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NIDN. 1010117003







TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................i
LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES.....................................................................ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Problem........................................................................1
1.2 Setting of the Problem.................................................................................3
1.3 Focus of the Problem..................................................................................3
1.4 Research Question.......................................................................................4
1.5 Objective of the Research...........................................................................4
1.6 Needs of the Research.................................................................................4
1.7 Definition of The Key Terms......................................................................5
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK...............................................6
2.1 Reading.......................................................................................................6
2.2 News Item Text.........................................................................................12
2.3 Online News Media..................................................................................16
2.4 Teaching Reading by Using Online News Media Resources...................17
2.5 Relevance Studies.....................................................................................18
2.6 Assumption...............................................................................................19
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY...........................................20
3.1 Research Design..........................................…...………….......................20
3.2 Location and Time of The Research.........................................................20
3.3 Population and Sample..............................................................................20
3.3.1 Population.......................................................................................20
3.3.2 Sample.............................................................................................21
3.4 The Instrument of The Research...............................................................21
3.5 Data Collection Technique........................................................................22
3.6 Data Analysis Technique..........................................................................23
CHAPTER IV RESEARCH FINDINGS...........................................................25
4.1 The Description of The Data..........................................…...…………....25
4.2 Research Finding.......................................................................................25
4.3 Data Analysis............................................................................................27

4.3.1 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in
4.3.2 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in
4.3.3 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in
4.4 Discussion.................................................................................................31
CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS...................................33
5.1 Conclusions..........................................…...…………..............................33
5.2 Suggestions...............................................................................................33
5.2.1 Suggestion for Teacher...................................................................34
5.2.2 Suggestion for Students..................................................................34

Table 3.3.1 The Population of The Students..........................................................20
Table 3.3.2 Sample of The Research.....................................................................21
Table 3.4.1 Blue Print Reading Test......................................................................22
Table 3.6.1 The Level of Ability Score Range......................................................23
Table 4.2.1 Recapitulation of The Students’ Test Score (Each Indicators)...........25
Table 4.3.1 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in
Table 4.3.2 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in
Table 4.3.3 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in
Table 4.4 Students’ News Item Text Reading Comprehension Level of Ability. .31



1.1 Background of the Problem

Reading is one of the critical competencies for each student. Reading

competencies are critical in education. If students’ reading competencies are bad,

they may be very probable to fail of their study or as a minimum they will face

problems in the process of study. In different words, in the event that they have a

good reading comprehension, they may have a higher possibility of succeeding

about their studies. According to Ebru (2015), Reading may be known as self-

discovery manner wherein the readers have interaction with written fabric to get


Reading is one of the language skills that needs to be mastered by the

readers. Through reading, a person can achieve a whole lot of information.

According to Gilakjani (2016), reading is the system a few of the reader, the

writer, and the textual content to assemble which means. Reading ability is not

always simplest as saying phrases but also comprehending the means and getting

information of textual content. Reading comprehension is the system wherein the

readers apprehend the contents of the textual content or which means of the

context of the textual content. Moreover, reading comprehension can be defined

as understanding, evaluating, and utilizing of information gained through an

interaction between the reader and the author. Reading comprehension is the way

to understand the meaning of the text in written language. So, the reader can

clearly understand what text talked about.

In fact, based on the researcher primary observation in SMA Negeri 1

Koto Gasib, news item text has been taught at twelfth grade. During the lesson or

evaluation of this topic teacher still used news text from the students’ book or

some examples of news item texts from internet (non-news media site). Because

of that, students still taught by the teachers by less appropriate and less innovative

news item text in learning that topic. Meanwhile, in this era technologies develop

extremely fast. It is being a common thing for students even teachers to use

technologies to help their daily activity including learning process. By that fact,

innovative learning that optimized the function of technology is needed to help

teachers and students teaching and learning process. Further, the researcher

believes that the best text resources for news item text is news which published by

Online News Media or site such as CNN and BBC. In online journalism, the

publisher commonly published the information in variative way or format, such

photos, videos, including text that can be categorized as Online Newspapers.

To respond that fact, the researcher believes that it is very important to

investigate or analyze about students’ reading comprehension skill. In this

research, the researcher going to analyze students’ reading comprehension of

news item text SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib by using news texts that published by

news online media that have appropriate standard as the source of the text. In this

case, the news online media is CNN.

Finally, by seeing all of those facts and explanations, the researcher

interested in conducting a study entitled “AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’




1.2 Setting of the Problems

Related to the facts and explanation in the background of this research, the

researcher found that it is extremely important to analyze students’ reading

comprehension, in this case news item text, because students are expected to

understand the meaning and purpose of a text that is read clearly. Based on the

researcher observation, to discuss about news item text, Online News Media can

be the best resources to find news item text that have appropriate standard. Also,

at SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib, the text of news items is taught in twelfth grade.

Based on researcher observations during the PPL, teachers still used some

examples of news texts from student books or news item texts from the Internet

(non-news media sites).

1.3 Focus of The Problems

The researcher going to analyze about students’ reading comprehension of

news item text with online news media resources that upload by CNN

International at the twelfth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib.

1.4 Research Question

Based on the focus of the research above, the researcher formulates the

problem of this research as follows:

1. How good is the students reading comprehension of news item text with

online news media resources at the twelfth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Koto


1.5 Objectives of the Research

The objective of this researcher is:

1. To find out how good is the students reading comprehension of news item

text with online news media resources at the twelfth grade of SMA Negeri

1 Koto Gasib?

1.6 Needs of the Research

The needs of this research can be presented as follows:

1. To motivate the students in develop their reading comprehension skill and

give them appropriate resources to learn about good standard news item texts.

2. To develop the researchers’ knowledge and information about students’

reading comprehension of news item text at SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib.

3. To facilitate the next researchers that going conduct similar research.

4. To inform the teacher the condition of students’ reading comprehension skill,

specifically for news item text at the twelfth grade of SMA Negeri 1 Koto


1.8 Definition of the Key Terms

To avoid the misunderstanding about the definitions that are used in this

research, the researcher gives some explanation that concern with the definition:

1. Reading Comprehension

The ability to process text, understand the meaning, and integrate with reader

knowledge. According to Lenz (2004), reading comprehension is the process

of constructing the meaning from text.

