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- Acceptable Non acceptable

Using children in 1. As long as the kids are fully 1. It’d be very wrong if their
advertisements willing to do it then yes, by parents are only using them to
their own full will. The fulfill the parent’s lost
importance of consent is my opportunities when they were
point. Always ask for consent. themselves children for the
sake of money, fame and
2. If the advertisement is business they could’ve have if
harmless, decent and they were them.
appropriate for everyone of
course it’s acceptable. 2. You may think otherwise
but making children look like
teenagers isn’t appropriate in
my opinion, it’s just spreading
early bad influence on TV or
elsewhere. A child should look
like a child, no with heavy
makeups, no mini-skirts nor
crop tops. And it has nothing
to do with pedophilia or
grooming but just because
being a child is precious and
innocent, so breaking that
image isn’t the best move.

Using actors who 1. It depends on the situation. 1. It would be very

pretend to be experts If the product isn’t that much unacceptable if the actor is
meaningful then yes. For promoting himself while he’s
example, it would be fine to actually a terrible person. For
use an actor who only uses example, if he’s part of a
soap to advertise body wash, campaign to give water in
because he would just be Africa while he actually really
doing his job which is acting. doesn’t care or is racist just to
make himself look like a good
2. If the actor has a good person, and that’s just wrong
influence over people, it bc people lives and futures are
would be a waste to not use on the line and those are no
that potential / power on jokes.
advertising even if they aren’t
experts. 2. If whatever they promoted
is actually really lame, useless
or disgusting and yet people
already spent their money just
bc they’ve been fooled by
great acting.

Using nudity 1. If the goal is to get much 1. It just wakes many

more attention than it insecurities on people. And I
normally should, then mission believe in the bible it says “do
accomplished. I think that’s not compare yourself to
one fast and clever way of others”, so it’s basically a sin
getting a larger audience. for those who watch the ad
(target) and compare themselves.

2. it’s a great opportunity for 2. (This isn’t a very serious

the model/actor to get argument but maybe) the
noticed more by other brands. product would get jealous
because he knows the
attention isn’t fully on him or
not on him at all even.

Promoting alcohol on TV 1. As a non-drinker, I literally 1. Very obvious for everyone,

know nothing about alcoholic alcohol isn’t good for our
beverages and yet there are health (if not consumed
times I want to know things moderately) and body, so it
about them, but since there won’t be right to advertise
aren’t many ads about those such bad thing on TV.
on TV, I’m still clueless on
which are well known or the 2. There are many people out
best. So, I think using that there who are very bad at
technique where you ask controlling themselves, they
whether it's ok or not to let are easily tempted so if they
that ad run and then typing a are in a fight against alcohol, it
quick parental password won’t be fair to see ads about
would be nice. those on TV especially since
alcohol isn’t harmless. They
2. All alcoholic beverages have may also have bad
their alcohol level on them so experiences or bad memories
I think promoting those with with it.
low alcohol level won’t cause
harm while always reminding
people to consume alcohol

Comparing your 1. Very childish move but if 1. That’s immature and not a
products to your I’m 100% sure my products business-like, friendly move.
competitors’ products are better, then yes. But it’d
be only acceptable in my 2. Because we all put hard
company’s point of view not work in our products so
theirs. comparing them would be
very offensive.
2. If they give my company
permission to compare one of
their products to ours then
that be acceptable for both
sides. Even if I think that never
happened and will never also.

An image flashed onto a 1. Isn’t curiosity the start of 1.

screen very quickly so everything? Because why
that people are would people even care if
influenced without they aren’t curious, a bit
noticing it interested.

2. And if they really didn’t

notice it but somehow felt like
there was something then
again, that may or would
wake their curiosity.

Exploiting people’s fears 1. That’s very clever. Rising 1.

and worries. people’s anxiety will make
them act faster like what
happened during the start of
the pandemic.


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