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Entrance examination for grade 12 from 1995 – 2011

Grade 11 unit 2

Biochemical molecules

1, Which of the following is a disaccharide found in cells and consists of the same sub units?

A, Glucose B, Maltose C, Sucrose D, Galactose

2, Choose the one that helps to reduce the risk of developing cancer

A, Eating diets that consists of more fatty foods B, eating foods with more proportion of dietary fiber

C, Refraining from smoking cigarette D, Having blood transfusion

3, Which of the following is formed by condensation of monosaccharaides or by hydrolysis of


A, glucose B, starch C, Glycogen D, Disaccharides

4, Choose the class of organic compound in which steroids are classified

A, Protein B, Carbohydrate c, Nucleic acid D, Lipid

5, Which of the following is used as source of energy for the body ass the last resort?

A, carbohydrate B, glycogen C, Fatty acid D Protein

6, Who might be considered a more likely passive smoker?

A, One who smokes cigarette without filter

B, One who smokes less than ten packets of cigarette per day

C, A smoker but who is not chain smoker

D, A nonsmoker woman whose chain smoker husband smokes in the house without restraint

7, which of the following biological molecule known as the energy currency of the cell?

A, Glucose B, Adenosine triphosphate C, Sucrose D, Starch

8, If you want to make general test for the presence of carbohydrates in a solution, which testing
protocol would you follow?

A, Benedict’s test B, Molisch test C, Starch test D, Biuret test

9, Which property of water keeps lake inhabiting organisms from freezing in winter in cold regions like
arctic region?

A, High latent heat of vaporization B, high heat of fusion

C, High surface tension D, Low density of solid state

10, How many carbon atoms are found in the sugar component of nucleotide?
A, Three B, Four C, Five D, six

11, Why is it that neutral fat do not dissolve in water?

A, They form hydrogen bond with water

B, Water is polar and neutral fat is also polar

C., Water is non-polar and neutral fat is also non polar

D, Water is polar and neutral fats are non-polar

12, A sugar found in DNA and RNA molecule is

A, Triose B, Pentose C, Hexose D, Tetrose

13, What is the building block of protein?

A, Fatty acid B, Amino acid C, Nucleotides D, Monosaccharaides

14, Which level of a protein structural organization is represented by its amino acid sequence?

A, Primary structure B, Secondary structure C, Tertiary structure d, Quaternary structure

15, Enzymes of plant cells are made of which organic compound?

A, Lipid B, Starch C, Cellulose D, Protein

16, Which of the following the substance that is used to check for the presence of starch in a solution?

A, Sodium chloride B, Iodine C, Magnesium D, Fluorine

17, Among the elements listed below select the one that is not found in carbohydrates?

A, Hydrogen B, Carbon C, Nitrogen D, Oxygen

18, Which of the following nitrogenous bases is found only in RNA?

A, Cytosine B, Guanine C, Uracil D, thymine

19, Which one of the following compound is quickly absorbed through the wall of the stomach?

A, Alcohol B, Lipid C, Sucrose D, Protein

20, Which of the following compound is basic unit of proteins?

A, Sugar B, Amino acid C, Lipids D, Nucleic acid

21, Which of the following polysaccharide has no structural function?

A, Glycogen B, chitin C, Cellulose D, Murein

22, Which of the following organic molecules is the most abundant in animal tissue?

A, Carbohydrates B, Lipids C, Proteins D, nucleic acids

23, What is the name of the chemical process in which polymers are converted to monomers in the

A, Anabolism B, Hydrolysis C, condensation D, dehydration system

24, Which of the following elements occur more abundantly in the living organisms than the others?

A, Aluminum B, Lead C, Phosphorus D, Zink

25, The DNA of certain organisms has guanine as 30% of its bases. What percentage of its bases would
be counted for by adenine?

A, 105 B, 20% C, 30% D, 60%

26, Both plants and humans keep in their bodies’ stored form of carbohydrates. What are these stored
forms called respectively?

A, Glycogen, Starch B, Starch, Cellulose C, starch, glycogen D, Cellulose, glycogen

27, To which groups of compounds do enzymes belong?

A, Lipoprotein B, Fibrous protein C, Globular protein d, Deoxy ribonucleic acid

28, In which of the following is macromolecule correctly matched with its monomer building block?

A, Carbohydrate – glycerol B, Protein – fatty acid

C, Lipids – amino acids D, Nucleic acid – nucleotides

29, How many carbon atoms are contained in two molecules of glucose?

A, 6 B, 12 C, 16 D, 24

30, Which of the following is the most abundant form of carbohydrates on earth?

A, Starch B, Cellulose C, Glycogen D, Chitin

31, Which of the following elements is found in protein and nucleic acids but does not occur in

A, Carbon B, Nitrogen C, Oxygen C, Hydrogen

32, What is stored form of sugar that is found in human tissues?

A, Cellulose B, Coenzyme C, Nucleic acid D, Glycogen

33, Which of the following classes of crops is a good source of proteins?

A, Leaf vegetables B, cereals C, Pulses D, root and tubers

34, What makes phospholipid molecules arrange themselves into bilayer in water medium?

A, The double bond of fatty acid B, the length of fatty acid

C, The presence of hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups D, Their high solubility in water
35, Which of the following is polysaccharide?

A, Sucrose B, glucose C, Cellulose D, fructose

36, Which of the following compound is quickly absorbed through the wall of the stomach?

A, Fat B, protein C, Sugar D, Alcohol

37, Which of the following is most abundant polysaccharide found in plants?

A, glycogen B, Celluloses C, Sucrose d, Starch

38, Which of the following molecules is capable of mutation?

A, Nucleic acid B, protein C, Carbohydrates D, Lipids

39, Which alternative correctly matches the polymers with its monomers?

A, Carbohydrate, amino acid B, Protein, Monosaccharaides

C, Nucleic acid, nucleotide D, Lipids, fat

40, Which one of the following carbohydrates are polysaccharides except which?

A, Glucose B, Cellulose C, Starch D, Glycogen

41, Which one of the following sugars do babies get from the milk of their mothers?

A, Maltose B, Sucrose C, Lactose D, Fructose

42, Which of the following contains phosphate group in its molecule?

A, Nucleotide B, Protein C, Cellulose D, Simple sugar

43, Which of the following are not included in lipids?

A, Nitrogen bases B, Waxes C, Steroids D, Phospholipids

44, Which property of water keeps the bottom of the lakes and the life there in from being frozen during
cold winters in temperate region?

A, Its highest density at 4oC B, Its high heat of vaporization

C, Its high boiling point D, Its high latent heat of fusion

45, Which of the following helps to keep the biological members in a fluid state?