2. News Item Text

A textual content which informs readers about event or phenomenon of the

day. The phenomenon is taken into consideration newsworthy or important.

According to Pardiyono (2007), a news item text is a text with the purpose to

inform the readers or listeners about events of the day that are considered as

important to be inform.

3. Online News Media

An online site or platform that published news in online in form of text, photo

or video.



This chapter describes about theories that related with the topic of this

research such as, the definition of reading, process of reading, objective of

reading, kinds of reading, reading comprehension, component of reading

comprehension and reading comprehension strategies. Further, this chapter also

describes about onlibe news media (CNN or BBC) and news item text. At last, it

will closed by relevance studies, conceptual framework of the research and


2.1 Reading

In fact, reading skills has very essential function for students`

language. Reading is an interactive procedure that is going on among the

reader and the textual content, ensuing in comprehension. The textual content

gift letters, word, sentences, and paragraph that encode meaning. Based on

Kartawijaya (2017) reading is perceived a written text in order to understand

the contents. Furthermore, Spivey & Cuthbert (2006) states that reading

comprehension is one of the language skills that learners should acquire, but

it is difficult to achieve reading comprehension without sufficient skills and

understanding. If the learner has four reading comprehensions, good reading

comprehension will be obtained. Determining the main idea, guessing word

meanings, finding detailed information, and making inferences.

In addition, Nunan (2003) said that reading is a process of readers

combining information from a text and background knowledge to build

meaning. The information on the text is not sufficient to make a reader

comprehend a text, the reader needs to bring previous knowledge or

experience on the topic and related it to the information in the text. Also,

Bojovic (2010) explained that reading is a process of identifiying letters,

words, and sentences leading to comprehend the meaning.

Moreover, Troike (2006) explained that reading is a receptive activity

of readers to develop second language in academic competence. Reading is

the activity of understanding written text. Readers can apply different

strategies to read a text. In the process of reading a text, the reader has to

finds particular information. However, reader has to read carefully to find out

the specific information.

Based on all of experts definitions above, it can be concluded that

reading is an active cognitive process of getting idea through interpreting the

written text or symbol. In the process of comprehending, the reader

influenced by experiences, language background, cultural framework and the

purpose of reading.

Further, Burns (2011) stated that there are eight processes of reading.

They are

1. Sensory Process: Perceives the printed symbol visually.

2. Perceptual Process: Interpret what see as symbols or words.

3. Sequential Process: Follow the linear, logical, and grammatical

patterns of the written words.

4. Experiential Process: relate words back to direct experiences to give

the words meaning.

5. Thinking process: make inferences from and evaluate the material

6. Learning Process: remember what they learned in the past and

incorporate new ideas

7. Associational Process: recognize the connections between symbols

and sounds, between words.

8. Affective Process: Deal with interest and attitudes the affect the task

of reading.

9. Constructive Process: put everything together to make sense of the


Moreover, reading activities have many goals. Reading goals are

closely related to the motivation of the reader. Some of them are read for joy.

That is, the reader reads a book for joy, or reads information that gets

meaning or a message from the author's book. Cadlin and Hall (2002) state

that there are seven objectives of reading:

1. To obtain information for some purpose or because we are curious

about some topic.

2. To obtain instruction on how to perform some task for our work or

daily life (e.g, knowing how appliance works).

3. To act in a play, play a game, do a puzzle.

4. To keep in touch with friends by correspondence or understand

business letters.

5. To know when or where something will take place or what is


6. To know what is happening or has happened (as reported in

newspapers, magazine, reports).

7. For enjoyment or excitement.

According to the objective of reading, Nunan (2003) classified

reading into two types:

1. Intensive reading

Intensive reading is an activity while teachers encourage students to

read for general understanding without worrying about the meaning of

individual words. The purpose of intensive reading is to understand

about what been discuss in the texts. Using translations ensures that

the learner understands, and if the learner does some of the translation

by themself, the teacher can be sure that they understands it.

2. Extensive reading

During extensive reading learners need to be interested in what they

are reading and pay attention to the meaning of the text rather than

learning the linguistic features of the text. It requires the student's

ability to understand the components and their contribution to the

overall meaning. From this, it can be conclude that extensive reading

is a form of learning from meaningful input.

Furthermore, in the discussion of reading skills, reading comprehension is

a topic that cannot be separated even being the majority aim of appropriate

reading skills. Comprehension involves constructing meaning from reading

traditional text in written form and from listening to others. In simple explanation,

comprehension is the skill to understand and get meaning from spoken and written

language. In this era, reading comprehension skills are important for English

language learners. Reading comprehension is a process that involves the readers’

prior knowledge about the topic and about language. The students need to be

encouraged in reading activities in order to exercise their skill reading texts and to

enhance reading comprehension. As the strengthen, Duke (2001) said that

comprehension is a process of make meaning by interacting with text through the

combination of prior knowledge and previous experience of the readers,

information in the text, and the views of readers related to the text. So, it can be

concluded that comprehension is the process of making connection s between the

new information in the text and the known information

Based on Lenz (2004), reading comprehension is the process of

constructing the meaning from text. Reading comprehension is a complex

cognitive ability that require the capacity to integrate the text information with the

knowledge of the listener/reader and resulting in the elaboration of a mental

representation. So, comprehension is a process in other to understand and to get

the message from the reading text. In other words, reading comprehension is a

goal of reading itself.

There are some reading components that should be focused on

comprehending reading texts. There are reading components that may help

students to read carefully:

1) Finding factual information: it requires students to scan specific detail

of the text.

2) Finding main ideas: it is the main topic that is being discussed in a

paragraph in which help students to guess what paragraph is about.

3) Finding the meaning of vocabulary in the context: students can guess

the meaning unfamiliar word with him/her by relating them to the

surrounding words or the words that appear around them.

4) Finding reference: the same words or phrases found in several time in

the paragraph. They are usually short and very frequently pronouns,

such as she, he, it, they, her, him, and many others.

5) Making inference of reading text: students are expected to make

accurate prediction. The prediction can made by correctly interpreting

the indicators a writer’s gives.

