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Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through Online

Newspaper at Smk Krida Wisata Bandar Lampung,

(A Thesis)


DECLARATION OF FREE PLAGIARISM...............................................................II
APPROVAL PAGE......................................................................................................III
VALIDATION PAGE...................................................................................................IV
TABLE OF CONTENTS..............................................................................................IX
1.1 Background of Study...........................................................................................1
1.2 Research Questions.............................................................................................3
1.3 Research Objectives............................................................................................3
1.4 Uses of Study.......................................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of Study.....................................................................................................4

CHAPTER TWO.............................................................................................................5
LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................................................5
2.1 Previous Studies..................................................................................................5
2.2 Theoretical Framework.......................................................................................7
2.2.1 Concept of Reading.................................................................................7
2.2.2 Concept of Teaching Reading.................................................................8
2.2.3 Principles of Teaching Reading...............................................................9
2.2.4 Teaching Procedure text........................................................................10
2.2.5 English Teaching Instructional Media...................................................11
2.2.6 E-learning ............................................................................................15
2.2.7 Google Classroom.................................................................................16

CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................21
3.1 Research Design................................................................................................21
3.2 Data and Data Source........................................................................................22
3.3 Data Collection Techniques..............................................................................22
3.4 Data Analysis Technique...................................................................................25
3.5 Hypothesis.........................................................................................................26

CHAPTER FOUR.........................................................................................................27
FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION..................................................................................27
4.1 Findings.............................................................................................................27
4.1.1 The Effect Of Google Classroom In Improving Students Reading
4.1.2 Research Procedure of Experimental Group.........................................27
4.1.3 Research Procedure of Control Group..................................................29
4.1.4 Analyze of The Data..............................................................................30
4.1.5 Student’ Perceptions Toward The Use Of Google Classroom In
Learning English At SMKN Padang Cermin........................................34
4.1.6 The perceived usefulness when using Google Classroom.....................34
4.1.7 The effectiveness using Google Classroom in online learning.............35
4.1.8 Obstacles in learning English through Google Classroom....................36
4.2 Discussion.........................................................................................................37

CHAPTER FIVE...........................................................................................................41
5.1 Conclusion.........................................................................................................41
5.2 Suggestions........................................................................................................41

1.1 Background of Study

Language is a system of spoken and written symbols that enable a person to communicate and
interact with each other. Referring to the definition above, we can say that the primary
function of language is communication, we can communicate through language if understand
the language used, we can communicate each other easily in the world if master English.

English as global language is becoming more popular all over the world. It is not only a
powerful learning tool, a medium by which people gain access to knowledge from around the
world, but also a medium through which the develop positive value and attitudes, establish
and maintain meaningful relationships with people.

Being successful in teaching English is the dominant factor that the English teacher should pay
attention to, especially in teaching reading. Reading is one of basic communicative skill, but it
has very complex process it can be said reading is process in which reader, finds information
given by the writer in the written from. In case, reading can be said as interactive process.

newspaper application for learning English, especially in reading comprehensions. to

determine the effectiveness of learning English through Online, by measuring their

English scores in reading subjects, using quantitative methods. Based on the explanation

above, the writer is interested in studying the effectiveness of Online Newspaper as a

medium for learning English. Then the researcher conducted this study entitled "

Improving Students’ Reading Comprehension through Online Newspaper at Smk Krida

Wisata Bandar Lampung,".

1.2 Research Questions

Based on the background that I have stated above. The questions in this study are :

1. Can Google Classroom affect significantly students reading comprehension at

SMKN Padang Cermin?

2. How do students perceive the use of Google Classroom in learning English?

1.3 Research Objectives

This research will be conducted to find out:

1. The effect of Google Classroom in improving students reading comprehension.

2. To find out student’ perceptions toward the use of Google Classroom in learning

English at SMKN Padang Cermin.

1.4 Uses of Study

The results of this study are expected to confirm whathare there is significan impact of

reading comprehensionafter the implementation of Google ClassroomSMKN Padang

Cermin. out students responses regarding the use of Google Classroom in learning

English. Therefore, this study give practical uses for both student and teacher.

For students themselves, it is hoped that through this research students can implement

the Google Classroom application as part of English learning activities and students

gain new knowledge and experiences about how to learn and apply it.

While for teacher, it is expected to provide new innovations in teaching English

especially in reading comperhansion. This research can also provide this research can

also provide knowledge about how to use and utilize Google Classroom in teaching and

learning activities.

1.5 Scope of Study

The scope of this research is the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a medium of

teaching reading comprehension in learning English. this study is design to focused on

investigating the influence of using Google Classroom to improve their English

especially in reading comprehension, it needs the appropriate technique in teaching

learning English. In order that this research would be focused, the researcher limited the

problem only to enhance students reading comprehension in procedure text at eleventh

graders of SMKN Padang Cermin. The methodology applied in this study uses a

quantitative method by taking 2 classes in eleventh grade SMKN Padang Cermin in

academic year 2021/2022.



2.1 Previous Studies

This Research focuses on e-learning or online learning that has researched by several

previous researchers. In this case, the previous study from previous researchers was

used to find out the novelty in order to support and compare the result of previous study.

The Researcher has summarized four studies who are relevant with a relationship in this

study. There are Shaharanee (2016), Utami (2019), Iftakhar (2016), and Nugroho

(2021). Further discussion can be seen below:

Shaharanee (2016) did a research about the effectiveness of Google Classroom's

active learning activities for data mining subject under the decision sciences programs.

The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) has been employed to measure the
effectiveness of the learning activities. The target populations for this research were

students who enrolled in data mining subject where the class was taught in a computer

lab. The results indicated that the majority of students felt satisfy with Google

Classroom's tools that were introduced in the class. Results of data analysis showed that

all ratios are above averages. In particular, comparative performance is good in the

areas of ease of access, perceived usefulness, communication and interaction,

instruction delivery and students satisfaction towards Google Classroom's active

learning activities.

