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Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Program Studi : Bahasa Inggris

Subject : English for Specific Purposes
Semester : III
Date : Thursday, 21 April 2022
Submitting Loc: E-Learning
Duration : 9.40 – 11.40 (2 hours)
Deadline : 11.40

Instruction :

• Answer in a Word file, with your name as the name of the file
 Finish the following problems well in good English.
• Use any sources as the reference.
• Paraphrase the sentences from the book, do not copy paste
• Mention the source if you use the information for your answer

Examination Questions :

1. Is ESP and general English the same of different?

Give the reason for your answer

2. ESP is designed to meet learners’ need.

What is the reason for this statement?

3. Is there any difference between the learners of ESP and the learners of
general Englsih?
Why are they different?

4. Why need analysis should be done before designing ESP course/lesson?

5. What are teachers’ role in ESP, why do they have several roles?

Answer Sheet

1. Different, the distinction between ESP and EGP lies in the way we define and
implement the learning purpose. English for General Purposes (EGP) refers to
contexts such as the school where needs cannot be readily specified. It is more
useful to consider EGP providing a broad foundation rather than a detailed and
selective specification of goals like ESP.
Apart from a rough separation at the definition level, there are overlapping
relationships and proportions between them. To clarify their relationship, there
are several things that define the characteristics of ESP and EGP.
The most important EGP features are:
1. the focus is often on education;
2. as the learners’ future needs are impossible to predict, the course
content is more difficult to select;
3. due to the above point it is important for the content in the syllabus to
have a high surrender value.
The most relevant ESP features are:
1. the focus is on training;
2. as English is intended to be used in specific vocational contexts, the
selection of the appropriate content is easier;
3. it is important for the content in the syllabus to have a high surrender
value, most relevant to the vocational context;
4. the aim may be to create a restricted English competence

2. The specificity of the ESP course requires a teacher to adopt different teaching
roles and strategies to transfer knowledge to their students. First of all, it must
identify the real needs of the learner which will determine the methods,
materials, and level of language teaching. What distinguishes ESP from General
English is the awareness of needs. So, it can be concluded that an ESP teacher is
almost like a General English teacher except he understands and focuses on the
special needs of his students. However, it is possible that certain linguistic
knowledge and skills may be relevant and useful for more than one subject or
profession. For example, the skills required for communicative competence for
different jobs may be similar.

3. General English learners are usually students who still do not have a foundation
in English and usually these students will be found at the elementary school
level or even up to the high school level. But for ESP students they should have
mastered general English and need special English according to what they need,
ESP Courses (English for special purposes) are specially designed according to
needs analysis so that they can serve students with different levels of
proficiency. They include, for technical sciences, some skill-based syllabus, such
as, writing lab reports, lab assignments, research proposals, writing
assignments, references, citations and practice presentations, etc. They actually
target the basic skills required for the degree program in which freshmen are
enrolled. That is why, such courses are highly recommended by experts. and
this is usually found at the university student level.
4. Without analysis ESP teachers will not be able to develop methods and design
syllabus, therefore in-depth analysis is needed before starting learning. The
results of the needs analysis will tell us why learners need to learn English. In
addition, ESP teachers need to know the target student threshold by gathering
information to find out where the lesson should start and how it will be taught.

5. In teaching ESP, there are 5 teacher roles

a. as a teacher
The teacher as a teacher means that the teacher only acts as an ordinary
English teacher.
b. as a collaborator
It means that ESP teachers must work closely with experts in developing
teaching and learning activities.
c. as a constituent of the material
This means that an ESP teacher must provide materials that cover a wide range
of fields, arguing that the grammatical structures, functions, discourse
structures, skills, and strategies of different disciplines are identical.
d. as a researcher
Many ESP teachers are sometimes confused about choosing materials that are
suitable for teaching and learning activities. Therefore, the ESP teacher as
'researcher' is very important, with results that lead directly to the right
material for teaching and learning activities.
e. as an evaluator
This means that an ESP teacher must evaluate student achievement by
assigning assignments to them.

Name : M.Naufal Al Farisi

NIM : 20201111029

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