444; 232/4; 401; 152b, c; Gost. 231, 314, 606; Poukka, No. 401
Sum. gir, ir, har(-ra)
Egypt. wd3 “to go, to move”

167 jel “sign”

ŠL 142; Gost. 13; Poukka, No. 405
Sum. i(-a)
Egypt. qm3 “figure”

168 jó “good”, jól “well”

ŠL 142; 396; Gost. 13, 146; Poukka, No. 407
Sum. i(-a), dug
Egypt. jmn, wnm “right”

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169 jönni, dial. gyünni “to come”

ŠL 206; Gost. 255, 256; Poukka, No. 410
Sum. gin, du
Egypt. jj, jw “to come”

170 kacagás, kacaj “laughter”, kacagni “to laugh”

Gost. 133; Poukka, No. 414
Sum. ka-zal
Egypt. ħcj “to cheer, to laugh”

171 kapni “to receive; to catch”

ŠL 36; Gost. 351, 686; Poukka, No. 418
Sum. ku, ka
Egypt. kp “hand”

172 kapu “gate”

ŠL 133; Gost. 463; Poukka, No. 419
Sum. ka
Egypt. sbht “gate”

173 kar “arm”

ŠL 322; 74/58, 105; MSL III 78/4, 79/1, 7; Gost. 152, 205, 522; Poukka, No. 420
Sum. kal, kalg, kùš, kur x
Egypt. drt, d3t “hand”

174 kár “damage; a pity”

ŠL 60; 376/2, 3, 4, 8, etc. ; Gost. 122, 553; Poukka, No. 421
Sum. kúr, kar
Egypt. sq “to get damaged, to die”

175 kard “saber, sword”

LM 223; Gost. 647; Poukka, No. 422
Sum. kar
Egypt. ħrp “sword”, qrdn “axe”

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176 karó “stake, post”

Gost. 554; Poukka, No. 424
Sum. kar bis
Egypt. wh3 “column, pillar”

177 kéj “voluptuousness”

ŠL 461; Gost. 107; Poukka, No. 429
Sum. kili, hili
Egypt. jhhj “cheers”

178 kelleni “to must”

ŠL 80; MSL III 176; Gost. 332; Poukka, No. 431
Sum. gal
Egypt. hrt “need”

179 kelni “to rise, to get up”

Gost. 428; Poukka, No. 430
Sum. kur
Egypt. tnj “to raise”

180 kendő “cloth”

Gost. 678; Poukka, No. 435
Sum. kandu (Akk.)
Egypt. mdħ “head-bandage”

181 kép “picture”, képezni “to build, to form”

ŠL 440; Gost. 219, 931; Poukka, No. 437
Sum. ka, kim
Egypt. nħp “to build, to create”

182 kert “garden”

MSL I, 71; Gost. 663; Poukka, No. 440
Sum. kiri
Egypt. k3nw “garden”

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183 kés “knife”

ŠL 296; Gost. 787; Poukka, No. 441
Sum. isu
Egypt. ds “knife”, sksk “to destroy”

184 kész “ready”, készíteni “to prepare (v/t), to make ready”, készülni “to get ready, to prepare (v/i)”
ŠL 70/32; Gost. 432, 787; Poukka, No. 444
Sum. katu, isu (Akk.)
Egypt. grħ “to be ready”, an “to get ready”

185 kéve, kepe “sheaf”

ŠL 101/13; Gost. 643; Poukka, No. 445
Sum. ka-pa-lu (Akk.)
Egypt. qnj “sheaf”

186 keverni, kavarni “to stir”

ŠL 396; Gost. 383; Poukka, No. 426, 446
Sum. he-he
Egypt. 3bh “to mix, to stir”

187 kéz “hand”

ŠL 354b; MSL III 139; ŠL 559; 296/2-6; Gost. 214, 251, 252, 510, 786; Poukka, No. 448
Sum. kad, kat4,5, giš, ki-ši-ib, giš-guza
Egypt. dt, c “hand”

188 kicsi, kicsiny “small, little, tiny”

ŠL 281 a/1, 2; 290/2, 8; MSL III 249; Gost. 749; Poukka, No. 449, 454
Sum. kiši, kišim
Egypt. kt “to be little”, jz “to be light”

189 kígyó “snake”

ŠL 376; Gost. 347; Poukka, No. 450
Sum. gi4
Egypt. ħf3w “snake”

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190 kín “agony”

ŠL 538/10; MSL III 271; Gost. 499, 937; Poukka, No. 452
Sum. kin, kiĝ
Egypt. njk “to punish”

191 kincs “treasure”

ŠL 468; Gost. 571; Poukka, No. 453
Sum. guš-kin
Egypt. ħnkt “donation, gift”

192 kívánni “to wish”

ŠL 143; 406; Gost. 421; Poukka, No. 455
Sum. kam
Egypt. wh3 “to wish”

193 komoly “serious, earnest”

MSL III 151/360; Gost. 184; Poukka, No. 456
Sum. galam
Egypt. m3c “right, true, genuine”

194 kor “age”, kor (temporal suffix)

ŠL 366; Gost. 120, 121, 428; Poukka, No. 461
Sum. kur, ku-ur
Egypt. rk “time”

195 kór “ill, sick”

ŠL 58, 60; Gost. 299; Poukka, No. 462
Sum. tur5 bis
Egypt. h3jt “illness, disease”

196 korsó “jug, mug (beer)”

ŠL 46/4, 8; Gost. 542; Poukka, No. 465
Sum. šakir
Egypt. h3w “bowl”

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197 koszorú “garland”

Gost. 280; Poukka, No. 466
Sum. kasaru (Akk.)
Egypt. hkr “to be decorated”

198 kő (követ) “stone”, kövezni “to pave”

ŠL 366; 536; Gost. 121, 353; Poukka, No. 467
Sum. kur, ku-ur, ku
Egypt. jk “kind of stonemason”

199 könyök “elbow”

ŠL 142; 144; Gost. 249, 464; Poukka, No. 470
Sum. kun, kun4
Egypt. mħ “elbow”

200 kör “circle”

ŠL 60/33; 111; Gost. 105, 333; Poukka, No. 472
Sum. kur(-kur), gur
Egypt. w3ħ “garland”

201 köszönni “to greet, to welcome; to thannk”, köszönteni “to welcome”

ŠL 559; Gost. 510; Poukka, No. 475
Sum. guza
Egypt. ħzj “to approve, to praise”

202 kötni “to bind”, kötözni “to tie up”

ŠL 354/b; MSL III 139; 132/26; Gost. 214, 252, 279, 281; Poukka, No. 476
Sum. kad, kat4,5, ki-ši-ib, kad, kešda
Egypt. sht “to plait, to bind”

203 köz, old küzü “spot, place; community”, közel “near”, közép “middle”, közös “common”
ŠL 425; 296/2-6; Gost. 504, 786; Poukka, No. 480
Sum. kiši, keš, giš
Egypt. s3ħt “close”

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204 kulcs “key”

MSL V 56; Gost. 628; Poukka, No. 484
Sum. giš-ig
Egypt. q3rt “bolt, bar”

205 küzdeni “to fight”

Gost. 281; Poukka, No. 489
Sum. kešda
Egypt. skj “fight”

206 láb “leg, foot”

Gost. 254; Poukka, No. 490
Sum. lah4
Egypt. wcrt “leg”

207 láng “flame”

SL 322/35d; Gost. 19; Poukka, No. 495
Sum. dingir Lamma
Egypt. nsr “to burn; flame”

208 legény “boy, lad, fellow”

ŠL 458; Gost. 506; Poukka, No. 506
Sum. laga(r) (< Akk. lagaru)
Egypt. nhn “child”

209 lélek “breathsoul (vs. bodysoul)”, lélegezni “to breathe”, lelkes “inspired, fiery”
ŠL 313; 330; Gost. 69, 447; Poukka, No. 507
Sum. líl, lu
Egypt. b3 “soul”

210 locsolni “to water”

ŠL 321/3; Gost. 325; Poukka, No. 515
Sum. luh, lah
Egypt. njnj “to sprinkle with water”

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211 lomb “leaves”

ŠL 565/4, 8; Gost. 709; Poukka, No. 516
Sum. lum
Egypt. jm3 “leaves”

212 lökni “to push”

ŠL 206/13, 16; Gost. 254, 326; Poukka, No. 519
Sum. lah4
Egypt. nj “to push back”

213 ma “today”
ŠL 61/40; Gost. 45; Poukka, No. 524
Sum. mu
Egypt. mjn “today”

214 macska “cat”

ŠL 76; 74; Gost. 728; Poukka, No. 525
Sum. maš-da
Egypt. mjw “tomcat”

215 madár “bird”

ŠL 78; Gost. 740; Poukka, No. 526
Sum. mušen
Egypt. m3wd “little animals”

216 mag “seed”, magzat “embryo”

ŠL 567/4; 81; 33/2; Gost. 243, 346, 400, 810; Poukka, No. 527
Sum. mud, ma5, mu
Egypt. mħ “sort of cereal”

217 magam “myself”

ŠL 233; Gost. 811; Poukka, No. 528
Sum. ĝa-e
Egypt. jmj “being in”

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218 magas “high”, magasztos “sublime, grand”

Gost. 163; Poukka, No. 529
Sum. mah
Egypt. wsh “to be wide”

219 máj “liver”

ŠL 472; Gost. 34, 339; Poukka, No. 533
Sum. bà, bu, bu5 (bul)
Egypt. mjzt “liver”

220 marha “bull”

ŠL 420/2; Gost. 723; Poukka, No. 535
Sum. ama-arhu
Egypt. mrw-wr “the black bull of Heliopolis”

221 mártani “to dip”

Gost. 14, 658; Poukka, No. 536
Sum. me
Egypt. md “to be sunk”

222 más “other”, másik “the other one”, másítani “to amend”, második “second”, másolni “to copy”
ŠL 74; MSL VI 48, 55; ŠL 76; Gost. 12, 94a, 632, 727, 864; Poukka, No. 537
Sum. maš, máš, -meš, me-eš
Egypt. wpj “to separate”

223 medence “basin, pelvis”, meder “riverbed”

Gost. 658; Poukka, No. 539
Sum. me
Egypt. mnz3 “kind of jug”

224 meleg “warm”

ŠL 322/35d; Gost. 19, 129; Poukka, No. 543
Sum. dingir Lamma, mu-lam, me-lam
Egypt. m3h “to burn”

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225 mély “deep”

ŠL 122; 433/9; Gost. 14, 568, 669, 777; Poukka, No. 546
Sum. me, má(-a), meli, nim
Egypt. md “to be deep; deep”

226 mén “stallion”

ŠL 433; Gost. 164; Poukka, No. 547
Sum. nim
Egypt. mnmnt “herd”

227 menni “to go”

ŠL 206; Gost. 255, 267; Poukka, No. 542
Sum. gin, me
Egypt. mnmn “to move, to go”

228 menny “heaven, sky”

ŠL 95; 433/16, 8; MSL III 151/354, 433/2, 9; Gost. 84, 90, 164, 401, 777; Poukka, No. 548
Sum. mun, nim-gír, nim
Egypt. mnt “the lower heaven”

229 méreg “poison”, mérges “poisonous; angry”

ŠL 347/5; 481; Gost. 116, 335; Poukka, No. 551
Sum. me-ir, lal
Egypt. mrħ “to spoil”

230 mérni “to measure”, mérték “measure”

ŠL 532; Gost. 14, 492; Poukka, No. 550
Sum. me
Egypt. mh3t “scales”

231 mese “fairytale”

ŠL 76; Gost. 95, 302; Poukka, No. 553
Sum. máš. me
Egypt. smj “to tell (fairytales)”

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232 mi? “what?”

ŠL 70a; 61; Gost. 816, 818, 867; Poukka, No. 556
Sum. mi, a-ba11
Egypt. m “who?, what?”