Utami (2019), this study aims to see student responses to learning using Google

Classroom in the Mathematics Learning Psychology course. The results showed that

learning Google Classroom gets good response from students, so that it can be used for

learning in the Mathematics Learning Psychology course or in other courses.

Iftakhar (2016), this research about what and how Google Classes is working. The

purpose of this study is to report the overall appearance of Google Classroom from

various classes. This research presents short features of Google Class. The research

question is a) What factors influence teachers using Google Classroom? b) How do

teachers use Google Classroom in their teaching? c) What are the barriers to using

Google Classroom? D) What are students responses to Google Classroom? The results

show that from the teacher's point of view, they agree that Google Classroom is very

useful. From students point of view, some said that Google Classroom also helped,

while others stated that they were afraid and were taught when using Google Classroom.

Nugroho (2021) The study to investigate how Question-Answer Relationships (QAR)

through Google Classroom (GC) develop the vocational school students reading skills
and expose the benefits of its implementation. QAR through GC was expected to fulfill

the students need, especially improving their reading skill. The data were collected by

test, observation, interview, and questionnaire. The subjects of the study are the tenth

graders of one state and three private vocational schools in Yogyakarta. The study

employed classroom action research (CAR) consisted of two cycles including four

steps: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. learning reading.

The four studies above have similarities and differences about their research. The

similarity of the three is about the object of research, the third research object is online

learning using Google Classroom. However, the focus they do is different. The first

research focuses on seeing the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a medium for

student learning. Segregate the second research which focuses on the perceptions of

users of Google Classroom, namely teachers and students. The third research focuses on

examining the object, namely how Google Classroom works as an online learning

medium for students and teachers.

Researchers here are trying to conduct research on the effectiveness of Google

Classroom as a student learning medium. So that research from Shaharanee (2016)

can be used as a reference and comparison of the research results obtained. Meanwhile,

other research is used to support the theory of Google Classroom and others. Therefore,

this research is expected to further develop and innovate from the research results of

Shaharanee (2016).

2.2 Theoretical Framework

2.2.1 Concept of Reading

As we know reading is one of the English skills besides speaking, listening and writing.

This is a way to understand written messages. Based on Patel and Jain (2008: 113 –

114) states as follows:

“Reading is an important activity in life with which one can update his/her

knowledge. Reading skill is an important tool for academic success. Reading is the

most important activity in any language class. Reading is not only a source of

information and a pleasurable activity but also as a means of consolidating and

extending one’s knowledge of the language. Reading is very necessary to widen the

mind, again and understanding of the foreign culture”.

Nuttal (2000:2) state that, reading means the result of the interaction between the mind

of the writer and the mind of the reader itself in order to convey the message. It is the

way how the reader tries to get the message or the intended meaning from the writer. In

this process, the reader tries to create the meaning intended by the author, the reader can

catch the message, and the meaning of the author's meaning.

according to Pang (2003:6) reading is described as understanding written texts. He said

that reading includes two processes, there are, word recognition and understanding.

Word recognition is defined as the process to knowing how written symbols correspond

to one's spoken language while understanding means the process of producing the

meaning of words, sentences, and connected texts. He added that readers who have

background knowledge such as vocabulary, grammar knowledge, experience using texts

and other strategies can help them understand written texts.

From the explanation above, reading can be defined as the instant recognition of

various written symbols with existing knowledge and can also be defined as

understanding the information or ideas that are communicated. That is, when a reader

interacts with printed messages, he tries to get written information to get meaning in

understanding the message or text from the author. It can also be said that reading is not

only a process of obtaining written symbols that are in accordance with one's spoken

language, but also the process of making meanings of words, sentences from connecting

texts which can be called understanding.

2.2.2 Concept of Teaching Reading

Teaching reading is a way of transferring knowledge from teachers to students by using

certain techniques, strategies and materials to master reading itself. Reading is one way

to make students understand in the teaching and learning process.

According to Harmer (2007) teaching is not an easy job, but it is important and can be

very useful when we see the progress of students and know that we have helped make it

happen. It's true that some students can be difficult and stressful at times, but it's also

worth remembering that the best teaching can also be a lot of fun. Based on this

explanation, it is able to be concluded that teaching activities and managing the

surroundings in good terms can offer possibilities for students within the learning

method to achieve goals. Harmer (1998:68) states that reading is useful for other

purposes as well: any exposure to English as long as students understand it more or less

is a good thing for language students.

In teaching reading, the teacher's responsibility is to help students achieve these goals

by motivating reading by selecting or creating appropriate texts, to design useful and

understandable reading assignments, to prepare effective classroom procedures, to

encourage critical reading, and to create a supportive environment for practicing

reading. So teacher need to decide what the purpose of reading is whether reading

makes pleasure or gains understanding. If the purpose of reading is performed for

pleasure, the topic of the reading text can be free. And if the purpose of reading the text

to be done is to understand the passage, so the topic of the reading text must be prepared

before the teacher teaches the reading class.

2.2.3 Principles of Teaching Reading

In teaching English, the teacher as the center and facilitator for students in the

classroom needs to prepare several teaching strategies and principles to teach students

so that they can understand well and correctly what the teacher will teach in the


According to Harmer (2007:201 – 202) the principles of reading: (1) the teacher

encourages students to read as often and as much as possible, (2) students need to be

involved with what they read, (3) the teacher encourages students to respond to the

content of the text and explore their feelings about it, not just concentrate on its

construction, (4) predict are the main factors in reading, (5) teachers must match

assignments with topics when using intensive reading texts, (6) good teachers make full

use of reading texts.

Teachers can choose one or two principles as appropriate with student needs because

the right principle affects student achievement. From the above principle the researcher

uses and maximizes the fifth principle, namely the teacher must match the task with the

topic when using intensive reading texts.