Furthermore, by seeing all of definitions above, it can be concluded

reading comprehension is the ability of the readers constructs the meaning from a

text. reading comprehension is the ability of the readers constructs the meaning

from a text. The essence of reading comprehension understands all information

delivered by the writer. It also refers to the ability to constructs the meaning from

a text. The main aim of reading comprehension is understanding all information

that delivered by the writer.

According to Pourhusein (2016), there are several strategies for reading


1) Activating and using background knowledge

2) Generating and asking questions

3) Making inferences

4) Predicting

5) Summarizing

6) Visualizing

7) monitoring

8) Reading

9) Interpretative Reading

10) Critical Reading

11) Creative Reading

2.2 News Item Text

According to Pardiyono (2007), news item text is divided into four

sections: headline, summary of event, background of event, and source. The

headline, which is typically expressed in a brief, shortened sentence, is the news's

main point. Summary of event is the news media's account of the incident.

Background of event is an explanation of what happened, who did what, and the

circumstances in which it occurred. Source is the feedback from associated parties

or actual witnesses to the incident, which immediately follows each background


Besides, Doddy (2008) stated that news item text is composed of three

sections. Newsworthy occurrences make up the first section and are described in

summary form. Background events make up the second segment. Detailing what

happened, to whom, and under what conditions is included in this section. The

final section is the source, which includes remarks from the participants,

witnesses, authorities, and subject-matter specialists.

Similar as that, Eltis (1990) also defined that news item text is text that

made to inform readers about events of the day which are consider newsworthy or

important. Therefore, it can be concluded that the text of a news item is a factual

text that informs readers about the current events that are important to be known.

The purpose of the news item text is to deal with events considered as important

information. In addition, the text of the news item should be as legible as possible

in order to attract readers while still providing details of the events.

Furthermore, the general structure of news item text according to Eltis

(1990) are:

1. Newsworthy Events

The newsworthy events part commonly put at the beginning of text

because the reader needs to get the attention on the events before deciding

to read on. This part gives information about who, what, when, where and

why the events occurred in brief way.

2. Background Events

Background events is a part of news item text that gives information about

the events in detail. It can include information about how and why the

events happen. After newsworthy events, the news writer oftenly give

detailed information about the event in Background events part.

3. Sources

This part called sources because it shows who provided the information.

According to Eltis (1990), there are some significant of news item text.

They are:

1. Short, telegraphic information about story summarize in one sentence


2. Use of material or action processes to re-tell story.

3. Use of projecting verbal processes in sources stage.

4. Focus on circumstantial meanings.

5. Often dramatic use of participant structure.

In addition, characterisctics or language features of news item text

according to Eltis (1990) are:

1. Focus on circumstances.

2. Using material process.

3. Using action verbs.

4. Using saying verbs.

5. Using adverb of time, place and manner.

Also, Eltis (1990) stated there are two purposes of news item text. They


1. To inform readers of important or newsworthy events of the day.

2. to provide information to readers about important or important events of

the day.

Here is an example of news text from CNN that can be used as a text

source of news item text:


Rare Sumatran Rhino Born in Indonesia A 'Momentous Occasion'

For Survival of Species


(CNN)-An extremely rare Sumatran rhino has been born in captivity at a

sanctuary in Indonesia, according to the government, a triumph for conservation

efforts to save the critically endangered animal from extinction.


The female rhino was born at the Sumatran Rhino Sanctuary in Way

Kambas National Park in Sumatra's Lampung Province on March 24, according to

Indonesia's Ministry of Environment. "The birth of the Sumatran rhino is good

news amid the efforts of the Indonesian government and partners to increase the

Sumatran rhino population" Wiratno, the director general of conservation at the

environment ministry, said in a statement. Sumatran rhinos, the world's smallest

rhino species, once flourished across Southeast Asia but they are now found only

in tiny pockets on Indonesia's northern island of Sumatra and Indonesian Borneo.


Fewer than 80 Sumatran rhinos remain, according to the International

Rhino Foundation (IRF).

2.3 Online News Media

Online reading resources are reading materials that the reader find by

online, it can be online newspaper, magazine, or television, website such as NBC

or CNN, and Peer-reviewed journals, and Web Pages. In digital and internet era,

news can be published and found not only on radio or television. Nowadays,

people can access official site of Online News Media such as CNN to find out the

recent news. In this research, the researcher will be focused on the news that

published in written form or online newspaper. Online newspaper can be defined

as the online version of a newspaper. The movement from the printing to digital

or online newspaper can help to decrease production costs. Same as printed

newspapers, online newspapers, have legal restrictions regarding libel, privacy,

and copyright. The researcher decided to choose online newspaper because, in

analyzing students’ reading comprehension skill, specifically in reading news item

text, the online newspaper that published by the authentic international news

media such as CNN being the best resource to find out the good standard news

item text.

Further, by the development of technology and internet, nowadays online

reading resources can be the best choice to facilitate teacher even students in

process of learning of reading comprehension skill. Moreover, by realizing the

fact that internet also become an inseparable part of the life. It is being necessary

for teacher and students to optimize the internet to support the process of learning.

People can access internet through cellular phone everywhere and every time. By

that fact, internet, including news online media become a potential source to

provided availability of free teaching and learning resources that can be used in

reading class.

2.4 Teaching Reading by Using Online News Media Resources

According to Estika (2017), teachers use online reading resources on an

extensive reading class using the internet to expand the teaching and learning

process. Learners are encouraged to read online from a comprehensive reading

resource that delivered via the internet. Further, Estika (2017) also said that

reading literature from a section of a computer screen is known as online reading.

Nowadays, the using of internet in teaching and learning is really

important and helpful. As stated by Guo (2012), authentic internet content or

reading resources are extremely beneficial since they can atrract the interest of

teachers and students more than traditionally structured content. Another

advantage of using internet resources is that it allows users to quickly access a

huge number of reading materials. Online reading resources are reading materials

that a reader can find online, such as an online newspaper, magazine, or

television, as well as peer-reviewed journals and Web pages.