A, Phospholipids B, Waxes C, Cholesterol D, Water

46, Which of the following compound is an important component of the exoskeleton of arthropods such
as insects?

A, Oil B, Sugar C, protein D, Chitin

47, How many different kinds of amino acids are there for protein synthesis?
A, Twenty B, twenty four C, Twenty six D, twenty two

48, Which of the following compound is an important component of bacterial cell wall?

A, Chitin B, Peptidoglycan C, cellulose D, pectin

49, How many carbon atoms are contained in single molecules of sucrose?

A, 6 B, 12 C, 24 D, 48

50, Which of the following pairs of elements are found in all carbohydrates in addition to the element

A, Nitrogen and oxygen B, Hydrogen and oxygen

C, Hydrogen and nitrogen C, Phosphorus and nitrogen

51, In the process of amino acid condensation, which one of the following happens?

A, Oxygen is used up B, CO2 is released

C, water is released as a byproduct D, Protein is broken down into amino aid

52, Which of the following properties of water makes sweat an effective body cooler?

A, Its high specific heat B, Its high surface tension

C, It is low density when frozen D, Its high heat of vaporization

53, In which of their structural parts do different molecules of amino acids differ from one another?

A, In their R group B, In their amino group

C, In their carbonyl group D, In their alpha carbon group

54, If one mixes sample of fruit juice and some drops of Benedict’s solution and obtains a brick red
precipitate upon warming the mixture, what does the juice contain?

A, starch B, Reducing sugar C, Sucrose D, protein

55, All proteins contain carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and what other elements?

A, Chlorine, B, Fluorine C, Nitrogen D, Sulfur

56, How many carbon atoms are there in one disaccharide molecule?

A, 6 B, 12 C, 18 D, 24

57, What makes unsaturated fatty acids different from saturated fatty acids?

A, the presence if long chain of carbons B, The presence of one or more double bonds

C, The presence of large number of hydrogen atoms D, their occurrence as solid at room temperature

58, Which of the following pairs of molecules are known to have catalytic activity?
A, lipids and protein B, carbohydrates and protein C, Protein and RNAs D, Proteins and DNAs

59, What is the name of sugar found in milk?

A, Glucose B, Lactose C, Maltose D, Sucrose

60, Which of the following crops is considered to be the best choice for the better balance of essential
amino acids as human diet?

A, Maize B, Quinoa C, Rice D, wheat

61, In which of is content RNA differing from DNA?

A, Deoxyribose and guanine B, Ribose and uracil C, Ribose and thymine D, phosphate and adenine

62, What can one conclude about the content of food staff if a mixture of benedict solution and the food
staff remain blue after heating?

A, It contains protein B, It lacks starch C, it contains fat D, It lacks reducing sugar

63, Which of the following substances are all inorganic?

A, Water, sugar, calcium, carbonate B, water, calcium, carbonate, carbon dioxide

C, Carbon dioxide, amino acid, fatty acid D, Carbon dioxide, amino acid, fatty acid

64, Which of the following compounds are both members of the pair are polymers of carbohydrates that
naturally occur in plant only?

A, Starch and chitin B, Starch and cellulose c, Glycogen and cellulose D, Glycogen and chitin

65, Which of the following is generally expected to give better health benefits when present in human

A, Animal fat B, Saturated fatty acid

C, Monounsaturated fat acid D, Polyunsaturated fatty acid

66, Which one of the following molecules in living things is not an organic molecule?

A, Sugar B, Nucleotide C, Amino acid D, Water

67, Which molecule in the cell is constituent of gene?

A, Nucleic acid B, Protein C, Lipid D, Carbohydrate

68, Which of the following is a distinguishing feature of amino acid?

A, Carbon B, Oxygen C, Hydrogen D, nitrogen

69, How many carbon and oxygen atoms are there in molecules of maltose?

A, 6 carbon and 6 oxygen B, 12 carbon and 11 oxygen

C, 11 carbon and 12 oxygen D, 24 carbon and 12 oxygen

70, Which of the following carbohydrates has structural function?

A, Cellulose B, Glycogen C, Starch D, sucrose

71, Which of the following is true about saturated fatty acid?

A, they have single bond between carbon atoms

B, they are the same as polyunsaturated fatty acid

C, they are the same as monounsaturated fatty acid

D, they have double bonds between carbon atoms

72, Which of the following is true about the substance represented by the chemical formula C2H5NO2?

A, Simple sugar B, inorganic substance C, Fatty acid D, Amino acids

73, Choose the one that represents the chemical formula of organic compound?

A, C12H22O11 B, Mg (OH) 2 C, NH3 D, NaCl

74, How are unsaturated fats distinguished?

A, they are made up of glucose and fructose

B, they are made up of amino acids and glycerol

C, they have double bonds in their carbon chains

D, they have only single bonds at the product of attachment

75, Which of the following molecule is produced when a lipid molecule is hydrolyzed?

A, Amino acid and water B, Amino acid and glucose

C, Fatty acid and glycerol D, Glucose and glycerol

76, What is the molecule that supplies the quickest and sustainable source of energy to cells?

A, Lactose B, Sucrose C, ATP D, lipid

77, A carbohydrate is known to have 12 carbon atoms in the whole molecule. What would this
compound be?

A, Polypeptide B, Disaccharide C, Monosaccharide D, Polysaccharide

78, Which of the following molecules is not polymer?

A, Protein B, Lipid C, Nucleotide D, Starch

79, If a certain food staff gave positive result with Benedict’s test only after it was hydrolyzed with
hydrochloric acid, which of the following substances could it be?

A, Non-reducing sugar B, Nucleic acid C, Lipid D, Protein

80, Which level of structural organization do proteins have the alpha helix shape?

A, Primary structure B, Secondary structure C, Tertiary structure D, Quaternary structure

81, What is the element found in nucleic acid?

A, Calcium B, Iron C, magnesium D, Phosphorus

82, The most complex structure of protein is called?

A, Primary structure B, Secondary structure C, Tertiary structure D, Quaternary structure

83, In the formation of macromolecules, what type of reaction would join two sub units together?

A, Hydrolysis reaction B, Dehydration reaction C, Denaturation reaction D, hydrophobic reaction

84, Which are the four most abundant elements in the living cells?

A, Carbon, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus B, carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen

C, Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur D, Carbon, oxygen, sulfur, magnesium

85, Which of the following is an inorganic molecule?

A, CaCO3 B, CH4 C, C12H22O11 D, C18H36O2

86, To which group of organic compounds do the triglycerides and waxes belong?