2.2.4 Teaching Procedure text

Procedure text is text that explains or helps us how to make or use something. Its social

function is to describe how something is actually done through a sequence of steps. The

communicative purpose of this text is to describe how something is made through a

sequence of actions or steps. according to Anderson (1997: 50) means that a piece of

text that gives us instructions for doing something. Bachtiar (2010:398) State that

procedure text tells how to make something through a sequence of actions or steps. It

usually uses imperative sentences such as cut place, use, etc. The purpose of this type of

procedure text is to explain and provide sequential information or directions on how

something can be done such as directions, recipes, instruction manuals, and itinerary. so

that people can successfully carry out activities in a safe, efficient and appropriate


There are three generic structures in procedure text. The first is the goal or purpose. The

second is materials or tools. The third and last is the step or method. To know the text

that we read is a procedure or not very simple. You can read the title. If the title begins

with how to make or how to use it can be ascertained that the text is procedure text.

Procedure text has some characteristics on it. Anderson state that procedure texts can be

recognized based on some language features below:

a. The use of technical language

b. Sentences that begin with verbs and are stated as commands, for example the usage

of word “open” in the sentence; open the project or compartment using the screw

c. The use of time words or numbers that tell the order for doing the procedure. Time

words is also called sequencers for example first, second, then, after that, the next

step is, next, and finally

d. The use of adverbs to tell how the action should be done. Adverbs of manner are

frequently used. For example; Next, gently press the stop button to stop the washing


2.2.5 English Teaching Instructional Media

According to (Sadiman et al, 2002), Media are anything used to send messages, from

the senders to the receivers, so they can be aroused the learner’s thought, feeling and

interest in learning. Scanian states that instructional media encompasses all the materials

and physical means an instructor and teacher might use to implement instruction and

facilitate learners’ achievement of instructional objectives.

As written by Annita Muslimah, based on Williams (2018), the role of media in the

classroom means; attract a variety of learning styles, create authentic learning

experiences, strengthen critical thinking skills, teach students to use media. Meanwhile,

Tileston13 (2003) states that the media can have an impact on the modalities of learners,

the management of motivational attitudes, the achievement of higher levels of thinking,

and application in the real world. Using this, I can conclude that the media is very

crucial in the learning process. Media makes it easier for teachers and students to access

information, and vice versa makes the learning process interesting and fun. The

challenges in using the media according to Perez (2015) is the way to apply media

efficiently, understand how it works, and how to integrate media in gaining knowledge

of. as well as using media in the study room to make students aware of the present day

changes in digital communication. Through the media students not only learn to access
the material, obtain information, but students can also assess and be wise in using the

media for learning.

to the communicant. From this understanding, it can be said that the media is a

channeling of messages from sender to receiver as a subject and the message is expected

to stimulate thoughts, feelings, attention and interests of students so that the learning

process can take place as expected. The learning process is a communication process

and takes place in a system, so the learning media occupies an important position as a

component of the learning system. Without the media, communication will not occur

and the learning process as a communication process will not be able to take place


Statement from experts' can be concluded that learning media could be very essential in

helping the learning process in the school room. The popularity of the material

introduced via the instructor to college students is prompted by what learning media the

teacher uses. The use of media for a teacher in teaching english should have as many

skills and resources as possible in the classroom to make students have a higher level of

innate knowledge so that they become skilled and competent in doing learning. One of

the effective sources in the learning process is using the media. Media commonly used

in the teaching and learning process means textbooks, pictures and videos. As for other

additional media such as whiteboards, projectors, and so on.

many kinds of learning media based on experts who are used in the teaching and

learning process starting from the simplest or the cheapest, the most complex or

modern, to the most expensive ones that require electricity.

Generally, there are five categories of instructional media as cited in Depdiknas (2005).

Those are:

a. Visual: pictures, sketches, illustrations, patterns, diagrams, photos, films, charts,

graphs, paintings, comics, cartoons, caricatures, maps, globe, trip brochures,

advertisements, etc.

b. Audio (music, words, sounds, and sound effects): recordings, tape, radio, stories,

poems and drama, a set of music.

c. Audio-visual: television, puppets, role play, excursion, natural phenomenon, LCD,

computers, etc.

d. Tactile: specimen, exhibits, model, sculptured figure, live and stuffed animals,

experiments, toys, puppet show, etc

e. Virtual: internet, website, e-mail, audio-video streaming, chatting, messaging,

audio-video conferencing, e-newsgroups, cybernews, etc

Media is very useful in learning English. Teachers, instructors, and students are assisted

by using media to achieve learning objectives so that students can easily understand the

material. Teachers must apply media in teaching and learning activities for the

following reasons:

a. Learning media can overcome short comings learner experience. Students have

differences backgrounds such as family, community, social life economy, etc.

Students living in different places regions will have a different experience because of

them have a different environment, society, social economy, etc.

b. Learning media can reach everything from class. There are so many things around

students who cannot be reached alone, such as: bacteria, viruses, etc. To know and
see those little things, we have to use the microscope as media. We use images to

present things that are should not be brought into class such as: market, station, port.

c. Learning media is made in a way that may be direct interactions between students

and them living environment.

d. The media produced several observations. That Student observations can be directed

to important things based on the teacher's goals.

2.2.6 E-learning

E-learning is the use of learning media using the internet, to seek solutions that can

increase knowledge and skills. Each learning method must contain the formulation of

learning materials, implementation of learning, and management of activities by taking

into account the factors of learning objectives, learning constraints, characteristics of

students, as a result of effectiveness, efficiency, and attractiveness of learning (Miarso,


For centuries, educators have provided distance education to students (McVay &

Rocker, 2007). The advent of the Internet turned distance education into e-Learning,

online learning, or distance education delivered via web-based systems. William Horton

provides a concise working definition of e-learning : “E-learning is the use of

information and computer technologies to create learning experiences” (Horton, 2006).

