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Correcting Illogical Subordination

Put the most important information in the main

A main clause, also called an independent clause, is
a group of related words that makes a complete
statement. Every sentence has at least one
independent clause.

The following sentence is an independent clause:
Many people of all ages enjoy soccer.

The less-important ideas are subordinate to the most important
idea. That is, they stand on a lower level than the main idea. You
can show their subordinate rank by putting less-important ideas in
dependent clauses
A dependent clause, also called a subordinate clause, is a group of
words with a subject and a verb that does not convey a complete

In the following sentence, the dependent clause before she made
plans to go to the movies is used correctly:
Janice asked to borrow the car before she made plans to go to the

Consider the ideas in the following sentences:
Belinda graduated in 2004.

She decided to do volunteer work for a year and then enter
graduate school.

Which sentence has the more important idea of the two?
Most people would say that it is the second.

That sentence states Belindas plans. Now consider two ways
of combining the ideas in a single sentence:
Belinda, who decided to do volunteer work for a year and
then enter graduate school, graduated in 2004.

Belinda, who graduated in 2004, decided to do volunteer
work for a year and then enter graduate school.
X The first sentence is weaker because it subordinates
Belindas plans to the year of her graduation.
The second is stronger because it makes her plans the main

The subordination in the second sentence is logical; the
subordination in the first sentence is illogical.

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