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The journal written during the expedition around the world served as the basis and
foundation of the Philippine history. It depicted that the country is already civilized with own
culture, customs, and traditions prior to Spanish colonization, especially in the Visayan
regions. The primary source made us witness how our ancestors lived in the past, the pre-
existing political system and their resistance against foreign invaders. The first feat against
the Spanish people signified the nationalism of the native Filipinos. While, as for those who
helped the Spaniards shown traces of our natural characteristic because Filipinos are known
to be hospitable.
2. The discovery of the Philippines is the reason why the rich history of the country was filled
with agony. It brought us to 333 years of colonization wherein more 600,000 Filipinos died.
Hundreds of types of discrimination and violations were experienced

Due to the daily notes Pigaletta took and details about the expedition that he wrote about, he is
considered the best source today of the customs and usages of the Filipinos in the early 16th
century. A primary source account assisted us in understanding how early Filipinos lived. It helped us
understand how Filipinos lived in the past and how they dealt with
1. Magellan and his men when they arrived in the Philippines.

2. Spain looked at our country as a steppingstone to conquer the Spice Island. And the first
circumnavigation around the world triggered the occurrence of the Spanish Colonization in
the Philippines, the agonizing 333 years in pitch black.

It is the only known document about Lapu-Lapu’s life.

Several "Datus" are said to have joined forces with the Europeans. As a result, we can conclude that
societies of varying sophistication existed in the Philippines prior to Magellan's expedition. It
emphasizes the native’s generosity and hospitality to the expedition team. After all, there might not
have been a circumnavigation if the locals on Homonhon Island had not offered food and water to
the Europeans, and the ships' rations had not been replenished from local sources. The emphasis on
hospitality – a supposedly benign Filipino national character quality — adds another layer to
national myth-making that could shape the next 500 years of Philippine history.

Contains the first vocabulary of Visayan words ever presented by a European.

This book assists today's researchers and students in comprehending the
context of the Magellan expedition and the origins of the entire European-
Philippine conflict commenced.
Businesses rose because of the discoveries that made up the different products.
Collaborations were also made that benefited the different sides.
Opened many doors in the Philippines.
We discover what religion Filipinos in the past used to have.
We found out how Catholicism rises in the Philippines.
We found out that our ancestors fought and delayed the Spanish occupation for
 Profetta presented the events in a chronological order that gives readers a vivid
image of what it was like to be a part of the first voyage around the world.


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