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I recently saw this this motivational image online.

It was on reddit, and people will post all kinds

of generic motivational things. You, know, believe in yourself, never give up, that kind of thing.
It was a picture of Mark Zuckerberg and it said when mark zuckerberg was 22 he turned down a
one billion dollar offer to buy facebook, now, he’s worth 60 billion dollars, or something like that.
And the kind of conceit of the image was that, you know, you need to believe in yourself, know
how much you are worth, or something like that.

But then I thought about it a little bit, and its actually insane. He turned down a billion dollars at
22! Who would do that? He could have spent all of his 20’s just partying in the craziest possible
ways, doing anything he wants with no judgement at all. He wouldn’t have been a public figure.
He could have just gone off and lived an awesome life. Instead he spent a decade working,
working! it was probably really stressful, they made a movie about how much of a dick he is, he
sold data that helped get trump elected, had to testify before congress, gets constantly made
fun of for his weird android like appearance, but he made the right choice, apparently, because
he has 60 billion dollars instead of 1 billion.

It made me really consider, what can you do with 60 billion dollars that you can’t do with 1
billion? With a billion dollars you can buy mansions all over the world, fly on a private jet, have
a personal assistant who wipes your ass with hundred dollar bills, swim in a giant pool of money
like scroog mcduck, basically anything any normally adjusted person would want to do. Having
60 billion dollars only lets you do psychopath supervillian shit.

Like with 1 billion dollars you can donate to politicians and influence elections, but with 60
billion dollars you can buy a cable news network, every congressmen in both parties, and
overthrow democracy. With 1 billion dollars you can hire a really expensive pr firm, so that
when you get high and tweet stupid things, they can minimize the damage. With 60 billion
dollars you can just buy twitter and ban everybody who doesn’t like what you say. With a billion
dollars you can take a trip to outer space and experience weightlessness, and look down at the
earth in awe and wonder. Have a profound moving experience that few have had. With 60
billion dollars you can build a moon base too escape to when climate change makes earth
uninhabitable. See, only supervillain shit.

Actually, it probably would cost more than 60 billion to build a permanent moon base with true
supervillain capabilities.You need the Giant lasers, force fields, pits of sharks to feed you
enemies too, shark food. But a few super billionaires could pool their fund to build a moonbase.
Of course, then when they escaped their they would have to learn to live with roomates again. I
think this would actually make the best sitcom. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerburg and Elon Musk,
after decades on earth where they never had to do a single thing for themselves, or deal with
anybody they didn’t want to deal with, all have to live together in a 3 bedroom moonbase, and
figure it out! Elon never does dishes! Jeff has a secret crush on Mark, but mark is totally
oblivious to it! (Because he’s autistic) Every once in a while a ship of Refugees from earth
arrives and they have to destroy it with the giant laser! And in every episode we would see
them learn… …just a little bit.
Billionaires… some people admire them, some people think they are evil masterminds, they
have, lets say, a mixed reputation. (ideas, people hate bill gates and he has done so much,
because he is a nerd, he wants to use data and science to help the most number of people,
etc… and he is being too charitable. People love trump and he said he doesn’t pay his taxes)

I like historyBut even other famous people, very admired people, who have done great things to
help others, when you learn about them, were not normally adjusted people. They were not
happy people. They were driven by a need to prove themselves, or make up for some
perceived inadequacy. And learning all this has made me feel a lot better about my own

I really like history and I like to read about famous people who inspire me, or who I think are
interesting, and it has made me realize something. I had an astoundigly untraumatic childhood.
I had a loving family, my parents are pretty normal, they didn’t put a lot of pressure on me to do
anything, but they also didn’t neglect me, I wasn’t religious so I didn’t have to deal with any
weird guilt about that, I was a normal enough kid to have a good group of friends, and I was big
enough to not get bullied. My life was just good. And this is the reason i’m not really gonna
accomplish anything big in my lifetime. I’m doing alright, i’m happy, I have nothing to prove.

I have really great parents. They were hippie parents. NOt like doing lsd and riding around the
country in a old bus hippies, but just like, they embodied the anti-consumerist ideas of that era.
They taught me great values. You know, money and having stuff is not important, it won’t make
you happy. That you should pursue things that you love, things your passionate about. That
you should look for internal validation, not external validation. Like, they never put big pressure
on me to do anything particular. I never felt like my parents had dreams for me that I had to live
up to or anything. Which is great. But the problem is, when you grow up this way, and my life is
the example of this, you have very little motivation to do anything that can be regarded as
conventional success. It’s different to grow up in a certain culture, react to it, create a synthesis,
come up with your own ideals, and then raise kids with those ideals. Because the kids growing
up in that environment, with those new ideals, who knows how that is going to go.

Joke about misha asking about vulvas

What i learned about women from living with them, ask questions, like whats their age, weight
and bra size.

Or here’s another way to think about it….


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