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Final Project

submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements

for seminar proposal


Erina Dwi Setyowati







A. Background of the Problem

The main purpose of language education in school is to help students improve

their language skills. When you learn English, you will improve your ability to

listen, speak, read and write. In Indonesia, English is a compulsory subject taught

in elementary school, and it continues to be a required subject in higher education.

After completing an English class at school, students are expected to acquire

English skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing that are relevant to each


Reading comprehension is the skill to get information and knowledge from a

text. It can make the students are able to identify the kind sentences and sentence

meaning to be efficient in getting specific information and idea from a text. It is

interested to learn or study more about reading because everyone, especially the

students in Indonesia must have reading skill, by mastering reading they will be

able to get a lot of informations that they want to know. The activity of reading

can be fun if the students know the importance of reading.

The students need to master reading skill, in order to avoid misunderstanding.

In other words, by reading they are able to comprehend the idea given by the

writer. Most ideas, issues, and information are communicated through written

By this reason, the students are required to have good skill in comprehension of a

reading text. This skill enables them to find out the new idea or information.

Reading materials have been designed for different levels of education in

Indonesia. Every Indonesian student is required to attend a reading lesson in

English class. Reading is one of the English skills that students are tested on in the

final exam. The teacher must be responsible to teach the students about how to get

the information from a reading text and makes students able to deliver it both

orally or written.

Learning reading is about how to interact with the printed material and

monitoring comprehension to establish meaning. The students who learn reading

can get much knowledges, study new words, comprehend ideas, study the word

are used, how to implement the grammatical rules, get the information and many

more benefits that the students can get. The students can learn reading step by step

such as by recognizing vocabulary in the text, identify the sentences meaning,

context situation, the character in the text, etc therefore they can conclude the text.

Reading is necessary to be learned, but there must be some problems of

teaching learning reading both faces by the teacher and students. Generally, Most

students have many problems reading books, texts, or texts. One of these problems

is finding the main idea of reading the text. This is because students can read the

word well, but may not understand the main idea. This can be caused by the lack

of interest and due to students’ assumption that reading is not that important to be


The researcher did a preliminary research at the seventh grade of SMP Purnama

02 Gayamsari. The preliminary research was done by interviewing the English

teacher. The researcher wanted to know that the teacher had ever used Comic

Strips for teaching reading comprehension. Besides, she asked some questions

related to the teaching learning reading situation. It was found that the students

have some difficulties in reading comprehension.

The students have difficulties to connect their comprehension to get the main

idea of the text. They find it hard to know the detail information such as to identify

the when and where the story was happened. Then, the students have no idea about

what the reference in the story is. They often confuse to decide between main idea

and conclusion and they cannot predict the meaning of unfamiliar words or the

words they have never learned. The teacher should be able to change the students’

mindset that reading comprehension is not that hard to learn if they want to learn it


These problems should be descreased and they should know how to identify

the information in the text and they should not assume that reading is not

important to be learned because most of all information requires reading ability.

The students’ interest could be increase and they can be motivated to read by using

appropriate strategy in teaching learning process.

There are many strategies that the teacher used for teaching reading

comprehension. One of them is Comic Strips. As a beginner, the students at Junior

High School must be taught by using appropriate strategy, so that it encourages

their interest to follow the lesson given by the teacher. This strategy seems good,

that is why the researcher is interested to observe the process of teaching learning

reading by using Comic Strips.

Comic Strips is a strategy uses in teaching reading comprehension in which the

students are asked to read the story that provides pictures that describes the

situation and conversation in a story. It was easy for students to comprehend the

text because there are strips of pictures related to the situation of the text.

Comis Strips strategy provides texts in form of picture description or

conversation of each situations in the story of text. The strips of illustration in the

text can help the students to identify the content and get the information fastlty.

This way can be effective for improving the students’ reading comprehension

skill. Comic Strips strategy can make the students able to draw meaning by

reading the text or conversation illustration. It motivates the students and make

them not to be bored in learning.