A, Carbohydrates B, Proteins C, Lipids D, Vitamins

87, Which of the following is true about proteins?

A, They are made up of twenty fatty acids B, They are triangular in shape

C, they are made up of amino acids D, They release more energy than carbohydrates

88, Which of the following properties of water allows mosquito larvae to hung themselves down into
the water from the water surface?

A, Its high specific heat capacity B, its high latent heat of vaporization

C, Its high surface tension D, Its low density in solid state

89, Which one of the following is functional group of fatty acid?

A, Ketone group B, Aldehyde group C, Amino group D, carboxyl group

90, Which of the following food types would most likely give a negative result upon addition of iodine

A, Bread B, Butter C, Biscuit D, Potato

91, Which one of the following functions, do triglycerides accomplish in the cell?

A, Increase density of tissue and cells B, Increase thermal insulation

C, yield limited amount of ATP for the cell D, Facilitate entry of excess water into the cell

92, How many fatty acids would a cell need to form molecules of triglyceride?

A, Two B, Four C, Five D, three

93, Which of the following can serve as raw materials for industries that produce glucose?

A, Nucleic acid b, protein C, lipid D, Starch

94, How many known amino acids are there?

A, About 10 B, about 35 C, About 20 D, About 46

95, Which of the following classes of fatty acid is without carbon carbon-double bond?

A, Monounsaturated fatty acid B, Unsaturated fatty acid

C, Saturated fatty acid D, Polyunsaturated fatty acid

96, What is the substance that helps to keep the biological membrane in a fluid state?

A, Waxes B, Water C, cholesterol D, Phospholipid

97, Why does sucrose give a negative result when mixed and heated with benedict’s solution?

A, because it is not sugar molecule B, because it is a reducing sugar

C, because it is non-reducing sugar D, because it is not monosaccharide

98, Which of the following fatty acid is healthier when used as human food source?

A, Saturated fatty acid B, Monounsaturated fatty acid

C, Polyunsaturated fatty acids D, fatty acids in animal products

99, Which one of the following is different from the other three?

A, Starch B, Glycogen C, Cellulose D, Maltose

100, Which level of protein structural organizations involves two or more polypeptide?

A, Primary structure B, Secondary structure C, Tertiary structure D, Quaternary structure

101, Which of the following element is most abundant in living things?

A, Nitrogen B, carbon C, Hydrogen D, Oxygen

102, When a drop of iodine solution is added to a solution of food stuff and the food stuff turns dark
blue, what does the food stuff contain?

A, Reducing sugar B, Disaccharide C, Glucose D, Starch

103, Among the following organic molecules, identify the one that does not contain nitrogen?

A, Starch B, Protein C, DNA D, RNA

104, Which of the following alternatives contains only organic molecules?

A, Calcium carbonate, Glucose, Methane

B, Carbon dioxide, sodium chloride, lysine

C, Linoleic acid, glycine, methane

D, Water, carbon dioxide, Calcium oxide

105, Which test is suitable for checking the presence of lipid in food stuff?

A, Biuret test B, Benedict’s test C, Emulsion test D, Iodine test

106, Of the following organic molecules, which one includes a pentose sugar?

A, Glucose B, fructose C, Galactose D, Deoxyribose

107, Which of the following properties of water makes a sweat a good body coolant?

A, Its strong surface tension B, its low density in solid state

C, its strong adhesion to the surface D, its high heat of vaporization

108, How many molecules of glycerol and fatty acids, respectively, are needed to form 100 molecules of
triglyceride fat?

A, 50 and 50 B, 100 and 100 C, 100 and 300 D, 150 and 400

109, How are organic molecules distinguished from inorganic molecules? Organic molecules always

A, Oxygen and hydrogen B, Carbon and oxygen C, Oxygen and nitrogen D, Carbon and hydrogen

110, What is the possible effect of the weak hydrogen bond among water molecules?

A, It helps the water to boil at lower temperature

B, It results in the crystal shape of eyes

C, it plays a significant role in the interaction of water molecules with hydrophobic surface

D, It speeds up photosynthesis

111, To which groups of sugar can the molecule dihydroxyacetone be classified?

A, Pentose sugars b, Hexose sugars C, triose sugars D, oligo sugars

112, Which of the following two elements are found in all organic molecules?

A, Carbon and oxygen B, Carbon and nitrogen C, Carbon and hydrogen D, Carbon and phosphorus

113, If two molecules of six carbon sugars are condensed to form a disaccharide, which of the following
is the correct molecular formula of the disaccharides?

A, C12H24O12 B, C6H12O6 C, C11H12O11 D, C12H22O11

114, What are the compounds that have the chemical composition but different arrangement of atoms?

A, An ions B, Polymers C, Isomers D, Monomers

115, Of the following four elements, which one is the least abundant in the living things?

A, Oxygen B, Hydrogen C, Sulfur D, Carbon

116, One of the following is non-carbohydrate molecule

A, Collagen B, Cellulose C, Starch d, Glycogen

117, which of these elements is known to have less than 10% occurrence in many cells?

A, Carbon B, Nitrogen C, Hydrogen D, Oxygen

118, when glucose molecules are joined by α-linkage which of the following carbohydrate is obtained?

A, Starch B, Lactose C, glycogen D, cellulose

119, Lipids to become sphingolipids must contain

A, Glycerol B, Triglycerides C, Alcohol D, Nitroge


No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer
1 B 26 C 51 C 76 C 101 B
2 C 27 C 52 A 77 B 102 D
3 D 28 D 53 A 78 C 103 A
4 D 29 B 54 A 79 A 104 C
5 D 30 B 55 C 80 B 105 C
6 D 31 B 56 B 81 D 106 D
7 B 32 D 57 B 82 D 107 D
8 B 33 C 58 C 83 B 108 C
9 C 34 C 59 B 84 B 109 D
10 C 35 C 60 B 85 A 110 D
11 D 36 D 61 B 86 C 111 C
12 B 37 B 62 D 87 C 112 C
13 B 38 A 63 B 88 D 113 D
14 A 39 C 64 B 89 D 114 C
15 D 40 A 65 D 90 B 115 C
16 B 41 C 66 D 91 B 116 A
17 C 42 A 67 A 92 D 117 B
18 C 43 A 68 D 93 D 118 A
19 A 44 B 69 B 94 C 119 D
20 B 45 C 70 A 95 C 120
21 A 46 D 71 A 96 C 121
22 C 47 A 72 D 97 C 122
23 B 48 B 73 A 98 C 123
24 C 49 B 74 C 99 D 124
25 B 50 B 75 C 100 D 125



1, Select the enzyme which has wide application in leather industry to remove hairs and make the
leather product flexible

A, Rennin B, Lipase C, Lactose B, Trypsin

2, which class of enzymes joins molecules together?

