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Meregildo, Arjel M.

GE ELEC 1 DEC. 14, 2021

1. a. Slide Rules
- A mechanical analog computer. As a graphical analog calculator, the slide rule is
closely related to a nomogram; the former is used for general calculations, the latter
for application-specific computations.
b. Abacus
- Also called a counting frame, is a calculating tool which has been used since ancient
times. It was used in the ancient Near East, Europe, China, and Russia, centuries before
the adoption of the Arabic numeral system.[1] The exact origin of the abacus has not yet
emerged. It consists of rows of movable beads, or similar objects, strung on a wire. They
represent digits. One of the two numbers is set up, and the beads are manipulated to
perform an operation such as addition, or even a square or cubic root.
c. Pascaline
-  Also called Arithmetic Machine, the first calculator or adding machine to be
produced in any quantity and actually used for performing simple arithmetical
d. Napier`s Bone
- A manually-operated calculating device created by John
Napier of Merchiston, Scotland for the calculation of products and quotients of numbers.
The method was based on lattice multiplication, and also called 'rabdology', a word
invented by Napier. Napier published his version in 1617. [1] printed in Edinburgh,
dedicated to his patron Alexander Seton.
e. Arithmometer
- the first digital mechanical calculator strong enough and reliable enough to be used
daily in an office environment. This calculator could add and subtract two numbers
directly and could perform long multiplications and divisions effectively by using a
movable accumulator for the result.
2. Two types of Internet Service Provider
a. National ISP – provided internet access to a specific geographic area.
b. Regional ISP – business that provides internet access in cities and towns
Examples: Royal Cable, PLDT, Converge
TEST II. Give what is ask.

3. Based on the cite/article that I read about the cybercriminals have hacked Yahoo’s mail
service and gained access to the names, addresses, and phone numbers of at least 500
million registered users. It was later revealed that the hackers had compromised all 3
billion registered accounts, making this the largest data breach to date. In this article that
I have search this type of cybercrime is called Phishing it refers to emailing or contacting
someone by pretending to be belong to a well-known and famous organization. The
punishment of Phishing in the Philippines punished with imprisonment of not less than
two (2) years nor more than ten (10) years, or a fine not less than fifty thousand pesos
(Php50,000) but more than five hundred thousand (Php500,000) or both such
imprisonment and fine, direct to the court.
5. Traditional Marketing: Traditional marketing is the old way of marketing Technique.
It refers kind of promotion, advertisement, includes flyers, billboards, TV ads, radio
ads, print advertisements, newspaper ads, etc. in which companies are used in the early
period to market their product. 

Example: Burger King, Google, Business Magazine and Mcdonald`s

Digital Marketing: Digital Marketing is modern way of marketing technique. In which

we promoting, selling products and services by online marketing. It also refers to the
Marketing of any kind of business through digital media and devices such as Google,
Facebook, Instagram, You tube.

Example: Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Content Marketing

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