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Lord, Kaylie

Lesson Plan Title: Compare and Contrast

Concept/Topic to Teach: Students will be able to understand and explain the concept of
comparing and contrasting. Students will be able to write a 3-paragraph essay comparing and
contrasting 1 of 3 prompts.
Grade Level: 4th
General Goals: Students will understand what comparing and contrasting is. Why it is
important. How it can help organize their thoughts. What a Venn Diagram is and how to use
Specific Objectives: W.4.1.A Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an
organizational structure in which related ideas are grouped to support the writer’s purpose.
Required Materials:
- A piece of paper to take notes
- Another blank piece of wide ruled notebook paper (if you want to do it this way)
- A pencil with an eraser
- A laptop or other device with access to the internet to view the presentation, powerpoint,
Anticipatory Set: Good Morning Class! Today we are going to learn about comparing and
contrasting! Why do we compare and contrast? What are some things that we might compare
and contrast? (wait for answers) Comparing and Contrasting is a great way to decipher
similarities and differences and allows you to have an easier time choosing an object or subject
over the other.
Step-By-Step Procedures: To begin, I am going to start the presentation. We are going to
discuss what comparing and contrasting is, why it is important, what a venn diagram is, how to
use one, and then discuss your assignments. Throughout the lesson I will engage students by
asking, “what else in life might we use comparing and contrasting for? What situations may
require us to use comparing and contrasting? How can this help us decide on a choice?” (wait
for answers).
Plan for Independent Practice: I will pass out the handout with a blank venn diagram on it and
explain to the students that they are to select 1 or 3 choices to compare and contrast. They are
to write down at least 7 differences and 5 similarities in each of the bubbles. They are also to
write the subject title that they are choosing and write the title on the designated line above the
Closure: Okay class, today we learned how to compare and contrast and how to use a venn
diagram. To help, we are going to watch a short youtube video.

Now that we have watched the video and completed our Venn Diagrams, you are going to write
a 3 paragraph essay telling me about each of the subjects. How are they alike? How are they
different? In your conclusion, I want to know which subject you prefer.

While students are working I will go around asking students basic questions such as “what does
contrast mean?” “How does this one compare to that one?”

Modifications: Visually Impaired Child

Lord, Kaylie

- This child will have different colored paper in order to see the contrast when writing their
- This child will also have the assignments provided in larger print.

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