This research is interested to conduct the research which aims to observe the

process of teaching learning reading comprehension by using Comic Strips and

includes the observation about the teacher’s and students’ problems in using

Comic Strips. Therefore, the researcher proposes a research entitled: “Teaching

and Learning Reading Comprehension by Using Comic Strips at the

Seventh Grade of SMP Purnama 02 Gayamsari in Academic Year


B. Reason for Choosing the Topic

The researcher chooses this topic because reading comprehension is important

skill to be learned, it enables the students to get any information from some

sources. Therefore, the teacher should teach this skill by using appropriate

strategy. One of appropriate strategy for teaching reading, especially for the

beginner is Comic
Strips. So that, the researcher wants to know the process of teaching learning by

using Comic Strips.

C. Statements of Problem

Based on the background of problem above, the researcher makes statements

of problems. the statements of problem in this research are as follows:

1. What is the implementation of the teaching-learning reading using comic

strips as structured in the lesson plan?

2. Does the teacher have a problem (s) when teaching reading? If so, what are

3. Do the students have a problem (s) when learning reading? If so,what are

4. What are the positive and negative responses found from the students in
learning reading comic strips?

D. Objectives of Study

Based on the statements of problem, the objective of this research are as follows:

1. To find out the implementation of teaching-learning reading using comic

strips as structured in the lesson plan.

2. To find out the teacher have problem (s) when teaching reading.

3. To find out the students have a problem (s) when learning reading.

4. To find out the positive and negative responses found from the students in
learning reading using comic strips.
E. Significances of the Research

The significances of research can be as theoretically and practically. They can be

described as follows:

1. For the students

As a motivation for the students to learn English, especially to improve

their reading comprehension by using an interesting strategy namely

comic strips.

2. For the teacher

As a guidelines about the use of comic strips strategy on teaching learning

reading comprehension of recount text.

3. For further researcher

As a reference for further researcher who wants to use comic strips

strategy in teaching reading comprehension.

4. For the readers

As an information about reading comprehension and the way to have a

good comprehension by reading the passage with an illustration picture.

F. Definition of Key Terms

The key terms of this research are about the definition of comic strips and

reading comprehension. Thus, can be explained as follows:

1. Comic strips is just like the picture-story that intended to convey the

information and to visualize the text. It means that comic strips uses to

describe the information involves in a story. The informations are in piece

of pictures, by seeing and reading these pictures the reader can get the

information and can comprehend the story. It is interesting because the

event in a story described or visualzed clearly beause there is not only

written language but also the pictures. (Cimermanova, 2014: 3)

2. Reading comprehension is the end goal or purpose of any reading activity.

With this skill, the reader applies several skills, including: B. Identify key

ideas, summarize the information you read, ask questions, and draw

conclusions. It means that reading comprehension skill is the purpose of

readers when reading a text. There must be comprehension of the text if

they want to get information. (Ortlieb, 2013: 148)

G. Outline of the Report

Outline of the report is the description of proposal. Therefore, the description

of proposal from chapter I until chapter III can be seen as follows:

1. Chapter I: the description about introduction of proposal includes; Survey

background, reasons for choosing a topic, issues, purpose of the survey,

importance of the survey, definitions of key terms, and structure of the


2. Chapter II, the description about theories of proposal includes; review of

related theories, previous studies, reading comprehension, teaching

learning reading comprehension, comic strips, etc.

3. Chapter II, the description about methodology of research in proposal

includes; object of study, instrument, data collecting, data analysis,

triangulation, etc.


A. Review of Related Theories

1. Reading

According to Frankel (2016: 14) reading is a complex skill to read the text.

This skill involves many activities such as the interaction between readers,

texts, activities and sociocultural contexts. It means that reading is a skill to

read and pay attention to the content of the text. The readers must be able to do

some activities when they are reading a text such as to have an interaction to

the text; the readers have to interpret the meaning of written language into

their own language or ideas appropriately.