233 mondani “to say, to tell”, monda “sage (kind of legend)”, mondás “uttering”, mondat “sentence”
ŠL 61; Gost. 301; Poukka, No. 559
Sum. mu
Egypt. mdw “to speak”

234 mony “egg; testicles”

ŠL 95; 394/6, 7; Gost. 84, 771; Poukka, No. 560
Sum. mun, nunuz
Egypt. mnjt “root”

235 múlni “to pass (time)”, mulatni “to have a good time”
ŠL 129a; Gost. 47a; Poukka, No. 563, 564
Sum. mul, mulu
Egypt. jm3 “to be comfortable”, wnj “to pass”

236 munka “work”, munkás “worker”

ŠL 95; Gost. 84; Poukka, No. 565
Sum. mun
Egypt. mnq “to finish, to complete”

237 mű (művet, mívet) “work”, műhely “workshop, működni “to function, to work”, művelni “to do,
to make; to cultivate”, művész “artist”
ŠL 61; 532; 134/25b, 31, 34; MSL V/13; Gost. 46, 492, 579, 580; Poukka, No. 567, 568
Sum. mu, me, um-mi-a, um-me-a, um-uš
Egypt. ħmw “to build, to form”, ħmww “artist, craftsman”

238 nagy “big”

ŠL 72; 87/1; 168; Gost. 154, 167, 168, 169, 170; Poukka, No. 569
Sum. nu5(..g), (nu-)g, nun, nu5, na, nad
Egypt. c3j “to be big”

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239 négy “4”, negyven “40”

Gost. 839; Poukka, No. 570
Sum. limmu
Egypt. dnjt “quarter of a month”

240 nem (negative particle)

ŠL 79/8; Gost. 58, 876; Poukka, No. 572
Sum. na-àm, nu-àm, nu
Egypt. mn “it is not”

241 nem “sex, gender”, nemes “noble”

ŠL 79/9; Gost. 57; Poukka, No. 574
Sum. nam
Egypt. mnš “ring of a king”

242 nemzeni “to produce”, nemzet “nation”

ŠL 394/6, 7; Gost. 771; Poukka, No. 575
Sum. nunuz
Egypt. hnm “roommate”

243 néne “older sister”, néni “aunt”

ŠL 556; MSL V 126/340; Gost. 442; Poukka, No. 576
Sum. nin
Egypt. rnn “to raise (children)”

244 nézni “to see, to watch”

ŠL 399; Gost. 138, 848; Poukka, No. 579
Sum. ni, ne
Egypt. nw “to see”

245 nőni, növ- “to grow”, növelni “to increase, to augment”, növény “plant”
ŠL 72; Gost. 387, 700, 771; Poukka, No. 576
Sum. na-na(-am), nu5, nunuz
Egypt. rnn “to raise (children)”

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246 nyáj “herd, flock”, nyájas “nice, friendly”

ŠL 339; Gost. 446; Poukka, No. 580
Sum. ni(ri-a)
Egypt. zfn “to be mild”

247 nyak “neck”

Gost. 240; Poukka, No. 581
Sum. gu
Egypt. nħbt “neck”

248 nyelni “to swallow”, nyelv “tongue; language”

ŠL 32; Gost. 227; Poukka, No. 583
Sum. eme
Egypt. nsb “to lick, to devour, to swallow”

249 nyereg “saddle”

ŠL 325/1-10; Gost. 425; Poukka, No. 584
Sum. nir
Egypt. rhn “to support”

250 nyolc “8”

ŠL 598d; Gost. 843; Poukka, No. 588
Sum. ussu
Egypt. hmn “8”

251 nyom “trace”, nyomás “pressure”, nyomni “to press”

ŠL 79; MSL III 101/65, IV 125ss. ; Gost. 59; Poukka, No. 589
Sum. nam(tar)
Egypt. nmtt “walking (noun)”

252 nyomor “misery, need”, nyomorú “miserable”

ŠL 79; MSL III 101/65, IV 125ss. ; Gost. 59; Poukka, No. 590
Sum. nam(tar)
Egypt. m3r “need, misery”

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253 nyugodni, nyugszik “to rest”, nyugat “west”

ŠL 431; Gost. 411; Poukka, No. 591, 592
Sum. nud, nad, na
Egypt. mdn “to be calm”, jmn “west of”

254 okos “bright, clever”

ŠL Gost. 911; Poukka, No. 333
Sum. Ukuš
Egypt. s33 “reasonable, wise”

255 ordítani “to roar, to howl”

ŠL 24; Gost. 287; Poukka, No. 612
Sum. ara9
Egypt. 3t “strength”

256 oroszlán “lion”

Gost. 735; Poukka, No. 614
Sum. ur-mah
Egypt. m3-ħz3 “lion”

257 orr “nose”

ŠL 575/3; III 132/6; Gost. 481, 734; Poukka, No. 615
Sum. ur, ur-saĝ
Egypt. šrt “nose”

258 ország, old uru-zag “land, state”

ŠL 332/19; 38; 332; 401; Gost. 81, 478, 480; Poukka, No. 617
Sum. zag, uru + zag, hursag, harsag
Egypt. 3t “strength”

259 ölni “to kill”

ŠL 354; Gost. 371; Poukka, No. 626
Sum. ul7
Egypt. s3m “to kill, to slaughter”

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260 ömölni “to flow, to stream”

Gost. 343; Poukka, No. 639
Sum. umun
Egypt. ħwnj “to flow, to stream”

261 önteni, old ömönteni “to pour”

Gost. 343; Poukka, No. 629
Sum. umun
Egypt. wdn “to pour”

262 őr “guard”, őrs “guarding place”, őrizni “to guard”, őrszem “guarding place”
ŠL 401/99; 80; MSL III 176; ŠL 331; 393; 575/2, 3; Gost. 33, 332, 395, 494, 734; Poukka, No.
630, 633
Sum. ur5-úš, gál, urù, erim, ur
Egypt. z3w “guard; to guard”

263 ördög “devil”

ŠL 577; Gost. 2; Poukka, No. 631
Sum. u-dug4
Egypt. cd3 “offender, sinner”

264 öreg “old”, örök “eternal”, örökség “heritage”

MSL VI 59/99; 209; Gost. 197, 247; Poukka, No. 632
Sum. egir
Egypt. j3w “old man”

265 őrölni “to grind”, őrlő “grinding stone”

ŠL 401; MSL III 3; Gost. 286, 633, 634; Poukka, No. 634
Sum. àra, a-ra, ur x
Egypt. nd “to grind”

266 örülni “to enjoy”, öröm “joy”

ŠL 451; 56; Gost. 284, 396; Poukka, No. 635
Sum. ar, úru
Egypt. w3š “to enjoy”

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267 ős, old üs, is “ancestor”

ŠL 69; 480; Gost. 112, 835; Poukka, No. 636
Sum. uš2, aš
Egypt. jz “to be old”

268 öt “5”
Gost. 840; Poukka, No. 638
Sum. ia, id
Egypt. djw “5”

269 öv “belt”
ŠL 420; Gost. 55, 722; Poukka, No. 638
Sum. ub, ab
Egypt. djw “5”

270 peregni “to spin (round)”

ŠL 352a; Gost. 588; Poukka, No. 642
Sum. balag
Egypt. dbn “to circle round”

271 rázni “to shake”

ŠL 206; Gost. 263; Poukka, No. 649
Sum. rá (+ uš)
Egypt. wšr “to be bald; to be lacking”

272 rend “order”

ŠL 393/3; Gost. 75; Poukka, No. 651
Sum. rín(+ dù)
Egypt. d3r “to overcome, to mistreat”

273 rés “crack, slit”

ŠL 377/3; Gost. 85; Poukka, No. 654
Sum. liš
Egypt. r3 “opening, gap, slot”

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274 rész “part”

ŠL 377/3; Gost. 85; Poukka, No. 655
Sum. liš
Egypt. r (prefix of fraction(number)s)

275 rom “ruin”, rombolni “to destroy”, romlani, romolni “to spoil, to get broken”, rontani “to spoil,
to damage”
LM 565; ŠL 565; Gost. 135, 292, 344; Poukka, No. 663
Sum. gum, hum, ra
Egypt. cm3 “spoiled, rotten”

276 rossz “bad”

LM 565; ŠL 402/1; Gost. 135, 158; Poukka, No. 666
Sum. gum, hum, huš, ruš
Egypt. ħwrw “bad”

277 sár “dirt, mud”

ŠL 212; Gost. 60; Poukka, No. 674
Sum. sahar
Egypt. nšnj, snc “thunderstorm”

278 sereg “army”

ŠL 396/15; Gost. 512, 513; Poukka, No. 682
Sum. šar, šargeš
Egypt. z3 “troops (of soldiers)”, srjt “military decoration, insignia”

279 sietni “to hurry”

ŠL 449, 381; Gost. 427, 871; Poukka, No. 684
Sum. ši-ed, ši
Egypt. tš “to leave, to go away”

280 siker “success”

ŠL 112; Gost. 378; Poukka, No. 685
Sum. si-sa
Egypt. ħq3 “to rule, to rule over”

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281 sima “even, flat”

ŠL 457; Gost. 201; Poukka, No. 688
Sum. silim
Egypt. zšp “to make flat”

282 sírni “to cry”

ŠL 437/6, 12, 9; 152/3; LM 544, 541; Gost. 375, 390, 412; Poukka, No. 690
Sum. zur bis, sir, še8
Egypt. 3hw “grieve, sorrow”

283 só “salt”
ŠL 229; Gost. 123; Poukka, No. 692
Sum. za
Egypt. ħm3t “salt”

284 sok “many, much”

ŠL 7, 2, 3, 17; Gost. 461; Poukka, No. 694
Sum. su
Egypt. hh “million, big amount”

285 sör, ser “beer”

Gost. 692; Poukka, No. 698
Sum. še-a
Egypt. zwr “beverage”

286 sötét “dark”

ŠL 545/126; 545/2; Gost. 117; Poukka, No. 699
Sum. šu
Egypt. ħ3tj “darkness”

287 súly “weight, load”, súlyos “heavy”

ŠL 354; 371; LM 515; Gost. 212, 339; Poukka, No. 701
Sum. šu, bu, bu5
Egypt. jwsw “scales”

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288 sülni “to get roasted”, sütni “to roast”

ŠL 469; Gost. 693; Poukka, No. 703
Sum. kurum6
Egypt. 3šr “to roast”

289 süly “scurvy”

ŠL 536/26; Gost. 100; Poukka, No. 704
Sum. šul
Egypt. šfwt “tumor”

290 süllyedni “to sink”

Gost. 894; Poukka, No. 705
Sum. su-su
Egypt. jwħ “to moisten”

291 szabni “to cut out, to tailor to”, szabály “rule”

ŠL 295k; Gost. 273a; Poukka, No. 711, 712
Sum. šab
Egypt. bhn “to cut”, hp “law”

292 szakáll “beard”

ŠL 396; Gost. 233; Poukka, No. 714
Sum. dug
Egypt. hck “to shave (beard)”

293 szakítani “to tear (v/t), to pick”, szakadni “to tear (v/i)”
ŠL 102; Gost. 323; Poukka, No. 715
Sum. suh
Egypt. ħsq “to cut off”

294 szál “thread”

MSL III 185; Gost. 529; Poukka, No. 716
Sum. sa-a
Egypt. šs “linen”, sj3t “bandage”

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295 szállni “to fly; to stay (in a hotel)”, szaladni “to run”
ŠL 86/41; Gost. 386; Poukka, No. 717, 719
Sum. dal
Egypt. sjn “to hurry”, chj “to fly”

296 szám “number”, számolni “to calculate”

ŠL 187; MSL III 201; V 31, 217; Gost. 563; Poukka, No. 722
Sum. šam
Egypt. mšc “army, amount”

297 szarv, szaru “horn (animal)”; szarvas “stag”

ŠL 112, 441; MSL III 175; Gost. 767; Poukka, No. 724
Sum. si
Egypt. ħnw “horn”

298 szedni “to pick (fruit, etc.)”