A, Lyases B, Hydrolases C, Transferases D, Ligases

3, Which of the following mixtures the enzymes catalyze acts faster on hydrogen peroxide?

A, H2O + HCl + fresh potato cube

B, H2O2 + NaOH + fresh potato cube

C, H2O2 + fresh potato cube

D, H2O2 + boiled potato cube

4, To which of the following organic molecules enzymes belong?

A, Carbohydrate B, Lipid C, Protein D, Nucleic acid

5, Which of the following enzymes works best in acidic PH?

A, Pepsin B, Salivary amylase C, Pancreatic lipase D, Catalase

6, Which enzyme is used in textile industry to remove starch used in fabrics as adhesive or support
during weaving?

A, Amyloglucosidase B, Lipase C, Amylase D, Trypsin

7, To which one of the following is the origin of the term enzyme more related ?

A, Yeast B, Bacteria C, Virus D, Protozoa

8, Which of the following is effective to reverse enzyme inhibition that is caused by reversible
competitive inhibitor? It is to increase:

A, The PH of the reaction B, The substrate concentration

C, The temperature of the reaction D, The concentration of the inhibitors

9, Which of the following statement is true?

A, Enzymes do not start chemical reaction

B, Enzymes lower the activation energy of the chemical reaction

C, Enzymes are used up during reaction they catalyze

D, All of the above

10, Which of the following enzymes has its optimum PH in the acidic range?

A, Catalase B, Pancreatic lipase C, Salivary amylase D, Pepsin

11, Which part of human sperm cell contains the respiratory enzymes ?

A, head B, Middle piece C, Neck D, Tail

12, The enzyme that has wide industrial application in starch industries, textile industries and in the
making of biological detergents is

A, trypsin B, Lipase C, Amylase D, isomerase

13, If an enzyme has optimum activity at neutral PH, to which of the following PH values does this

A, 14 B, 7 C, 12 D, 4

14, What is true about the rate of an enzyme catalyzed reaction if the enzyme concentration is kept
constant and the substrate is supplied in excess? The rate would be

A, Rise continuously B, Stay constant C, Decline sharply D, None of the above

15, Among the following identify the molecule that is an enzyme?

A, starch B, cellulase C, Cellulose D, Glycogen

16, An enzyme known as catalase convert hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen, in this reaction
which one is the substrate?

A, Catalase B, Hydrogen peroxide C, Water and oxygen D, water only

17, Identify the statement that more correctly explains why each cell contains so many different types of
enzymes? Enzymes are:

A, consumed in the process of catalysis B, Used over and over again

C, Specific to their substrates D, Easily synthesized in the cells

18, If an enzyme is provided with its normal substrate plus another molecule having the same shape and
size as substrate, which one of the following would happen?

A, Allosteric inhibition B, competitive inhibition C, Irreversible inhibition D, end product inhibition

19, If one keeps on adding substrate to a fixed amount of an enzyme, when does the reaction rate reach
a plateau?

A, when all substrate is converted to product

B, when all the active sites of the enzymes are occupied

C, when most of the enzyme molecules are consumed

D, when much of the products are accumulated

20, What do we call substance upon which enzymes act?

A, Product B, Substrate C, Activation energy D, Enzyme substrate complex

21, Which factor has more negative effect on the functions of enzymes than the others?

A, Neutral PH B, Very high temperature

C, Optimum amount of salt concentration D, Optimum amount of substrate concentration

22, When an enzyme is denatured by heat or extreme PH, which one of the following does it lose?

A, Peptide bond B, Primary structure C, Secondary structure D, Tertiary structure

23, Which of the following mechanisms do cells use to regulate enzyme catalyzed reaction in metabolic

A, Enzyme denaturation B, Irreversible inhibition

C, End product inhibition D, Competitive inhibition

24, In which one of the following points does the induced fit model of enzyme action differ from thee
lock and key model?

A, Enzymes lower the energy of activation

B, Substrate bind at the active site of the enzyme

C, During the reaction, an enzyme substrate complex formed

D, The shape of substrate and active site are complementary

25, suppose 25% of molecules of an enzyme are inhibited by non-competitive inhibitor, which one of the
following would happen is the amount of substrate increased by 50%?

A, the reaction rate would double

B, More enzyme molecules would get inhibited

C, The rate of reaction would decrease by 50%

D, The rate of reaction would remain unchanged

26, In competitive inhibition, which one of the following factors determines the rate of inhibition?

A, The reaction temperature B, The enzyme concentration

C, The substrate concentration D, The ratio of inhibitor to enzyme concentration

27, What are the environmental advantages of using enzyme in industry?

A, It makes high production possible with less input of heat

B, It makes high production possible with high output of heat

C, it makes high production with high emission of more CO2

D, It helps high production with supply of more heat and emission of more CO2

28, Which of the following unit is the building unit of an enzyme molecule?

A, Amino acids B, glucose C, nucleotides d, fatty acid

29, Which one of the following classes of enzymes digests carbohydrates?

A, Amylases B, Lipases C, Proteases D, Nucleases

30, To which class of enzymes do the digestive enzymes belong?

A, Esterase B, Transferees C, Hydrolases D, Isomerizes

31, Which of the following types of enzymes inhibition can be removal when the end product of the
metabolic pathway is depleted?

A, Allosteric inhibition B, Non reversible inhibition

C, Competitive inhibition D, Reversible competitive inhibition

32, In case of enzymatic chemical reaction, what do you call the substance that is acted upon by an

A, Polypeptide B, coenzyme C, Vitamin D, Substrate

33, Which of the following is the common characteristics of all enzymes?

A, They act inside the cell only B, They are proteins

C, They require cofactors D, They operate at any PH

34, In to which of the following organic compounds can lipase, maltase an sucrose grouped?

A, Hormones B, carbohydrates C, Nucleic acids D, Enzymes

35, Which of the following PH represents strongest base?

A, 2 B, 7 C, 13 D, 15

36, Which group of organic compounds include enzymes?

A, Protein B, Lipids C, Starch D, Carbohydrates.

37, For biological detergents to effectively remove oily and greasy dirt, which of the following enzymes
should it contain?

A, Cellulase B, protease C, Amylase D, Lipase

38, Which region of human digestive tract contains enzymes that perform well at low PH?

A, Mouth B, Stomach C, Small intestine D, Large intestine

39, To which of the following organic molecules do enzymes belong?