Based on Richard and Renandya (2002), when utilized in language classes,

online reading resources provide a number of aspects that are beneficial to

improving language fluency. It provides a comprehensive library of authentic

resources, interactive learning tools, an environment for collaborative material

generation, is friendly to language learning, and information posted on the Web

may reach a big audience at a low cost.

2.5 Relevance Studies

There are some past studies that researcher use as the references of this

this research, the first is research by Muryati (2013) with the title is “An Analysis

of Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text with Online News Media

Resource for Tenth Graders of Senior High School”. The method used was

adapted and adjusted from Hyland‘s Model of material development. The process

started from doing a survey, followed by developing materials, having experts and

teachers validation, doing first revision, trying out, writing second revision, and

producing final result. The try out resulted student average score 76,14 that means

the students achieved 79,55 % above minimum national learning mastery, 75.

The second research was conducted by Handayani (2017) with the title

“The Analysis of Reading Comprehension in News Item Text By Using Online

News Media Resource”. The objectives of this study were to find out whether or not

there was a significant difference on the tenth-grade students’ news item reading.

This study used pretest-posttest non-equivalent group design. The sample of the study

was selected by using convenience sampling method. There were 70 students

taken as sample. In collecting the data, test was used. The test was given twice to

both experimental and control groups as a pretest and posttest. To verify the

hypotheses, the score data between pretest and posttest in experimental groups

were analyzed by using paired sample t-test. In paired sample t- test, the level of

significance was 0.000 which was lower than 0.05 and t-value 8.304 was higher than

t-table with df=34 (2.032).

Next research is the research that conducted by Amelia (2022) with

the title “The Analysis of Students Ability in Reading Comprehension News Item

Text by Using Online News Media Resource”. The aim of this study was to clear

that the students reading comprehension could be well improve by online news

media resource in SMA MUHAMMADIYAH 9 MAKASSAR. The design of this

study is pre-experimental design. The population of this research is the eleventh

grade of SMA Muhammadiyah 9 Makassar, that consist of 20 students as a

sample. The data collection is use pre-test and post-test to find out students

writing ability before the treatment and after the treatment. This study concluded

that media can be the most appropriate sources to find out good or appropriate

news item text to reveal the condition of students’ reading comprehension skill.

2.6 Assumption

The researcher assumes that online news media can be the most

appropriate sources to find out good or appropriate news item text to reveal the

condition of students’ reading comprehension skill even involves it. In this

research reading comprehension of twelfth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Koto




3.1 Research Design

The design of this research is descriptive qualitative research. This

research wa concerned to the information of existing condition, specifically

condition of students’ reading comprehension of news item text at SMA Negeri 1

Koto Gasib. According to Creswell (2012) qualitative research can be defined as a

scientific approach to describe about an issue that relate to the condition of subject

or object of the research or natural social setting.

3.2 Location and Time of Research

This research was conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib, which was

located in Raya Street, Buatan II, Koto Gasib, Siak, Riau. The research was

conducted on March 2022.

3.3 Population and Sample

3.3.1 Population

The population of this research were the twelfth-grade students of

SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib. There were 3 classes. So, the total of the

twelfth-year student of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib are 164.

Table 3.3.1

The Population of The Students

No. Classes Number of Students

1 IPA 1 34
2 IPA 2 33

3 IPS 1 35
4 IPS 2 30
5 IBBU 32
Total 164

3.3.2 Sample

In this research, the researcher took the sample to be representation

of twelfth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib. The sample in this

research was random sampling technique which mean all the population

has similar level of standard. The sample of the research were the students

of XII IPS 1 SMA Negeri Koto Gasib.

Table 3.3.2

Sample of The Research

No. Class Number of Students

1. XII IPS 35

Total 35

3.4 The Instrument of The Research

In this research, the researcher used reading test. The researcher took the

data by giving reading test of news item text to the students. The script of the test

was taken from news text that published by CNN International as the source of the

text. The standard of the news item text that used in this research followed Eltis

(1990) theory about news item text that already explain in previous chapter.

The purpose of the test was to know of students’ activity in reading and

also know the ability of students to understand the reading test. The researcher

constructed the test by followed five indicators on narrative text generic structure

to made sure the result of the test can represent students’ reading comprehension


Table 3.4.1
Blue Print Reading Test

Newsworthy 5 2,5,9,11,14
Background/Elaboration 5 1,6,7,10,13
Source 5 3,4,8,12,15

3.5 Data Collection Technique

To collecting the data, researcher gave the reading test to students.

Researcher chooses IPS class in twelfth grade. There were 35 students as a

sample. The following steps of giving the reading test are:

1. The researcher asked the teacher to give an opportunity after the study finish,

so the researcher can conduct the research in class.

2. After the study finished, the researcher gave the reading test to students.

3. The researcher gave instruction to students to answer the questions.

4. After finished, the researcher appreciated students about their participation.

5. The researcher analyzed the students answer after get the result of the test.

3.6 Data Analysis Technique

After collecting the data, the researcher analyzed them. By using the result

of reading test usede multiple choice. According to the instrument of the research

and generic structure of news item text, the researcher checked the test answer and

calculated the score by Sudjono (2009) formula:

Mx =
∑ x x 100

Mx = Mean

∑X = Total of score

N = Total of item test

Moreover, the researcher identified and classified them based on the level

of ability. The level of ability determined by this following range:

Table 3.6.1 The Level of Ability Score Range

Score Category of Score

86 – 100 Excellent
76 – 85 Good
61 – 75 Fair
46 – 60 Bad
0 – 45 Very Bad

To get the percentage of students’ level of ability, the researcher used

Sudijono (2009) formula:

P= F x 100%
P = The Class Percentage

F = Total Students Per-Level

N = Number of Students

After collecting and analyzed or calculated the data from the test of news

item text, the researcher described the result in the next chapter. The researcher

described the condition or level of ability of student reading comprehension of

news item text based on Eltis (1990) theory as mentioned in chapter II and

blueprint of the test.

