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June 2, 2022

THEME OF THE SESSION: “Preserving African traditions”

WORD OF THE DAY: “pride”


I. Introduction of General Evaluator (IPP Youssouf Touré)


Please let’s welcome Toastmaster IPP Youssouf.

II. Introduction of the 1st Speaker (Damit Serge Didier AMANY)

Toastmaster Serge is the 1st speaker today. He is our VPE and his work as an Evaluator at BOAD. He
loves analyse project effectiveness and poverty alleviation. He would like to foster his impact on
vulnerable people life. He joined BOAD TMC in 2021 to improve his public communication. For fun,
he watches movies and listen to music.

She will be evaluated by Toastmaster Estelle MANOU, IPP of xxx Toastmaster Club. I now invite
Toastmaster Estelle to present the objectives of the speech.

I. Introduction of the 2nd Speaker (Corell KPOMALEGNI)

Toastmaster Corell KPOMALEGNI is our 2nd speaker today. She will be also out topic Mistress. She is
the current President of BOAD Toastmasters’ Club. She is an Invester’s Relations Specialist and
currently serves as a Cooperation Officer at BOAD. In her leisure time, Toastmaster Corell enjoys
reading, watching movies and going to restaurants with friends and family. She joined Toastmaster
because she believes in continuous self development and would like to improve her leadership and
public speaking skills.

She will be evaluated by Toastmaster Dorinel OKONDO, VPE of BOAD Toastmaster Club. I now invite
Toastmaster Dorinel to present the objectives of the speech.

II. Introduction of the lights moments session (Find a joke you can share)

Now let’s have a few minutes of relaxation. Does anyone have a little joke or an interesting fact to
share? You can also share a comment on a particular event that happens this week or recently

Thank you everyone for participating. We thank everyone for a job well done.

III. Introduction of the General Evaluator (IPP Youssouf Touré)

Right now, I would like to invite our General Evaluator and his team for the evaluation of each activity
as well the overall assessment of the meeting.

Back to you the General evaluator IPP Youssouf Touré.

IV. Introduction of the President

Thanks to the evaluation team for those insightful comments and observations. I was very happy to
be part of this session with all of you; back to you President Corell for the concluding words.

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