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1. How did you apply this week’s topic to your laboratory output?

- This week’s topic is all about syrups, creams, and sauces and we do
Mini Burnt Basque cheesecake and chocolate mousse

2. In what area/s of the laboratory exercise did you feel most

challenged? Did you overcome this, if yes, how? if not, what will you
do differently to overcome this next time.

- In our first laboratory that was challenging for us because of our

chosen toppings, we choose whipped cream then salted caramel
glaze then sprinkled sea salt. our whipped cream was down
because I put it in the freezer instead only in the chiller then our
salted caramel glaze is not from scratch, yes we overcome this by
thinking another toppings and that’s softened butter and sprinkled
salt but the butter is not appropriate in the cookies its not for
toppings next laboratory 2nd laboratory in the chocolate mousse it
was lack of time to chill and also the cocoa is also not for toppings
cause it has a bitter taste and our mousse is overflowing and for
our cheesecake is the top of our cheesecake is burnt so well.

. 3. How was your overall experience during the exercise and how do
you intend to share what you’ve learned this week?

- Our overall experience was so happy experiencing in the kitchen

after 2 years of online classes and at the same time we learn
something from the judges on how we improve our laboratories,
our teamwork was very dominant.

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