ŠL 332/19; 314-17; Gost. 81, 406, 560; Poukka, No. 727
Sum. zag, šita5
Egypt. šdj “to take, to accept”

299 szegény “poor”

ŠL 692; Gost. 147; Poukka, No. 728
Sum. sig
Egypt. g3h “to get tired, to be weak”

300 szék “seat, stool”

Gost. 210; Poukka, No. 729
Sum. sag, šaĝ
Egypt. ħmsj “to sit”

301 szelíd “tame”

Gost. 159; Poukka, No. 731
Sum. zid-(da)
Egypt. zf “to be mild”, nc “to be compassionate”

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302 szelni “to cut off”, szelet “schnitzel; slice”

ŠL 12; Gost. 269; Poukka, No. 730
Sum. sil
Egypt. zn “to cut off”

303 szem “eye”

ŠL 449; 367; Gost. 218, 691; Poukka, No. 732
Sum. ši, še
Egypt. mrt “eye (only of gods)”

304 szemét “garbage”

SL 536/64 ss.; Gost. 114; Poukka, No. 733
Sum. še
Egypt. hmw “dust”

305 szép “beautiful, handsome”

MSL III 127, 361; Gost. 175; Poukka, No. 734
Sum. sa-a
Egypt. šps “to be wonderful”

306 szer “means”, szerelni “to mount, to install”, szerezni “to acquire”, szerszám “tool”
ŠL 112; 152; 57; Gost. 378, 414, 498; Poukka, No. 736
Sum. si-sa, šer, esir
Egypt. šs3w “medicine”

307 szeretni “to love”, szerelem “love”

ŠL 437/3; Gost. 374; Poukka, No. 737
Sum. zur
Egypt. m3h “to be compassionate”

308 szét- “apart (verbal prefix)”

ŠL 373; Gost. 179, 820; Poukka, No. 742
Sum. sud, sud(-da)
Egypt. thth “to be confused”

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309 szigorú “severe”

ŠL 112/148; Gost. 577; Poukka, No. 744
Sum. si-gar
Egypt. sqr “to hit”

310 szilaj “impetuous”

Gost. 725; Poukka, No. 747
Sum. sila
Egypt. nħ3 “wild, horrible”

311 szimat “sense of smell”

Gost. 655; Poukka, No. 749
Sum. sim-sim
Egypt. hnm “to smell”

312 szín “stage”

ŠL 112; Gost. 378; Poukka, No. 750
Sum. si-sa
Egypt. šnbt “surface of the body”

313 szív “heart”, szívni “to suck”

ŠL 71; 384; MSL III 134; Gost. 51, 209; Poukka, No. 753, 754
Sum. šir, sir, šag, šab
Egypt. nšp “to breathe”, jb “heart”

314 szó “word”, szavalni “to recite, to speak”

ŠL 82/3; 6; Gost. 311, 312; Poukka, No. 725, 755
Sum. sa4, zu
Egypt. wšd “to address, to welcome”, wšb “to answer”

315 szoba “room”

ŠL 7; Gost. 683; Poukka, No. 756
Sum. su
Egypt. šspt “room”

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316 szobor “statue”, szobrász “sculptor”

Gost. 635; Poukka, No. 757
Sum. zabar
Egypt. šsp “statue, picture”

317 szolga “farmhand”, szolgálni “to serve”

ŠL 231; 167; Gost. 496; Poukka, No. 760, 761
Sum. sul-du8
Egypt. sdm “to listen, to obey; server”

318 szomszéd “neighbor”

ŠL 211; MSL V 247; Gost. 139, 520; Poukka, No. 764
Sum. umšu, ušsadu
Egypt. šmsj “to follow, to accompany”

319 szorítani “to press”, szorulni “to jam; to need”

ŠL 101, 2, 3, 7; Gost. 307; Poukka, No. 767
Sum. sur
Egypt. ħrw-c “beverage made from crushed fruits”

320 szórni “to scatter”

MSL III 106, 121; Gost. 282; Poukka, No. 766
Sum. su-u
Egypt. hnr “to scatter”

321 szökni “to flee, to escape”

ŠL 589; 124; Gost. 309, 407; Poukka, No. 770
Sum. záh, zig-zig
Egypt. kzkz “to dance”

322 szörny “monster”

ŠL 11; Gost. 741; Poukka, No. 771
Sum. ušum(-gal/-bašmu)
Egypt. ħr “to be horrible”

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323 szúrni “to sting, to stab”

ŠL 101; 491; 57; 405/3, 4; Gost. 307, 368, 498, 748; Poukka, No. 773
Sum. sur, zar, esir
Egypt. srt “thorn, spine”

324 szűk “narrow, scanty, small”, szűkös “narrow, scanty, small”

ŠL 692; Gost. 147; Poukka, No. 774
Sum. sig
Egypt. ħns “narrow”

325 szülni “to give birth”, születni “to be born”

ŠL 554; ŠL 7, 2, 3, 17; Gost. 444, 461; Poukka, No. 775
Sum. sal, sal-la, su
Egypt. hpr “to develop, to be created”

326 szűrni “to strain”

ŠL 101, 2, 4, 7; Gost. 307; Poukka, No. 777
Sum. sur
Egypt. szh “to harvest”

327 tag “limb, member”

ŠL 280; Gost. 454; Poukka, No. 778
Sum. dag
Egypt. ħc “limb”

328 takarni “to cover”, takaró “cover, blanket”

ŠL 574; 24; 11/2, 7; 536; MSL III 5, 156; Gost. 296, 287, 495, 524; Poukka, No. 779
Sum. tug, ara9, bur
Egypt. cw3j “to rob; to harvest”

329 tál “dish”

ŠL 86/56; Gost. 96; Poukka, No. 781
Sum. dug-dal
Egypt. dwjw “jug”

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330 táltos “shaman, sorcerer”

ŠL 383/3; Gost. 109; Poukka, No. 785
Sum. tal, tala
Egypt. t3tj “the highest official, leader”

331 támasztani “to lean against; to cause; to demand”, támaszték “retaining beam”, támadni “to
attack; to be created”
ŠL 557; 94/13; 207; Gost. 440, 564, 566; Poukka, No. 786
Sum. dam, dim, tum
Egypt. wtt “to create, to produce”

332 tapadni “to adhere, to stick”, tapasztani “to glue, to paste”

ŠL 124/4; Gost. 391; Poukka, No. 792
Sum. tab
Egypt. db3 “to plug, to jam”

333 táplálni “to nourish”, táplálkozni “to live on”

ŠL 124/4; Gost. 391; Poukka, No. 793
Sum. tab
Egypt. df3 “food”, c3bt “sacrifice”

334 távol “far away”

Gost. 856; Poukka, No. 801
Sum. ta
Egypt. dwn “to stretch out”

335 tej “milk”

ŠL 319; Gost. 702; Poukka, No. 805
Sum. ga
Egypt. jrtt “milk”

336 tél (telet) “winter”

ŠL 73; MSL III 75/9; Gost. 71; Poukka, No. 807
Sum. tíl-la
Egypt. jtrw “season”

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337 tele, teli “full”, telni “to get full; to pass (time)”, teljes “complete”
ŠL 73; MSL III 75/9; Gost. 71, 888; Poukka, No. 809
Sum. tíl-a, til
Egypt. tm “to complete; to be complete”

338 temetni “to bury”, temető “cemetery”

ŠL 376; 206; Gost. 7, 266, 409; Poukka, No. 810
Sum. temen, túm, ki-túm
Egypt. t3m “to be covered up”

339 tenger “sea”

ŠL 484; Gost. 39; Poukka, No. 811
Sum. en-gur
Egypt. jm, mr “sea”

340 tenyészni “to grow, to thrive”, tenyészteni “to breed”

ŠL 465; Gost. 70; Poukka, No. 813
Sum. tin
Egypt. m3c “to go straight, to lead”

341 tér (teret) “space”, terület “area”, teríteni “to spread out, to cover”, terülni “to extend, to stretch”,
téríteni “to lead, to guide”
ŠL 375/6; 536/14; Gost. 50, 466; Poukka, No. 817
Sum. giš-tir, dur, durun
Egypt. d3dw “hall of columns, porticus”

342 test “body”

ŠL 575; Gost. 253; Poukka, No. 823
Sum. teš-ti
Egypt. dt “body”

343 tilos “forbidden”, tiltani “to forbid”, tiltakozni “to protest”

ŠL 73; Gost. 71, 196; Poukka, No. 827
Sum. tíl-la, tillá
Egypt. dr “to chase away”

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344 tiszt “officer”, tiszta “clean, neat”

LM 480; Gost. 23; Poukka, No. 829
Sum. d-DIŠ
Egypt. twz “commander”

345 tó (tavat) “lake”

ŠL 511; Gost. 87; Poukka, No. 832
Sum. túl
Egypt. jtrw “river”

346 tő (tövet) “trunk”

MSL III 104ss.; 73; ŠL 124/4; 376; Gost. 72, 222, 391, 445, 821; Poukka, No. 838
Sum. ti, tab, tu, tud, le
Egypt. tp “head”

347 tölteni “to fill”

ŠL 73; 69; MSL III 75/9; Gost. 71; Poukka, No. 840
Sum. tíl-la
Egypt. twt “to gather”

348 tömni “to stuff”, tömb “block”, tömlő “tube”, tömlöc “dungeon”, tömör “soild, compact”
ŠL 376; 400/2, 3; 206; 207; Gost. 7, 228, 266, 566; Poukka, No. 841
Sum. temen, duburm túm, tum
Egypt. mħ “to fill; to be full”

349 törni “to break”, törődik “to struggle with”, törvény “law”
ŠL 79; MSL III 101/65; IV 125ss.; ŠL 12; Gost. 59, 268; Poukka, No. 843
Sum. nam(tar), tar
Egypt. hrhr “to destroy”

350 tudni “to know”, tudakozni “to inquire”, tudomány “science”

ŠL 16; 6; Gost. 3, 312, 453; Poukka, No. 845
Sum. tu6-dug4-ga, zu, tu6
Egypt. twt “to be similar”, cm “to know”

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351 túrni “to dig”

ŠL 467; Gost. 422; Poukka, No. 847
Sum. dun
Egypt. š3d “to dig”

352 tündér “fairy”

ŠL 322/35d; Gost. 1, 19; Poukka, No. 850
Sum. dingir
Egypt. cndw “shine, light”

353 tűz “fire”

ŠL 16; Gost. 453; Poukka, No. 853
Sum. tu6
Egypt. sd “fire”

354 úr “sir, master”, uraság “landlord”, úriszék “patrimonial court”

ŠL 575/3; MSL III 132/6; ŠL 575/2, 3; Gost. 481, 699, 734; Poukka, No. 858
Sum. ur, ur-saĝ, u bis, ur
Egypt. sr “councilor, high official”

355 úszni “to swim”, úszó “fin”, uszony “fin”

ŠL 11; 372/2, 3; Gost. 278, 741, 773, 779; Poukka, No. 859
Sum. u5, ušum(-gal/-bašmu), uz-mušen, a-usum
Egypt. jwħ “to moisten”

356 út “street”
ŠL 579; Gost. 54, 278; Poukka, No. 860
Sum. id, u5
Egypt. w3t “street”

357 üdv “well-being, salvation”, üdvös “useful, salutary”, üdvözölni “to welcome”
ŠL 381; 393; Gost. 43; Poukka, No. 862
Sum. utu
Egypt. m3c “of blessed memory”

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358 ügy “affair, matter”

ŠL 312; Gost. 483; Poukka, No. 864
Sum. ug, ung, uku
Egypt. jht “thing, matter, something”

359 ülni “to sit”

ŠL 203/3; MSL V 274; Gost. 245, 471; Poukka, No. 865
Sum. ur, ur x
Egypt. nnj “to settle”

360 űr “emptiness”, üreg “hollow”

MSL VI 59/99; ŠL 401; 209; MSL V 274; Gost. 197, 236, 247, 471; Poukka, No. 886
Sum. egir, ur5, ur x
Egypt. rwjj “to stop; to chase away”

361 üsző “heifer”

ŠL 318/28; Gost. 502, 652; Poukka, No. 870
Sum. u-zug, uš-zu
Egypt. jht, jħ “cow, bull”

362 vágni “to cut”, vagdalni “to hash”

ŠL 97; MSL III 291; Gost. 304; Poukka, No. 876
Sum. ag
Egypt. wqs “to cut up”

363 váll “shoulder”

MSL III 79/12; Gost. 250; Poukka, No. 882
Sum. ba-al
Egypt. rmn “shoulder, upper arm”

364 válni “to become; to divorce”, váltani “to change (money), to exhange”, változni “to change o.s.,
to change”
ŠL 9; MSL III 79/1; Gost. 288; Poukka, No. 884
Sum. bal
Egypt. db3 “to substitute, to change”

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365 van “is”

Gost. 267; Poukka, No. 885
Sum. me
Egypt. wnn “to be, to exist”

366 vár “fortress, castle”, város “town, city”

ŠL 38; Gost. 476; Poukka, No. 888, 892
Sum. uru
Egypt. crrwt “seat of the government”, zw3w “area”

367 varjú “crow”

ŠL 79/4x, 79a/2, 8, 9/37; Gost. 765; Poukka, No. 891
Sum. buru4
Egypt. wr “swallow (bird)”

368 várni “to wait”

ŠL 56; Gost. 396; Poukka, No. 889
Sum. úru
Egypt. rwjj “to stop (for)”

369 vén “ancient”

ŠL 9; Gost. 9; Poukka, No. 903
Sum. en
Egypt. nhh “to become old”

370 verni “to hit, to beat”

ŠL 400/5, 6; Gost. 487; Poukka, No. 904
Sum. bir, ber
Egypt. b3 “to hack, to chop”

371 vésni “to chisel”

ŠL 12; Gost. 270; Poukka, No. 910
Sum. haš
Egypt. zf “knife; to cut”

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372 vezér “leader”, vezetni “to lead”

ŠL 314, 50; Gost. 689; Poukka, No. 917
Sum. mez
Egypt. sšm “to lead, to guide”

373 vihar “storm, thunderstorm”

ŠL 43/5; Gost. 97; Poukka, No. 923
Sum. uru
Egypt. h3pt “thunderstorm”

