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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Name: ______________________________________ School: ____________________
Grade and Section: ____________________________ Date: ______________________
Directions: Identify the correct term being described by the following
statements. Write the letter of your answer on the space provided in each item.
______1. It is a kind of music that was specifically written for use in religious services.
A. Secular Music C. Troubadour Music
B. Sacred Music D. Gregorian Chant
______2. Which best explains why music of the renaissance period was easily sung?
A. It is fitted in English
B. The song is very ear-catching
C. With the help of word painting
D. The melodic lines move in a flowing manner
______3. Which of the following best describes cantata?
A. It can be played as an opera
B. Cantata is only for the singers who could also play musical instruments.
C. Cantata is usually performed during weddings or any social gathering. D. A
vocal composition for the soloist or choir accompanied by instruments. ______4.
Which is NOT a characteristic of Renaissance music?
A. Mostly polyphonic C. Melodies are easier to perform B. Tells chivalry and courtly
love D. Melodic lines move in a flowing manner ______5. It is a large-scale musical
composition for orchestra and voices that incorporates narrative on religious themes.
A. Concerto C. Fugue
B. Concerto Grosso D. Oratorio
______6. Why did opera become popular during the baroque period?
A. The performer had beautiful voice.
B. It was accompanied by different instruments.
C. It staged musicals that attracted and excited audiences
D. Opera was more on singing and the audience can relate.
______7. Which musical instrument was commonly used during the Baroque period?
A. Woodwind instruments C. Brass Instruments
B. Strings instruments D. Harpsichord and organ
______8. Which statement supports the development of monophonic plainchant based on Latin
liturgy and became the approved music of the catholic church?
A. Secular music emerged
B. Invention of the printing press
C. A lot of musical terms evolved
D. Christian church influenced Europe’s culture and political affairs
______9. In the latter part of the Medieval period, secular music emerged. Most of these songs
were performed across Europe by group of musicians called Troubadours. Which of the following
characterized their music?
` A. Use of Neume notation
B. Tells of chivalry and country love
C. Use of word painting in text and music
D. Melodies sound elaborate and ornamented

______10. If the graph bellow represents the different musical instruments and the sounds
incorporated in the music, what musical characteristic does the graph represent?
A. Medieval period music C. Renaissance period music B. Baroque
period music D. classical period music
______11. Medieval period is also known as ________. The fall of the Roman Empire started,
and the Christian Church influenced Europe’s culture and political affairs.
A. Early Ages C. Stone Ages
B. Middle Ages D. New Stone Ages
______12. Why did church music become less powerful during the renaissance period?
A. Sacred music was boring C. War music started to proliferate B. Secular music began
to rise D. Sacred music is taken for granted.
______13. In what western musical period does orchestra belong which was also practiced in
Morong Rizal with the use of Morriz Wind Orchestra?
A. Baroque Period C. Medieval Period
B. Renaissance Period D. Classical Period
______14. During the Baroque period, the arts highlighted grandiose and elaborate
ornamentation. Which Baroque music was developed through imitative counterpoint as seen in
A. Concerto Grosso C. Fugue
B. Chorale D. Oratorio
______15. During the Renaissance period, the influence of the Roman Catholic church started to
decline, and secular music became more prominent. This led to a musical composition known as
________ which was written and expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly social
A. Chorale C. Madrigal
B. Church music D. Troubadour Music
______16. Objects that are three dimensional - having length, width and height are elements that
seen in Queen Nefertiti’s painted limestone in 18th Dynasty also in the Roman Catholic’s
Blessed Virgin Mary venerated in San Mateo Rizal as Our Lady OF Aranzazu.
A. Form B. Space C. Texture D. Value ______17. A mark made by a tools such as a
brush, pen or stick; a moving point. A. Color B. Form C. Line D. Shape ______18. It is an
element used to create the illusion of depth that can be in two dimensional, negative and/or
A. Color B. Form C. Line D. Space ______19. The principle of Art that is visually
pleasing. There is agreement with the design, a feeling that everything in the work of ART fits
and work together. Example of this is MOSAIC OF HEAD of ALEXANDER”.
A. Movement B. Pattern C. Rhythm D. Unity ______20. Art principle that
makes certain parts of artwork stand out.
A. Balance B. Contrast C. Emphasis D.Movement ______21. What mood is
portrayed in the “Venus of Willendorf”?
A. Grieving B. Harsh C. Relax and composed D. Sentimental ______22. Which artwork
shows an idea of having a harmonic and balanced beauty, not disturbed by the slight folds
under the eyes and chin as well as the slightly sunk cheeks? A. Barberini Diptych C. Venus of
B. The Discobolus D. Queen Nefertiti