Table 3.6.2
The Blueprint of Reading Comprehension Test News Item
No Indicators Item Test Percentage

1 Newsworthy 2,5,9,11,14 33.33%

2 Background 1,6,7,10,13 33.33%

3 Source 3,4,8,12,15 33.33%

Total Item 15 100%



4.1 The Description of The Data

The researcher outlined all of the information she discovered while doing

her study at SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib in this chapter. Following the description

from the previous chapter, the purpose of this chapter was to determine how well

twelfth grade students in SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib could read and comprehend

news item text when using online news media resources. The researcher

administered a reading exam to the students in order to gather data in order to

answer the research question. The reading test had 15 questions that the students

had to respond to in relation to the news item text.

4.2 Research Finding

The data below are the scores of three indicators that already explained in

previous chapter for each student:

Table 4.2.1 Recapitulation of The Students’ Test Score (Each Indicators)

Score of Reading Comprehension News

No. Students Item Text Score Score Category

Newsworthy Background Source Obtained

1. AA 3 2 2 7 46.7 Bad

2. AAM 3 3 1 7 46.7 Bad

3. AN 5 4 2 12 80 Good

4. AAF 4 3 2 9 60 Fair

5. AYN 4 4 3 11 73.3 Fair

6. DRA 5 4 3 13 86.7 Excellent

7. DM 4 3 2 9 60 Fair

8. DSN 4 4 3 11 73.3 Fair

9. ER 4 4 3 11 73.3 Fair

10. FA 4 3 3 10 66.7 Far

11. FR 5 4 2 12 80 Good

12. GA 5 4 3 13 86.7 Excellent

13. IWS 3 3 3 9 60 Fair

14. JR 5 4 2 12 80 Good

15. JC 5 4 3 13 86.7 Excellent

16. KS 3 2 2 7 46.7 Bad

17. LM 5 4 2 12 80 Good

18. LPA 2 2 2 6 40 Very bad

19. LDR 5 4 3 13 86.7 Excellent

20. NR 5 4 2 12 80 Good

21. NS 2 2 2 6 40 Very bad

22. NHW 5 4 3 13 86.7 Excellent

23. OFR 5 4 2 12 80 Good

24. RAS 2 4 4 10 66.7 Fair

25. RN 5 4 2 12 80 Good

26. RS 2 2 2 6 40 Very bad

27. RO 2 4 4 10 66.7 Far

28. SY 5 4 2 12 80 Good

29. TP 5 4 2 12 80 Good

30. TA 2 4 4 10 66.7 Fair

31. TS 5 4 2 12 80 Good

32. WN 2 4 4 10 66.7 Fair

33. WNG 5 4 2 12 80 Good

34. YL 5 4 2 12 80 Good

35. YAW 4 3 2 9 60 Bad

Total 139 124 87 367 2447

Mean 3.97 3.54 2.49 10.49 69.91

Based on the indicators of news item text general structure, the scores in

the table above calculated the test score for each student. According to the data,

35 students received a total score of 2447, which means that the mean test score

was 69.91, which is considered to be at a fair level. According to the exam results,

the highest score that obtained by students at SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib is 86.7 on

the reading comprehension test for news item text, while the lowest student score

was 40. The researcher also discovered that 5 students received an excellent

category, 11 students received a fair category, 12 students received a good

category based on their scores, 3 students received bad category based on their

score and 4 students received very bad category based on their score.

4.3 Data Analysis

After receiving the results of the reading test, the researcher used the

method that already mentioned in the previous chapter to calculate the data in

order to determined each student's score for news item text reading

comprehension. Additionally, the researcher classified the level of ability by

adhering to the range that was indicated in chapter 3 after receiving the students'

scores on news item text reading comprehension.

4.3.1 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in


The students' mean scores show how well they understood the news item

text when it came to extracting information from the newsworthy part. The

following table displays the students’ performance or ability in locating or

comprehend newsworthy part in news item text.

Table 4.3.1
The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in Newsworthy

No. Students Score of

Comprehension Percentage Category
News Item Text

1. AA 3 60 Fair

2. AAM 3 60 Fair

3. AN 5 100 Excellent

4. AAF 4 80 Good

5. AYN 4 80 Good

6. DRA 5 100 Excellent

7. DM 4 80 Good

8. DSN 4 80 Good

9. ER 4 80 Good

10. FA 4 80 Good

11. FR 5 100 Excellent

12. GA 5 100 Excellent

13. IWS 3 60 Bad

14. JR 5 100 Excellent

15. JC 5 100 Excellent

16. KS 3 60 Bad

17. LM 5 100 Excellent

18. LPA 2 40 Very bad

19. LDR 5 100 Excellent

20. NR 5 100 Excellent

21. NS 2 40 Very bad

22. NHW 5 100 Excellent

23. OFR 5 100 Excellent

24. RAS 2 40 Very bad

25. RN 5 100 Excellent

26. RS 2 40 Very bad

27. RO 2 40 Very bad

28. SY 5 100 Excellent

29. TP 5 100 Excellent

30. TA 2 40 Very bad

31. TS 5 100 Excellent

32. WN 2 40 Very bad

33. WNG 5 100 Excellent

34. YL 5 100 Excellent

35. YAW 4 80 Good

Table 4.3.2
The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in Newsworthy

No Classification Frequency
Percentage (%)
. Score Range Category (person)
1 81-100 Excellent 17 48.57%
2 61-80 Good 7 20%
3 41-60 Fair 2 5.71%
4 46-60 Bad 2 5.71%
5 0-45 Very Bad 7 20%
Total 35 100 %

According to the data analysis from the newsworthy question, there were

17 (48.57%) students were classified as having excellent score and 7 (20%)

students were classified as having good scores. After that, 2 (5.71%) students

were classified as having fair score, 2 (5.71%) students were classified as having

bad score and 7 (20%) students were classified as having very bad score.

These percentages indicate that even if there are still some errors in

comprehending news item text, students can still locate the material from the

newsworthy part.

4.3.2 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in


The students' mean scores show how well they understood the news item

text when it came to extracting information from the background part. The

following table displays the students’ performance or ability in locating or

comprehend background part in news item text.