Anderson (2015: 7) defines reading is a skill where someone’s must be

able to extract, integrate, create meaning, and interpret the meaning of written

language. In other words, reading can be defined as the process of extracting

and constructing meaning. It is clear that reading definition is a skill to

understand the texts by do the activity such as extracting, integrating ideas,

creating meaning and interpreting the understanding in form of retelling the


Jonathan (2013: 73) states that reading is the recognition of words, from

simple recognition of the individual letters to the others general texts. The

ability to read is quite difficult to learn, especially for the second language
learners because it requires the stable comprehension in order to get the

knowledge from the text. It means that in reading the reader should be able to

recognize the words and this skill is quite difficult to be mastered, especially

for non-native speakers because the readers must have others skill namely

words recognition to identify the words in the text.

In addition, Ruddell (2005: 31) defines reading as the act of constructing

meaning that when do the activity of reading, the readers have an interaction

with the text. It is a skill that can be assumed as the key to be successful in

learning because through this skill the readers can develop new knowledge, get

many information, improve ability, enjoying literature, and enlarge the

experience. It is clear that reading has many benefits, especially for the

education field. The students will enrich their knowledge by learning reading


Based on the definitions above, the researcher concluded that reading is not

only an activity to gather and recognize the information from word by word

but also an active process between the writer, text and the reader by linking the

text read with their background knowledge and others elements which

establish comprehension. Reading skill need to be taught to the students

because this skill can make them easier to learn anything, especially in case of

studying at educational field such as comprehension of the material from the


2. Reading Comprehension

Ortlieb (2013: 148) defines reading comprehension skill is the ultimate

goal or purpose of any reading activity. In this skill, the readers employ some

skills such as identifying main idea, summarizing, and asking question

about the
information read, as well as making inferences. It means that reading

comprehension skill is the purpose of readers when reading a text. There must

be comprehension of the text if they want to get informations.

In line to above explanation, Brown (2001: 306) states that reading

comprehension is the further activity of reading a text. It is about how to

understand the ideas, comprehend the specific information, analyze the

vocabulary, and knowing the literal and contextual meaning. It means that

reading comprehension the detail activity of reading a text or passage. It is

where the readers try to understand all of the aspects involves in reading text

such as the main and supporting ideas, specific information, vocabulary, etc.

Reading comprehension is where the readers can visualize the writing into

spoken form to get the comprehension by thinking and considering what the

passage means while reading will improve their understanding. It supported by

Torres & Constain (2009: 56) that reading comprehension is the understanding

of the written material meaning and involves the conscious strategies to lead

the understanding. It deals with language form and language content.

Meanwhile, Caldwell (2008: 5) said that understanding is the ability to

fully understand and understand the context and facts of a text. It starts by

moving the words in the page into meaning in the mind, using memory to

recognize individual words, knowing letter and voice patterns, assigning

meanings, and finally thinking of these words. Connect to the unit of. It

means that comprehension defines as a complex process begins with identify

the words and sounds formula to be meaningful idea. To achieve a thorough

the readers require the capability of implying the words in the passage to be

idea that is suitable with the fact stated there.

Based on the theories about reading comprehension above, it can be

concluded that reading comprehension is the reading advance activity. It more

than just reading the text but leads to understanding all of words, sentences and

the conclusion of the text. The readers must be able to create their own

comprehension to the text because it does not matter if the language is

different from the text as long as the content is delivered appropriately, so that

the readers would not deliver miscomprehension.

3. Teaching and Learning Reading

The activity of teaching and learning reading are handled by the teacher

with the students’ collaboration. The teacher needs to prepare the material

before teaching and learning process, so that the planning of teaching can be

set up effectively in order to achieve the goal of learning. Brown (2001: 306-

311) explains the planning for teaching that the teacher must know to teach in

the classroom are as follows:

a. Knowing the purpose of reading

It means that the teacher must know what the students’ needs. The

information in the text can be easily understood by knowing the students’

needs. The text must be suitable to the students’ grade, so that there will be

no difficulties in learning reading. For example for the beginner, the

purpose of reading may be just for measuring the fluency, reading

speed, and pronunciation rather than comprehension.

b. Teaching how to read well with good vowel sound. (for the beginning level


The beginners or the students at the beginning level of learning English

must be taught how to read with fluency and good pronunciation of each

word. For example, the teacher teaches how to read the sound vowel sound

such as (bat, leg, wish, wet, etc.) and the sound words with final silent “e”

such as (late, time, bite, mate, etc.)

c. Teaching silent reading (for intermediate to advanced levels)

Silent reading is reading for comprehension that do silently. The students

should read in silence in order to get more focus to the information in the

text. They do not need to pronounce every words in the reading text

because the comprehension is more important than the sound.

d. Teaching with skimming technique to find main ideas.

