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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

7 August 2022 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C



he main theme of this 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time is
T “faith” – the faith that reveals to us that we are God’s
children and which enables us to enjoy His salva on as
His children.
Today’s biblical readings tell us the great difference which
faith made in the life of the great champions of the Jewish peo-
ple, as well as the great difference it should make in our lives.
Faith is the great gi from the Lord that we should not only pro-
claim with our lips, but also profess with our ac ons. Such is the
faith that works through charity, the faith that saves and brings
light and strength to our days.
As we are about to start our Eucharis c celebra on, let us re-
kindle our faith. Today as we celebrate “St. John Marie Vianney’s
Sunday” or “Parish Priest’s Sunday,” we are also invited to grow
in our apprecia on of all the good that parish priests and their
assistants do for their flocks.
Let us take this opportunity to show our gra tude to our parish priest and his assistants for
being instruments of God’s care for us. Let us pray that they may be inspired by their patron saint,
John Marie Vianney.

celebrate the Mystery of Christ’s and bring us to everlasting life.

love, let us call to mind our sins All – Amen!
and ask the Lord for pardon and
strength. (Pause) Gloria
Entrance Antiphon
P –You chose us that we may All – Glory to God in the high-
(To be recited only when no
bear fruits of goodness that est, and on earth peace to people
Entrance Hymn is sung.)
will last. Lord, have mercy! of good will. We praise you, we
Look to your covenant, O All – Lord, have mercy! bless you, we adore you, we glo-
Lord, and forget not the life of rify you, we give you thanks
your poor ones for ever. Arise, P –You are the Master who will for your great glory, Lord God,
O God, and defend your cause, come when we least expect heavenly King, O God, almighty
and forget not the cries of those it to judge the behavior of Father.
who seek you. your servants. Christ, have Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
mercy! gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
Greeting All – Christ, have mercy! of God, Son of the Father, you
P – Blessed be Jesus, the author take away the sins of the world,
and support of our faith. May his P –You are the source of our have mercy on us; you take away
grace and peace be with you all! faith and its reward. Lord, the sins of the world, receive
All – And with your spirit! have mercy! our prayer; you are seated at the
All – Lord, have mercy! right hand of the Father, have
Penitential Act P – May almighty God have mercy on us. For you alone are
P – As we prepare ourselves to mercy on us, forgive us our sins, the Holy One, you alone are the

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Lord, you alone are the Most Gm7 Bb C F seashore.
        

High, Jesus Christ, with the All these died in faith.
Holy Spirit, in the glory of God They did not receive what had
the Father. Amen! cho-sen to be his own! been promised but saw it and
greeted it from afar and ac-
Collect (Opening Prayer) * Exult, you just, in the knowledged themselves to be
P –Almighty ever-living God, Lord; praise from the upright strangers and aliens on earth,
whom, taught by the Holy Spirit, is fitting. Blessed the nation for those who speak thus show
we dare to call our Father, bring, whose God is the Lord, the that they are seeking a home-
we pray, to perfection in our people he has chosen for his land. If they had been thinking
hearts the spirit of adoption as own inheritance. R. of the land from which they
your sons and daughters, that we * See, the eyes of the Lord had come, they would have had
may merit to enter into the inher- are upon those who fear him, opportunity to return. But now
itance which you have promised. upon those who hope for his they desire a better homeland,
Through our Lord Jesus kindness, to deliver them from a heavenly one. Therefore, God
Christ, your Son, who lives and death and preserve them in is not ashamed to be called
reigns with you in the unity of the spite of famine. R. their God, for he has prepared
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. a city for them.
All – Amen! * Our soul waits for the By faith Abraham, when
Lord, who is our help and our put to the test, offered up Isaac,
shield. May your kindness, O and he who had received the
Lord, be upon us who have put promises was ready to offer
our hope in you. R. his only son, of whom it was
said, “Through Isaac, descen-
1st Reading Wis 18:6-9 2nd Reading Heb 11:1-2.8-19 dants shall bear your name.”
The Exodus experience was As the Author of the Letter to He reasoned that God was able
a most crucial moment in the his- the Hebrews reminds us, FAITH to raise even from the dead,
tory of the people of Israel. Their in the Lord was what character- and he received Isaac back as
humble faith in the powerful in- ized the great men and women of a symbol.
tervention of the Lord was their old. Their strong and unwaver-
great support in those dramatic The Word of the Lord!
ing faith remains our inspiration All – Thanks be to God!
hours. even today.
R –A proclamation from the R –A proclamation from the Gospel Acclamation Mt 24:42.44
Book of Wisdom Letter to the Hebrews All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
The night of the Passover Brothers and sisters: Stay awake and be ready!
was known beforehand to our Faith is the realization of For you do not know on
fathers, that, with sure knowl- what is hoped for and evidence what day the Son of Man
edge of the oaths in which they of things not seen. Because of it will come.
put their faith, they might have the ancients were well attested. Alleluia! Alleluia!
courage. By faith Abraham obeyed
Your people awaited the when he was called to go out to Gospel Lk 12:32-48
salvation of the just and the a place that he was to receive Waiting for the return of the
destruction of their foes. For as an inheritance. He went out, Lord with an active, living faith
when you punished our adver- not knowing where he was to is what should characterize the
saries, in this you glorified us go. By faith he sojourned in the lives of his disciples. Real love
whom you had summoned. For promised land as in a foreign and faith are ever-vigilant and
in secret the holy children of country, dwelling in tents with ready to welcome the Beloved at
the good were offering sacri- Isaac and Jacob, heirs of the any time.
fice and putting into effect with same promise; for he was look-
one accord the divine institu- P –The Lord be with you!
ing forward to the city with All –And with your spirit!
tion. foundations, whose architect
The Word of the Lord! and maker is God. By faith he P – A proclamation from the
All – Thanks be to God! received power to generate, holy Gospel according to
even though he was past the Luke
Responsorial Psalm Ps 33 normal age – and Sarah herself All – Glory to you, O Lord!
R –Blessed the people the Lord was sterile – for he thought Jesus said to his disciples:
has chosen to be his own! that the one who had made the “Do not be afraid any longer,
R. M. Velez
promise was trustworthy. So it little flock, for your Father is
was that there came forth from pleased to give you the King-
F Dm Bb one man, himself as good as dom.
      
