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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
S.Y. 2022-2023


Name:______________________________ Gr &Section:____________ Date:____________Score:_____

Directions: Read each question carefully and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What event of the Renaissance period paved way for the wide distribution of composition and literature?
A. The invention of printing during 1400s.
B. The discovery of the actual position of the Earth in the Solar System.
C. Most of the music is transmitted by scholars through notation to assist dissemination.
D. The invention of the compass creating a wider navigation not only of the lands but also of the oceans.
2. Who made the Gregorian chant that approved music in the Catholic Church?
A. Pope Francis I C. Pope Gregory I
B. Pope John I D. Pope Maximillian I
3. What makes the texture of the music of the Baroque Period different from other periods?
A. The texture of the music from the early period to the late period of the Baroque was monophonic.
B. The texture of the music from the early period to the late period of the Baroque was polyphonic.
C. The texture of the music from the early period was monophonic and the later part of the period was homophonic.
D. The texture of the music from the early period was homophonic and the later part of the period was polyphonic.
4. What musical period highlights grandiose and elaborate ornamentation?
A. Baroque B. Classical C. Medieval D. Renaissance
5. What musical compositions that resemble a harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant church during the Baroque
A. Chorale B. Madrigal C. Oratorio D. Troubadour
6. During the latter part of the medieval period, popular music emerged with was not bound by Catholic traditions. What kind of
music is described in this statement?
A. Cantata C. Sacred Music
B. Instrumental music D. Secular music
7. The following are characteristics of secular music of the Medieval period, except.
A. Usually monophonic C. Occasionally with improvised accompaniment
B. Usually based on Latin Liturgy D. It originated in France.
8. Medieval: Monophonic, Renaissance: ___________
A. Homophonic C. Polyphonic
B. Heterophonic D. None of the above
9. How would you describe the Renaissance period?
A. It consists of songs, instrumental pieces, and liturgical music from about 500 A.D. to 1400.
B. Most music was written to order and it was commissioned by aristocratic courts, churches, opera houses, and
C. A period where the printing press was invented that helped flourished visual arts and literature as well as reproduce
musical pieces.
D. Known for its fast movement, ornamentation, and dramatic alterations in tempo and volume.
10. What form of orchestral music during the Baroque period where in the music is between a small group of solo instruments
called concertino and the whole orchestra called tutti?
A. Cantata B. Concerto C. Concerto Grosso D. Oratorio
11. Which of the statement below is NOT included in the characteristic of the mass in Renaissance Period?
A. Mostly polyphonic.
B. Has a monophonic texture.
C. Text may be syllabic, neumatic or melismatic.
D. Maybe sung in a Capella or with orchestral accompaniment.
12. Which of the characteristics does NOT describe Gregorian chant?
A. It is usually based on Liturgy C. it uses Neume notation
B. Imitation of voices is common D. Usually monophonic texture
13. Your group was tasked to do a mural painting in your school using the colors made with grind
powder pigments in pure water to make the painting become an integral part of the wall. What
technique of painting is ideal for mural painting using the above-mentioned materials?
A. fresco b. encaustic c. acrylic d. chiaroscuro
14. Which of the statement below BEST describe the function of prehistoric art?
A. It is used for religious C. It is for communication
B. It is for ceremonial D. All of the above
15. Which method of painting water-based pigments on a freshly applied plaster that is usually on the wall surface?
A. Encaustic B. Frescos C. Oil colors D. Tempera
16. Which of the following BEST describes an Egyptian sculpture?
A. Significant in revealing the artistic progress of the culture or artist involved.
B. Symbolisms were heavily used to represent the Gods.
C. Living is presented larger than the dead.
D. Faithful and direct imitation of human anatomy.
17. You were asked by your art teacher to paint using melted beeswax and mineral pigment to varnish
your work of art. What medium of painting are you going to apply?
a. fresco b. encaustic c. acrylic d. chiaroscuro
18. A typical art process in the Romantic era where pieces of colored glass, stone, or other materials were
formed together to create an image.
a. stained glass b. photography c. printmaking d. mosaic
19. Temples in Ancient Greece consisted of a shrine or room in an aisle surrounded by laws and columns. These buildings
were designed in one of the three architectural styles or orders. Which of these is NOT included in the Greek Architectural
A. Corinthian B. Cromlech C. Doric D. Ionic
20. Greeks: Free-standing, Romans: ___________
A. Painting B. Mosaic C. Relief D. None of the above
21. How does an artist apply mosaic art?
A. By molding objects into solid form C. By using geometric figures
B. By trying to show all sides of an object D. By using small pieces of colorful glass to an assemblage
22. Which of the following described Egyptian sculpture?
A. It depicts legends and love forms
B. It is blind images in a small form
C. It is represented by animal heads and human bodies
D. It shows traces of elongated faces and large eyes and noses
23. What is red-figured pottery that was named after the place where it is found?
A. Kerch style B. Kertch style C. Kirch style D. Krater style
24. What art process is created to transform the vast interiors with warm and glowing colors and at the same time it instruct
the Christians in their faith?
A. Assemblage B. Kerch style C. Mosaic D. Stained Glass
25. What style adopted by the Greeks denotes preference in sculpture for more elaborated patterns, mannered
arrangement of figures and groups, and an emphasis on the representation of movement for dramatic effects?
A. Assyrian style B. Babylonian style C. Hellenistic style D. Persian style
26. Which of the statement below BEST describes Sports officiating?
A. A system used in sports activity whether it is competitive or recreational.
B. A system used to maintain order and fairness in implementing rules and regulations of the game.
C. A system of managing sports, specifically on implementing the rules of the game and keeping order.
D. All of the above
27. What is the difference between sprain and strain?
A. Strain is a stretch or tear of a ligament, while sprain twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon.
B. Sprain is a stretch or tear of a ligament, while strain twist, pull or tear of a muscle or tendon.
C. There is no difference. They are both injuries relating to tendons and ligaments.
D. None of the above
28. What do you call the ability of an individual to perform daily activities without undue fatigue?
A. Health-related fitness B. Skill-related C. Fitness D. Flexibility
29. Student A can run fast as student B. In what particular component does student B pay forward?
A. Coordination B. Flexibility C. Power D. Speed
30. The following are the home treatment for sprain and strain, except.
A. Start moving the injured limb after 48 hrs. but only enough not to cause pain.
B. Use pain reliever medicine such as ibuprofen or aspirin.
C. Do not apply a cold compress during the first 2 days.
D. Apply the R.I.C.E method
31. What term refers to the qualities of an official pertaining to one’s mind preparation?
A. Social B. Mental C. Physical D. Emotional
32. Which qualities of an official refer to the ability to deal with others to any situation?
A. Social B. Mental C. Physical D. Emotional
33. Gerald was hired to officiate the basketball game in a barangay tournament. In the actual game, Gerald felt nervous
facing the players and the coaches on each team. What qualities of an officiating official that Gerald lacks?
A. Emotional Qualities B. Mental Qualities C. Physical Qualities D. Social Qualities
34. What do you call a system of managing and implementing orders during the game?
A. Sports Management B. Sports Officiating C. Sports Team D. Sports Office
35. The following are the first aid for someone experiencing heat exhaustion, except.
A. Lie down the victim with his/her feet elevated.
B. Keep the victim cool.
C. Have them sip electrolyte beverages
D. After 24 hrs., start moving the limb gently, but only enough not to cause pain.
36. What sports activity is played by 3 or more players?
A. Dual Sport B. Team Sport C. Individual Sport D. Sport
37. Speed: measures the capacity of the body to move from one point to another.
A. Ability of the body to change direction from one place to another.
B. Capacity of the muscle group to sustain a prolonged contraction.
C. Ability to transfer a certain amount of force at a rapid pace.
D. All of the above

