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Over the course of history, each culture has passed down the occurred events in some or the other

to younger generations. Even though the ways in which these records have transferred have been
varied, it has always been of utmost importance to record the history because this is the only way to
pass down cultural values to future generations.

History can be passed on to the next generation in various ways. First and foremost, history can be
recorded in the form of inscriptions, for example inscriptions discovered from the times of Nguyen
Dynasty. In addition, history can be preserved through a wide range of books, autobiographies and
biographies. These are the best source of passing on history to the next generation as these will be far
more detailed as compared to any other source. Similarly, Nowadays we can also preserve history by
writing them on on websites and keeping large repositories of information such as Wikipedia, and the
Metaverse may be a good place to look forward to in the future for preserving history.

Furthermore, Buildings, monuments, artefacts, etc. are also a great way of passing on history to the
future generation, as they will have evidence of how their ancestors used to build as we have now in the
form of forts and other monuments. Recently, I read that the abandoned historic main building is set to
be demolished. In my view, it is such a shame to let a beautiful building that has so much of an
educational and historical value put to waist. the building should be restored to its original beauty and
put on display as a museum exhibit that people with disabilities can explore and learn about the history
of the mental health system with of the past which lead them to today’s better medical practices and
tools used today.

These kinds of method can educate and bring thousands of families from all over to the state to this
attraction. These particular books and places have a lot of history its self with a long list of abuse neglect
and inhumane practices on those with disabilities resulting in the death of many and injuries. It is
important to know our history and the events of the past to prevent history from repeating itself. It
provides a basic timeline from the old-fashioned medical beliefs practices to the now modern-day
beliefs and practices used and applied when dealing with people with disabilities. They would allow us
to see how far we have come since those times as we continue to improve on everyday life situations
when handling the care for people with disabilities. Without preserving our history our younger
generations will lose the importance of the sacrifices trials tribulations and errors it took for us to be a
better society. The younger generations lack so much of our history because of the destruction of these
old buildings, materials that should and could be used for educational purposes.

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