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CSIT114: System Analysis

LAB In-class Activity Sheet #9

Student Name: ________________________

Stud ID: ______________________________

Hana Sherif Mahmoud (7402181)

Juman (7393453)
Abdulaziz Al Kasem (7404918)
Ahmed Kirmani (6262089)
Jingbo Ma(7329672)

Welcome back to CSIT114 lab!


First, we will confirm your attendance and lab enrolment based on your choices on SOLS
You will be asked to work individually on the questions provided. Only when explicitly told, you may work
with a partner or a group. However, if such instruction is not provided, your work must reflect your own
efforts. Any hindrance from this will be constituted as collusion and an academic misconduct (See Outline
and Academic Integrity Policy for more details).

For this lab you will be required to use the lab computer to answer the following question(s)

A car rental company is asking for a new software solution to assist in its daily business.
The company deals with multiple types of car leasing (Personal/Commercial, Short/Long duration), as well as
purchasing new cars for leasing purposes. It also maintains a fleet of cars ready to be leased and has the
ability to track its vehicles in real-time.

Additionally, the company has an HR and sales departments, where the HR department is responsible for
any and all internal management, while the sales department is responsible of large leasing orders to
parties interested.

The leasing system has the following functions:

 Login.
 Add Client.
 Inspect vehicle.
 Lease vehicle.
 Return vehicle.
 Check lease duration.

 Create an activity diagram detailing the workflow of the leasing system.

Khan, ZR (2019)
 Create 3 sequence diagrams out of the following functionalities:
o User Login.
o Add client to the system.
o Lease a vehicle.
o Return a vehicle.
o Inspect a vehicle.

Lease a vehicle. User Login.

Khan, ZR (2019)

A financial corporation has desktop applications running in several different offices that are all supported
by a centralized application bank of two computers. In addition, there is a centralized database, which
requires three servers.

Draw a network diagram representing this requirement.

Khan, ZR (2019)
Remember: this is a graded activity!

Ensure to submit your work to Moodle folder.

CASE 3 – If you have time, try out the questions from REVISION SHEET
- This is not a graded exercuse

This task has been developed for you by the subject coordinator, Dr Zeenath Reza Khan. Please do not hesitate to contact her for
clarifications at

Khan, ZR (2019)

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