Skimming is the technique of teaching and learning reading, where the

activity will be done quickly. The readers’ eyes will cross the whole of the

text to find the main idea. The main idea can be found without reading

each word provides in the text. Skimming activity has some advantages

that the readers will be able to guess the purpose of the passage, the main

topic, or message, and possibly some of the developing or supporting


e. Teaching with scanning technique to find specific information.

Scanning is also done by quick reading. It aims to search for some

particular piece or pieces of information that the reader needs in reading a

text by looking at specific information such as title, date, and key concept

of text
itself. In other words, this activity of reading is for searching the detail

information of the text.

f. Teaching semantic mapping or clustering for reading.

The students can be taught how to cluster the important key in the text by

grouping the ideas. This activity can make the students easily to find the

content of the text and it helps them remember the information in the text

long lasting.

g. Teaching prediction or guessing the content of the text. The activities of

guessing reading content are as follows:

1) Guessing the meaning of a words.

2) Guessing grammatical relationship.

3) Inferring implied meaning (between the lines).

4) Guessing about a cultural reference.

5) Guessing the content messages.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher concludes that the teacher

should make a plan for teaching and consider the students’ level. The material

must be suitable to the students’ level, so that the difficulties of learning could

be minimalizing. Mostly, the process of teaching and learning reading is

handled by the teacher includes the activity of making purpose of reading,

choosing appropriate material, using some strategies for reading such as

skimming, and scanning.

4. The Problem in Teaching Learning Reading

In the process of teaching learning reading the teacher is also needs to pay

attention to the reasons why the students have difficulties in learning. As

mentioned by Schwartz (2014: 1-3) that the common reasons why students

often fail in their reading activity includes tha activity of reading and to

complete their assignment are as follows:

a. Lack of pay-off (the reading cost)

The cost of textbook can be the caused of why the students are lazy to do

the reading activity even though the written text can be found in some

electronic source (online) but in some aspects of education the source

must be from a book or textbook, so that the students need to buy it. If

they have no enough money to pay the book, then they will surely have

lack of knowledge. In this case, the teacher should provide the valuable

reading text to the students and get them a reading text that can enrich

their knowledge although not from a textbook.

b. Misunderstanding the students’ motivation or behavior.

The teacher should encourage the students motivation and able to build

the motivation in the process of teaching learning reading.

Misunderstanding motivation can affect to the students’ reading ability to

get the main point of learning.

c. Poor reading or skill of study.

The teacher needs to tell the students about practicing reading, so that they

will be fluent in reading and would not become a poor readers.

d. Problems with assigned readings.

The lack of comprehension will be affected to the students’ reading

assignment. Therefore, the teacher should be more detail using a strategy

to teaching the students’ reading comprehension.

Based on the theories above, it can be concluded that in the process of

teaching learning reading the teacher must identify the students’ difficulties

specifically in order to make a good classroom situation. If the teacher knows

the students’ difficulties in learning reading, he/she will automatically know

how to cover it up by using appropriate strategy. Because a strategy for

teaching must be appropriate to the students’ problems in learning. For

example, if the students have no money to pay for book, then the teacher

should provide a simple text but valuable to read.

5. Principles of Teaching Reading

According to Harmer (2007: 201-202), the principles of teaching reading

are devided into some ways such as (1) the teacher needs to encourage the

students to be fluent in reading by reading as much as possible, (2) the teacher

should lead the students in reading activity by paying attention to the process

of reading, (3) the students need to be taught how to have a respond to the text

and able to explore their feeling, so the activity would not be just focus on the

text constructions, (4) the teacher should be able to teach prediction to the

students, it is an activity of combining previous knowledge with the

information in the text, (5) the teacher should use a match reading text to be

used in the classroom, (6) the teacher should explain the content of the text

fully in order to clarify all of reading aspects such as words meaning,

organization, etc. It is clear that the principles of teaching reading are about

how to make the teaching and learning process to become valuable by using

some principles that made by a teacher.

