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Hanin Elmashtouly


My experience as Head of Design of WIS’s talent show

Figure 1- Talent show

Hanin Elmashtouly

Table of Contents
1. Introduction.....................................................................................................................3
2. Background......................................................................................................................3
2.1 School details........................................................................................................................3
3. Details of activity.................................................................................................................3
3.1 Project members..........................................................................................................................3
3.2 Project duration...........................................................................................................................3
4. Success................................................................................................................................4
4.1 Project recap................................................................................................................................4
5. Challenges...........................................................................................................................4
5.1 Challenges and solutions..............................................................................................................4
6. Conclusion...........................................................................................................................4

Hanin Elmashtouly

Figure 1- Talent show......................................................................................................................1

Hanin Elmashtouly

1. Introduction
When I was a senior at my high school I was part of the annual talent show, where students
from all years showcase their different talents and skills. I decided to be head of design, where I
overview the whole process of designing the stage, where the judges sat and the décor of the

2. Background
Every year our school hosts a talent show, and every year the seniors are the heads of
department as part of their CAS project.

2.1 School details

Our school was part of the IB curriculum, where in our last 2 years we had undertake projects
and volunteering as part of our CAS.

3. Details of activity
3.1 Project members
In the talent show, there were different heads of department, for example: Head of design,
media, and marketing. Under each department, there is a team of students that work under the
heads and manage the team.
3.2 Project duration
The project was a month long, including the time taken to interview the talents, filter them out,
plan and design the stage, and finally the talent show itself.

4. Success
The project was a huge success, and since we practiced a whole week straight before the talent
show, there were no mistakes at al.
4.1 Project recap
The first stage was forming the heads of department, then the team that’ll work under them.
Second, we interviewed the talents and filtered them out. Third, each department started
planning their part of the project and created a layout of the whole process. Fourth, every head
of department worked with their team, and designed their part of the project. Fifth, we brought
everything together, and went through trials to identify any issues. Sixth, the actual talent show
happened and it was a success.

5. Challenges
5.1 Challenges and solutions
Since I had a big team working under me, I had to be on top of my work and make sure that
everyone was doing their work correctly to. To be more efficient, I created a WhatsApp group,
where I informed each person of their tasks, and asked for a daily update by the end of the day.

Hanin Elmashtouly

6. Conclusion
In conclusion, this was a very successful project that I learnt a lot from. I learnt how to be a
good manager and communicator, how to work in a team and listen to everyone, and lastly,
how to work under pressure.

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