A, Carbohydrates C, Amino acids C, Proteins D, Lipids

40, Which of the following substances has a shape which is similar to that of the substrate of an

A, The reaction product B, The competitive inhibitors ? C, A cofactor D, An allosteric inhibitors

41, Which one of the following terms refers to how fast an enzyme acts on its substrate?

A, Turn over number B, substrate number C, Enzyme number D, Product number

42, The optimum temperature of enzymes found in thermophilic bacteria is

A, Lower than for the enzyme in the human body

B, higher than the enzymes in the human body

C, the same as the enzymes found in the human body

D, lower than the enzymes found in the warm blooded animals

43, Which of the following properties of enzymes makes it possible that single enzyme molecule can act
on many substrates is added to the reaction, which of the following might be the reason?

A, Saturation of the enzyme B, Inactivation of the enzyme

C, Inhibition of enzyme substrate complex formation D, Loss of substrate specificity by the enzyme

44, Which part of human alimentary canals contains digestive enzymes that function at acidic PH?

A, Stomach B, Mouth C, esophagus D, Small intestine

45, Which of the following is made up of globular protein?

A, Enzyme B, Keratin C, Collagen D, glycogen

46, Which of the following industries can reduce more CO2 emission by shifting to the use of enzymes in
manufacturing process?

A, Bread making B, cheese making C, Leather making D, Manufacturing cosmetics

47, In which are of enzyme application is invertase injection to sucrose paste in order to produce liquid

A, detergent making industry B, pulp and paper industry

C, Pharmaceutical industry D, Food processing industry

48, Which one of the following functions best at higher optimum PH than all the rest?

A, Pepsin B, Salivary amylase C, trypsin D, enzyme in the stomach

49, Which class of enzymes joins to molecules together by formation of new bond?

A, Ligase b, isomerase C, lyase D, hydrolase

50, In an enzyme that contains non protein organic molecules, in addition to protein component, what is
the protein component called?

A, Apo enzyme B, Coenzyme C, holoenzyme D, Cofactor

51, Which of the following should be done in order to remove an enzyme inhibition caused by enzyme

A, Remove affected enzyme molecules B, Add more substrate to the system

C, Remove the end product of the reaction D, Add more inhibitors to the system

52, Deficiency of which of the following human diet is likely to result in deficiency of some coenzymes
like FAD?

A, Essential amino acids B, Vitamins C, Carbohydrates D, Saturated fatty acids

53, What causes tomato fruit to ripen much more slowly when kept in a refrigerator than if left on table
at room temperature?

A, Low temperature slows the normal action of ripening enzymes

B, enzymes produced by bacteria normally inhibits ripening

C, Humidify accelerates enzyme activity and ripening process

D, Normal temperature arrests the action of ripening enzymes

54, What is immediate compound that is formed during an enzyme catalyzed reaction?

A, Reactant B, substrate C, Product D, enzyme substrate complex

55, Which of the following substance can be used over and over again in an enzyme catalyzed reaction?

A, Enzyme substrate complex B, Substrate C, Enzyme D, Reaction product

56, To produce glucose from starch, which of the following enzymes would one use?

A, Isomerases B, lyases C, Hydrolases D, Ligases

57, Among the following factors that affect enzymes activity, which one does not cause enzyme

A, High PH B, Low PH C, High temperature D, Competitive inhibitors

58, Most coenzymes are derivatives of which of the following nutrient?

A, Protein B, Vitamin C, Carbohydrates D, Fats

59, Which class of enzyme inhibitors has similar shape as that of the normal substrate?

A, Allosteric B, competitive C, denaturing D, irreversible

60, Which of the following statements about the enzymes is not correct?
A, Enzymes speed up a chemical reaction

B, Enzymes are very specific in their action

C, The presence of an enzyme will change the outcome of a reaction

D, Enzymes lower the energy of activation for a reaction to occur

61, How does a heavy metal ion reduce the reaction rate of enzymes?

A, By destroying the 3- dimension shape of enzyme active site

B, By raising the temperature above the optimum level for the enzyme

C, By dropping the PH well below the optimum level for the enzyme

D, By inducing mutation that disrupts the functioning of the enzyme

62, What happens when enzymes become denatured?

A, They can normally catalyze the reaction

B, Their active sites are changed

C, The rate of a reaction increases

D, Bonds holding amino acids are unaffected

63, Which type of enzyme catalyzes the joining of two molecules by the formation of new bonds?

A, Decarboxylase B, Dehydrogenase C, Ligase D, oxidoreductase

64, Which of the following can reverse an enzyme inhibition that is caused by allosteric inhibitors?

A, adding more substrate B, depleting thee end product

C, adding more end product D, depleting the substrate

65, What is an apoenzyme?

A, A protein molecule B, Am active enzyme

C, A non-protein molecule D, A non-protein cofactor

66, Which of the fooling is not characteristic of an enzyme?

A,, It is globular protein B, It functions as catalyst

C, It lower energy of activation D, It is converted to product

67, What does an enzyme do to a chemical reaction that allows it to proceed optimally?

A, It lowers the required activation energy

B, It increases the amount of the substrate

C, it increases the required activation energy

D, It modifies both the PH and temperature

68, Which of the following is incorrect with respect to enzyme’s ability to catalyze a reaction?

A, An enzymes provides a reaction surface and hydrophilic environment for the reaction to take place

B, An enzyme binds reactants such that they are positioned correctly and can attain their transition state

C, An enzyme allows the reactions to for through a more stable transition state than would normally be
the case

D, an enzyme can weaken bonds in reactants through her binding process

69, In metabolic pathway (A→ B→ C→ D), where each step is catalyzed by a separate enzyme, which
substrate in the pathway serves as an allosteric regulator?

A, Substance A B, Substance B C, Substance C D, Substance D

70, In which industrial enzyme technology is lactase practically applied to produce lactose free milk for
use by lactose intolerant individuals?

A, Chocolate manufacturing industry

B, Human hormone manufacturing industry

C, Dairy product manufacturing industry

D, Cereal food manufacturing industry

71, Which kind of enzyme inhibition binds to enzymes only weakly and the bond that holds them breaks
easily releasing the inhibitors to allow the enzyme to become active again?

A, Irreversuble3 inhibitors

B, reversible inhibitors

C, Inhibitors that bind strongly to enzymes

D, Inhibitors that permanently alters enzyme structure

72, Choose the one in which the human digestive enzyme is incorrectly matched with the substrate that
is normally catalyzes?

