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Refrigerators have a plastic foam core because plastic is a poor

conductor of heat.
(e) Electric wires have a plastic covering because plastic is a poor
conductor of electricity.
(f) Bakelite is used for making electrical switches because bakelite is
poor conductor of electricity.
F. HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Questions:
1. Acrylic fibres are made up of synthetic polymers so they are not attacked
by insects or moths, whereas natural fibres have carbohydrates and are
attacked by insects and moths.
2. Use of synthetic fibres reduces the loss of forests because synthetic
fibres are formed of chemicals, whereas natural fibres are obtained
from plants which need to be cut.
G. Application Based Questions:
1. Nylon fibre is used for making fishing nets because it has high tensile
strength and is waterproof.
2. I would choose the steel tiffin box so as to reduce the use of plastic, since
plastic is a non-biodegradable substance and affects the environment
Think And Answer
Tick (3) the correct options:
1. (c) 2. (a)

4. Materials: Metals and Non-metals

Think Page No. 58
Silver is not used for making electric wires because it is a very costly metal.
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Tick (3) the correct options: Page No. 58
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d)
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). Tick (3) the correct options: Page No. 65
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (d)

A. Oral questions:
1. (a) Gold, silver, copper, tin, iron (b) Mercury
2. Rust is basic in nature.
B. Science quiz:
1. Bismuth, tungsten
2. When magnesium is added to the copper sulphate solution, the blue-
coloured copper sulphate solution changes to a colourless solution.

Teacher’s Resource Pack SCIENCE-8 25

3. Copper 4. Gold
A. Tick (3) the correct options:
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a)
B. Circle the odd ones. Give reasons for your choice:
1. Sodium → It can easily be cut with knife, whereas others are hard
2. Bismuth → It is a poor conductor of heat, whereas others are good
conductors of heat.
3. Iodine → It is a lustrous non-metal, whereas others are non-lustrous
C. Fill in the blanks:
1. ductility
2. bismuth/tungsten
3. Diamond
4. Graphite

A. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) Scientific/Practical skills:
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a)
B. Very Short Answer Questions:
1. The copper vessel on reacting slowly with carbon dioxide and water of
air loses its shine on being exposed to moist air for a long time.
2. When an iron object is left in damp air (or water) for a considerable
time, it gets covered with a reddish-brown flaky substance called rust.
This is called rusting of iron.
3. Acidic oxides
C. Short Answer Type-I Questions:
1. (a) Magnesium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form magnesium
chloride and hydrogen gas.
(b) Aluminium reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to form aluminium
chloride and hydrogen gas.
2. Objects made of silver become black with the passage of time due to
the formation of a thin silver sulphide layer on their surface by the
action of hydrogen sulphide present in the air.
3. Arrangement of metals in a vertical column in the order of their
decreasing reactivities is called reactivity series of metals.
D. Short Answer Type-II Questions:
1. (a) Electric wires are made of copper because it is ductile and a good
conductor of electricity.

26 Teacher’s Resource Pack SCIENCE-8

(b) Gold and silver are used for making jewellery because they are
lustrous, highly malleable and ductile.
(c) Graphite is a good conductor of electricity, that is why, it is used for
making electrodes in electric cells.
at room
2. (a) 4Na + O2 → 2Na2O
sodium oxygen sodium oxide
(metal) (from air)
strong heating
(b) 2Zn + O2 → 2ZnO
zinc oxygen zinc oxide
(metal) (from air)
burns with a
(c) 2Mg + → 2MgO
O2   dazzling white light.
magnesium oxygen magnesium oxide
(metal) (from air)
3. (a) C + O2 → CO2
carbon oxygen carbon dioxide
(non-metal) (from air)
(b) P4 + 5O2 → 2P2O5
phosphorus oxygen phosphorus pentaoxide
(non-metal) (from air)
(c) S + O2 → SO2
sulphur oxygen sulphur dioxide
(non-metal) (from air)
4. (a) Sonority
(b) Care and concern for the poor and needy; spreading happiness and
love with simple gestures.
5. Chlorine
6. Carbon and sulphur will form acidic oxides because these two are non-
E. Long Answer Questions:
1. (i) Metals are solid at room temperature, except mercury which is
liquid at room temperature.
(ii) Metals are malleable, i.e., they can be beaten into thin sheets.
(iii) Metals are ductile, i.e., they can be drawn into thin wires.
(iv) Metals are lustrous.
(v) Metals are hard.
(vi) All metals are good conductors of electricity.
(vii) Metals have high tensile strength.
2. (a) Wires cannot be drawn from wood because it is non-ductile and
also, an insulator.
(b) Oxygen is not brittle because it is a gas.

Teacher’s Resource Pack SCIENCE-8 27

(c) Sulphur cannot be used for making pipes because it is a non-metal
and is brittle.
(d) Diamond is used for making jewellery because it sparkles.
(e) Sodium is a very reactive metal, i.e., it can catch fire on reacting
with air, that is why, it is stored in kerosene oil.
3. Physical properties:
(i) Copper is malleable. (ii) Copper is ductile.
(iii) Copper is a good conductor of heat and electricity.
Chemical properties:
(i) Copper shows displacement reaction.
i.e., Fe + CuSO4 → Cu + FeSO4
iron copper sulphate copper iron sulphate

(here, more reactive metal (Fe) displaces less reactive metal (Cu)
from CuSO4 solution)
(ii) Copper reacts with oxygen to form basic oxides.
i.e., 4Cu + O2 → 2Cu2O
copper oxygen copper oxide
(basic in nature)
HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills) Questions:
1. We cannot store lemon pickle in an aluminium container because lemon
contains acid and aluminium being a highly reactive metal, reacts even
with the mild acids and forms poisonous salts.
2. Utensils made of pyrex glass can be used for heating because pyrex
glass has high melting point and is heat-resistant so it does not break on
heating. No, glass is not a metal.
3. Gallium is a metal which has a very low melting point, so as soon as it is
kept on palm it absorbs the body heat and starts melting.
4. Magnesium being a reactive metal, reacts vigorously with hot water and
forms magnesium oxide and hydrogen gas which makes it float on the
Mg + H2O → MgO + H2
magnesium boiling water magnesium hydrogen
or steam oxide gas.
G. Practical Skill Based question:
When we add a piece of aluminium to a freshly prepared solution of sodium
hydroxide, we observe tiny bubbles of hydrogen gas in the solution. On
bringing a burning matchstick near the mouth of test tube, the gas catches
fire and burns with a pop sound.
Think And Answer
Tick (3) the correct options:
1. (c) 2. (d)
28 Teacher’s Resource Pack SCIENCE-8

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