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October 17, 2022

 A man of magnanimous modesty and refinement was in quest of a glorious completeness of

beauty.He was not aware exactly when a queer comfortless perplexity began to invade him.He had put
all his attention towards the ceaselessly fleeting sky.He remembered--once a blazing blue sky poured

down light in torrents.Unwillingly he looked above with a gaze of extra-ordinary meaning.In no

time,he became absorbed in a stream of thoughts and reminiscences.However life was flowing in its

accustomed stream  Suddenly a great pang gripped his heart.What a news Ain-i-Akbari carried to

him.The author's words are laudatory and full of praise.--Wrote Abul Fazl-"The best people in

Kashmir are the Brahmanas although they have not yet freed themselves from the fetters of blind
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belief and adherence to custom--they yet worship God without affectation.They do not sneer at

people of other religions.--utter no desires and do not run after lucre.They plant fruit trees and thus
contribute to the welfare of their fellow creatures.They abstain from meat and live in celibacy.There

are about 2000 of them in Kashmir.The historian said-"The Hindus are

religious,affable,cheerful,lovers of justice,admirers of truth,grateful,and of unbounded fidelity--"-

The pre-eminent philosopher Voltaire wrote-"Hindus are peaceful and innocent people,equally
incapable of hurting others or of defending themselves." FREEDOM MEANS

Kashmiri pandits are a group of Kashmiri Hindus.In 1947 they made up 6% of the valley's population- Freedom means free the domain from
others /They may be enemies may be even
-unfortunately they were not converted by the peaceful invaders.In 1990 January the Human Rights
brothers /To have an authority over the
heard a cry--so peaceful and so tolerant--"Convert---Leave Kashmir---or Perish."More than 650 land /To keep up one's long-cherished …
pandits were killed by religion of peace.60000 thousand families were registered as Kashmiri

migrants,  Why was there no lugubrious and depressing atmosphere in the valley??Did the rulers of
India go to hibernation?What the crusades,inquisition, and the wars of religion of the 16th and 17th

centuries prove??An outstanding historian remarked  this religion to be particularly

aggressive.Forced conversions are a feature unparallel to the Hindu Genocide.The Greek genocide can

be compared with the 7th exodus of Kashmiri Hindus.-------Forget not the crimes--rather
remember and then realize and tell everyone of these except ICHR-Indian Council for Historical
If it would happen that the icy smile of the

Kashmir is walled off by high mountains and endowed with unequal natural beauty.Till at least the mid-day sun would refuse to      burn the
dense cloud of impulsive gratitude in spite
14th century it remained an inviolate sanctuary. Hiun Tsang  entered Kashmir during the period of
of thousand-fold requests !!.........If people at

Karkotas--The kings were followers of Hinduism.In 1128 A.D. King Joyasimha ascended the throne of
Kashmir.--In 1707 after the death of Aurangzeb-the worst of the Mughals-Jammu and Kashmir was
established as a state.In 1847 Nathu Shah with the permission of Gulab Singh allowed Lieutenants
Agnew and Young to visit Gilgit.  The present State is Gulab Sing's monument.

What are the mistakes the Kashmiri Hindus had made that they were put into great jeopardy?? Is it

jingoism and bigotry of the local Government that they had no other way but to become a huge
disappointment to the public??The heedless government should be lambasted .Today's big cheeses of LEADERS----RELATIONSHIP----SMILE

Kashmir should not make a dry face.One should bear in mind that old flames die hard. A painful
Is it possible to clothe the characteristics of
thought is flooding the mind.I can't answer with my dazed brain to this deep-seated curiosity.Is a class-less society ? In fine language. But it
can't be denied that a unique alliance is of
there any mystery which is everlastingly impenetrable?Where are they now?Was there any want of
utmost importance among the different …
kindred sympathies or kingly generosity?Were they obliged to play the role of cuckoos in the nest??

No guessed estimate,no contingent causes,no refuse reminiscences,no mournful forebodings--no

rigorous statement.We won't like to inveigh the government but demand corroborated truth about
them--The report must not show any dark obscurity-it must hit the nail on the head.The

government should delve deeper into the perplexing problem and unearth the truth.Please never

utter--"They are history".

It is absolutely an anguished thought--I shudder to think about it.What is History's stony stare? We

have no disgraceful invective against it but we beg for incontestable inference.Without the presence

of  the "best people of Abul Fazl"  the Kashmir's matchless beauty is incomplete and lifeless.and no
more a rich panorama for the eyes to feast upon.To fetch them is the sin qua non for this.The rulers

should not give the thumbs down to this problem.The onus of creating Kahmir-a bower of bliss-for

the Indians rests with the rulers.No one should be ousted-from the land.There will exist no partisan

judge--no perfidious police.

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