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Seminar 2.

The word as a unit of Language.


- Choose the definition / definitions of the word as a unit of a language you find appropriate the
most. Give grounds to your choice.

Topics for Projects.

1 The role of the word as a fundamental unit of language. The features of the word.
2 Explain the difference between the terms lexeme and word. The notion of lexis.
3 Referential approach to meaning vs functional approach to meaning.
4 Semasiology. The notion of the sign.
5 Lexical and grammatical meaning of the word.

Practical task. Find antonyms to the italicized words. There are 3 words in –ful that do not have
antonyms. What is the meaning of the suffix in these cases? Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.

1) Her hair has now become an embodiment of herself – another beautiful woman with
a pathetic fate.
2) I know coffee can make you more wakeful, maybe even more cheerful.
3) The twenty year period has been particularly changeful in Scotland, encompassing
the discovery of oil, recession, and some other events.
4) There are plenty of examples in English criminal law of crimes which appear to
include harmful consequences as a definitional element irrespective of any actual state of mind
referable thereto.
5) We're also very hopeful that we will have some extra support and assistance in this
field at NC.
6) Vernon returned to Mount Carmel with his young wife and a handful of followers,
the undisputed leader of the sect.
7) The flower peeked out like a bashful woman. Its petals were silver, the leaves around
it a faint veiny green.
8) A sprinkle of sugar and a dollop of whipped cream can turn a humble bowlful of
berries into a dessert fit for royalty.
9) Did I mention already that Natalie, my mockingbird pal, is as sharp as a pocketful of
pins (but without the annoying tendency to stick into your fingers)?
10) Khalid was there, dark-skinned and tearful, leaning his head against the wall. He
talked to Alia about health insurance.
11) I have so much for which to be grateful. I'm alive and cancer-free. I'm married to a
man I adore.

Do the words with the suffixes –ful and –less always mean the opposite of each other?
Give examples when they do not.


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