McVay and Roecker (2007) elaborate on this definition with the following addition, “E-

learning is facilitated and supported through the use of information and communication

technology, e-learning can cover a spectrum of activities from supported learning, to

blended learning (the combination of traditional and e-learning practices), to learning

that is entirely online” Learning is the critical element and objective regardless of the

technology used.
According to Agarwal & Pandey (2012), e-learning focuses on the use of technology in

learning and education. E-learning refers to the use of information and communication

technology within the mastering method which includes electronic media. According to

Guri-Rosenblit (2005) “E-learning is the use of electronic media for a variety of

learning purposes that range from add-on functions in conventional classrooms to full

substitution for the face-to-face meetings by online encounters”.In other words, E-

learning is an educational system or concept that utilizes information technology in the

teaching and learning process.

According to Rashty (1999), which was followed by Dewi Salma Prawiradilaga, there

are several e-learning methods, which are as follows:

1. Additional Models. This model can be said as a process traditional learning. This

means that traditional learning is supported by an online delivery system as an

enrichment. The existence of an online delivery system is an addition.

2. Mixed / Blended Model. The Blended Model places online delivery as an inseparable

part of the total learning process. This means that both face-to-face and online

learning processes form a completeunit.

3. Fully Online Model. In this model all interactions occur and the delivery of learning

materials online.

2.2.7 Google Classroom

Google Classroom means one of the educational features provided by Google Apps for

Education (GAFE) which was released to the public on August 12, 2014. Google

Classroom is said to be one of Google's best web features to enhance the performance of

teachers and students in teaching and learning activities. Iftakhar (2016) explains that
Google Classroom means the best feature provided by the Google platform that can be

used by scholars to get information about class material using multiple stored uses. It is

accessible to everyone on their smartphones, tablets, laptops and personal computers.

This feature is available for every electronics with Google software for education, free

installation of productivity tools, including Gmail, Drive, and Docs.

Google Classroom is an interesting innovation from Google For Education because it is

a product created to assist teachers and students in carrying out teaching and learning

activities. So that makes Google Classroom as a medium in implementing learning

because it can be used by students to study outside of learning time which is not limited

by space and time (Pradana, 2017).

Google Classroom may still be unfamiliar for some people. Therefore, the procedure of

here is a guide line how to use Google Classroom properly for better understanding, you

can follow the guideline bellow:

1. Login using and log in using Google Apps for Education

account with institution e-mail address.

2. Enter the email address for your Classroom account and click Next

3. Enter your password and click Next.

4. To create the very first class, click on the “+” button next to the e-mail address.

5. “Create class” will appear and then press on it.

6. After that, add a class name.

7. Teacher can add the details about the class, such as, description and instructions

for students in the “about” tab, and also Google Drive folder for classroom

materials and can attach outline course and lesson plan.

8. Finally, the class is ready and students can freely join if they have institutional

Google accounts and they should find class code in the “stream” tab

Google Classroom is very easy to use. All the features available integrated and

correlated with each other. from Google Classroom, teachers can send assignments to

all students at the same time (Iftakhar, 2016). teachers make it easy to store all archives

in Google Drive. by using this tool they can give rating and level, attach any pdf, photo,

video, sound, note, document or link for instructional purpose, so teachers can easily

use this Google Classroom application as a means of teaching English.



3.1 Research Design

This research is intended to find out the effect of Google Classroom in improving

students reading comprehension. to determine the effectiveness of using Google

Classroom to teach reading procedure text at the eleventh grade of SMKN Padang

Cermin. This research used quantitative approach to respond to the research questions

that required numerical data. According to Best and Kahn (1995: 177) the adequacy of

experimental design is judged by the degree to which they eliminate or minimize threats

to experimental validity this research uses quasi experiment with experimental and

control group pretest-posttest design to measure the degree of improvement of students

reading comprehension.

In this study, the experimental and control groups were determined purposively. the

experimental group will undergo treatment using Google Classroom in the teaching and

learning process. While the control class is taught using Whatsapp. In this study, the

experimental and control groups were determined purposively. Test will conduct to

decide whether or not the treatment implement in the experimental class have a

significant effect on students reading comprehension. The studies layout can be seen as


Experimental group T1 X T2

Control group T1 O T2
Picture 3.1 the design of the research

The pretest design will indicate by T1 after both classes get the pretest in the

experimental class and control group, while the treatment will indicate by X in the

experimental class and the O symbol for the control group. After the treatment is done,

the post-test design will indicate by T2 after both classes already have treatment.

3.2 Data and Data Source

This research will conduct at SMKN Padang Cermin which is located at JL. Raya Way

Ratai Km. 40,5, Desa Way Urang, Kec. Padang Cermin, Kab. Pesawaran. The subjects

in this study is eleventh grade students at SMKN Padang Cermin. Subject of the

research will chosee not randomly. The selected classes are XI TKJ A and XI TKJ B. XI

TKJ A will selecte as the experimental class with a total of 34 students. While the

control class in XI TKJ B amounted to 34 students.

3.3 Data Collection Techniques

Data collection Techniques is the way to collect data used in this research. In collecting

data, researchers used tests and questionnaires. The test consists of a pre-test, and a

post-test to measure the effectiveness of Google Classroom as a medium in teaching

reading comprehension the questionnaire contains 16 questions about students

perceptions using Google Classroom as a medium in learning reading comprehension.

3.3.1 Test

Test in this research is reading test. To answer research questions obtain the required

scores of students achievement in reading procedure text, this research used pre-test

post-test. The post-test have 30 multiple choices, and the students have 60 minutes to do

it. Each item of the test have four options; they were A, B, C, and D. The test for
experimental class and control class is same. Their reading comprehension would be

scored based on their answer.

In collecting data, the researcher carried out research at SMKN Padang Cermin, through

some steps as follows:

1. Pre-test. This test will conducte in order to measure the students reading

comprehension before receiving the treatment. The test will use multiple choice

questions about procedure text and it is going to be finish in the first meeting. in

this test, the students can be give 60 minutes to do the test.

2. Posttest. This particular test will be given after the treatments to measure how far

the students improvement of reading comprehension after getting the treatments.

This test uses multiple choice questions about procedure text and it will be done in

the last meeting. In this test, the students will be given 60 minutes to do the test

This study used a quasi-experimental design. This activity is divided into three parts,

namely: pre-teaching activities, core teaching activities, and post-teaching activities.