 dead, descendants as numer- Sell your belongings and
ous as the stars in the sky and give alms. Provide money bags
Bles-sed the peo-ple the Lord has as countless as the sands on the for yourselves that do not wear
7 August 2022
out, an inexhaustible treasure more will be demanded of the C –For the Church, the Bride of
in heaven that no thief can person entrusted with more.” Christ: May her faith in the Lord
reach nor moth destroy. For Jesus be a constant inspiration
where your treasure is, there The Gospel of the Lord! for all people and find its mani-
also will your heart be. All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus festation in works of practical
Gird your loins and light Christ! love. Let us pray! R.
your lamps, and be like ser- C –For the Holy Father, our
vants who await their master’s Homily bishops, and parish priests: May
return from a wedding, ready Profession of Faith they constantly guide all believ-
to open immediately when he (Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) ers with their exhortation and
comes and knocks. Blessed are example of a strong and pure
those servants whom the mas- All –I believe in one God, the Fa- faith. Let us pray! R.
ter finds vigilant on his arrival. ther almighty, maker of heaven
Amen, I say to you, he will gird and earth, of all things visible C –For all those whose faith has
himself, have them recline at and invisible. been shaken by the bad example
table, and proceed to wait on I believe in one Lord Jesus of other believers: May the Holy
them. And should he come in Christ, the Only Begotten Son Spirit heal their emotional and
the second or third watch and of God, born of the Father be- spiritual wounds and rekindle
find them prepared in this way, fore all ages. God from God, in them the flame of a stronger
blessed are those servants. Light from Light, true God from faith. Let us pray! R.
Be sure of this: if the mas- true God, begotten, not made, C –For all those who are so en-
ter of the house had known consubstantial with the Father; grossed in material activities
the hour when the thief was through him all things were as to neglect their spiritual life:
coming, he would not have let made. For us men and for our May they learn to show concrete
his house be broken into. You salvation he came down from appreciation for lasting values.
also must be prepared, for at heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy Let us pray! R.
an hour you do not expect, the Spirit was incarnate of the Vir-
Son of Man will come.” gin Mary, and became man.* C –For all of us and the people
Then Peter said, “Lord, For our sake he was crucified most dear to us: May we treasure
is this parable meant for us or under Pontius Pilate, he suf- our Catholic faith, nourish it with
for everyone?” fered death and was buried, and prayer and practise it in the ful-
And the Lord replied, rose again on the third day in fillment of our daily duties. Let
“Who, then, is the faithful and accordance with the Scriptures. us pray! R.
prudent steward whom the He ascended into heaven and is C –For all the priests: may they
master will put in charge of his seated at the right hand of the imitate the zeal, humility, and
servants to distribute the food Father. He will come again in holiness of St. John Marie Vian-
allowance at the proper time? glory to judge the living and the ney, their patron saint. Let us
Blessed is that servant whom dead and his kingdom will have pray! R.
his master on arrival finds do- no end. C – Let us pray in silence for our
ing so. Truly, I say to you, the I believe in the Holy Spirit, personal intentions. (Pause)
master will put the servant in the Lord, the giver of life, who Let us pray! R.
charge of all his property. proceeds from the Father and
But if that servant says the Son, who with the Father P –Lord Jesus, grant us the
to himself, ‘My master is de- and the Son is adored and glori- grace to recognize and serve you
layed in coming,’ and begins fied, who has spoken through in our neighbor till we come to
to beat the menservants and the prophets. see you face to face in the King-