Day (2002: 137-139) added that there are top ten principles for teaching

reading extensively as follows:

1) The reading material that will be taught by a teacher must be easy to
understand by the students.
2) The reading material must be variated widely with a wide range of topics.
3) Letting the students choose what they want to read.
4) Teaching the students to read as much as possible.
5) Making the purpose of reading that related to pleasure, information and
general understanding.
6) Giving reward to the students (this rewards can be in form of getting
complete comprehension).
7) Teaching the students how to read fast (speed reading) that focuses on its
fast than comprehension.
8) Teaching students how to be independent reading and able to read silently.
9) Teacher deploys an approach in order to guide the students in learning.
10) Giving example of how to read and comprehend the text well.

Based on these principles, the researcher concludes that a good teacher

must have some principles in teaching. The principles of teaching reading can

make the students learn effectively because they will be guided by using a

learning strategy that aim to the specific goal of learning. The principles that

must be applied by a teacher such as giving reward of the good result of

learning to the students, making the students able to read individually, and

sometimes the teacher needs to let the students to choose their own text of

reading that assumed valuable by them, this often aim for pleasure.

6. Component of Teaching Reading

According Kilpatrick (2015: 8), there are five components of teaching

reading that are essential and effective when taught skillfully. Those

components are as follows:

a. Phonemic awareness

This is the smallest unit of spoken sound and the ability to manipulate

those sounds. This involves understanding a wider category of sounds,

such as words, syllables, and rhymes.

b. Phonics

This is a teaching method that focuses on learning the correspondence

between letters and sounds and using their reading and spelling. The

students need to be good in spelling words of a reading text if the purpose

of reading is for reading aloud.

c. Fluent text reading

Fluency defines as a reading with accuracy, appropriate rate, and

expression. The students need to be fluent in reading. The fluency

measures by the content accuracy, the time of reading itself, and how the

students can express their ideas reated to the text they have read.

d. Vocabulary

It is a base knowledge and essential to be mastered. The students need to

enrich their knowledge to make their comprehension better. Vocabulary

can be defined as the understanding of words and words meaning.

e. Comprehension

It is the understanding of connected text by considering the elements of a

reading text. Comprehension is the final purpose of reading because for

further step of reading activity the students need to comprehend the content

although it must pass some steps such as understanding words meaning,

theme or topic, etc.

Based on the components of teaching reading above, the researcher

concludes that the component can be defined as all of elements that involved in

teaching learning process. In this case, the elements of teaching learning

reading comprehension. As mentioned above that there are five essential

components in
teaching reading such as the students should know how to spell the words, how

to produce good sounds when reading, must be fluent in reading a text, having

much vocabularies knowledge, and able to get the comprehension.

7. Comic Strips

There are many strategies that can be used for teaching reading

comprehension, one of them is by using comic strips. Marc (2013: 57) states

that comic strips can be defined as a series of pictures that tell a story. It means

that comic strips is picture series or picture strips that provides in the text

which aim to describe the story. The story will be present in strips, these strips

can be in form of pictures and conversations among the characters in the story.

McVicker (2007: 85) explains that comic strips is a bright and new strategy

for teaching reading. This is a text structure that provides the perfect means to

teach students. Comics complement and extend text communication. They

draw the reader's attention and produce an understanding of the language of

the text. It means that comic strips is a strategy for teaching which can make

the readers easier to create their understanding of the content in a text.

Cimermanova (2014: 3) simply defines comic strips is just like the picture-

story that intended to convey the information and to visualize the text. It means

that comic strips uses to describe the information involves in a story. The

informations are in piece of pictures, by seeing and reading these pictures the

reader can get the information and can comprehend the story. It is interesting

because the event in a story described or visualzed clearly beause there is not

only written language but also the pictures.

Recine (2013: 10) said that comic strips are conductive to be applied for

teaching because it integrates images with words to tell a story. Comic strips

makes the content of text connected to meaningful language. It means that

comic strips helps the learners to connect their ideas while reading. These

ideas could be meaningful because they can comprehend the text clearly

through images that tell the event of story.