A, Lipase- fat B, Pepsin – protein C, Trypsin – starch D, Pancreatic amylase – starch

73, Significant change in PH that can affect an enzyme molecule include

A, Building strong ionic bonds leading to stabilization of enzymes

B, altering the changes on some substances making I difficult to bind to enzyme

C, Changing the color and palatability of food item

D, Increasing the boiling temperature of the substance

74, What is the shape of enzyme molecule?

A, Linear B, pleated C, branched D, globular

75, Which of the following condition is least likely to denature an enzyme?

A, A low temperature B, An extreme PH

C, heavy metal ions D, A high temperature

76, Which model of enzyme actions requires that the shape of the substrate molecule is complementary
to that of the active site?

A, The induced fit model B, The lock and key model

C, The activation energy model D, The enzyme function model

77, The industrial use of enzymes is helpful for the environment as it contributes to reduction of CO2
emission. In which of the following is there more mass of CO2 emission saved per ton of products by
using enzyme technology rather than traditional method?

A, Cheese making b, Manufacture of cosmetics C, Paper making D, Bread making

78, Which of the following is not correct about the effect of temperature on enzymes?

A, Raising the temperature increases the kinetic energy of the molecule

B, Most enzymes are insensitive to temperature at low PH

C, A ten degree centigrade increase in temperature may increase the activity of most enzymes by 50% to

D, Most enzymes are denatured at 40 degree centigrade

79, Which of the following can reverse or reduce an allosteric enzyme inhibition?

A, Adding more substrate B, Adding more end product

C, Depleting the end product D, Deleting the substrate

80, Which of the following factors affects enzymes activity without denaturing the enzyme molecule?

A, Low temperature B, High temperature

C, High PH D, low PH

81, In human body, which conditions are generally considerd optimum for most enzymes?

A, 37 degree centigrade and PH 1.0 B, 37 degree centigrade and PH 7.0

C, 5 degree centigrade and PH 9.0 D, 90 degree centigrade and PH 7.0

82, Which of the following statements best describes an induced fit model?

A, The substrate binds to an active site and alters the shape active site
B, The substrate adopts the correct binding conformation before entering an active site

C, An active site alters shape such that it is ready to accept a substrate

D, An active site alters the shape of the substrate such that it can adopt the necessary active
conformation for binding

83, If conditions were remain constant, which one of the following changes would explain a reduced
rate of activity in an enzyme controlled reaction? Increase in

A, Enzyme concentration

B, substrate concentration

C, Concentration of end product

D, Temperature toward the optimu


No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer

1 D 26 C 51 B 76 B
2 D 27 A 52 B 77 D
3 B 28 A 53 A 78 B
4 C 29 A 54 D 79 B
5 C 30 C 55 C 80 A
6 C 31 A 56 C 81 B
7 A 32 D 57 D 82 B
8 B 33 B 58 B 83 D
9 B 34 D 59 B 84
10 D 35 C 60 C 85
11 B 36 A 61 A 86
12 A 37 B 62 B 87
13 B 38 B 63 C 88
14 B 39 C 64 A 89
15 B 40 B 65 A 90
16 B 41 A 66 B 91
17 C 42 B 67 A 92
18 B 43 A 68 D 93
19 B 44 A 69 D 94
20 B 45 A 70 C 95
21 B 46 D 71 B 96
22 D 47 D 72 C 97
23 C 48 C 73 A 98
24 C 49 A 74 D 99
25 A 50 A 75 C 100
Entrance examination for grade 12 from 1995 – 2011

Grade 11 Unit 4

Cell biology

1, Which of the following structures occupies the center of a mature plant cell?

A, Cytoplasm B, Nucleus C, Central vacuole D, Plastids

2, Which of the following organelles are absent in higher plant cells?

A, Plastids B, Centrioles C, Ribosome D, Mitochondria

3, Which cellular structures are responsible for autolysis or self-destruction?

A, Chromosomes B, Ribosomes C, Lysosomes D, Golgy apparatus

4, Which one of the following unicellular organism is prokaryote?

A, Amoeba B, Bacteria C, Euglena D, Paramecium

5, If tissue from sliced potato tuber are kept in sea water, which of the following is more likely to

A, The cell will take up water and burst B, The cell lose water and become flaccid

C, The cell become dry and impermeable D, The cells actively pump out salts

6, If the protoplasm shrinks away from the cell wall when a plant cell is bathed in a sugar solution, what
is the concentration of the solution relative to the protoplasm of the plant cell?

A, Hypertonic B, isotonic C, Hypotonic D, Isosmotic

7, Which of the following structure is missing in prokaryotic cell?

A, Cytoplasm B, Plasma membrane C, Nuclear membrane D, Nuclear material

8, What are the molecules found in the cell membrane that makes it more fluid?

A, Proteins and amino acids B, Saturated fatty acids and carbohydrates

C, Phosphates and hydrocarbons D, Unsaturated fatty acid and cholesterol

9, If 0.95 solutions is isotonic to certain animal cell, that animal cell will lose more water when kept in
which of the following solution?

A, 0.2% salt solution B, 1.0% salt solution C, 0’9% salt solution D, 1.5% salt solution

10, In which of the following type of cellular transportation across the cell membrane, do substances
move against their concentration gradient?

A, Osmosis B, Simple diffusion C, Facilitated diffusion D, Active transport

11, Which of the following organelles of eukaryotic cells is believed to be once an independent
prokaryotic cell?

A, Nucleus B, Chloroplast C, Endoplasmic reticulum D, Golgy apparatus

12, Choose the structure whose typical function is synthesis of protein

A, Nucleus B, Ribosome C, Vacuole D, Centriole

13, Which function is carried out by the golgy apparatus?

A, Protein synthesis B, Protein denaturation C, Digestion of protein D, Modification of protein

14, Which of the following term best describes plant cell that is full of water?

A, Flaccid B, Haemolysed C, Turgid D, Plasmolysed

15, Among the following which organelle is note found by a biological membrane?

A, Nucleus B, Chloroplast B, Ribosome D, Mitochondria

16, Which of the following is not found in the animal cell?

A, Nucleus B, Chloroplast C, Ribosome D, Mitochondrion

17, Lysosomes function in

A, Protein synthesis B, Processing and packaging C, Intracellular digestion D, Lipid synthesis

18, In which of the following organelles of the prokaryotic cell are enzymes synthesized?

A, Nuclei B, Mitochondria C, chloroplast D, Ribosomes

19, Which one of the following is part of eukaryotic plant cell that is devoid of DNA?

A, Nucleus B, Cytoplasmic fluid C, Mitochondria C, Chloroplast

20, Which one of the following organelles of the cell is involved in the energy release of eukaryotic cells?