Pre-teaching activity is giving pre-test to both the experimental group and control

group. For the experimental group, the researcher used Google Classroom in teaching

reading procedure text. Meanwhile, for the control group, the researchers used

Whatsapp media in teaching reading procedure text. The last activity is to give post-test

to all groups to find out whether Google Classroom is effective for eleventh grade

students at SMKN Padang Cermin.

3.3.2 Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a research tool in the form of a list of questions that can get

information from many sources (Mashar, 2019). The questionnaire in this study was

conducted for media experts and material experts, who have the opportunity to become

systematic respondents. In this research uses four scale, (4) Strongly Agree, (3) Agree,

(2) Disagree, and (1) Strongly Disagree.

Here, students responses would be measured by questionnaire as the research instrument

which was adopted from Shaharanee (2016), with the internet self-efficacy scale

that was developed by Eastin & LaRose as reference.

The question questionnaire will be divided into three parts based on the ease of use of

Google Classroom. The perceived usefulness when the use Google Classroom, The

effectiveness when the use Google Classroom in online learning, and Students obstacle

in learning English through Google Classroom, with the following specifications:

Table. 3.3 Specification of Questionnaire for Student’ Readiness

Aspects No. Item Total Item

The perceived usefulness when using Google 1,2,3,4,5 5


The effectiveness using Google Classroom in 6,7,8,9,10,11 6

online learning

Students obstacle in learning English through 12,13,14,15,16 5

Google Classroom
3.4 Data Analysis Technique

(Harvey, 1998) The instruments of this research are pre-test and post-test.The researcher

compares the end result of pre-test and post-test in the experimental group and control

group to recognize the effectiveness of using Google classroom in teaching reading

comprehension to the eleventh-grade students at SMKN Padang Cermin. The researcher

used the score of the test as quantitative data.

After the data is accrued, the authors process and analyze it. statistics analysis could be

executed using IBM information SPSS (special package of the Social Sciences)

software program version 25. In analyzing the data, the author will use the t-test

formula. The t-test is one of a number of hypothesis tests. Before calculating the t-test,

the authors conducted tests of normality and homogeneity first.

a. Normality Test

Normality test is used to determine whether the sample data has been taken from a

normally distributed population or not. Normality test was conducted to determine

whether the distribution of the two classes (experimental and controlled) was normal or

not. This study also followed Kolmogorov-Smirnov to perform a normality test with a

significant level of = 0.05. The data can be said to be normally distributed if the result is

more than 0.05. On the other hand, if the result is less than 0.05, it can be said that the

data is not normally distributed.

b. Homogeneity test

is conducted to determine whether the both of groups have the same variant or not

(homogeneous or not). The Levene Statistics on IBM Statistic SPSS 25 was applied in
this research with significance degree or alpha (𝑎=0.05). Comparable with normality

test, the data can be claimed homogeneous if the result was more than 0.05. In contrast,

if the result was less than 0.05, it can be reported that the data were not homogeneous.

c. T-test

T-test is applied to examine which hypothesis arises in this research, whether the null

hypothesis or alternative hypothesis is accepted. The test is used to find out the effect of

using Google Classroom on students reading comprehension of procedure text. This

research used the Independent sample T-test with a two-tailed test of significance on

IBM Statistic SPSS 25. If the result indicated pvalue or sig (2 tailed) higher than the

significance level of sig =0.05 (5%),then the null hypothesis is accepted. On the

contrary, if the result p-value or sig (2 tailed) lower than the significance level of sig

=0.05 (5%), then the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

3.5 Hypothesis

This research applied two kinds of hypotheses as follow:

H0 : Google Classroom gives no effect on students reading comprehension at SMKN

Padang Cermin.

H1 : Google Classroom gives significant effect on students reading comprehension at

SMKN Padang Cermin.



4.1 Findings

This chapter describes the results of data analysis as described in the following

paragraphs. This study investigates the effectiveness of Google Classroom in learning

English at SMKN Padang Cermin. This research was conducted at SMKN Padang

Cermin In order to find out : (1) The effect of Google Classroom in improving students

reading comprehension. (2) To find out student’ perceptions toward the use of Google

Classroom in learning English at SMKN Padang Cermin.

4.1.1 The Effect Of Google Classroom In Improving Students Reading


In order to investigate the effect Google Classroom In Improving Students Reading

Comprehension. The researcher used control group pretest-posttest design to measure

the degree of improvement of students reading comprehension. T-test was used to

compare the two groups, after taking the pre-test and post-test.

In this chapter, the researcher explains several aspects related to the results of this study.

They were experimental and control group research procedures, experimental and

control group statistics, and t-test calculations for the design of the two experimental

groups and the control group.

4.1.2 Research Procedure of Experimental Group

In conducting this research, the experimental group pretest was conducted on August

28th 2021. This activity was divided into three parts, namely: pre-teaching activities,

core teaching activities, and post-teaching activities. The pre-teaching activity is to give
a pre-test to both the experimental group and the control group. This test was carried out

to measure students reading comprehension before receiving treatment. The test uses

multiple choice questions about procedure text and is finished at the first meeting.

In this test, the students was given 60 minutes to do the test. For the experimental group,

the researcher used Google Classroom in teaching reading procedure text. For the

control group, researchers used Whatsapp media in learning Reading procedure text.

The last activity was to given a post-test to experimental group was carried out on

September 10th 2021, this test was given after the treatments to measure how far the

students improvement of reading comprehension after getting the treatments. This test

used multiple choice questions about procedure text, and it was done in the last meeting.

In this test, the students was given 60 minutes to do the test. The Results of Students Reading Comprehension in Experimental Group

4.1 Score of Pre-Test& Post-Test of Experimental Group

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation Variance
Pretest 35 53 93 72,14 11,363 129,126
Posttest 35 65 100 82,54 7,582 57,491
Valid N 35

From the data above, we can see the results of the pretest scores of 35 students with a

minimum score of 53, a maximum value 93 which has a mean value 72.14 with a

standard deviation of 11.363 and a variance 129.126. Meanwhile, the posttest score with

the same total of students 35, has a minimum score 65 and a maximum 100 with a mean

value 82.54 and a standard deviation of 7.582 with a var of 57.491.