Furthermore, Stephen and Joanne (2011: 162) added that the students who

read a text in form of comic strips will be more pleasure in reading, like to read

more, and tend to read more stories. The use of comic strips makes the students

are easier in reading comprehension. It means that comic strips is appropriate

for teaching reading comprehension because it could make the students

descrese their heavy in reading a text or story. This also can make the students

more pleasure to read and want to read more. It is good for the students if they

want to read more because the more they like to read the more informations

they could get.

Based on the explanations above, the researcher concludes that comic

strips is an effective strategy for teaching reading comprehension. It can be

defines as a descriprtion of story that describe in form of strips, these strips are

available on pictures. This can make the students more interesting to follow

the reading lesson and makes them want to read more. This strategy could

descrease the students difficulties and lazyness in reading a text.

8. Procedure of Teaching Reading by Using Comic Strips

According to Silva (2017:53), below the procedures of teaching reading

comprehension by using comic strips:

1) Teacher asks students about the story in comic whether some of them

have already known this story or not e.g. “have you read ever read

story in comic strips?.

2) Teacher asks students to read a reading text comic strips that has been


3) Students are guided to comprehend the text in comic strips.

4) Students are allowed to ask about the difficult words in the comic

5) Students tell orally the story.

6) Teacher evaluates the activity and gives feedback to the students

7) Students are asked to review the story that has been read.

8) Teacher summrize the activity.

9. Benefits of Using Comic Strips

According to Whiting (2016:24), below are the benefits of using comis

strips strategy for teaching and learning:

1) It is fun and interesting strategy, it also motivates the students in


2) It gives opportunities for students to gain target language of a story.

3) It focuses on students-directed and student-centered, so that the

students can manage their own comprehension.

4) It provides authentic languages that allows students to be more

creative in understanding the languages and arts.

B. Review of Previous Study

The use of comic strips had been proved by some researchers. This strategy is

effective and recommended to be used for teaching and learning reading

comprehension because it allows the students to be more interested to read and

know the content of the text. There were many researches that used comic strips

but in this case the writer will describe five of them as the example of the

effectiveness of comic strips strategy.

The first study in 2018, a strategy to improve students' reading comprehension

using comics. This study was conducted by Fajriyah, a student of the Faculty of

Teacher Education and the Faculty of Education of the Faculty of English

Education at the Salatiga State Islamic Institute. The purpose of this study was to

look for improvements and identify significant improvements in students' reading

comprehension. The result of research showed that the students’ reading

comprehension score were improved on each cycle.

The second study in 2019, the effectiveness of teaching students how to read

story texts using comics. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of

comics as an alternative medium for teaching reading comprehension to students.

This study employs random sampling using semi-design of experiments. The

result showed that the application of comic strips was effective in teaching reading

comprehension of narrative text.

The third study in 2017, teach reading using manga to improve the

understanding of junior high school students. This study was conducted by

Maurana of the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Padang State University English

Institute. The study was converted into official journal of English Language

Teaching. The
result of study showed that the use of comic strips was useful to make the students

understand the story quickly.

The fourth study entitled “The Effectiveness of Using Comic Strips to Increase

Students’ Reading Comprehension in 2018”. It was conducted by Rengur from

Postgraduated Program Yogyakarta State University. This study was conducted in

two classes, in which first class was taught by using comic strips and the second

class was taught by using conventional media. The result showed that the use of

comic strips was more effective than conventional media in students’ reading


The last study was conducted by Merc entitled “The Effect of Comic Strips on

EFL Reading Comprehension in 2013”. The purpose of this study was to

investigate the effect of comic strips on reading comprehension. The finfings of

study confirmed that the students were better at reading texts that were

accompanied with visual. This visual of comis strips was useful for developing

reading skills.

Based on the previous studies above, there are differences of previous studies

with this research, because there must be novelty of research in order to make it

different. The first study was aimed at 2 purposes; exploring and identifying the

improvement of students’ reading comprehension while this research aimed at

knowing the process of teaching learning by using comic strips not for improving.

