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Sampling Error

pling error is one which occurs due to unrepresentativeness of the sample selected
for observation. Conversely, non-sampling error is an error arise from human
error, such as error in problem identification, method or procedure used, etc.

An ideal research design seeks to control various types of error, but there are some
potential sources which may affect it. In sampling theory, total error can be defined
as the variation between the mean value of population parameter and the observed
mean value obtained in the research. The total error can be classified into two
categories, i.e. sampling error and non-sampling error.

In this article excerpt, you can find the important differences between sampling
and non-sampling error in detail.

Content: Sampling Error Vs Non-Sampling Error

Comparison Chart


Meaning Sampling error is a type of An error occurs due to

error, occurs due to the sources other than sampling,
sample selected does not while conducting survey
perfectly represents the activities is known as non
population of interest. sampling error.

Cause Deviation between sample Deficiency and analysis of

mean and population mean data

Type Random Random or Non-random

Occurs Only when sample is Both in sample and census.


Sample size Possibility of error reduced It has nothing to do with the

with the increase in sample sample size.

Definition of Sampling Error

Sampling Error denotes a statistical error arising out of a certain sample selected
being unrepresentative of the population of interest. In simple terms, it is an error
which occurs when the sample selected does not contain the true characteristics,
qualities or figures of the whole population.

The main reason behind sampling error is that the sampler draws various sampling
units from the same population but, the units may have individual variances.
Moreover, they can also arise out of defective sample design, faulty demarcation of
units, wrong choice of statistic, substitution of sampling unit done by the
enumerator for their convenience. Therefore, it is considered as the deviation
between true mean value for the original sample and the population.

Definition of Non-Sampling Error

Non-Sampling Error is an umbrella term which comprises of all the errors, other
than the sampling error. They arise due to a number of reasons, i.e. error in
problem definition, questionnaire design, approach, coverage, information
provided by respondents, data preparation, collection, tabulation, and analysis.

There are two types of non-sampling error:

 Response Error: Error arising due to inaccurate answers were given by
respondents, or their answer is misinterpreted or recorded wrongly. It
consists of researcher error, respondent error and interviewer error which are
further classified as under.

 Researcher Error

 Surrogate Error
 Sampling Error
 Measurement Error
 Data Analysis Error
 Population Definition Error
 Respondent Error
 Inability Error
 Unwillingness Error
 Interviewer Error
 Questioning Error
 Recording Erro
 Respondent Selection Error
 Cheating Error
 Non-Response Error: Error arising due to some respondents who are a part
of the sample do not respond.

Key Differences Between Sampling and Non-Sampling Error

The significant differences between sampling and non-sampling error are

mentioned in the following points:

1. Sampling error is a statistical error happens due to the sample selected does
not perfectly represents the population of interest. Non-sampling error
occurs due to sources other than sampling while conducting survey activities
is known as non-sampling error.
2. Sampling error arises because of the variation between the true mean value
for the sample and the population. On the other hand, the non-sampling error
arises because of deficiency and inappropriate analysis of data.
3. Non-sampling error can be random or non-random whereas sampling error
occurs in the random sample only.
4. Sample error arises only when the sample is taken as a representative of a
population.As opposed to non-sampling error which arises both in sampling
and complete enumeration.
5. Sampling error is mainly associated with the sample size, i.e. as the sample
size increases the possibility of error decreases. On the contrary, the non-
sampling error is not related to the sample size, so, with the increase in
sample size, it won’t be reduced.


To end this discussion, it is true to say that sampling error is one which is
completely related to the sampling design and can be avoided, by expanding the
sample size. Conversely, non-sampling error is a basket that covers all the errors
other than the sampling error and so, it unavoidable by nature as it is not possible
to completely remove it.

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