A, Chloroplast B, endoplasmic reticulum C, Nucleus D, Mitochondria

21, Which one of the following term refers to the diffusion of water across a selectively permeable

A, Dialysis B, Osmosis C, Cohesion D, Cytoplasmic streaming

22, Which of the following structures are structurally and evolutionary more related to prokaryotic cells?

A, Fungi and protozoa B, Higher plants and animals

C, Chloroplast and mitochondria D, Unicellular green algae and fungi

23, What is the process by which water passes across the cell membrane?

A, Active transport B, Osmosis C, Facilitated diffusion D, pinocytosis

24, Of the following constituents of protoplasm, which is inorganic in nature?

A, Starch B, Protein C, Water D, None of the above

25, When does hypotonic condition exist in the environment of the cell?

A, When there is equal concentration of solutes outside and inside the cell

B, when the solute concentration outside the cell is greater than inside the cell

C, When solute concentration inside the cell is greater than outside the cell

D, When the net movement of water is from the cell to outside of the environment

26, Which of the following is important to regulate entry and exit of materials into and out of the plant

A, Cell wall B, Cell membrane C, Nucleus D, Central vacuole

27, All the living components of the cell collectively known as what?

A, cytoplasm B, Nucleus D, Cell membrane D, Protoplasm

28, Which of the following is found in both plant and animal cells?

A, Cell wall B, chromoplast C, Chromosomes D, Leucoplasts

29, What happens to human red blood cell when it is placed in hypertonic solution?

A, it becomes turgid B, It might swells and burst

C, It might loss water and shrinks D, It will remain unchanged

30, Which organelle of cell has function of modifying protein for secretion?

A, Golgy body B, Ribosome C, Food vacuole D, Lysosome

31, If a piece of fresh potato are kept for some time in sugar solution of 20%, 10%, 5% and distilled
water, which piece will gain the highest percentage of weight?

A, The one in20% solution B, The one in 10% solution

C, The one in 5% solution D, The one in distilled water

32, To which category of enzymes do the digestive enzymes that break down food substances in the
human alimentary canal belong?

A, Intracellular enzymes B, Globular enzymes C, Extra cellular enzymes D, Fibrous enzymes

33, Which one of the following is largely made up of phospholipid?

A, Cell wall B, cell membrane C, Nucleus D, chromosome

34, Choose the name of the researchers /scientist who introduced the term cell for the first time?

A, Aristotle B, Anton van leuwenhoek C, Robert Hooke D, Robert Brown

35, Among the following discoveries in biology which one is the latest of all?

A, The law of heredity B, the cell theory

C, The double helix nature of the DNA C, The binomial system of nomenclature

36, Which of the following is a process by which cells take in fluid by means of vesicles?

A, Pinocytosis B, endocytosis C, Osmosis D, Phagocytosis

37, Which of the following structures divide the cytoplasm of plant cell into two halves?

A, Nuclear membrane B, Cell plate C, spindle D, Cleavage flow

38, which of the following organelles are likely to be more abundant in active cells such as muscle cells
of human heart?

A, Lysosome B, chromosome C, Mitochondria D, Golgy bodies

39, Which of the following pairs are both organelles concerned with energy transformation?

A, Nucleus and nucleolus B, Mitochondria and nucleus

C, Chloroplast and vacuole D, Chloroplast and mitochondria

40, Sodium ion passes from the region where they are at lower concentration to the region they are
found at higher concentration in human cells. This is an example of which of the following process?

A, Osmosis B, Passive transport C, Simple diffusion D, Active transport

41, Choose the structure that is usually present only in the cells of animals?

A, Vacuole B, Cell wall C, Nucleus D, Centrioles

42, Why is the leaves and the soft young stems of plants that have started witling become stiff again
when they are provided with water? This is because of:

A, Fast intake of minerals B, The cooling effect of water

C, Increased turgor pressure D, Increased rate of photosynthesis

43, Which of the following statement is in agreement with the modern cell theory?

A, Cells come from nothing B, Cells come from existing cells

C, Cells come from nonliving materials D, Cells arise by means of spontaneous generation

44, Which of the following ideas in the cell theories was combined by Rudolf Virchow?

A, All plans are made up of cells B, All animals are made up of cells

C, Cells are the structural unit of life D, Cells come from preexisting cells

45, Which of the following mode of material transport across the cell membrane is not governed by the
concentration gradient of the transported material?
A, Simple diffusion B, facilitated diffusion C, osmosis d, Active transport

46, Which means of particle transport requires input energy by the cell?

A, Simple diffusion B, Facilitated diffusion C, Osmosis D, Active transport

47, What is the term for the process by which organisms keep their internal conditions at a fairly
constant state?

A, Catabolism B, Evolution C, Homeostasis D, Photosynthesis

48, Which of the following requires expenditure of ATP?

A, Osmosis B, Facilitated diffusion C, Simple diffusion D, Endocytosis

49, Suppose we consider the hypothetical cells( designed A, B, C and D ) having cubic shapes with their
sides measuring 2, 4, 6 and 8 arbitrary units respectively which of these cells has the largest surface
area to volume ratio?

A, Cell A B, cell B C, Cell C D, cell D

50, What type of molecules cannot pass across the cell membrane by simple diffusion?

A, Charged molecule B, Nonpolar molecule

C, Lipid soluble molecules D, Molecules of very small size

51, Suppose three potato cylinders are kept for some time in 15%, 8% and 4% sucrose solution,
respectively, and the fourth cylinder is kept in distilled water, which of the cylinder will be more flaccid?

A, The cylinder in 4% solution B, The cylinder in 8% solution

C, The cylinder in 15% solution D, The cylinder in distilled water

52, Which of the following is the main constituent of biological membrane?

A, Phospholipids B, Cholesterol C, Glycoprotein D, glycolipid

53, The main component of plant cell wall is

A, Starch B, cellulose C, Protein D, Chitin

54, Which of the following kingdom of life consisting of prokaryotic organisms?

A, Fungi B, Monera C, Protists D, Plantae

55, Which unit is best to use for measuring smallest cells and organelles?

A, Micrometer C, Millimeter C, Milliliter D, Nanometer

56, If the size of the cell increases, which one of the following gets smaller?

A, The volume of the cell B, the surface area of the cell

C, the surface area to volume ratio of the cell D, the volume to surface area of the cell
57, If a suspension of mixture of cellular organelles is spur in as centrifuge, which organelle settle to the
bottom first?