374 világ “world”, világos “light”, villám “lightning”, villanni “to flash, to sparkle”, villogni “to flash,
to sparkle”
ŠL 172; Gost. 350, 451; Poukka, No. 924, 925
Sum. bil
Egypt. b3q “to be bright, to be clear”, m3wt “to to shine, to sparkle”

375 virág “flower”

ŠL 483; Gost. 799; Poukka, No. 926
Sum. girag
Egypt. prh “to spread out; to bloom”

376 vissza “back”

ŠL 211; Gost. 827; Poukka, No. 929
Sum. uš-sa
Egypt. hsf “to be on the opposite side”

377 zaj “noise”

ŠL 569/3, 8a; Gost. 193, 324; Poukka, No. 936
Sum. za-pa-ag, suh
Egypt. ħ3 (interjection)

378 zárni “to close”, zár “lock”

ŠL 151; 401/53, 54, 229; Gost. 509, 558; Poukka, No. 938
Sum. šar3, saru, ur5
Egypt. hnr “to block off”

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379 zavarni “to disturb”

ŠL 569/3, 8a; Gost. 193, 324; Gost. 193, 324; Poukka, No. 940
Sum. za-pa-ag, suh
Egypt. rwjj “to chase away”

380 zöld, ződ “green”

MSL III 127, 362; Gost. 176; Poukka, No. 942
Sum. sig7
Egypt. w3d “to be green”

381 zúzni “to smash, to crush”

ŠL 15/13, 50; 235, 341; Gost. 235, 341; Poukka, No. 943
Sum. zú, sud
Egypt. sħm “to crush, to squash”

382 zsír “lard”

ŠL 231; Gost. 556; Poukka, No. 945
Sum. i, ia
Egypt. wrħ “to anoint”

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3. Conclusions

Egyptian shares 382 of the 1042 Sumerian-Hungarian cognates of Gostony (1975) and Tóth (2007,
chapter 5), respectively, thus 36.7%. Therefore, Egyptian stands from its genetical affilitation to
Sumerian-Hungarian between Hungarian and the Munda languages (33%) and Hungarian and the
Dravida languages (36%), cf. Tóth (2007, chapter 18). But Egyptian shares also 33% with the common
Hungarian-Etruscan cognates (Tóth 2007, chapter 9), that are, however, not won by using Gostony’s
list, since because of the fragmentary character of Etruscan, the correspondences of most Etruscan
words are neither known in Hungarian nor in Sumerian. But the same percentage of Sumerian-
Hungarian cognates both in Egyptian and in Etruscan confirmes the hypothesis of Glock (1916, ap.
Bíró, s.a.), Padányi (1963, pp. 167ss.) and Baráth (1968-74) that Hungarian, Egyptian and Etruscan are
genetically strongly related to one another and that Sumerian-Hungarian was definitively the most
influenceful language in the Mediterranean area.
Since Egyptian is a member of the Hamito-Semitic or Afro-Asiatic languages, and since Hungarian and
the Bantu languages share only 8% of their cognates (Tóth 2007, chapter 8), in Egyptian there must be
the Asiatic and not the African part of this language family that is genetically related to Sumerian-
Hungarian. Since this Asiatic part in Egyptian is Semitic, is it a desideratum for the future to compare
Sumerian-Hungarian with the Semitic languages, most of all with its oldest testified member, Akkadian.
First attempts – completely neglected by mainstream-researchers – were made by Kiss (1839), who
compared Hungarian with Hebrew because at his time the cuneiform writing was not yet detected and
thus Akkadian still unknown, and Giesswein (1887, 1888) who already considered the first results of the
deciphering of Akkadian and also took Egyptian into consideration. The idea of comparing Sumerian-
Hungarian with Semitic languages like Akkadian results also from the simple fact that the Sumerians
and the Akkadians were neighbors in the Euphrat-Tigris basin and influenced one another also
linguistically strongly. Moreover, the Akkadians took their cuneiform writing from the Sumerians, and
this writing goes back to the script found by Zsófia von Torma (1894) and Nicolae Vlassa (1963) in
Tatárlaka/Tărtăria on the so-called Tartarian Tablets (cf. Tóth 2007, in press).
Our 382 Sumerian-Hungarian-Egyptian cognates share also 40% of the 946 Hungarian-Egyptian
cognates found by Poukka (1979). The reason, why this percentage is not higher, is simply, because
Poukka used mostly other Hungarian words than we did sticking to the corpus of Gostony (1975) and
Tóth (2007, chapter 5) for the sake of making this present study compatible with EDH (Tóth 2007). If
one would etymologize Poukka’s Hungarian corpus according to the Sumerian-Hungarian sound laws
established by Gostony (1975), there could be no doubt, that the percentage of the genetical affiliation
between Sumerian-Hungarian and Egyptian is much higher than 40%. This would confirm basically the
following statement by Baráth (1968, vol. 1): “Az úgynevezett szumír és egyiptomi nyelv eredetileg
uganyaz a nyelv”. But because of Baráth’s exaggeration (he was not a linguist), I can, however, not
agree with his idea that Sumerian and Egyptian “were in fact the same” (Baráth, s.a., p. 1), and neither
can I agree with his assumption of a forward-and-backward movement of the Sumerian-Hungarians:
“It is also believed that [the language, A.T.] spread from Sumer toward the southern part of the country
and later to the east all the way into the Mediterranen (...). After the Egyptian kingdom was firmyl
established (1500 B.C.), it spread toward the great bend of the Euphrates river and Syria” (Baráth, s.a.,
p. 1). Baráth does obviously, although he was a historian, not know that the Pre-Sumerians originated
in Transylvania and after having completed their wandering to Mesopotamia turned the Transylvanian
Tordos culture (5500-5000 B.C.) into the Sumerian Uruk Warka IV (ca. 3500-3200 B.C.) and the
Jemdet Nasr (ca. 3100-2900 B.C.) cultures that are basically identical (von Torma 1894, Vlassa 1963,
Badiny 2001, Tóth 2007, in press).
But also generally speaking, languages – as the relatively recent language death theory teaches us – do
not die out normally from one decade or century to the other (except in the case of epidemics or
genocide, like in the case of Tasmanian). As I have shown in Toth (2007, in press), the downfall of
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Retoromance in the St. Gallen Rhine Valley took over 1400 years, and many words, expressions, even
suprasegmental (phonetical) and syntactical phenomena of Retoromance are still to be found in the
today wholly germanized area. Considering the fact, that Retoromance was and still is a rather
unimportant language that did not have cultural impacts like f.ex. Sumerian and Akkadian did, we must
conclude that the time of the death of this languages was either much later than hitherto assumed or
that they went through a long period of transformation like e.g. Latin did in developing into the
Romance languages. It is therefore impossible to believe what such an authority like Woolley (who was
one of the excavators of Sumer) wrote about the Sumerians: “Their language, though fallen out of
popular use, might long survive in religious texts to be studied by the curious and painfully understood
by the aid of a dictionary; but the race had gone, exhausted by wars, sapped by decay, swamped by the
more vigorous stock which had eaten the tree of their knowledge” (Woolley 1929, pp. 181ss.).
Woolley’s flowery way of speaking shows nothing but his bare incompetence about language decay as
well as linguistics in general. According to mainstream-research, all old cultures (or, to speak with
Oswald Spengler in his “Der Untergang des Abendlandes”/”The Decay of the West”: Alle
Hochkulturen/All high-cultures) without exception disappeared suddenly without leaving back any
linguistic or cultural traces. If there are doubtless common words in Sumerian, Akkadian, ..., and still
living languages, then these are considered to be Wanderwörter. In a PhD dissertation of the University
of Arizona, Tucson, a doctorand even listed amongst the reasons why the Aztec culture allegedly
vanished so “suddenly” also the possibility that the Aztects my have taken away by an U.F.O. That the
Sumerians were not taken away by U.F.O.’s and that the Sumerian language did not die out – neither
long before Christ nor in later centuries – but went through a transformation into Hungarian and
several dozens of other languages, was shown hopefully for once and ever in EDH and the present
study. But the work is not yet finished.

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4. Bibliography

Badiny, Jós Ferenc, Igaz történelmünk vezérfonala Árpádig. Budapest 2001

Baráth, Tibor, A magyar népek őstörténete. 3 vols. Montreal 1968-74
Baráth, Tibor, Tájékoztató az újabb magyar őstörténeti kutatásokról. Montreal 1973
Baráth, Tibor, Őstörténetünk orientalista szemléletben. Montreal 1988
Baráth, Tibor, Was Hungarian the language of the ancient Eastern cultures? In:
Bíró, Lajos, A magyar régmúlt titkai. In:
Edzard, Diez Otto, Sumerian Grammar. Leiden and Boston 2003
Érdy, Miklós, The Sumerian, Ural-Altaic, Magyar Relationship: A History of Research. New York 1974
Erman, Adolf/Grapow, Hermann, Ägyptisches Handwörterbuch. Hildesheim 1961
Giesswein, Sándor, Mizraim és Assur tanusága. 2 vols. Győr 1887-1888
Gostony, Colman-Gabriel, Dictionnaire d’étymologie sumérienne. Paris 1975
Kiss, Bálint, Magyar régiségek. Pest 1839
Padányi, Viktor, Dentumagyaria. Buenos Aires 1963
Poukka, Helmi, Unkarin ja Egyptin sanojen vertailua (Manuscript). Helsinki 1979 (unpublished
typoscript in Kent State University Library, Kent, OH, calling no.: Min Cat HUNG 383)
Tóth, Alfréd, Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian. The Hague/Budapest 2007
Tóth, Alfréd, Überlegungen zu einer relativen Chronologie der rätischen Sprache. In: Zeitschrift für
Sprache und Sprachen 2007 (in press)
Vlassa, Nicolae, Chronology of the neolithic in Transylvania, in the light of the Tărtăria settlement’s
stratigraphy. In: Dacia 7, 1963, pp. 485-495
von Torma, Zsófia, Ethnographische Analogieen. Jena 1894
Wettenhovi-Aspa, Sigurd, Fenno-ägyptischer Kulturursprung der alten Welt. Leipzig 1935, 2nd ed.
Helsinki 1936
Woolley, C. Leonard, The Sumerians. Oxford 1929

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1. Introduction

In a recent paper (Tóth 2007a), I have stated that the common Sumerian-Hungarian cognates as
established in the works of Gostony (1975) and Tóth (2007), share at least 36,7% with Old Egyptian.
Since Old Egyptian is a member of the Afro-Asiatic language family and since the common cognates
between Sumerian-Hungarian and African languages are only 8% (cf. Tóth 2007, chapter 8), the genetic
affiliation between Sumerian-Hungarian and Old Egyptian must be due to the Asiatic part of the Afro-
Asiatic or Hamito-Semitic language familiy, as it was called earlier, and therefore be Semitic.
Now, the research about a possible genetic relationship between Hungarian and the Semitic languages
(Akkadian, Aramaic, Hebrew, Phoenician, Arabic, etc.) is scarse, and almost all works appeared in the
19th century (cf. Kiss 1839, Giesswein 1887, 1888). Moreover, both Kiss and Giesswein were fathers
resp. theologists and therefore had an interest to prove that Hungarian is related to the “holy” language
of the Old Testament. Also, the linguistic methodology was not yet fully established in the 19th
century, so that the works of Kiss and Giesswein must be consulted carefully. But in 1932, there
appeared the over 1200pp. work of the French linguist Hilaire de Barenton (de Barenton 1932),
according to whom most of the languages of the world go back to Sumerian. In de Barenton’s work, in
which we find also a few hundreds of Sumerian-Semitic-Hungarian correspondences, the
methodological progress of historical linguistics is obvious, since de Barenton works consistently with
sound-laws, while his predecessors just compared more or less phonetically and semantically
corresponding words.
While the works of Giesswein and de Barenton are relatively easily accessible, the work of Bálint Kiss
(1772-1853) is hardly available outside of Hungary. Similarly to the situation of my Hungarian-Egyptian
paper (Tóth 2007a), I got a copy of Kiss’s book only after having finished EDH (= Tóth 2007), so the
present study, too, is an addendum to EDH. I owe much thanks to Dr. Klára Koltai of Kossuth Lajos
University Library in Debrecen for having sent me Kiss’s book on CD. Linguistically, the pages 17-73
are of primordial interest, since there Kiss gives a list of many hundred Hungarian-Hebrew and
Hungarian-Aramaic (Chaldaean) correspondences. Unsusual for Non-Hungarians, Kiss brings his
Hebrew and Aramaic examples in Hungarian phonetics (since at his time an International Phonetical
Alphabet was not yet established). But since the readers of this journal are used to Hungarian
phonetical writing and most of all since Galgóczy (1909, 1911) showed that using Hungarian phonetics
can help to understand the sound values of the Sumerian cuneiforms, we do not change Kiss’s writing
for the present study. All of Kiss’s word equations have been checked according to the Sumerian-
Hungarian-Hebrew sound laws given in de Barenton (1932), whose work was also the basis for
Gostony (1975) on which I further built my EDH (Tóth 2007).

