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Teacher Candidate: Miranda Roy

Grade Level and or Subject: PreKindergarten

Unit Topic (if applicable): Identifying and Creating Patterns


What is the focus of this lesson?: The objective of the lesson today will be to help students

learn about patterns by using basic shapes to help create these patterns.

National / State Learning Standard/s:

● ISTE Standards: 1.2 Digital Citizen.

○ 1.2.b Students engage in positive, safe, legal, and ethical behavior when using

technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.

● TEK: V. Mathematics Domain.

○ E. Classification and Patterns Skills Prekindergarten: children sort and classify

objects using one or more attributes. They begin to use attributes of objects to

duplicate and create patterns (typically referred to as algebraic thinking such as

described in NCTM focal points.) With formal instruction, they will participate in

creating and using real/pictorial graphs.

○ V.E.3. Child recognizes and creates patterns.

● Technology TEK: X. Technology Applications Domain.

Technology and Devices Skills- Children learn how technology can enhance our

lives. Technology includes computers, voice/sound recorders, televisions, digital

cameras, personal digital assistants, MP3 devices, iPods, iPads, tablets, laptops,
interactive boards, document readers, smartphones, and digital projectors. Surrounded by

technology, children can benefit from becoming aware of and interacting with

voice/sound recorders and other technology that may be available. They develop

techniques for handling and controlling various devices, becoming increasingly confident

and independent users of developmentally appropriate interactive media.

○ X.A.3. Child uses digital learning applications and programs to create digital

products and express own ideas.

Goal/s of the lesson: Students will be able to identify the shapes used, create patterns with 5

objects, as well as finish a pattern.


Specific learning target(s) / objectives:

● The students will become familiar with patterns that contain different shapes/and objects

seen in daily life.

● The students will sort and classify objects/shapes used.

● The students will learn to use their knowledge of the shapes to help identify them in the


● The students will be able to duplicate and create patterns.

● The students will be able to identify the missing shape/object.

● The students will learn to work independently within their table groups.



● Ask the students if they have ever heard about patterns.

● Show and explain what patterns are.


● Teacher will have students gather on the carpet.

● We will read/listen to and discuss the book, “ABABA: A Book of Pattern Play”

● After reading the students will watch and interact with an EdPuzzle video.

● Then we will have the students participate in an activity on SeeSaw using the

Smartboard/projector screen.

● Teacher will then dismiss students to their table groups

● The students will then be given about 5 pattern block shapes each and a pattern sheet.

● The pattern sheet will resemble the shapes being used, and with this the students will

practice trying to create the patterns shown on the sheets with their blocks.


When closing, the students will have cleaned up their mess and sit on the carpet together. They

will then be reminded of what we have worked on today. I will ask a few follow-up questions

such as, “What shapes were used today?”.

Formative Assessment Methods/ Tools:

I will assess the students by observing them and seeing if the students are able to create the

patterns and whether they can identify what shapes are being used to create the pattern.
Grouping Structure:

● Guided Practice: The students will get into groups of two and will then be given the five

different shapes for each student. Each group should then have a total of ten shapes that

they will be working with. While I finish passing out the shapes I will then use one of my

shapes and ask the students if they can identify the same shape.

● Independent practice: After having the students do the guided practice they will then be

given a pattern sheet and they will work on trying to recreate the pattern using their



● Special Needs Accommodations: Students will be paired with someone who may be

grasping the concept faster than a student still having a little trouble. They will then work

together to help create the patterns from the pattern sheet.

● English Language Learners: Students will also be paired with a student who is grasping

the concept faster.

Instructional Materials, Equipment, and Technology:

● Computer/Laptop/Ipad

● Smartboard/Projector

● Book: “ABABA: A Book of Pattern Play”

● Ed Puzzle: Pinkfong “Shape Songs”

● Pattern Activity

● Pattern blocks

● Pattern Sheets

Reflection on the Experience

Reflection: Overall today’s lesson went pretty well. The pattern blocks worked for the students

for a while, of course, there were some that showed me they did not want to keep using them by

throwing them. Many of the students caught on pretty well because they had prior knowledge of

the shapes we worked with from a previous lesson. I would definitely need to figure out more

ways to keep their attention when planning future lessons. Videos and working in groups seemed

to help for the most part though.

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