The second study focused on reading comprehension on narrative text while this

research will be based on syllabus. The third study used another strategy beside

comis strips namely PQRST technique while this research used comic strips only.

The fourth study used 2 classes as the sample of research in order to compare the

use of comic strips to another technique which aimed at increasing the students’
reading comprehension, while this research used 1 classe and aims at knowing the

process of teaching learning by using comic strips. The last study used comic

strips as visual in teaching reading and the result described by using Dual Coding

Theory while this research used descriptive qualitative to describe the result of



A. Design of the Research

In this research, the researcher will use qualitative method in collecting and

analyzing the data. Qualitative research has characteristic that aims to understand

social aspects of life. Generally, this method of research refers to generate words

rather than statistical or numeral to analyze the data of research. Qualitative

research is about analyzing and interpreting a phenomenon and interview in order

to get meaningful result. This research would be descripted in form of words

descriptions. In this case, the function of qualitative research is to describe the

students’ response during the process of learning activity and to get the result of

comparison between before and after the activity. Besides, this research will be in

form of words, pictures for documentation, quoted data, etc but these all not as

numeral. Qualitative data is taken from some different sources, such as by using

interview, questionnaire and observation in order to find out the result based on

research question. (Cresswell, 2015: 132).

Based on this theory, the researcher concludes that qualitative research is the

type of research that the result is described in form of written words and it is about

analyzing behavior or phenomenon. The goal of qualitative research to understand

the phenomenon clearly. Then, this research is a descriptive qualitative one.

Because, the aims of this study is to observe and find the information about a
phenomenon that happens at school. The researcher would collect and analyze the

data, then in the end the data would be concluded.

The qualitative research in this study will use descriptive language to focus on

the individual experiences of the participants. The researcher focuses on how to

teach reading comprehension by using comic strips. Quantitative observation does

not always include all the description found in observation.It is not always

advisable to use statistical or numerical measures when describing data, as this can

neglect the description of the data itself. However, it is important to make sure

that the description of the data is clearly presented.

B. Roles of the Researcher

In this research, the roles of researcher as an observer and researcher who will

observe the process of teaching learning reading comprehension by using comic

strips. There will be no treatment for this research that conducted by the researcher

because the ones who teach in this research is a teacher. Then, the researcher

observes the way of teaching.

C. Object of the Study

The object of this research is the student at the seventh grade of SMP Purnama 02


D. Source of the Data

The type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. Qualitative

research is about collecting the data qualitatively, and the method for analyzing is

also in form of qualitative mostly. This is usually about an inductive exploration to

the data that would be identified by the researcher. Then, the researcher will

describe and
interpret the data into some categories. (Nassaji, 2015: 129). It means that there are

some analyses that uses in the type of document analysis but in this research the

researcher will evaluate the process of teaching learning reading comprehension

by using Comic Strips. The use of Comic Strips seems good to be used, but this

research needs to know whether or not it works well at the process of teaching

learning reading comprehension at the seventh grade of SMP Purnama 02


In this research, the researcher uses purposeful sampling technique to choose

the subject of research. Purposeful sampling is often used in the type of qualitative

research. It aims to identify and select the information as many as possible related

to the phenomenon analyzed by the researcher. The specific aim of purposeful

sampling is to represent the persons, place or things that can enrich the detail

information about the research that related to the research questions. (Marguerite,

2010: 140). The source data of the research is all of the students at the seventh

grade of SMP Purnama 02 Gayamsari at the second semester in academic



E. Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering information on variables of interest

in a systematic way so that we can answer questions, check hypotheses, and

compare results. Data series is one of the maximum vital tiers in accomplishing

studies. Data series is a totally stressful process which desires thorough planning,

difficult work, patience, perseverance and greater to have the ability to finish the

undertaking successfully. Data series begins offevolved with figuring out what

type of facts required accompanied via way of means of the choice of a pattern

from a
positive population. (Kabir, 2016: 202). In this research, the researcher will collect

the data using the following steps:

1. Interview

Researchers receive the data function as an observer to retrieve the data, the

author asks the teacher for information about the activities of the educational

process, including some problems, and the interviewer asks for information

from the interview. Interviews are a great way to find out what people think and

feel about something. It means that the researcher will interview the teacher in

order to get to know about the process of teaching learning reading by using

Comic Strips and the students’ difficulties in learning reading comprehension.