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2. Hungarian-Sumerian-Hebrew Etymologies

1 a, az “that”
ŠL 480; Gost. 835; Kiss 28, 30
Sum. aš
Hebr. ha
Hebr., Aram. zeh

2 Aba (proper name)

Gost. 902; Kiss 58
Sum. Aba
Aram. aba

3 ablak “window”
ŠL 128; MSL V 186; Gost. 462; Kiss 23
Sum. ab-lal
Hebr. a-balak

4 agy “brain”, agyalni “to brood”

ŠL 412/2, 3; MSL III 120, 374; Gost. 211; Kiss 43
Sum. ugu
Hebr. agál

5 aj “fold”, ajak “lip”, ajazni “to carve”, ajtó “door”

ŠL 334; Gost. 929; Kiss 21, 43
Sum. a-zu
Hebr. ajtéj, ajak

6 akarni “to want”

ŠL 97; MSL III 291; Gost. 304, 433a, 685; Kiss 29
Sum. ag, aka
Hebr. hacár

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7 akol “fence for sheep”

Gost. 716; Kiss 29
Sum. udul, utul
Hebr. hacál, hejcal

8 ál- “false”
ŠL 358/3, 4; Gost. 604; Kiss 18
Sum. alam, alan
Hebr. ál “not, just not”

9 állni “to stand”, állítani “to put”, állat “animal”

ŠL 80; MSL III 176; Gost. 332, 874; Kiss 18, 44
Sum. gal, al
Hebr. alah, alah

10 álom “sleep; dream”

ŠL 358/3, 4; Gost. 472, 604; Kiss 32
Sum. a-a-lum, alam, alan
Hebr. chálom

11 alom “strew”
Gost. 729; Kiss 44
Sum. u8-alum
Hebr. alám

12 ám “well”
Gost. 830; Kiss 19
Sum. am
Hebr. amén

13 apa “father”
Gost. 434; Kiss 17, 45
Sum. ab, ab-ba
Hebr. ab “father”, apa

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14 ár “flood”, áradni “to flood, to swell”

ŠL 579; Gost. 37, 141; Kiss 52
Sum. a, a-ma-ru
Hebr. rád

15 Arad (place name)

MSL III 345; Gost. 519, 919; Kiss 59
Sum. arad
Hebr. Ara-d

16 aratni “to harvest”

ŠL 594/2; 56, 5; MSL III 269, 270; Gost. 397, 802, 803; Kiss 20
Sum. ur4, uru
Hebr. arah

17 Árpád “proper name”

Gost. 905; Kiss 59
Sum. A-a-ni-pad-da
Hebr. Arpád

18 ásni “to dig”, ásó “spade”

Gost. 639; Kiss 21
Sum. al-zu
Hebr. asuta “he digged”

19 asszony “woman”
ŠL 80; MSL III 176; Gost. 332, 457; Kiss 19, 30
Sum. gal, gašan
Hebr. aszon, zónah

20 báj “charme”
ŠL 461; Gost. 34; Kiss 22
Sum. ba
Hebr. bahál

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21 bal “left”, balog “left-handed””

ŠL 9; 352a; MSL III 79/1; Gost. ad 288, 588; Kiss 23
Sum. bal, ba
Hebr. bal, balag

22 ban, ben (inessive suffix), ba, be (illative suffix)

ŠL 69; Gost. 366, 861; Kiss 21, 22
Sum. be, bad, ba
Hebr. ba, béjn

23 barom “cattle”
ŠL 203/24; Gost. 651; Kiss 47
Sum. bulum
Hebr. parim

24 be- “in- (verbal prefix)”

ŠL 69; Gost. 366; Kiss 22
Sum. be, bad
Hebr. béj

25 beszélni “to speak”, beszéd “speech”

ŠL 214/16, 31; Gost. 300¸23
Sum. be
Hebr. betéd, beszéd “speach”

26 bírni “to possess; to stand; to be able to”, bíró “judge”, bírság “fine”, birtok “property”
ŠL 11/2, 7; Gost. 495; Kiss 17, 24
Sum. bur
Hebr. abar, abbir “kräftig, mächtig”, bira, birta “property”

27 bog “knot”
ŠL 3; Gost. 616; Kiss 24
Sum. mug
Hebr. gab

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28 boldog, bódog “happy”

Gost. 132; Kiss 22
Sum. ba-dug(-ga)
Hebr. búl-dagah

29 borda “rib”
ŠL 74/58, 105; Gost. 205a; Kiss 24
Sum. bar
Hebr. borda

30 bú “grief, sorrow”, bús “sad”

ŠL 230/15, 16; Gost. 819; Kiss 22
Sum. du
Hebr. bús

31 búb “parting (hair); bonnet”

ŠL 455; Gost. 684; Kiss 22
Sum. u-bu-bu-ul
Hebr. bub

32 büdös “stinky”
ŠL 536; Gost. 115; Kiss 21
Sum. bid3, be5, bi7
Hebr. beos

33 bűz “to stink”

ŠL 483/15; 536; 511/12; Gost. 94, 115, 704; Kiss 21
Sum. hab, bid3, be5, bi7
Hebr. beos

34 csákány “pickaxe”
ŠL 126; Gost. 356; Kiss 42, 55
Sum. šum
Hebr. szaccin, száccin

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35 család “family”
ŠL 554; Gost. 444; Kiss 54
Sum. sal, sal-la
Hebr. salát

36 csapni “to catch”

ŠL 68/13; Gost. 273; Kiss 55
Sum. šub
Hebr. sapa

37 csata “battle”, csatolni “to tie up”

ŠL 549; Gost. 593; Kiss 47
Sum. šudul, šudun
Hebr. czadah

38 csecs “tits; udder”

ŠL 331; Gost. 458; Kiss 48
Sum. šeš
Hebr. czicz

39 csel “ruse, trick”, cselekedni “to make, to do”

ŠL 152/4, 8; 44; Gost. 103, 241; Kiss 48
Sum. sil5, šilig
Hebr. czel, czalach

40 csemege “delikatessen”
ŠL 215; Gost. 789; Kiss 48
Sum. šem
Hebr. czimuka

41 csépelni “to thresh”, csép “threshing flail”

ŠL 68; 537/10, 20; Gost. 274, 275; Kiss 55
Sum. šib, dib
Hebr. sépel

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42 csepp “drop”, csepegni “to drop”

Gost. 659; Kiss 55
Sum. še x
Hebr. sepec

43 cserép “broken piece, fragment”

ŠL 309; Gost. 537, 673; Kiss 49
Sum. zurzub, še-ib
Hebr. czereb

44 csillag “star”, csillogni “to shine”

ŠL 381, 393; 231; 126/58; Gost. 91, 359, 360, 370; Kiss 54
Sum. zalag, zal, zil(-la)
Hebr. seleg, télag

45 csinos “pretty”
ŠL 8; Gost. 160; Kiss 49, 54
Sum. šen
Hebr. czana, sinész

46 csípni “to pinch”, csipke “thorn”

ŠL 68; Gost. 274; Kiss 48
Sum. šib
Hebr. czaip

47 csíra “germ”
ŠL 71/2; Gost. 242; Kiss 48
Sum. šir
Hebr. czair

48 csoda, csuda “wonder, miracle”

ŠL 119h; 190/2-5, 13; Gost. 119; Kiss 47, 53
Sum. sukud
Hebr. czedah, sod

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49 csomó “knot”
ŠL 126; 555/8; 319; Gost. 356, 609; Kiss 48
Sum. šum, zum
Hebr. czammah

50 csordulni “to flow over”, corogni “to flow”

ŠL 491; Gost. 368; Kiss 49
Sum. zar
Hebr. czarah

51 csuka “pike”
ŠL 354/b; 407b, f; Gost. 213; Kiss 49
Sum. šu-ha
Hebr. czukah

52 csúnya “ugly”
ŠL 126; 429; Gost. 356, 753; Kiss 48
Sum. šum, sun-na
Hebr. czachanah

53 dagadni “to swell”, daganat “tumor”, dagály “flood”

Gost. 173; Kiss 26
Sum. dugud
Hebr. dagál

54 dajka “nurse”
ŠL 319; Gost. 702; Kiss 26
Sum. ga
Hebr. daj

55 darab “piece”
ŠL 108; 377/3; Gost. 86; Kiss 27, 34
Sum. dur
Hebr. darab, taráp

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56 derék “honest”
MSL III 142/176; Gost. 187; Kiss 27
Sum. diri(g)
Hebr. doréc

57 dinnye “melon”
ŠL 550/17, 19; Gost. 805; Kiss 33
Sum. tiĝilu, tiĝila
Hebr. tinna

58 disznó “pig”
ŠL 467; Gost. 715; Kiss 27
Sum. dun(-a)
Hebr. disnah

59 dob “drum”
ŠL 138; Gost. 190; Kiss 57
Sum. dub
Hebr. top

60 dolog “thing”, dolgozni “to work”

ŠL 278/3-5; MSL III 125/321; Gost. 130; Kiss 26
Sum. galga
Hebr. dalag

61 dög “carrion”
LM 229; Gost. 500; Kiss 26
Sum. tag
Hebr. dag

62 e, ez “this”
Gost. 846; Kiss 28, 30
Sum. e
Hebr. ha, zeh

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63 é (genitive suffix)
Gost. 855; Kiss 28
Sum. e, ge
Hebr. hé

64 éj “night”
ŠL 427; Gost. 49; Kiss 38
Sum. gig, ge6
Hebr. lajél “éjjel (in the night)”

65 ék “wedge”, ékjel, ékszer “jewels”, ékes “decorated”

ŠL 183; MSL III 202, 291; ŠL 80; 347; Gost. 305, 561, 562, 600; Kiss 43
Sum. ag, ang, ig, ek, igi-gal, aga
Hebr. ecesz

66 el- “away (verbal prefix)”

ŠL 381; Gost. 328, 860, 874; Kiss 18
Sum. ud-du, e, i, al
Hebr. él

67 élni “to live”

ŠL 320; 80; MSL III 176; ŠL 320; Gost. 151, 332, 405, 874; Kiss 18
Sum. il, gal, al
Hebr. él

68 eme “female”
Gost. 208; Kiss 19
Sum. en-bar
Hebr. em

69 én “I”
ŠL 233; Gost. 811; Kiss 19
Sum. ĝa-e
Hebr. ani

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70 ének “song”, énekelni “to sing”

ŠL 546/2; Gost. 16; Kiss 20
Sum. en-ag
Hebr. énok

71 epe “gall”
ŠL 207, 535/9; Gost. 238; Kiss 20
Sum. ib
Hebr. epeh

72 erő “strength, force”

ŠL 50; 56, 5; Gost. 493, 802; Kiss 20
Sum. er, eri, erum, uru
Hebr. ere, ara

73 eskű, esküv- “oath”, esküdni “to swear”

ŠL 452; Gost. 104; Kiss 21
Sum. izkim
Hebr. eskod

74 esni “to fall”, esemény “event”, eső “rain”

ŠL 461; 308; Gost. 5, 188, 429; Kiss 20, 21
Sum. ešemen, e
Hebr. asám “did a crime”; esed

75 faragni “to carve”, faragó “carver”

ŠL 349/65; Gost. 575; Kiss 47
Sum. bur-gul
Hebr. parád, parác

76 fehér, fejér “white”

ŠL 181; 468; Gost. 155, 572; Kiss 47
Sum. babbar, ku-babbar
Hebr. peér

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77 fel “up”
ŠL 13; Gost. 35; Kiss 46
Sum. An
Hebr. pele

78 fél (felet) “half”, felezni “to divide in half”

ŠL 589/27; 74/58, 105; 2/4, 12, 13; MSL V 10, 20; Gost. 67, 205a, 382, 384, 631, 862; Kiss 46
Sum. ha-la, bar, ba, hal, ba-ra
Hebr. pelág

79 fel-, föl- “up (verbal prefix)”

ŠL 320; Gost. 151, 405; Kiss 46
Sum. il
Hebr. pele

80 feleség “wife”
ŠL 2/4, 12, 13; Gost. 384; Kiss 46
Sum. hal
Hebr. pileges

81 figyelni “to watch out”

ŠL 449; Gost. 217; Kiss 47
Sum. igi
Hebr. pighel

82 fiú “son; boy”

ŠL 144/37; MSL V 305; Gost. 456; Kiss 46
Sum. ibila
Hebr. pij

83 fogni “to seize”, fogadni “to receive”, foganni “to be expecting a baby”
ŠL 450; 78/3; 412; Gost. 364, 365, 381; Kiss 45
Sum. pad, pag, ugu, ugun
Hebr. paga

