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Read any text or articles relating to the characteristics of an

effective teacher in 20th century. Get the gist and find out the relevance of
what you have acquired with the present situation. Then answer the question that follow by
writing an essay relevant to the given question. Make your own title of your essay.

Did the characteristics of an effective teacher change from the 20th to the 21st centuries?

A teacher is the one who teaches us everything we need to learn and discover in our life,
not just as a student but also as a human being. They develop our competence, improve our
forms of thinking, and provide us with their knowledge and skills. I believe that being a teacher
is the most important profession in the world, because there will be no engineers, doctors,
architect, lawyer, entrepreneurs if there is no teacher. An effective educator is necessary in
teaching in the reason that it improves educational processes and at the same time it helps the
students to have a clear mind and understanding academically and morally. The characteristics
of an effective teacher truly changed from 20th century to the 21st century. 20th century teacher
traditionally read a book while students are taking notes on what is being discussed. A very
simple style of teaching but still effective, in the way that they are teaching students while
disciplining them physically and morally. While 21st century teacher focus on preparing the
students for their future and they have so many resources and materials to use in teaching.

These are the characteristics of an effective 20 th century teacher: teachers serves as the
gatekeeper of knowledge and information, textbook-driven, they make use of workbooks and
textbooks as their reference and they require their students to memorize phrases, sentence,
contents and paragraphs from textbooks, teacher used the method of passive learning where
students receive information and knowledge from the instructor and incorporate it with little
interaction, they deliver the same lessons every year, Assessment was often performed and
through written examinations, students input was limited, teachers finish the lesson within the
period, they are technology illiterate because Technology wasn't as readily available, teacher
controls everything in the classroom,

While 21st century teachers are research driven, project based, learner-centered, adaptive.
collaborative, develop new teaching methods and strategies, great technology access and others.
They allow students to learn and research about the subject matter using technology and
electronic sources, use variety of teaching styles, more freedom of choice and consequence is
given to 21st Century learners. Educators encouraged broadening the spectrum of learning and
thinking of the students, they more into group output and input, giving feedback with more
interaction and communication to improve the student’s performance.

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