Table 4.3.2
The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in Background

No. Students Score of

Comprehension Percentage Category
News Item Text

1. AA 2 40 Very bad

2. AAM 3 60 Bad

3. AN 4 80 Good

4. AAF 3 60 Bad

5. AYN 4 80 Good

6. DRA 4 80 Good

7. DM 3 60 Bad

8. DSN 4 80 Good

9. ER 4 80 Good

10. FA 3 60 Bad

11. FR 4 80 Good

12. GA 4 80 Good

13. IWS 3 60 Bad

14. JR 4 80 Good

15. JC 4 80 Good

16. KS 2 40 Very bad

17. LM 4 80 Good

18. LPA 2 40 Very bad

19. LDR 4 80 Good

20. NR 4 80 Good

21. NS 2 40 Very bad

22. NHW 4 80 Good

23. OFR 4 80 Good

24. RAS 4 80 Good

25. RN 4 80 Good

26. RS 2 40 Very bad

27. RO 4 80 Good

28. SY 4 80 Good

29. TP 4 80 Good

30. TA 4 80 Good

31. TS 4 80 Good

32. WN 4 80 Good

33. WNG 4 80 Good

34. YL 4 80 Good

35. YAW 3 60 Bad

Table 4.3.2
The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in Background

No Classification Frequency
Percentage (%)
. Score Range Category (person)
1 81-100 Excellent 0 0%
2 61-80 Good 24 68.57%
3 41-60 Fair 0 0%
4 46-60 Bad 6 17.14%
5 0-45 Very Bad 5 14.29%
Total 35 100 %

According to the data analysis from the background question, there were 0

(0%) students were classified as having excellent score and 24 (68.57%) students

were classified as having good scores. After that, 0 (0%) students were classified

as having fair score, 6 (17.14%) students were classified as having bad score and

5 (14.29%) students were classified as having very bad score. These percentages

indicate that even if there are still some errors in comprehending news item text,

students can still locate the material from the background part.

4.3.3 The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in


The students' mean scores show how well they understood the news item

text when it came to extracting information from the source part. The following

table displays the students’ performance or ability in locating or comprehend

source content.

Table 4.3.3
The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in Source

No. Students Score of


News Item Text Percentage Category

1. AA 2 40 Very bad

2. AAM 1 20 Very bad

3. AN 2 40 Very bad

4. AAF 2 40 Very bad

5. AYN 3 60 Bad

6. DRA 3 60 Bad

7. DM 2 40 Very bad

8. DSN 3 60 Bad

9. ER 3 60 Bad

10. FA 3 60 Bad

11. FR 2 40 Very bad

12. GA 3 60 Bad

13. IWS 3 60 Bad

14. JR 2 40 Very bad

15. JC 3 60 Bad

16. KS 2 40 Very bad

17. LM 2 40 Very bad

18. LPA 2 40 Very bad

19. LDR 3 60 Bad

20. NR 2 40 Very bad

21. NS 2 40 Very bad

22. NHW 3 60 Bad

23. OFR 2 40 Very bad

24. RAS 4 80 Good

25. RN 2 40 Very bad

26. RS 2 40 Very bad

27. RO 4 80 Good

28. SY 2 40 Very bad

29. TP 2 40 Very bad

30. TA 4 80 Good

31. TS 2 40 Very bad

32. WN 4 80 Good

33. WNG 2 40 Very bad

34. YL 2 40 Very bad

35. YAW 2 40 Very bad

Table 4.3.2
The Students Reading Comprehension of News Item Text in Source

No Classification Frequency
Percentage (%)
. Score Range Category (person)
1 81-100 Excellent 0 0%
2 61-80 Good 4 11.43%
3 41-60 Fair 0 0%
4 46-60 Bad 10 28.57%
5 0-45 Very Bad 21 60%
Total 35 100 %

According to the data analysis from the background question, there were 0

(0%) students were classified as having excellent score and 4 (11.43%) students

were classified as having good scores. After that, 0 (0%) students were classified

as having fair score, 10 (28.57%) students were classified as having bad score and

21 (60%) students were classified as having very bad score. These percentages

indicate that even if there are still some errors in the comprehending news item

text, students can still locate the material from the source part.

4.4 Discussions

Table 4.4 Students’ News Item Text Reading Comprehension Level of Ability

No Classification Frequency
Percentage (%)
. Score Range Category (person)
1 81-100 Excellent 5 14.29%
2 61-80 Good 11 31.43%
3 41-60 Fair 12 34.29%
4 21-40 Poor 3 8.56%
5 0-20 Very poor 4 11.43%
Total 35 100 %

The discussions is based on quality of students’ news item text reading

comprehension by conducting reading test by using online news media resources.

The research findings indicated that there were 5 (14.29%) students were

classified as having excellent score and 11 (31.43%) students were classified as

having good scores. After that, 12 (34.29%) students were classified as having fair

score, 3 (8.56%) students were classified as having bad score and 4 (11.43%)

students were classified as having very bad score.

As the conclusion, students at SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib in the twelfth

grade generally have fair levels of reading comprehension ability. Online news

media resources provide positive motivation in the activity of news item text

reading comprehension learning at the twelfth-grade students of SMA Negeri 1

Koto Gasib.

By seeing the table above, it can be concluded that all students understand

to recognize and comprehend about the information in news item text. Even, there

are some errors, students’ scores showed that students still can generally

comprehend the text. Further, the mean score that reach more 73.14 for

newsworthy part showed that even students got some problem but they still can

comprehend. Besides, the mean score of sources that reach 73.7 showed that

students still in fair level in analyzing the information from source part of news

item text. Then, the data on the table also showed there is no serious problem for

students to recognize and comprehend the background part of news item text

showed by the mean score that reach 78.3.

The conclusion that can be drawn from the research findings and data

analysis shown above is that online news media resources can be used to educate

or assess students' comprehension of news item text. Additionally, teachers and

students can discuss news item texts that have adequate standards and real-world

applications as news texts by using online media resources. Additionally, it can be

deduced from the mean scores for news item text reading comprehension ability

above that students at SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib tend to understand and

comprehend the information included in the news text.



5.1 Conclusions

The research is about to find the activity of students’ news item text

reading comprehension by using online news media resources at the twelfth-grade

students of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib. Based on the data analysis and research

findings in previous chapter, there are conclusions in this research:

1.) From 35 students received a total score of 2447, which means that the

mean test score was 69.91, which is considered to be at a fair level.