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84 fogyni “to diminish”

ŠL 69; 152/8; Gost. 363, 403; Kiss 45
Sum. bad bis, ug9
Hebr. pug

85 fő, fej “head”

ŠL 69; 295; 565; Gost. 514, 792; Kiss 46
Sum. be, pa
Hebr. peh

86 fújni “to blow”; fúvatni “to blow, to blow out”

ŠL 371; LM 515; Gost. 339; Kiss 46
Sum. bu, bu5
Hebr. pu

87 gatya “large farmer’s pants”

ŠL 90; MSL III 228; Gost. 525; Kiss 45
Sum. gad(-a)
Hebr. otjaδ

88 gaz “scoundrel”, gizgaz “weed”

ŠL 296/2-6; Gost. 786; Kiss 24
Sum. giš
Hebr. gez

89 gazda “farmer”
ŠL 62; 192/6; Gost. 507, 607; Kiss 31
Sum. ga5-šu-du8
Hebr. chaza-da

90 gázolni “to wade; to run s.o. over”

ŠL 192; Gost. 290; Kiss 24
Sum. gaz
Hebr. gazáz “wades; runs s.o. over”

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91 gödör “pit”
Gost. 661; Kiss 31
Sum. kidar
Hebr. cheder

92 gulya “herd of cattle”

ŠL 297; MSL III 137/94; Gost. 721; Kiss 25
Sum. gud, gu4
Hebr. gülla

93 gyám “guardian”, gyámol “support”

ŠL 554, 557; Gost. 439, 440; Kiss 25
Sum. geme, dam
Hebr. gamál

94 gyep “lawn”, gyepű “fence, Hungarian border in the early Middle-Ages”

ŠL 85; Gost. 784; Kiss 25
Sum. gi
Hebr. gapa

95 gyermek, gyerek “child”

ŠL 134; Gost. 437; Kiss 35
Sum. um(-u)
Hebr. jerek

96 győzni “to win”, győző “winner”

ŠL 296; 559; 296; Gost. 345, 510, 787; Kiss 43
Sum. giš, giš-guza, isu
Hebr. óz

97 hagyni “to let”

Gost. 404; Kiss 31
Sum. u-gu
Hebr. chagga

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98 hála “thanks”
ŠL 550; Gost. 99; Kiss 29
Sum. húl
Hebr. halál

99 haladni “to proceed”

ŠL 550; Gost. 99, 385; Kiss 29, 32
Sum. húl, hal bis
Hebr. halah, chalád

100 halál “death”

ŠL 317-2, 6; 316; 456; Gost. 31, 98; Kiss 18, 32
Sum. lú-alal, hul
Hebr. alál, chalál

101 hamar “quick, hurried”

Gost. 824; Kiss 38
Sum. a-mar-u
Hebr. mahár

102 harácsolni “to plunder, to devastate”

ŠL 132; Gost. 606; Kiss 45
Sum. har(-ra)
Hebr. arácz

103 harag “anger”

ŠL 22; Gost. 194; Kiss 29, 33
Sum. urgu
Hebr. harag, charák

104 haszon “use, advantage”, hasznos “useful”

Gost. 144; Kiss 33
Sum. á-áš
Hebr. chasán

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105 hát “well ...”

Gost. 825; Kiss 28, 33
Sum. ga, ge, gu
Hebr. héd, chát (?)

106 határ, old hudur “border”, határolni “to mark off”, határozni “to decide”
ŠL 96; Gost. 272, 491; Kiss 21, 31, 45
Sum. kud, bulug
Hebr. atár, chatár

107 ház “house”, háznép “one’s family”

ŠL 339; 233; Gost. 446, 452; Kiss 29
Sum. ni(ri-a), ga
Hebr. haza

108 hegedű “violin”

Gost. 585; Kiss 28
Sum. ne-gi-gi-du16
Hebr. hédad

109 hegy “mountain”

ŠL 230; Gost. 582; Kiss 28
Sum. gag
Hebr. hege

110 hely “place”, helyezni “to put”

ŠL 461; Gost. 40; Kiss 29
Sum. ki, ke
Hebr. halah

111 hívni “to call”, hű (hívet) “faithful”

ŠL152(4); MSL III 351; Gost. 518; Kiss 17
Sum. ubara
Hebr. ivvah “calls”

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112 hogy “that, in order to, because”

Gost. 825; Kiss 28
Sum. ga, ge, gu
Hebr. hagah

113 homok “sand”

LM 212; Gost. 61; Kiss 30
Sum. ukum
Hebr. hamah-ach

114 hon “homeland”

ŠL 195/2; Gost. 482; Kiss 28, 44
Sum. nu
Hebr. hon, on

115 hozni “to bring”

Gost. 858; Kiss 31
Sum. še, eš, eše, uš
Hebr. choz, chazam “hozom “I bring”

116 hölgy “lady”

Gost. 435; Kiss 29
Sum. ad, ad-da
Hebr. holid

117 húnyni “to turn a blind eye”

ŠL 536/39; Gost. 393; Kiss 28
Sum. hun
Hebr. hon

118 hús “meat”

ŠL 384; 171; MSL III 151; ŠL 7; Gost. 113, 203, 204; Kiss 32
Sum. uš, uzu, kuš
Hebr. chúcz

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119 húzni “to pull”

LM 401; Gost. 398; Kiss 31
Sum. hur
Hebr. chazam (< Arab.) “húzom (I pull)”

120 idő “time; weather”, (az) idén “in this year”

ŠL 381; 52; Gost. 42, 44; Kiss 43
Sum. ud, ud-(d)a, itu
Hebr. iddan

121 isten “god”

ŠL 480; LM 480; Gost. 22, 23; Kiss 20
Sum. išten, d-DIŠ
Hebr. Iseh-den

122 izzani “to glow”, izzás “glowing”

ŠL 172; MSL IV 36/99; Gost. 191, 450; Kiss 34
Sum. izi
Hebr. jeza “izza (glows)”

123 járni “to go; to come”

ŠL 444; 232/4; 401; 152b, c; Gost. 231, 314, 606; Kiss 35
Sum. gir, ir, har(-ra)
Hebr. jarác “járok (I am coming)”

124 járom “yoke”

ŠL 50/3; Gost. 578; Kiss 35
Sum. erum
Hebr. jarah

125 jó “good”, jól “well”

ŠL 142; 396; Gost. 13, 146; Kiss 34
Sum. i(-a), dug
Hebr. jah, jaah

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126 jog “law”

ŠL 142; Gost. 13, 317; Kiss 34
Sum. i(-a), i
Hebr. jad

127 jönni, dial. gyünni “to come”

ŠL 206; Gost. 255, 256; Kiss 24
Sum. gin, du
Hebr. gaa (< Arab.) “comes”, jeheve “jövő (coming, future)”

128 kacagás, kacaj “laughter”, kacagni “to laugh”

Gost. 133; Kiss 48
Sum. ka-zal
Hebr. czachak

129 kád “tub”

ŠL 309; Gost. 539; Kiss 35
Sum. dug
Hebr. cád

130 kapa “hoe”, kapálni “to hoe”

ŠL 536; Gost. 353; Kiss 32
Sum. ku
Aram. chapász “kapás “s.o. who hoes”

131 kaparni “to scratch”

Gost. 271; Kiss 32, 49
Sum. kaparu (< Akk.)
Hebr. chapar, kabár

132 kapni “to receive; to catch”

ŠL 36; Gost. 351, 686; Kiss 32, 36
Sum. ku, ka
Hebr. chapan, kap

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133 kar “arm”

ŠL 322; 74/58, 105; MSL III 78/4, 79/1, 7; Gost. 152, 205, 522; Kiss 36
Sum. kal, kalg, kùš, kur x
Hebr. car

134 kár “damage; a pity”

ŠL 60; 376/2, 3, 4, 8, etc.; Gost. 122, 553; Kiss 33, 35
Sum. kúr, kar
Hebr. cháras “káros (s.o. who is damaging)”, caar

135 kard “saber, sword”

LM 223; Gost. 647; Kiss 50
Sum. kar
Hebr. kardom

136 karika “ring”

ŠL 60; Gost. 105; Kiss 36
Sum. kur(-kur)
Hebr. cericah

137 kása “mush, mash”

ŠL 214; Gost. 719, 935; Kiss 51
Sum. kaš, ga-še-a
Hebr. kasah

138 kasza “scythe”, kaszálni “to mow”

ŠL 46/4-7; Gost. 646, 807; Kiss 50
Sum. kaz, kud-da
Hebr. kaczah

139 kebel “bosom”

ŠL 167; Gost. 202; Kiss 31
Sum. gab(a)
Hebr. chabál, chóbel

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140 kedv “mood”, kedvelni “to love”

Gost. 306; Kiss 31
Sum. ki-ag, ke-ag
Hebr. chedvah

141 kegy “favor”, kegyes “gracious, merciful”

ŠL 468; 41; Gost. 165, 572, 573; Kiss 32, 50
Sum. kug, ku-babbar, kug-dim
Hebr. chén, chén-jes, kodes

142 kék “blue”

ŠL 591; Gost. 148a; Kiss 45
Sum. gig
Hebr. akik (< Arab.)

143 kép “picture”, képezni “to build, to form”

ŠL 440; Gost. 219, 931; Kiss 36
Sum. ka, kim
Hebr. cip

144 kerek “round”, kerék “wheel”

LM 129a; Gost. 142, 531; Kiss 51
Sum. mul-giš-gigir, gigir
Hebr. karách

145 kert “garden”

MSL I, 71; Gost. 663; Kiss 51
Sum. kiri
Hebr. keret

146 kész “ready”, készíteni “to prepare (v/t), to make ready”, készülni “to get ready, to prepare (v/i)”
ŠL 70/32; Gost. 432, 787; Kiss 35, 51
Sum. katu, isu (< Akk.)
Hebr. cásze, kécz
Aram. kisset “készíteni (to prepare)”

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147 keverni, kavarni “to stir”

ŠL 396; Gost. 383; Kiss 31
Sum. he-he
Hebr. chabár

148 kéz “hand”

ŠL 354b; MSL III 139; ŠL 559; 296/2-6; Gost. 214, 251, 252, 510, 786; Kiss 32
Sum. kad, kat4,5, giš, ki-ši-ib, giš-guza
Hebr. chezek

149 ki, kinn, kint “out, outside”

ŠL 461; Gost. 40; Kiss 50
Sum. ki, ke
Hebr. ki

150 kicsi, kicsiny “small, little, tiny”

ŠL 281 a/1, 2; 290/2, 8; MSL III 249; Gost. 749; Kiss 50
Sum. kiši, kišim
Hebr. kiczéj

151 kígyó “snake”

ŠL 376; Gost. 347; Kiss 31
Sum. gi4
Aram. chévja

152 kín “agony”

ŠL 538/10; MSL III 271; Gost. 499, 937; Kiss 50
Sum. kin, kiĝ
Hebr. kinah, kun

153 kincs “treasure”

ŠL 468; Gost. 571; Kiss 25
Sum. guš-kin
Hebr. ginza

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154 kívánni “to wish”

ŠL 143; 406; Gost. 421; Kiss 35, 50
Sum. kam
Hebr. cavván, kivvah

155 kosár “basket”

Gost. 614; Kiss 51
Sum. dusu
Hebr. kusár (< Arab.)