the maidservants, to eat and I believe in one, holy, cath- dom where you live and reign for
drink and get drunk, then that olic and apostolic Church. I ever and ever.
servant’s master will come on confess one Baptism for the All – Amen!
an unexpected day and at an forgiveness of sins and I look
unknown hour and will punish forward to the resurrection of
the servant severely, and assign the dead and the life of the world
him a place with the unfaithful. to come. Amen!
That servant who knew his
master’s will but did not make Prayer of the Faithful Preparation of the Gifts
preparations nor act in accord P –Pray, brethren . . .
P –Today the Lord encourages All –May the Lord accept the
with his will shall be beaten us to strengthen our faith and
severely; and the servant who sacrifice at your hands, for the
to show in practice that we re- praise and glory of his name,
was ignorant of his master’s ally believe in him. Aware of our
will but acted in a way deserv- for our good and the good of all
weakness, let us implore his help his holy Church.
ing of a severe beating shall as we say:
be beaten only lightly. Much
will be required of the person All –Lord, strengthen our faith Prayer over the Offerings
entrusted with much, and still in you! P –Be pleased, O Lord, to
19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)
accept the offerings of your Resurrection until you your Sacrament that we have
Church, for in your mercy you come again! consumed, save us, O Lord, and
have given them to be offered confirm us in the light of your
and by your power you transform truth.
them into the mystery of our sal- Through Christ our Lord.
vation. All – Amen!
Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen! All – Our Father . . .
P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
Preface IV All –For the kingdom, the
P –The Lord be with you! power, and the glory are
All –And with your spirit! yours, now and for ever.
P –Lift up your hearts! P –The Lord be with you!
Sign of Peace All – And with your spirit!
All – We lift them up to the Lord!
P –Let us give thanks to the Breaking of the Bread P –Bow your heads and pray
Lord our God! All – Lamb of God, you take for God’s blessing. (Pause)
All –It is right and just! away the sins of the world: have –May almighty God bless
P –It is truly right and just, our mercy on us. (2×) you in His mercy, and make
duty and our salvation, always Lamb of God, you take you always aware of His
and everywhere to give you away the sins of the world: saving wisdom.
thanks, Lord, holy Father, al- grant us peace. All – Amen!
mighty and eternal God, through
Communion P –May He strengthen your
Christ our Lord.
P –Behold the Lamb of God, be- faith with proofs of His
For by his birth he brought re-
hold him who takes away the sins love, so that you will perse-
newal to humanity’s fallen state,
of the world. Blessed are those vere in good works.
and by his suffering, canceled
called to the Supper of the Lamb. All – Amen!
out our sins; by his rising from
the dead he has opened the way All –Lord, I am not worthy P –May He direct your steps
to eternal life, and by ascending that you should enter under to Himself, and show you
to you, O Father, he has unlocked my roof, but only say the word how to walk in charity and
the gates of heaven. and my soul shall be healed. peace.
And so, with the company of All – Amen!
Angels and Saints, we sing the Communion Antiphon
hymn of your praise, as without (To be recited only when no Com- P –May almighty God bless
end we acclaim: munion Hymn is sung.) you: the Father, the Son,
All –Holy, holy, holy . . . O Jerusalem, glorify the and the Holy Spirit.
Lord, who gives you your fill of All – Amen!
Memorial Acclamation finest wheat. P –Go in peace, glorifying the
P –The mystery of faith! Lord by your life!
All –We proclaim your Death, Prayer after Communion
All – Thanks be to God!
O Lord, and profess your P –May the communion in

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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