38. What law or act help the domestic mining industry regains its competitiveness by allowing companies to obtain
exploration permit for a specific area for up to four years?
A. Mining Act of 1993 B. Mining Act of 1994 C. Mining Act of 1995 D. Mining Act of 1996
39. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
A. To attain the luxury of life
B. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
C. To keep the safety of the community
D. To live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home
40. Which is NOT an effect of Flash flood?
A. Contamination of drinking water C. Destruction of sewage system
B. Destruction of dams and destruction of canals D. Suffocation of marine animals
41. Which kind of pollution is chiefly caused by chemicals in pesticides, such as poisons that are used to kill agricultural
pests like insects and herbicides that are to get rid of weeds?
A. Land Pollution B. Noise Pollution C. Soil Pollution D. Water Pollution
42. What is defined as the art and science of maintaining, protecting, and improving the health of all the members of the
community through organized and sustained community efforts?
A. Community B. Community Health C. Environmental Health D. Primary Health Care
43. Which of these is NOT included in the causes of Soil Erosion?
A. Building of Roads B. Mining C. Reforestation D. Urbanization
44. What kind of refuse materials that are hazardous solids and liquids such as explosives, pathological wastes, radioactive
materials, and batteries?
A. Construction Waste B. Industrial Waste C. Special Waste D. Sewage Treatment
45. What waste materials such as bottles, broken glass, yin cans, waste papers discarded porcelain ware, pieces of metal,
and other wrapping materials?
A. Garbage B. Stable Manure C. Rubbish D. Yard Cuttings
46. James found out that their neighbor, Bea was always burning plastic and rubber wastes. What should he do?
a. Kindly approach her to stop burning and explain the bad effects of her action on our environment.
b. Shout and yell at her about her action so that all your neighbors know.
c. Slowly go near and secretly punch her in the stomach for her to learn.
d. Pour her muriatic acid so that she cannot go out anymore.
47. How can one help in promoting a healthy environment?
a. By protecting it from disease, hazard, and pollution.
b. By treating it costly from the problems arises.
c. By preventing it from foreign investors.
d. By providing high-end facilities and equipment.
48. What is environmental health?
A. It is an art and science of maintaining, protecting, and improving the health of people.
B. Aspects of human health that are determined by physical, social, and psychosocial factors.
C. State of holistic well-being and not just the absence of diseases.
D. A sociological group in one place.
49. What is defined as a sociological group in a large place sharing one environment that includes the individual and the
A. Community B. Environmental Health C. Community Health D. Primary Health Care
50. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?
A. Less disease, less health care costs
B. Active community involvement
C. More budget for health problems, and increased supply of medicines.
D. More community projects for community development

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