156 kömény, kemény “caraway”

ŠL 465; Gost. 808; Kiss 36
Sum. gamun
Hebr. camár

157 kör “circle”

ŠL 60/33; 111; Gost. 105, 333; Kiss 50
Sum. kur(-kur), gur
Hebr. karah

158 kötni “to bind”, kötözni “to tie up”, kötél “cord, rope”
ŠL 354/b; MSL III 139; 132/26; Gost. 214, 252, 279, 281; Kiss 32
Sum. kad, kat4,5, ki-ši-ib, kad, kešda
Hebr. chút, chatál

159 köz, old küzü “spot, place; community”, közel “near”, közép “middle”, közös “common”
ŠL 425; 296/2-6; Gost. 504, 786; Kiss 32
Sum. kiši, keš, giš
Hebr. chaczi

160 kürt “horn (music instrument)”

ŠL 424/5; Gost. 584; Kiss 51
Sum. kir
Hebr. kerót

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161 láb “leg, foot”

Gost. 254; Kiss 37
Sum. lah4
Hebr. laahb

162 lapát “shovel”

MSL III 103; Gost. 640; Kiss 38
Sum. lapatum
Hebr. lapát

163 le- “down (verbal prefix)”; lent, lenn “down”

ŠL 481; Gost. 334; Kiss 36
Sum. la
Hebr. l

164 lebbencs “Fleckerl (pasta strips for bouillon)”

LM 424; Gost. 244; Kiss 37
Sum. lipiš
Hebr. laháb

165 lélek “breathsoul (vs. bodysoul)”, lélegezni “to breathe”, lelkes “inspired, fiery”
ŠL 313; 330; Gost. 69, 447; Kiss 18
Sum. líl, lu
Hebr. lélach

166 lelni “to meet, to find”

ŠL 481; Gost. 335; Kiss 18
Sum. lal
Hebr. lél “he is in power”

167 lép “spleen”

ŠL 106; Gost. 244; Kiss 37
Sum. lipiš
Hebr. léb

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168 locsolni “to water”, locsadni “to moisten”

ŠL 321/3; Gost. 325; Kiss 38
Sum. luh, lah
Hebr. lasad

169 ma “today”
ŠL 61/40; Gost. 45; Kiss 38
Sum. mu
Hebr. mahah

170 magas “high”, magasztos “sublime, grand”

Gost. 163; Kiss 24, 38
Sum. mah
Hebr. gaah
Aram. magus

171 Magoch (proper name)

ŠL 314; Gost. 29; Kiss 67
Sum. sanga (Zäntha-Magus)
Hebr. Magus

172 mány, mény (collective suffix)

ŠL 471; 570; Gost. 836; Kiss 39
Sum. min, man
Hebr. manah

173 más “other”, másik “the other one”, másítani “to amend”, második “second”, másolni “to copy”
ŠL 74; MSL VI 48, 55; ŠL 76; Gost. 12, 94a, 632, 727, 864; Kiss 39
Sum. maš, máš, -meš, me-eš
Hebr. masál

174 megye “government district”

ŠL 342; 335; Gost. 503; Kiss 38
Sum. ma-a, ma-da
Hebr. medi

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175 méh “womb”

ŠL 554; Gost. 239, 441; Kiss 39
Sum. mi
Hebr. méhaj

176 mely? “which?”, mely “which”

Gost. 866; Kiss 39
Sum. me
Aram. mejle

177 mély “deep”

ŠL 122; 433/9; Gost. 14, 568, 669, 777; Kiss 39
Sum. me, má(-a), meli, nim
Hebr. meli, meléj

178 menny “heaven, sky”

ŠL 95; 433/16, 8; MSL III 151/354, 433/2, 9; Gost. 84, 90, 164, 401, 777; Kiss 39
Sum. mun, nim-gír, nim
Hebr. meni

179 méreg “poison”, mérges “poisonous; angry”

ŠL 347/5; 481; Gost. 116, 335; Kiss 39
Sum. me-ir, lal
Hebr. merágh

180 mese “fairytale”

ŠL 76; Gost. 95, 302; Kiss 39
Sum. máš. me
Hebr. missél

181 mez “cover, clothes”, mezítelen “naked”

ŠL 532; Gost. 615; Kiss 38
Sum. me-te
Hebr. mezi

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182 mi? “what?”

ŠL 70a; 61; Gost. 816, 818, 867; Kiss 39
Sum. mi, a-ba11
Hebr. mi

183 múlni “to pass (time)”

ŠL 129a; Gost. 47a; Kiss 39
Sum. mul, mulu
Hebr. múl

184 nád “reed”

Gost. 585; Kiss 40
Sum. ne-gi-gi-du16
Hebr. nád

185 nagy “big”

ŠL 72; 87/1; 168; Gost. 154, 167, 168, 169, 170; Kiss 40
Sum. nu5(..g), (nu-)g, nun, nu5, na, nad
Hebr. nahág

186 nak, nek (dative suffix)

Gost. 849; Kiss 40
Sum. na
Hebr. nachach

187 nál, nél (adessive suffix)

Gost. 849; Kiss 40
Sum. na
Hebr. nachál

188 nap “day; sun”

ŠL 129/2; Gost. 48; Kiss 41
Sum. nap, nab
Hebr. nap

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189 nász “wedding; father-in-law”

ŠL 394/6, 7; Gost. 771; Kiss 41
Sum. nunuz
Hebr. nászu

190 ne! “there!”

Gost. 848; Kiss 29
Sum. ne
Hebr. hén

191 nem (negative particle)

ŠL 79/8; Gost. 58, 876; Kiss 38, 18
Sum. na-àm, nu-àm, nu
Hebr. méén
Aram. ejn

192 nép “people”

ŠL 339; 366/7; Gost. 446, 812, 930; Kiss 40
Sum. ni(ri-a), ni, na-ab
Hebr. nib

193 ni! “look!”

Gost. 848; Kiss 40
Sum. ne
Hebr. nu

194 no! “now!, then!”

Gost. 831; Kiss 40
Sum. na
Hebr. na

195 nő “woman”
ŠL 75/1, 19, 81, 90; Gost. 470, 771; Kiss 40
Sum. nu, nunuz
Hebr. naeh

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196 nyak “neck”

Gost. 240; Kiss 40
Sum. gu
Hebr. nuágh

197 nyugodni, nyugszik “to rest”, nyugat “west”

ŠL 431; Gost. 411; Kiss 40
Sum. nud, nad, na
Hebr. nucha

198 ok “reason, cause”, okozni “to cause”

ŠL 97; MSL III 291; Gost. 304; Kiss. 18
Sum. ag
Hebr. ác

199 or-, orv- “wild”

Gost. 735; Kiss 45
Sum. ur-mah
Hebr. ar, har

200 ordítani “to roar, to howl”

ŠL 24; Gost. 287; Kiss 45
Sum. ara9
Hebr. aar

201 oroszlán “lion”

Gost. 735; Kiss 20
Sum. ur-mah
Hebr. ari-szalan

202 ország, old uru-zag “land, state”

ŠL 332/19; 38; 332; 401; Gost. 81, 478, 480; Kiss 20
Sum. zag, uru + zag, hursag, harsag
Hebr. arzák (< Arab.)

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203 óta “since”

ŠL 381; Gost. 42; Kiss 45
Sum. ud, ud-(d)a
Hebr. ét, attah

204 ott “there”

Gost. 857; Kiss 21
Sum. ta11
Hebr. atah

205 őr “guard”, őrs “guarding place”, őrizni “to guard”, őrszem “guarding place”
ŠL 401/99; 80; MSL III 176; ŠL 331; 393; 575/2, 3; Gost. 33, 332, 395, 494, 734; Kiss 45
Sum. ur5-úš, gál, urù, erim, ur
Hebr. ér

206 öreg “old”, örök “eternal”, örökség “heritage”

MSL VI 59/99; 209; Gost. 197, 247; Kiss 20
Sum. egir
Hebr. orec

207 ösztön “instinct”, ösztökélni “to drive on, to urge on”

ŠL 383; MSL III 176; ŠL 210; Gost. 225, 332, 788; Kiss 42
Sum. geštug, gal, geš-tin, giš-tin
Hebr. szatán

208 öv “belt”
ŠL 420; Gost. 55, 722; Kiss 17
Sum. ub, ab
Hebr. abenét

209 parancs “order, command”, parancsolni “to order, to command”

Gost. 883; Kiss 47
Sum. barag
Hebr. paracz

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210 patak “brook”

Gost. 656; Kiss 47
Sum. pa
Hebr. patach

211 peregni “to spin (round)”

ŠL 352a; Gost. 588; Kiss 47
Sum. balag
Hebr. perág

212 pokol “hell”

ŠL 60/27; Gost. 28; Kiss 46
Sum. pa(b)-hal
Hebr. piggol

213 por “dust”

ŠL 381; Gost. 706; Kiss 29, 45
Sum. par, za-par
Hebr. hapar, apar

214 rá- “on top of (verbal prefix)”

Gost. 852; Kiss 51
Sum. ra
Hebr. raah

215 rab “prisoner”

ŠL 49/3, 4; Gost. 619; Kiss 52
Sum. rab
Hebr. raab

216 ragyogni “to shine”

ŠL 381/67, 76; Gost. 183, 373; Kiss 51
Sum. rug, lag-lag
Hebr. raga, ragagh

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217 rakni “to put”, rakodni “to load, to ship, to reload”

Gost. 264, 344, 369; Kiss 52, 53
Sum. ra (+ ag)
Hebr. ragás “rakás (loading, pile)”, rakám “rakom (I load)”

218 rázni “to shake”

ŠL 206; Gost. 263; Kiss 52
Sum. rá (+ uš)
Hebr. ráás, razám “rázom (I shake)”

219 reggel “morning”, reggeli “breakfast”

ŠL 381/67, 76; Gost. 373; Kiss 52
Sum. lag-lag
Hebr. regel

220 rém “horror; ghost”, rémülni “to get scared””

ŠL 482/2, 3; Gost. 93; Kiss 52
Sum. rim
Hebr. raám

221 rész “part”

ŠL 377/3; Gost. 85; Kiss 53
Sum. liš
Hebr. rés

222 rom “ruin”, rombolni “to destroy”, romlani, romolni “to spoil, to get broken”, rontani “to spoil,
to damage”
LM 565; ŠL 565; Gost. 135, 292, 344; Kiss 52
Sum. gum, hum, ra
Hebr. romah

223 ság, ség, seg “hill” (in place names)

Gost. 924; Kiss 71
Sum. šag
Hebr. Saag

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224 sár “dirt, mud”

ŠL 212; Gost. 60; Kiss 55
Sum. sahar
Hebr. sarah

225 sárga “yellow”

MSL III 127/362; Gost. 176; Kiss 56
Sum. sig7
Hebr. szarák

226 selyem “silk”

ŠL 457; Gost. 201; Kiss 42
Sum. silim
Hebr. szalám

227 sok “many, much”

ŠL 7, 2, 3, 17; Gost. 461; Kiss 42
Sum. su
Hebr. szác
Aram. szággi

228 sor “row”, sorolni “to class, to classify”

ŠL 152; Gost. 313; Kiss 55, 56
Sum. sar
Hebr. surah, tor

229 sújtani “to hit, to beat”

ŠL 354; 411; Gost. 337, 338; Kiss 54
Sum. šu...ti, šu4
Hebr. sijt

230 sülni “to get roasted”, sütni “to roast”

ŠL 469; Gost. 693; Kiss 54
Sum. kurum6
Hebr. suj (< Arab.)

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231 szabni “to cut out, to tailor to”

ŠL 295k; Gost. 273a; Kiss 30
Sum. šab
Hebr. zabach “he cut”

232 szajkó “acornjay”

ŠL 82/8; Gost. 744; Kiss 56
Sum. sa4-a-hu
Hebr. szijcho

233 szakítani “to tear (v/t), to pick”, szakadni “to tear (v/i)”
ŠL 102; Gost. 323; Kiss 54, 56
Sum. suh
Hebr. sachath, szachát “szakadt (torn, broken)”

234 szál “thread”

MSL III 185; Gost. 529; Kiss 42
Sum. sa-a
Hebr. szalál

235 szállni “to fly; to stay (in a hotel)”

ŠL 86/41; Gost. 386; Kiss 42
Sum. dal
Hebr. szollah

236 szamár “donkey”

ŠL 437; MSL III 155; Gost. 751; Kiss 42
Sum. amar
Hebr. szamár

237 szánni “to dedicate”

ŠL 164; Gost. 377; Kiss 41, 54
Sum. sum, sun
Hebr. szaán, sanah

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238 szeg “nail”

Gost. 210; Kiss 41
Sum. sag, šaĝ
Aram. szicca

239 szeg, szög “corner, angle”, szegély “rim, border”, szegés “seam”, szeglet, szöglet “corner, angle”,
szegni, old “to hem; to cut in; to break one’s word”, szegődni “to serve; to join”
ŠL 332/19; 84; 567; UET 333, 361; MSL V 234; Gost. 81, 321, 546, 596b, 629; Kiss 30
Sum. zag, zig, sig4, siga, si-gi4-da, sag
Hebr. zikk

240 szegény “poor”

ŠL 692; Gost. 147; Kiss 41
Sum. sig
Hebr. szicén

241 szék “seat, stool”

Gost. 210; Kiss 36
Sum. sag, šaĝ
Hebr. cesz

242 szekér “handcart”

LM 129a; ŠL 486; Gost. 142, 531; Kiss 41
Sum. mul-giš-gigir, gigir
Hebr. szochér

243 szekerce “axe”

ŠL 449/122e; Gost. 583; Kiss 42
Sum. igi-kak
Aram. szekorja

244 szél “wind”, szelelni “to ventilate”

MSL V 74/306; Gost. 21, 192; Kiss 30
Sum. d-Zalam, sig-sig
Hebr. zelál

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245 szem “eye”, személy “person”

ŠL 449; 367; Gost. 218, 691; Kiss 42, 54
Sum. ši, še
Hebr. szemel, semes

246 szép “beautiful, handsome”

MSL III 127, 361; Gost. 175; Kiss 30, 41, 48
Sum. sa-a
Hebr. zip, széb, czebi

247 szepegni “to act timidly”

ŠL 26; Gost. 376; Kiss 42
Sum. sub
Hebr. szapék

248 szer “means”, szerelni “to mount, to install”, szerezni “to acquire”, szerszám “tool”
ŠL 112; 152; 57; Gost. 378, 414, 498; Kiss 56
Sum. si-sa, šer, esir
Hebr. szeréc

249 szer, szor “-times”

Gost. 891; Kiss 30
Sum. še
Hebr. zar

250 szeretni “to love”, szerelem “love”

ŠL 437/3; Gost. 374; Kiss 55
Sum. zur
Hebr. seret

251 szikkadni “to dry out”

Gost. 662; Kiss 48
Sum. sig
Hebr. czicheh

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252 szó, szav- “word”

ŠL 82/3; 6; Gost. 311, 312; Kiss 48
Sum. sa4, zu
Hebr. czav

253 szoba “room”

ŠL 7; Gost. 683; Kiss 30
Sum. su
Hebr. zabál “szobál (he lives together with s.o.)”