2.) On the reading comprehension test for news item text, students at SMA

Negeri 1 Koto Gasib scored a maximum of 86.7, while the lowest student

score was 40.

3.) There were 5 (14.29%) students were classified as having excellent score

and 11 (31.43%) students were classified as having good scores. After

that, 12 (34.29%) students were classified as having fair score, 3 (8.56%)

students were classified as having bad score and 4 (11.43%) students were

classified as having very bad score

4.) Online news media resources has enough even appropriate standard to be

use in a news item text reading comprehension activity at the twelfth-

grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Koto Gasib.

5.2 Suggestion

Based on research findings, the research would like to give some


5.2.1 Suggestion for Teacher

1. It is recommended to teacher to use online news media

resources as media in teaching learning activity of news

item text reading comprehension.

2. The teacher should ensure that the resources that used in

teaching and learning activity is the appropriate one and has

good standard realted to topic that discussed. In this case,

online news media resource in news item text discussion.

5.2.2 Suggestion for Students

1. The students should try to understand the use of online

news media resource in news item text reading

comprehension activity.

2. The students should pay more attention to the lesson being

explained by the teacher in order to improve their ability,

especially reading comprehension ability.

Finnaly, the researcher considered that this still needs validation from the

next researcher who has the same topic as this reseachers.


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Appendix 1 (Test Script)



(CNN) — A local entrepreneur in the Japanese tourist destination of Nara has

developed an alternative to plastic shopping bags, to protect the town's sacred

Hidetoshi Matsukawa, who works for Nara-ism, a souvenir wholesale agent, told
CNN he heard last year that the Deer, which roam the city's park, were dying after
ingesting plastic bags.

"I wanted to do something to protect the Deer, which is the symbol of Nara," he

The city is home to around 1,000 sacred Deer, which are officially designated as a
national natural treasure in Japan, and many tourists feed them treats. In July
2019, however, a local welfare group said nine Deer had been found dead, with
plastic bags in their stomachs, and called on visitors not to throw away plastic
bags in the park.

Matsukawa wanted to come up with a different solution to the problem, and

teamed up with a local paper manufacturer and a design firm to work on the

Between them they developed "Shikagami," or Deer paper, which is made from
rice bran and milk cartons. "We learned rice bran are mostly wasted in the process
of rice polishing," said Matsukawa. "So, this paper helps to reduce that waste as

Matsukawa has had the bags tested and says they are safe for human consumption.
"We do not have the data to back up that this paper is not harmful to Deers, but I
believe this is safe for them as well as for human beings," he said, laughing. The
bags have since been tested at local banks and the Todaiji temple, Nara's main
tourist attraction. The temple and banks bought 4,000-5,000 of the bags for 100
yen (around 95 cents) each as part of the pilot project.

The price will fall if more businesses sign up to use the bags, said Matsukawa,
who dreams of replacing plastic bags across the city to prevent more Deer from
dying after eating them. "The news about the death of Deer by plastic bags creates
a negative image, as though the park is a cemetery for Deer," he said. "The paper
bags can protect Deer, as well as the brand image of Nara with Deer."




1. Please read the news items text carefully!
2. Answer the questions below the text!
3. Finish it individually!

The Surabaya Police have arrested a man, identified only as MN, for allegedly
buying an infant via Instagram.
MN was arrested at his house on Jl. Karah in Jambangan district in Surabaya, East
Java, on Sunday. He was found to have paid some Rp 3.8 million (US$250) for a
baby boy when he was only three days olD.
Surabaya police chief Sr. Comr. Rudi Setiawan said recently that the transaction
was conducted in Semarang, Central Java, on Sept. 23. The baby’s parents live in
Tangerang in Banten.
“The baby is now safe with the Surabaya administration,” Rudi said on Monday
(The Jakarta Post, Tue, October 16, 2018)

1. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform readers about arrested man for buying an infant
B. To describe the important person for readers
C. To argue that arresting the man is important
D. To explain how police arrested the man
E. To convince reader that buying infant is illegal

2. What is the generic structure of the text above?

A. Orientation – Complication – Reorientation
B. Orientation – Series of event – Reorientation
C. Stating thesis – Arguments – Reiteration
D. Goal – Equipments – Steps
E. Newsworthy event – Background events – Sources

3. “MN was arrested at his house…” The underlined word refers to a house
belongs to…….
A. The police officer
B. The arrested man
C. The infant parent
D. A Surabaya administration officer
E. A Semarang administration officer

4. “…for allegedly buying an infant” The infant word has similar meaning
with ……
A. Adult
B. Teenager
C. Child
D. Grown
E. Man

News Item Text 2

Two state-owned lenders — Bank Mandiri and Bank BNI — will build temporary
houses for 400 families displaced by the recent strong earthquake that hit Sigi
District, Central Sulawesi ProvincE.
Second Assistant Secretary of Sigi District Government Iskandar Nontji informed
that the temporary houses for 100 families will be constructed by Bank Mandiri in
the South Sibayala area of Dolo Sub-district. Meanwhile, Bank BNI will erect the
temporary shelters for 300 families in Jonoge Village of Sigi Biromaru Sub-
district that severely suffered from soil liquefaction during the 7.4-magnitude
earthquake that rocked the area on Sept 28, he noteD.
The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of land, owned by the sub-
district government, village, and community members, he stated, adding that the
Sigi district government will facilitate all related parties to sign a letter of
“We are going to provide a letter of agreement that will be signed by all related
parties to avoid any unexpected eventuality in the future,” he explaineD. (Antara,
17th October, 2018)

5. What is the text about?

A. Building temporary houses for displaced family
B. Planning to displace the temporary house
C. Signing a letter of agreements to build a permanent house
D. New luxury house will be built by BNI
E. Assistant Secretary has built temporary houses

6. What can we infer from the text?

A. The temporary house will be build in the family lands
B. The displaced family will build 400 houses for two state banks
C. Shelters will be built by two state banks for the earthquake victims
D. Bank Mandiri will be built in the South Sibayala
E. Bank BNI will be built by the earthquake victims in Jonoge Village of