With the results from the data above, we can conclude that there is a change in student

scores before and after the treatment

4.1.3 Research Procedure of Control Group

The control group pre-test was conducted on August 25, 2021. This activity become

divided into 3 elements, namely: pre-teaching activities, core teaching sports, and post-

teaching activities. The pre-teaching activity is to provide a pre-test to both the

experimental group and the control group. This test was conducted to degree students

reading comprehension before receiving treatment. The test used multiple choice

questions about the procedure text and was conducted at the first meeting. In this test,

the students will be given 60 minutes to do the test. For the experimental group, the

researcher used Google Classroom in teaching reading procedure text. For the control

group, researchers used Whatsapp media in learning Reading procedure text. The last

activity was to give a post-test to control group was carried out on September 5th 2021,

this test will be given after the treatments to measure how far the students improvement

of reading comprehension after getting the treatments. This test uses multiple choice

questions about procedure text, and it will be done in the last meeting. In this test, the

students will be given 60 minutes to do the test. The Results of Students Reading Comprehension in Control Group

4.2 Score of Pre-Test & Post-Test of Control Group

Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Deviation Variance
Pretest 35 53 88 64,80 9,499 90,224
Posttest 35 60 95 74,69 8,519 72,575
Valid N 35
From the data above, we can see the results of the pretest scores of 35 students with a

minimum score 53, a maximum 88 which has a mean 64,80 with a standard deviation

9,499 and a variance 90,224. Meanwhile, the posttest score with the same total of

students 35, has a minimum score of 60 and a maximum of 95 with a mean value 74,69

and a standard deviation 8,519 with a varience of 72,575.

With the results from the data above, we can conclude that there is a change in student

scores before and after the treatment

4.1.4 Analyze of The Data

The Result of Normality Test

Normality test is used to determine whether the sample data has been taken from a

normally distributed population or not. Normality test was conducted to determine

whether the distribution of the two classes (experimental and controlled) was normal or

not. This study also followed Kolmogorov-Smirnov to perform a normality test with a

significant level of = 0.05. The data can be said to be normally distributed if the result is

more than 0.05. On the other hand, if the result is less than 0.05, it can be said that the

data is not normally distributed.

4.3. The Result Of Normality Test Of Data For Pretest And Posttest
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Class Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.
Student Pretest .114 35 .200* .957 35 .181
learning Eksperimental
outcomes Posttest .154 35 .035 .948 35 .098
Pretest Control .123 35 .200* .930 35 .028
Posttest Control .194 35 .002 .915 35 .010
*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.
a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

The results of the normality test above show that the significance of the level or result of

the normality test using the One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test on the results of the

pretest and posttest. it means that the possible value (sig) in the results of the pretest and

posttest is higher than (>) the value of the degree of significance (α = 0.05) which is

0.110. Thus, it can be concluded that the data for pretest and posttest are normally


The result of homogeneity test

Homogeneity is conducted to determine whether the both of groups have the same

variant or not (homogeneous or not). The Levene Statistics on IBM Statistic SPSS 25

was applied in this research with significance degree or alpha (𝑎=0.05). Comparable

with normality test, the data can be claimed homogeneous if the result was more than

0.05. In contrast, if the result was less than 0.05, it can be reported that the data were not


4.4. The Result Homogenity of Variance Test of Data For Pretest And Posttest
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
Students learning Based on Mean 1.549 1 68 .217
outcomes Based on Median .557 1 68 .458
Based on Median and with .557 1 67.273 .458
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean 1.746 1 68 .191

Based on the table about homogeneity above, it shows that the significance of posttest 1

and posttest 2 is 0.191. Therefore, the researcher concludes that the distribution data of

post-test 1, post-test 2 have a significance value of 0.191> 0.05, it means that the data

result were homogeny.

The result of hypothesis testing

T-test is applied to examine which hypothesis arises in this research, whether the null

hypothesis or alternative hypothesis is accepted. The test is used to find out the effect of

using Google Classroom on students reading comprehension of procedure text. This

research used the Independent sample T-test with a two-tailed test of significance on

IBM Statistic SPSS 25. If the result indicated pvalue or sig (2 tailed) higher than the

significance level of sig =0.05 (5%),then the null hypothesis is accepted. On the

contrary, if the result p-value or sig (2 tailed) lower than the significance level of sig

=0.05 (5%), then the alternative hypothesis is accepted.

After the researchers conducted the normality and homogeneity tests, the researchers

calculated the data on student learning outcomes using the SPSS 25 application using

the t-test to determine the effectiveness of the use of Google Classroom on reading

comprehension subjects with procedur text material. Hypothesis testing was conducted

to determine whether there was a significant difference between the experimental class

and the control class

4.5 The Result Test of Group Statistics.

Group Statistics

Learning Std. Std. Error

Model N Mean Deviation Mean
Student learning Learning 35 82,54 7,582 1,282
outcomes Model A
Learning 35 74,69 8,519 1,440
Model B

4.6. The Result of Independent Sample Test

Independent Samples Test

Test for
Equality of
Variances t-test for Equality of Means
Sig. Interval of the
(2- Mean Std. Error Difference
tailed Differenc Differenc Lowe
F Sig. t df ) e e r Upper
Student Equal 1,54 ,21 4,076 68 ,000 7,857 1,928 4,010 11,70
learning variance 9 7 4
outcome s
s assumed
Equal 4,076 67,09 ,000 7,857 1,928 4,009 11,70
variance 8 5
s not

From the data above The test used to find out the effect of using Google Classroom on

students reading comprehension of procedure text. This research used the Independent

sample T-test with a two-tailed test of significance on IBM Statistic SPSS 25. If the

result indicated pvalue or sig (2 tailed) higher than the significance level of sig =0.05

(5%),then the null hypothesis is accepted. On the contrary, if the result p-value or sig (2

tailed) lower than the significance level of sig =0.05 (5%), then the alternative

hypothesis is accepted.