______23. This work of art is characterized by a relaxed and composed usually seen in its face
and body.
A. Barberini Diptych C. Venus of Willendorf
B. The Discobolus D. Queen Nefertiti
______24. Paintings may be more on artefact of the archaeological evidence than true picture of
humans’ first created art.
A. Pre-historic C. Medieval or Byzantine Era B. Classical or Greek Period
D. Romanesque Period
______25. Broadly refers to the influences of Greek art from Classical and Hellenistic periods.
A. Pre-historic C. Medieval or Byzantine Era B. Classical or Greek Period D. Romanesque
______26. The figures posed frontally in distinct figurative style, with all thin bodies, tiny feet
pointed forward, oval faces and huge eyes and without any suggestion of movement. A. Pre-
historic C. Medieval or Byzantine Era B. Classical or Greek Period D. Romanesque Period
______27. Highly stylized, symbolic and shows profile view of an animal. A. Pre-
historic C. Medieval or Byzantine Era B. Egyptian Period D. Romanesque Period
______28. Illustrating stories of the bible and conveying moral meaning.
A. Egyptian Period C. Roman Period
B. Gothic Period D. Romanesque Period
______29. Which of the following characteristics describes the
in the right?
A. Symbolized the goddess of fertility
B. Showing symmetrical face, poised and objective in its
alluring beauty that has made it one of the world’s most
enduring artworks.
C. Mary reclining in bed surrounded by the apostles who
and pray.
D. Innovative artworks -- combining the military ______30. Examine the picture and choose the best
victory of the emperor with the victory of Christianity.

A. Symbolized the goddess of fertility

B. Showing symmetrical face, poised and objective in its alluring beauty that has made it
one of the world’s most enduring artworks.
C. Mary reclining in bed surrounded by the apostles who grieve and pray. D. Innovative
artworks -- combining the military victory of the emperor with the victory of Christianity.

______31. It is damage to the body caused by external force.
A. Injury C. Sickness
B. Muscle pain D. Stress
______32. What do you call the immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been
injured or suddenly taken ill?
A. CPR C. R.I.C.E. Method
B. First aid D. Physical therapy
______33. The part of the body when two bones come together is called ____________.
A. Cartilage C. Fracture
B. Clavicle D. Joint
______34. What do you call the kind of fracture that is caused by repeated stress to the bone
over time?
A. Acute Fracture C. Stress Fracture
B. Bruising D. Swelling
______35. It is a twist, pull or tear of muscle or tendon.
A. Dislocation C. Sprain
B. Fracture D. Strain
______36. One of the common injuries encountered by sports officials characterized by a stretch
or tear of ligament.
A. Dislocation C. Sprain
B. Fracture D. Strain
______37. What do you call the break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one-time
injury or from repeated stress to the bone over time?
A. Dislocation C. Sprain
B. Fracture D. Strain
______38. It is the most injured joint because of its complex structure and weight-bearing
capacity. A. Fingers C. Knee
B. Hip D. Shoulder
______39. What happens when two bones that come together to form a joint become
separated? A. Dislocation C. Sprain
B. Fracture D. Strain
______40. What kind of beverage you should give to a person who is experiencing heat
A. Coffee C. Liquor
B. Electrolyte beverage D. Soft drink
______41. Which of the following is NOT a part of R.I.C.E Method?
A. Rest the injured part
B. Do compression to reduce swelling
C. Elevate the affected body part to drain fluids from injured tissues
D. Inject an anti-inflammatory drug to reduce swelling and pain
______42. Which of the following is NOT a symptom of strain?
A. Pain C. Muscle pain
B. Fever D. Loss of strength
______43. Which of the following is NOT an objective of first aid?
A. To save live
B. To hasten recovery
C. To make use of the contents of a first aid kit
D. To minimize injuries or to prevent them from happening
______44. Sports officials mostly use their arms for signaling. What fitness component will be
developed with this regular movement?

