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Activity 3

Directions: Write an essay on each of following questions. (Minimum of 100 words, and
maximum of 200 words). Use a separate piece of paper if necessary.

1. The COVID-19 pandemic has displayed the interconnection of society around the world. This
coronavirus is considered the greatest challenge of science and technology after world war II.
What do you think is the effect of COVID-19 on the environment, now and in the future? What
is society's role in helping the science and development research sector prevent the spread of the
virus? What is the role of science and technology to attain social protection and sustainable
economy while providing solutions for COVID-19, such as making vaccines and medicines?
When the lockdown for the pandemic started it actually benefit the environment in a way
that the number cars suddenly disappear so it means it lessen the pollution. It enabled the nature
to breathe from the suffocating things made by humans. The deforestation was stopped,
temporary shutdown of factories due to the increasing number of cases of the virus, it also
enables animals from the ocean to live freely from people who hunts them and destroy their
habitat. However, the usage of face masks is the trouble to the environment where it harms the
oceans and animals due to getting rid of this plastic. In order to prevent the spread of the virus,
the society must follow the government and health organization instructions. Provide information
to the higher ups in that way they can track anyone who has the virus and treat him immediately.
The role of science and technology is to make vaccines and medicines easy to access and give
the people the trust they need when listening and cooperating with the higher ups. Give an
information about safety measures so the people will be safe and wary of their surroundings.

2. What are the impacts of science and technology in society in terms of economy, leisure,
employment, or unemployment? What do you think are the responsibilities of science and
technology in society. In your own opinion, does public trust in science and technology matter
during times of pandemic? Why? When we talk about leisure, anyone can easily access to
different types of their own entertainment. For example, if someone wants to spend his time
watching videos, he can easily access through YouTube, Tiktok, Facebook, Instagram, and other
streaming sites. If someone will spend his time playing games either mobile or pc game, it is also
accessible to anyone free or paid. And at this time e-sports emerged and still continue to rise up.
I can say that science and technology made our life easier. If you want to look for a job, you can
just search for it and it will provide the things that you need to do. On the other hand, science and
technology is the cause too for other people who are under employed. It is because of the
machines that replaced the job for a person. I admit that at some point in the time of pandemic, I
questioned some of the information they give to the public like it’s kind of skeptical. How come
that they still let a pandemic like this happened in this era of humanity where science and
technology are in advancement?

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