7. What makes 400 families displaced?

A. Local governement
B. 7.4-magnitude earthquake
C. Temporary shelters
D. 400 houses
E. Mandiri bank and BNI

8. “The temporary houses will be constructed on pieces of lanD..” The

temporary word has antonym of ……..
A. Momentary
B. Transitory
C. Limited
D. Permanent
E. Seasonal

News Item Text 3

Nine traditional Balinese dances have been recognized as part of the world’s
intangible cultural heritage following a UNESCO session in Namibia on
Balinese dances included on the list were the Barong Ket, Joged Bumbung,
Legong Keraton, Topeng Sidhakarya, Baris Upacara, Sanghyang Dedari and
Rejang dances, as well as the Wayang Wong and Gambuh dance dramas.
“We are very pleased with the recognition; it enables Bali to receive protection in
terms of traditional dance preservation as well as economic benefits in the future,”
said Bali Cultural Agency head Dewa Putu Beratha on Wednesday night as
quoted by Antara news agency.
During the UNESCO session, Indonesia’s proposal regarding the dances
reportedly ranked 18th among a total of 35 countries. “The nine dances represent
Balinese dance as a whole based on their historical concept, function and style,”
said Dewa.
According to Dewa, the Rejang, Sanghyang Dedari and Baris Upacara dances
represented the Wali dance, which is usually performed during processions.
Meanwhile, the Topeng Sidhakarya dance and Gambuh and Wayang Wong dance
dramas are part of the Bebali dance, known as a semi-sacred and ceremonial
dancE. The Legong Keraton, Joged Bumbung and Barong Ket dances are a
representation of the Balih-Balihan dance that serves social and entertainment
The Wali dance is said to have originated between the eighth and 14th centuries.
The Bebali dance and Balih-Balihan dances are believed to have come from the
14th-19th century and 19th centuries, respectively.
“The community has actively played an important role in preserving these
traditional dances, especially the Wali dancE. Meanwhile, the Bali provincial
administration and its city and regency administrations should increase their role
in preserving the Bebali and Balih-Balihan dances during tourist events,” said

9. What is the main idea of the text?

A. UNESCO recognises nine Balinese dances.
B. Nine Balinese dances are the part of the world’s cultural heritages.
C. Bali receives recognising on the local dances from UNESCO.
D. Nine Balinese dances represent Balinese dances.
E. Balinese community play an important role in preserving their
traditional dances.

10. Which statement that supports the text?

A. The Bebali dance is believed originated in 19th century.
B. The Balih-Balihan dance is said to have come from the 14th-19th
C. The nine Balinese dances represent the culture and life of its
D. Indonesia’s proposal regarding the dances ranked well among the 35
E. The UNESCO recognition on the nine Balinese dances will be
economically beneficial for Bali.

News Item Text 4

Yogyakarta (JP)- National flag carrier Garuda Indonesia has temporarily diverted
its flights intended for Adisucipto Airport in Yogyakarta to Adisumarmo Airport
in Surakarta, Central Java, after one of its planes overshot an Adisucipto runway
lane on Wednesday night.
“All of Garuda Indonesia flights heading toward Yogyakarta, for a total of 34
flights, now will [be diverted] to Surakarta,” Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate
communications Benny S. Butarbutar said in an official statement on Thursday.
The flights include 10 coming from and going to Jakarta, three to and from
Denpasar, Bali, two to and from Makassar, South Sulawesi, and one flight from
Surabaya, East Java.
The airline would provide a bus at Adisumarmo Airport to transport passengers to
Garuda Indonesia is still evacuating the Boeing 737-800 NG, which slipped on the
runway and overshot a lane on Wednesday night. It carried 123 passengers, none
of whom were harmed.
Garuda aims to finish evacuating the aircraft on Thursday afternoon. (bbn) Taken
from :

11. What is the text about?

A. Redirect flights of Garuda Indonesia from Yogyakarta to
Surakarta because of runway accident
B. Slipped plane accident in adisucipto runway lane
C. Evacuation of Garuda Indonesia after its accident
D. Confirmation of Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communication
about overshot accident
E. The delay of Garuda Indonesia after one of its planes overshot an
Adisucipto runway lane

12. It can be concluded from the text that ….

A. Adisucipto Airport will be closed after the incident
B. Because of the incident, Garuda Indonesia redirected Yogyakarta flights
to Surakarta permanently
C. Garuda Indonesia supplied bus to support passengers from
Surakarta to yogyakarta
D. Garuda Indonesia had been finished evacuating its plane when this
news was reported
E. There are a lot of passengers were harmed due to that accident

13. The reason why Garuda Indonesia diverted Yogyakarta flights to

Surakarta is because of ….
A. Maintenance one of Garuda Indonesia’s aircraft
B. The accident of its plane which slipped on the runway lane
C. Many flights in Adisucipto Airport
D. The statement of Garuda Indonesia VP of corporate communications
E. The evacuation of Garuda Indonesia’s aircrafts

News Item Text 5

(Reuters Health) – Half of all heart patients made at least one medication-related
mistake after leaving the hospital, and guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to
reduce those errors, in a new study.
Consequences of mistakes – such as forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the
wrong dose – can range from side effects like constipation to more serious drops
in blood pressure. Two percent of errors were life-threatening.
Hospitals involved in the study were already taking steps to prevent medication
mistakes in addition to the extra pharmacist intervention, said Dr. Sunil Kripalani,
the study’s lead author from the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in
Nashville, Tennessee.
“We were surprised to see that in spite of these efforts that 50 percent (of patients)
were still having these medication errors,” he told Reuters Health.
Although the pharmacist visits didn’t help the average patient, he added, certain
ones seemed to benefit – such as patients who were on multiple drugs or had
trouble understanding health information.
As for traditionally lower-risk patients, he said other strategies to prevent errors
may be needed.
14. What does the text tell us about?
A. The patient’s medication errors
B. The hospital’s medical treatments
C. The doctor’s medical treatment
D. The uncontrolled medical treatment
E. The pharmacist’s medication mistakes

15. What is the effect of medication errors?

A. Bleeding on heart
B. Health information
C. Problem in healing
D. Life—long time
E. Life –threatening

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