2. Questionnaire

In this research, the questionnaire will give to the students. A questionnaire is a

list of questions that many people answer so that they can collect information

from their answers. The researcher will distribute questionnaire after the

process of teaching reading comprehension by using Comic Strips.

F. Data Analysis

According to Miles and Huberman (2014: 14) Analysis can be broken down

into three main activities: data reduction, data display, and conclusion

drawing/validation. To analyze qualitative data, the researcher needs to do some

activities to get the data of research, such as reducing the data, displaying the data,

and drawing conclusions. The researcher will follow some steps of data analysis

which stated by Miles and Huberman as follows:

1) Data reduction

Data reduction is the way to select, focuse, simply, abstract, and transform

written note or data transcription. In this research, the data is in the form of

some steps. Based on miles’ theory, the step of analyzing the data of this

research are as follows:

1) The researcher prepares an observation sheet to know the students’ activity

in learning reading by using comic strips.

2) The researcher pays attention to the process of teaching reading

comprehension by using comic strips.

3) The researcher fills the observation sheet.

4) The researcher sees the result of students’ reading task.

5) The researcher interprets the data and makes conclusion.

2) Data display

It is such a data viewer that is an organized and condensed compilation of

information that allows you to execute conclusions and actions. The researcher

shows or displays the data which takes from the students’ reading
comprehension task and their activity in the process of teaching learning by

using comic strips. Then, the researcher will make conclusion based on that


3) Conclusion drawing

The conclusion is the final research activity required for the researcher to

complete the research results related to the research question. In this step,

researchers consider the importance of the analyzed data and draw conclusions

to assess its impact on the question. Verification is a series of processes that

can explain research questions and answers to research goals. This conclusion

of this research will be about to know the process of teaching reading

comprehension by using comic strips.

G. Triangulation

To form the investigate discoveries of this think about substantial, the

analyst must utilize triangulation data to ensure dependability. Triangulation

could be a standard based on the method of watching something from diverse

points to decide the genuine area.

The reference triangulation was transferred to the content data analysis.

Triangulation aims to support discovery by showing that independent means agree

with it, or at least are consistent with it. This means that triangulation aims to

evaluate the results of the survey in order to validate the data in the survey itself.

Deborah and Nancy (2017: 13) states that there are the quality criteria of

qualitative research as follows:

1) Credibility
Credibility establishes whether or not the studies findings constitute possible

facts drawn from the participant`s unique statistics and is a accurate

interpretation of the participant`s unique view.

2) Transferability

Researchers use simple, thick descriptions to facilitate the assessment of

portability by potential users.

3) Dependability

It includes evaluation, interpretation, and recommendations of the results of

the survey by the participants, all supported by the survey participants' data.

4) Confirmability

Confirmability is to guarantee that the translation of the information and

comes about is clearly inferred from the information, not the item of the

questioner's creative ability.

5) Audit Trails

Audit trails provide readers with evidence of decisions and decisions made by

researchers on theoretical and methodological issues throughout the study and

require clear justification of such decisions. Keeping records of raw data, field

notes, transcripts, and reflection journals not only helps researchers

systematize, correlate, and cross-reference data, but also facilitate reporting of

the research process. It will help. All of these are the means to create a clear

audit trail.

6) Reflexivity

It is about processing the data by critical self-reflection based on the

researcher own perspective, opinion, and conception.

Based on the explanation above, this research will use confirmability

triangulation. In other words, the researcher is dependable for giving a total set of

noteson choice made amid the inquireabout handle, intelligent contemplations, ins

pecting, inquireabout fabric embraced, rise ofthe discoveries and data almost the i

nformation administration.In this inquire about, the researcher will to approve the

investigate discoveries in arrange toform it subst antial. The person who will

validate the research findings of this research is the Lecturer of English

Education Study Program Faculty of Language and Arts Education University

of PGRI Semarang that relates to the topic of research.


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