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Letter Of Love

January 15, 2021

Empang Street no 26

Jakarta selatan, Indonesia

Amanda Jewerl

Cipanas Baru Street No. 20

Garut, Indonesia

Dearest Amanda,

I never knew how joyous life could be until I saw your face.

My heart leaps like a hummingbird in flight every time I see you.

This is something I have never felt before, and it is you that inspires it.

When I think about you and our rich conversations, I feel a warmness inside.

I cannot hide my smiles, even when we are apart.

This connection is special, amazing, and I dare say, destiny.

Many have asked what happened to create this new and better me.

I tell them, without hesitation, it is you.

Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with all the longing and excitement I feel when I think of

Looking forward to our next date, beautiful.

May each be better than the last if that is even possible.


Letter Of Complaint

March 20, 2020

Rajawali Street No. 20

Bandung, Indonesia

Apotek Cinta Damai

Gajah Street No. 2

Bandung, Indonesia

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my dismay at the service at your Eden Hill branch on Saturday
14 January.

I often collect prescriptions from the pharmacy on behalf of my grandmother, Mrs Elaine
Bingham. On this occasion there were two prescriptions: one for 10 x 50 mg Kendomol and
one for 50 x 100 mg Leoprone. I was served quickly even though there appeared to be only
one pharmacist on duty. However, as I was leaving I saw that I had been given 500 mg
tablets of Kendomol. This is ten times stronger than the prescription called for.

If I hadn't noticed the difference between the prescription and the actual tablets, my
grandmother could have taken a dangerous overdose of Kendomol. I would be worried
about getting any future prescriptions at Eden Hill.

The pharmacist apologised and corrected the mistake but I wanted to bring it to your
attention. I think it happened because there were not enough staff on duty. I understand that
mistakes happen but there needs to be a minimum of two pharmacists at all times so all
prescriptions can be checked.

I hope you can take steps to make sure this mistake does not happen again.

Yours faithfully,

Roger Bingham
Letter Of Friendly

April 21, 2012

Grove Street No. 12

Nevada, America

Tim Hardaway

Tiger Street No. 21

New York, America

Dear Tim,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I received your letter two weeks ago, but I had
finals and I couldn’t get back to you sooner. How are you? Mom and dad say hi.

My final exams were a tad challenging but I am confident I will pass. I can’t wait to finally join
college and become an undergrad student like you.

Are you still coming home this summer? I was hoping we could work on that bike we started
on last holiday. Please get back to me soon so I can prepare your old bedroom for you.

See you soon.


Bruce Duntley
Letter Of Thanks

December 13, 2013

Tornado Street No. 45

New York, America

Abdul Khan

Battleground Street No. 43

New York, America

Dear Abdul Kahn,

Thank you for introducing me to Leanne Jones yesterday. Your introduction showed faith in
my professional qualifications, and I am sure that your recommendation will greatly benefit
my relationship with Ms. Jones.

As you know, I am seeking employment and Ms. Jones’ software engineering company is
ideal for my skills and training.

I know your extensive experience in the software development business has provided you
with many valuable contacts. I am grateful that you thought to include me in your
professional network. Please keep me in mind for any future introductions.

With thanks,
Veronica Grandi
Letter Of Resignantion From a Committee

1 Mei, 2014

Tesla Street No. 55

Berlin, Germany

Zion Williams

Quadelia Street No. 3

London, United Kingdom

Dear Ms. Williams,

I am writing to tell you that I am resigning from my position as the events coordinator on the PTA
Committee. As you know, I have recently given birth to my third child and this has caused my family
to evaluate its priorities. Unfortunately, the demands of work and family mean that I no longer have
the time to devote to coordinating events for the committee. I hope you understand. My last day as
the events coordinator will be two weeks from now, May 15, 2014.

I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you. I would be happy to devote some time
over the next two weeks to transferring my responsibilities over to a replacement coordinator. If you
would like to discuss this with me further, I hope you will contact me at (555)-555-5555 or [email] I
look forward to hearing with you.

Serving on the PTA Committee has been a great experience and I am happy to have had the
opportunity to work with so many wonderful people in planning these events for our children. Thank
you for your cooperation and patience with me at this time.

Yours sincerely,

Bethany Page

Bethany T. Page

Event Coordinator

PTA Committee

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