In the table above the significance value (2-tailed) is 0.000 < 0.05 so it can be

concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted (Google Classroom gives significant

effect on students reading comprehension at SMKN Padang Cermin.)

4.1.5 Students Perceptions Toward The Use Of Google Classroom In Learning

English At SMKN Padang Cermin.

The questionnaire is divided into three aspects. The first aspect has five questions that

reflect the perceived usefulness when using Google Classroom, the second aspect has

six questions The effectiveness of using Google Classroom in online learning, the last

aspect has five questions that mention students obstacles in learning English through

Google Classroom. There were 59 participants in the questionnaire. Participants only

need to check the answers in the Google Form checklist box with available alternative

answers (4: Strongly Agree, 3: Agree, 2: Disagree, 1: Strongly Disagree). The

participant questionnaires can be seen as follows:

No Class N
1. TKJ A 33
2. TKJ B 26

4.1.6 The perceived usefulness when using Google Classroom

shows the result of the first aspect in the questionnaire. there were five questions that

reflect the perceived usefulness when using google classroom. the result can be seen as


4.1.6 Students Response Towards perceived usefulness when using google classroom

Questionnaire Response Mea

No. Statement n SD
The quality of learning
1 60 14 40 2 1 3,24 50
activity was excellent.
Google Classroom is an
excellent medium for social
2 interaction (teacher vs 60 10 37 8 4 2.91 0.79
students and students vs
Google Classroom help me
3 60 7 39 11 2 2.86 0.66
to submit assignment on
The feedback provided by
4 60 13 42 4 0 3.13 0.51
the teacher is useful.
Google Classroom
5 Application is interesting for 60 9 37 10 4 2.87 0.76
students learning.
Total 3.00 0.13
The highest mean score from all the statement in the first aspect in the questionnaire is

statement number four that mention the feedback provided by the teacher is useful. and

The total mean value of all statements in the third aspect of questionnaire showed that

some students have difficulties in Google Classroom to help student to submit

assignment on time

4.1.7 The effectiveness using Google Classroom in online learning

The result of the second aspect in the questionnaire.There were six questions indicating

the effectiveness of Google Classroom in online learning. The result can be seen as


4.1.7 Students Response Towards the effectiveness using google classroom

No. Statements n Questionnaire Mean SD
1 I think Google Classroom is 60 17 29 11 3 3.14 0.67
easy to use as medium for
online learning
2 I feel convenience to learn 60 15 35 8 2 3.08 0.7
English through Google
Classroom since I can access it
anytime and anywhere
3 I think Google Classroom 60 3 36 17 3 2.68 0.65
features are easy to use in
learning and discussion.
4 I think Google Classroom is 60 3 27 25 5 2.48 0.73
easy to interact and
communicate with other student
to do English discussion
through Google Classroom.
5 Google classroom helps me to 60 6 42 10 2 2.89 0.61
submit assignment on time.
6 I think using Google Classroom 60 23 29 5 4 3.24 0.77
is the effective way to learn
English during Covid-19
Total 2.92 0.05
The highest mean score from all the statement in the second aspect in the questionnaire

is statement number six that mention using Google Classroom is the effective way to

learn English during Covid-19 pandemic. Because during the current pandemic, almost

all students have interacted with technology such as the Google Classroom application

which is already equipped with features to make it easier for students to collect

assignments, etc.

4.1.8 Obstacles in learning English through Google Classroom

The result of the last aspect in the questionnaire. There were five questions indicating

students obstacle in learning English through Google Classroom. The result can be seen

as follow:

4.1.8 Students respons toward the obstacles in learning English using google classroom
Questionnaire Response Mea
No. Statement n SD
I find the Google Classroom
1 60 5 15 38 2 2,39 0,69
system quite difficult to use.
I find using Google Classroom a
2 bit difficult to ask teacher for a 60 14 36 9 1 3,08 0,65
topic I don't understand
I find Google Classroom very
3 60 6 20 30 4 2,48 0,77
difficult to submit assignments.
I have trouble using Google
4 Classroom when it comes to 60 11 33 15 1 2,93 0,69
group work.
English subject is difficult to be
5 implemented in Google 60 10 15 32 3 2,55 0,84
Total 2,68 0,07
The total mean value of all statements in the last aspect of the questionnaire shows that

students have difficulty in learning English through Google Classroom as an online

learning medium. The highest average score of all statements is statement number two

which states that they have difficulty asking the teacher about material they do not

understand. because the teacher only gives instructions to read the material, students are

required to do the task. The material given by the teacher is not conveyed clearly

because students and teachers have limitations in interacting and discussing.

Based on the results above, it can be concluded that most of students prefer to use the

Google Classroom application compared to the WhatsApp application to support online

learning. because the features in the Google Classroom application are designed for

online learning so students can easily use them. Google Classroom can also notify

students when they have assignments or teachers have uploaded materials.

4.2 Discussion

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of the Google Classroom

application in learning english reading comprehension at SMKN Padang Cermin. The

use of the Google Classroom application for learning English makes it easier for

students to do and submit assignments well. The result of the questionnaire shows that

most students have a good response in the first aspect, which is to reflect on the benefits

they feel when using Google Classroom. The highest average score of all the statements

in the first aspect of the questionnaire is the number four statement which expresses the

feedback given by the teacher. useful. and the second aspect is about the effectiveness

of Google Classroom in online learning. The highest score from all statements in the

second aspect of the questionnaire is the number seven statement which states that

Google Classroom is an effective way to learn English during the pandemic. because
Google Classroom is the only medium used by teachers in online learning during this

pandemic at SMKN Padang Cermin, because the features in the Google Classroom

application make it easy for students to collect assignments and are easy to understand.