254 szokni “to get used to”

ŠL 172; ŠL 7, 2, 3, 17; Gost. 310, 461; Kiss 30
Sum. zah, su
Hebr. zog

255 szomjú “thirsty”

Gost. 320; Kiss 48
Sum. šumu (< Akk.)
Hebr. czimmaon, czama

256 szorítani “to press”, szorulni “to jam; to need”, szoros narrow, scarse”
ŠL 101, 2, 3, 7; Gost. 307; Kiss 19, 49
Sum. sur
Hebr. aszar, czar

257 szórni “to scatter”

MSL III 106, 121; Gost. 282; Kiss 30
Sum. su-u
Hebr. zúr

258 sző, szöv- “to weave”, szöveg “text”, szövet “tissue”

ŠL 104/7; Gost. 528; Kiss 41
Sum. sa
Hebr. szabac

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259 szőr “hair”

ŠL 53; Gost. 232, 760; Kiss 56
Sum. su6, šah
Hebr. szear

260 szörny “monster”

ŠL 11; Gost. 741; Kiss 56
Sum. ušum(-gal/-bašmu)
Hebr. szaar

261 szúrni “to sting, to stab”

ŠL 101; 491; 57; 405/3, 4; Gost. 307, 368, 498, 748; Kiss 41
Sum. sur, zar, esir
Hebr. szír

262 szűrni “to strain”

ŠL 101, 2, 4, 7; Gost. 307; Kiss 30
Sum. sur
Hebr. zúr

263 szűz “virgin”

ŠL 331/14,b; Gost. 443; Kiss 48
Sum. šis, geme-šiš
Hebr. czucz

264 takarni “to cover”, takaró “cover, blanket”

ŠL 574; 24; 11/2, 7; 536; MSL III 5, 156; Gost. 296, 287, 495, 524; Kiss 26, 33, 56
Sum. tug, ara9, bur
Hebr. dagar, tahár, táchera

265 támasztani “to lean against; to cause; to demand”, támaszték “retaining beam”, támadni “to
attack; to be created”
ŠL 557; 94/13; 207; Gost. 440, 564, 566; Kiss 57
Sum. dam, dim, tum
Hebr. tamád, tamac

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266 tapadni “to adhere, to stick”, tapasztani “to glue, to paste”

ŠL 124/4; Gost. 391; Kiss 33, 49, 57
Sum. tab
Hebr. tapás, czapád, tapász

267 tapodni “to step, to stamp”, topogni “to trample, to stamp”

ŠL 206; Gost. 256; Kiss 27, 57
Sum. du
Hebr. dapak, tapáp

268 tárni “to open wide”

ŠL 383; Gost. 410; Kiss 57
Sum. tal(-tal)
Hebr. taar, tarah

269 tej “milk”

ŠL 319; Gost. 702; Kiss 33
Sum. ga
Hebr. tal

270 tele, teli “full”, telni “to get full; to pass (time)”, teljes “complete”
ŠL 73; MSL III 75/9; Gost. 71, 888; Kiss 57
Sum. tíl-a, til
Hebr. tel

271 telen, talan (privative suffix)

Gost. 889; Kiss 33
Sum. nig-nu-til-li-da
Hebr. telán

272 temetni “to bury”, temető “cemetery”

ŠL 376; 206; Gost. 7, 266, 409; Kiss 33, 57
Sum. temen, túm, ki-túm
Hebr. tametem, temutah

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273 tér (teret) “space”, terület “area”, teríteni “to spread out, to cover”, terülni “to extend, to stretch”,
téríteni “to lead, to guide”, terem “room”
ŠL 375/6; 536/14; Gost. 50, 466; Kiss 34
Sum. giš-tir, dur, durun
Hebr. terem

274 térd, térgy “knee”

ŠL 396; Gost. 233; Kiss 34
Sum. dug
Hebr. terád

275 tömni “to stuff”, tömb “block”, tömlő “tube”, tömlöc “dungeon”, tömör “soild, compact”
ŠL 376; 400/2, 3; 206; 207; Gost. 7, 228, 266, 566; Kiss 33, 57
Sum. temen, duburm túm, tum
Hebr. tum, tam

276 törni “to break”, törődik “to struggle with”, törvény “law”
ŠL 79; MSL III 101/65; IV 125ss.; ŠL 12; Gost. 59, 268; Kiss 33, 57
Sum. nam(tar), tar
Hebr. tarád, tarách, torah

277 túl “beyond”

Gost. 128; Kiss 33
Sum. tu15, tu15-tab-ba
Hebr. túl

278 tűz “fire”

ŠL 16; Gost. 453; Kiss 33
Sum. tu6
Hebr. túsz

279 úgy “so, like that”

ŠL 401; Gost. 826, 890; Kiss 44
Sum. ur5, u
Hebr. ud

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280 új “new”
Gost. 417; Kiss 17, 44
Sum. u, u-dur
Hebr. úl

281 vad “wild”

ŠL 69; Gost. 362; Kiss 22
Sum. bad
Hebr. bad

282 vádolni “to accuse”

ŠL 69; Gost. 362; Kiss 22
Sum. bad
Hebr. bada

283 vaj “butter”

ŠL 231; Gost. 556; Kiss 37
Sum. i, ia
Hebr. levaj

284 vályú “trough”

ŠL 316; 317-2, 6; Gost. 32; Kiss 23
Sum. alál
Hebr. bala

285 vén “ancient”

ŠL 9; Gost. 9; Kiss 22
Sum. en
Hebr. bín

286 virág “flower”

ŠL 483; Gost. 799; Kiss 47
Sum. girag
Hebr. perách

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287 vol-, val- “to be”

ŠL 80; MSL III 176; Gost. 332; Kiss 23
Sum. gal
Hebr. balót “volt (was)”

288 zárni “to close”, zár “lock”

ŠL 151; 401/53, 54, 229; Gost. 509, 558; Kiss 52
Sum. šar3, saru, ur5
Aram. ráz

289 zokon “lamentation”, zokogni “to sob”

ŠL 84; 569/3, 8a; Gost. 321, 324; Kiss 30
Sum. zig, suh
Hebr. zaák

290 zöld, ződ “green”

MSL III 127, 362; Gost. 176; Kiss 30
Sum. sig7
Hebr. zéjt

291 zug “angle”

ŠL 332/19; Gost. 81; Kiss 41
Sum. zag
Hebr. szoc

292 zuhanni “to fall”

ŠL 569/3, 8a; Gost. 324; Kiss 30
Sum. suh
Hebr. zuah

293 zsilip “sluice”

Gost. 660; Kiss 30
Sum. šilihtu (< Akk.)
Aram. zilup

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294 zsír “lard”

ŠL 231; Gost. 556; Kiss 49
Sum. i, ia
Hebr. czri

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3. Conclusions

294 of 1042 or 28% of the Sumerian-Hungarian cognates in Gostony and EDH, respectively (cf. Tóth
2007, chapter 5) are shared with Hebrew. The genetical affiliation between Sumerian-Hungarian and
Hebrew stands therefore between Sumerian-Hungarian and Japanese (23%) and Sumerian-Hungarian
and the “Finno-Ugric” languages (31.9%). It will be a desideratum for future research to scrutinize how
many correspondences there are between Sumerian-Hungarian on the one side and the oldest testified
Semitic language, Akkadian, on the other side. This task will, however, be difficult, because it is known
that there are already Akkadian loanwords in Sumerian (and also Sumerian loanwords in Akkadian), cf.
Zimmern 1917 and Lieberman 1977.
Basically, because Hebrew was only in use since about 1200 B.C. (Stempel 1999, p. 11) and Aramaic
only since 1000 B.C. (Stempel 1999, p. 13), we must assume that Kiss’s Hebrew examples have relatives
already in Akkadian that is testified since 2500 B.C. (Stempel 1999, p. 9). This assumption is confirmed
by such examples like Hung. fehér “white” ~ Hebr. peér, Hung. fel “up” ~ Hebr. pele, Hung. fél (felet)
“half” ~ Hebr. pelág, where Hebr. p- = Hung. f- like in Arab., while Akk. has p- like Hebr. does. Since
Arabic is testified only since the 5th century B.C. (Stempel 1999, pp. 13s.), this sound-change cannot be
dated (Brockelmann 1961, § 47). But we find the same correspondences in Etruscan: Hung. fedni “to
cover” ~ Etr. penznas, Hung. főző “cooking” ~ Etr. pazu “cook”, Hung. fő, fej “head” ~ Etr. pepn
“main-, boss”. Since in chapter 9 of EDH we came to the conclusion that the Etruscan-Hungarians
separated from the rest of the Sumerian-Hungarians approximately at the time of the Sea People’s
Storms (ca. 13th/12th century B.C.) and since we found in Etr. also cognates, where Etr. p corresponds
with Hung. p (Hung. párolini “to steam” ~ Etr. parliu) and with b (Hung. béke “peace” ~ Etr. paci
“quiet”), showing that in the 13th-12th centuries B.C. the sound-change p = p > b > f was not yet
finished, we may assume that this change happened shortly after the Etruscan-Hungarians entered the
Mediterranean. Therefore, the Semitic sound-change Proto-Semitic p- = Arab. f- is obviously due to
Hungarian-Etruscan influence in the Mediterranean. This assumption is confirmed by the fact that
amongst the Semitic languages only the Southern Semitic languages (Arabic and Abessinic) participated
in this sound-change. We may thus conclude our present study with the main result that the Sumerian-
Hungarian influence on the Semitic languages other than Akkadian (that was the Sumerian neighbour-
language in Mesopotamia) must have started also approximately in the 13th and 12th centuries B.C.

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4. Bibliography

Brockelmann, Carl, Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen. Vol. 1.
Hildesheim 1961
de Barenton, Hilaire, L’origine des langues. 2 vols. Paris 1932
Galgóczy, Johann, Šumírisch-grammatische Erörterungen. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 23, 1909, pp.
Galgóczy, Johann, Šumírisch-grammatische Miszellen. In: Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 25, 1911, pp. 89-
Giesswein, Sándor, Mizraim és Assur tanusága. 2 vols. Győr 1887-1888
Gostony, Colman-Gabriel, Dictionnaire d’étymologie sumérienne. Paris 1975
Kiss, Bálint, Magyar régiségek. Pest 1839
Lieberman, Stephen J., The Sumerian Loanwords in Old-Babylonian Akkadian. Harvard U.P. 1977
Stempel, Reinhold, Abriss einer historischen Grammatik der semitischen Sprachen. Frankfurt am Main
Tóth, Alfréd, Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian (EDH). The Hague/Budapest 2007
Tóth, Alfréd, Hungarian, Sumerian and Egyptian. To appear in: Mikes International Magyar Szellemi
Zimmern, Heinrich, Akkadische Fremdwörter als Beweis für babylonischen Kultureinfluss. Leipzig

© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 108 -
Two Addenda to ’Etymological Dictionary of Hungarian’ (EDH)


ALFRÉD TÓTH was born in 1965 in St. Gallen (Switzerland), his native tongue
is Hungarian. Received two PhD's (1989 Mathematics, University of Zurich;
1992 Philosophy, University of Stuttgart) and an MA (General and
Comparative Linguistics, Finno-Ugristics and Romanistics, University of
Zurich 1991). Mr. Tóth is since 2001 Professor of Mathematics (Algebraic
Topology) in Tucson, Arizona. He is member of many mathematical, semiotic,
cybernetic and linguistic societies and scientific board member of eight
international journals. Lives in Tucson and Szombathely where his family
comes from.

© Copyright Mikes International 2001-2007, Alfréd Tóth 2007 - 109 -

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