A. Flexibility C. Muscular endurance
B. Muscular strength D. Cardiovascular endurance
______45. In what way will our knowledge and skills in sports officiating help our community?
A. Saves money during sports competition
B. Reduces the case of delinquent youth in the communities
C. Trains youth in sports related activities like as athletes and sports officials
D. All of the above.
______46. The following are the different characteristics of a healthy environment EXCEPT:
A. No rubbish in sewage
B. Wastes are segregated properly
C. Garbage cans are always closed
D. Small space to work and play
______47. This refers to a “state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”
A. Mental Health C. Health
B. Spiritual Health D. Fit
______48. The following are the different quarantine levels implemented by Inter Agency Task
Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF), which is the strictest? A.
Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ)
B. Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ)
C. General Community Quarantine (GCQ)
D. Modified General Community Quarantine (MGCQ)
______49. Which of the following scenarios has the positive impact to
health? A. Cutting down of trees for subdivision development
B. Bumper to bumper traffic
C. High vaccination rates among the community
D. Limited access to general medical care
______50. The community of Brgy. Pintong Bukawe strongly believed that “Health is Wealth”
which is why they regularly conduct cleaning of rivers, streams, and canals. Which of the
following does the people want to achieve based on their actions?
A. Peace and prosperity in the community
B. Attract more tourist to come visit their place
C. To show support to the barangay in any projects
D. To prevent Mosquito-borne diseases
______51. What would happen if everyone were strictly following the community quarantine
A. Transmission rate of virus will be higher
B. Cases of hospitalization will be lower
C. Increase in mortality rate due to covid
D. Stricter guidelines will be implemented
______52. Renewable resources are energy source that continue to exist despite being
consumed or can replenish themselves over a period even as they are used. Which of the
following is an example of renewable resource?
A. Coal B. Natural Gas C. Oil D. Solar ______53. The following are the most common
solutions to environmental issue EXCEPT: A. Recycle the waste to conserve natural resources
B. Replace disposal items with reusable items
C. Dumping of garbage anywhere
D. Support environmentally friendly practices
______54. This refers to the wearing away of a field's topsoil by the natural physical forces of
A. Desertification B. Soil Erosion C. Flash Flood D. Pollution

______55. Global warming has the following effects EXCEPT:
A. Drought B. Melting of glaciers C. Declining Sea Level D. Heat waves ______56. It
consists of all the organisms and the physical environment with which they interact. A.
Ecosystem B. Universe C. Climate D. Landform ______57. Which of the following situation
proves that environmental degradation can have a great economic impact?
A. The number of tourists was greatly reduced due to unpleasant environment
B. Illegal logging has destroyed the natural habitat of different flora and fauna
C. Global warming has made our ozone layer thinner
D. Dumping of waste to bodies of water has resulted to its foul smell
______58. Which of the following is not a way to prevent and manage environmental health
A. Choose Renewable Sources of Energy
B. Dispose Waste Responsibly
C. Use Eco-Friendly Transportation
D. Using of disposable cutlery
______59. What would happen if environmental issues were taken for
granted? A. People will have a safe and secure life
B. Flora and fauna will flourish
C. The protection of our environment is guaranteed
D. An increased disruption to society from extreme weather
______60. There is scarcity of water in Brgy. Pintong Bukawe and people are worried that if in
case there will be no water delivery, they won’t have anything to use. What is the best thing the
people of the said barangay can do to solve their problem?
A. Water catchment facilities should be built to collect water from rain
B. The people should buy carbonated drinks as a replacement for water
C. The people must lessen their water intake
D. Taking a bath should be done at least twice a week

Prepared by:


MAPEH 9 Teacher – ARTS San Mateo
National High School San Mateo
National High School


MAPEH 9 Teacher – HEALTH San Mateo National High School Pintong Bukawe
National High School

Validated by:

Chairman Master Teacher I Master Teacher II San Mateo NHS San Mateo NHS San Mateo NHS

Reviewed by:


Principal MAPEH Consultant

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