While the last aspect is about students obstacles in learning English through google

classroom, problems that are usually complained about are internet access and there are

difficulties in interacting with classmates or teachers to discuss the material provided by

the teacher.

The pre-test was carried out at the first meeting, the researcher gave a pre-test with 30

multiple choice questions before entering the lesson and as a prerequisite material for

class XI TKJ A (Experimental class) and TKJ B (control class). After being given the

pretest, it can be seen from the results that the students scores in the experimental class

were superior to the control class, although the difference was not too far, namely 64.80

and 72.14 before receiving treatment. At the next meeting, the researcher gave treatment

with the topic of procedure text. After finishing explaining the material, the researcher

gave an example of how to make a procedure text. After being given an example, the

researcher gave assignments to students. It aims to gain student understanding. The

second meeting, the researcher continued the material about reading the procedure text.

This was done due to the limited time given. Furthermore, the researcher continued by

giving a post-test by providing material about the reading procedure text with 30

multiple choice questions. Posttest was given to the control class and the experimental

class. This is done to ensure the value of students after being given treatment and those

who are not given treatment. The implementation of Google Classroom is seen from the

scores and the average posttest scores are 7469 and 82.54. This means that the posttest

value in the experimental class is higher than the posttest in the control class, because
students have received treatment and text procedure material. Student grades increased

after I taught procedure text using Google Classroom. The current research correlates

with the research of Abd Syakur et al (2020) that the use of Google Classroom by

teachers can increase the average achievement of English material in English learning

for students. This research also correlates with Suryadi's research (2018) that the

motivation of students when learning through Google Classroom is that there are

students who have high motivation, moderate motivation and low motivation with

statements in the questionnaire.

Based on the results of the independent sample t test, it is known that the final value of

the experimental class was 82,54 and the final value of the control class was 74,69.The

significance value is smaller than 0.05 (0.00 < 0.05). So it can be stated that there is a

significant increase in student learning outcomes in the experimental group.

In this study, the researcher used two classes of XI TKJ A & XI TKJ B as samples, each

of which consisted of 35 students. One class was chosen as the experimental group,

namely class XI TKJ A, this group received treatment using the Google Classroom

application to learn English and class XI TKJ B as a control group received different

treatment using WhatsApp application to learn English. This finding is similar to the

findings of previous research conducted by Utami (2019), this study aims to see student

responses to learning using Google Classroom in the Mathematics Psychology Learning

course. What will happen is that research shows that Google Classroom learning

receives a good response from students, so Google Classroom is evaluated as effective

because it can be used for learning in the Mathematics Learning Psychology course and

in other subjects.
while Iftakhar (2016), this research is about what and how Google class works. What

will happen is research shows that from a teacher's point of view, they agree that

Google Classroom is very useful. From the side of the students, there are those who say

that Google Classroom also helps, there are also those who say they are afraid when

learning to use Google Classroom. Nugroho (2021) Research to find out how Question-

Answer Relationships (QAR) through Google Classroom (GC) develop reading skills of

SMK students and explain the benefits of its application. QAR through GC is expected

to meet the needs of students, especially to improve their reading skills.

it can be concluded that Google Classroom easy to use as a learning tool and Google

Classroom can also increase effectiveness in completing tasks given by the teacher. This

result is similar to Iftakhar (2016), students say that they can get so many assignment

files that can be uploaded to Google Classroom at once easily.


5.1 Conclusion

Based on research that has been conducted at SMKN Padang Cermin, this study was

conducted to determine the effectiveness of the Google Classroom application in

learning English reading comprehension. After the research was completed, the data

obtained from the pre-test and post-test from class XI TKJ A (experimental group) & XI

TKJ B (control group) at SMKN Padang Cermin.

The conclusion from the data results It can be seen in the statistical data chapter VI

which states that the scores obtained by students using the Google Classroom

application by comparing the values obtained from the whatsapp application which are

calculated using SPSS 25. The results of the pre-test and post-test in the experimental

class and control class also show differences in scores. This shows that, if the results

show p-value or sig (2 tailed) higher than the significance level of sig = 0.05 (5%), then

the null hypothesis is accepted. On the other hand, if the p-value or sig (2 tailed) is

lower than the significance level of sig = 0.05 (5%), then the alternative hypothesis is

accepted. In the table above the significance value (2-tailed) is 0.000 <0.05 so it can be

concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. This shows that Google Classroom

has a significant influence on students' reading comprehension at SMKN Padang


and also conclusion from the data obtained from the questionnaire show that students

have positive responses about the effectiveness of Google Classroom. Google

Classroom has several benefits for students in terms of ease of use of Google
Classroom, ease of use of features, and as an effective medium for learning English. the

application of Google Classroom in learning has several shortcomings, such as some

students experiencing problems with internet connections, and problems in questions

and answers discussions with teachers. Therefore, students and teachers sometimes have

miscommunication in the explanation of assignments and materials.

Although the features used in google classroom are very good, but there are some

students with internet constraints who find it difficult to reach to collect assignments,

therefore teachers should pay attention to the availability of student internet access,

provide the best solution for students who do not have gadgets, so that the

implementation of online learning in SMK N Padang Cermin can run optimally.

5.2 Suggestions

5.2.1 Teachers

This research proves that Google Classroom can be an effective way to teach English.

So that students are not confused with the material provided, therefore the teacher needs

to occasionally upload an explanation video for each material presented, so that they not

only give assignments but the material needs to be explained first. Next, the teacher

prepares a discussion forum with students to make it easier for students to ask questions

related to the material provided.

5.2.3 Students

Students can increase their interest in learning English and increase their creativity in

utilizing technology to improve the quality of their learning. students who live in areas

with limited internet connections need to find the best provider in their area so that they

can always follow the learning process.

5.2.4 Other Researchers

For further researchers who want to conduct similar research to focus on the

implementation using Google Classroom media in learning english, they can collect

data directly to obtain more accurate data, researchers can also add several instruments

such as open-ended questions, or observations to obtain data accurate.

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