A, Mitochondria B, Nuclei C, Chloroplast d, ribosome

58, Which of the following is an important function of Golgy apparatus?

A, Protein synthesis B, Packaging of protein for export out of the cell

C, Removing of debris from the cell D, Storage of waste materials not needed by the cell

59, In which of the following features are eukaryotic cells distinguished from prokaryotic cells?

A, they have mitochondria C, Their nuclei lack membranes

C, they have no DNA D, They have smaller ribosomes

60, What will happen if human red blood cells are kept in hypotonic solution?

A, Lose water by osmosis and burst B, Lose water by osmosis and shrink

C, Take in water by osmosis, swells and burst D, take in watery by osmosis, swell and remain turgid

61, In which type of solution water potential more negative than in the cell?

A, Hypotonic B, hypertonic C, Isotonic D, equal solute an d solvent concentration

62, Which of the following paired organelles are membranes bound?

A, Ribosome and periosomes B, Chloroplast and ribosome

D, Mitochondria and ribosome D, Chloroplast and mitochondria

63, Most of the cell membranes primarily composed of which compounds?

A, Protein and lipid B, DNA and ATP C, Chitin and starch D, Nucleotides and amino acids

64, If the red blood cells shrink when placed in certain solution, what is the strength of the solution
relative to the strength of the protoplasm of the cell?

A, Hypotonic B, Isotonic C, hypertonic D, Isosmotic

65, Which of the following cell types can be rich in lysosome?

A, Red blood cell B, Nerve cell C, Phagocytic cells D, Muscle cells

66, One of the following would be harder to see under the ordinary light microscope that is more likely
to be available in school laboratories

Nucleus B, A bacterium C, Mitochondria D, ribosome

67, Which one of the following cellular forms did Robert Hooke observe under his crude microscope?

A, Bacteria B, Protozoa C, Yeast D, Empty cell wall

68,On which of the following organelles of the eukaryotic cells does protein synthesis takes place?
A, The nucleus B, The ribosome C, The chloroplast D, The mitochondrion

69, What is the general term for the part of protoplasm that lies outside the nucleus?

A, Cytosol C, Cytoplasm C, Central vacuole D, Plasma membrane

70, Choose the organism that belongs to the eukaryotic?

A, Bacteria B, blue green algae C, Amoeba D, virus

71, Which of the following structure is not present in animal cell?

A, Cell wall B, Nucleus C, Protoplasm D, Nucleic acid

72, Which of the following cellular structure is possessed by all cells?

A, Cell membrane B, Nucleus C, Cell wall D, Golgy apparatus

73, Which one of the following eukaryotic cell organelles was a free living cell before eukaryotic cells

A, Nucleus B, Ribosome C, Chloroplast D, Nucleolus

74, Which of the following mechanisms move digested amino acids and glucose across the plasma
membrane of the cell lining the wall of the small intestine?

A, Osmosis B, Simple diffusion c, Facilitated diffusion d, Active transport

75, Which of the following is unnecessary for an object to be considered a living thing?

A, Ability to respond to the stimuli B, Ability to reproduce C, Ability to gown D, ability to move

76, If a cell fails to clear cellular debris, which one of its organelles is most likely not functioning?

A, Nucleus B, Mitochondria C, Endoplasmic reticulum D, Lysosome

77, Suppose a hypothetical cube shaped cell has sides of 10 micrometre, what is the surface area to
volume ratio of this cell?

A, 6: 10 B, 10: 10 C, C, 3:6 D, 4:8

78, Among the following identify the organelle in which nucleic acid is not found

A, Mitochondria B, Chloroplast C, ribosome d, Golgy apparatus

79, Which of the following solution does an animal cell undergo hemolysis?

A, In hypotonic solution B, in hypertonic solution

C, In isotonic solution D, In both hypotonic and hypertonic solution

80, Which of the following will happen if plant cell is kept in a solution that is strong than in protoplasm?

A, The cell will become turgid B, The central vacuolar will expand

C, The protoplasm will get plasmolysed D, The cell will swell and burst
81, Which of the following units of measurement is more convenient to express the size of cellular

A, Meter B, Centimeter C, Millimeter D, Micrometer

82, Which of the following is not true about mitochondria and chloroplast?

A, Both contain chlorophyll B, Both contain nucleic acid

C, Both have double membrane D, Both transduce energy

83, Among the following scientists who contributes to the cell theory, identify the one who stated that a
cell can arise only from another cell like it?

A, Robert Hooke B, Theodor schwann C, Matthias D, Rudolf Virchow

84, What does it mean when biologists express the cell membrane as a unit membrane?

A, A cell is covered by a single membrane

B, A membrane is only one lipid layer thick

C, All cells have essentially similar membrane

D, A membrane is covered by a single layer of protein

85, Which of the following classes of molecule cannot pass easily across the cell membranes by simple

A, Small non polar molecules B, Lipid soluble molecules C, Non polar molecules D, Polar molecules

86, Which of the following mode of transport is used by the cells to move substances against their
concentration gradient?

A, Osmosis B, Simple diffusion C, facilitated diffusion D, Active transport

87, Which of the following factors determines the rate at which organelles settle out of cell homogenate
if spun in centrifuge?

A, Mass of the organelle B, Function of the organelle in the cell

C, Location of the organelle in the cell D, Thickness of the membrane covering the organelle

88, Which of the following will primarily happen if the enzyme in hew lysosome of the cell is defective?

A, Cellular debris will not be removed B, Chromosome replication will cease

C, ATP production will stop D, Diffusion process will stop

89, Of the following four cells whose surface area to volume ratio given, which cells can more
efficiently transport its needs of material across the cell surface?

A, 24:8 ratio B, 54: 27 ratio C, 96:64 ratio D, 150:125 ratio

90, What is the best term that expresses the movement of substances in cells against their
concentration gradient?

A, Active transport B, Passive transport C, osmosis D, diffusion

91, Who was the person that first observed living cells moving around when he examined drops of water
under microscope?

A, Robert Brown B, Robert Hooke C, Anton van leeuwemhoek D, Theodor Schewann

92, Which one of the following events happened before all the others?

A, The cell theory was proposed B, The protozoa were discovered

C, The compound microscope was invented D, the structure of DNA was described

93, Which of the following has a bigger size than all the others?

A, A ribosome taken from an animal cell B, A mitochondrion taken from a plant cell

C, A nerve cell taken from a human brain cell D, A glucose molecule taken from a plan cell

94, Which of the following parts of the plant cell is not living component of the cell?

A, Cell membrane B, Cell wall C, Cytoplasm D, Nucleus

95, According to fluid mosaic model of plasma membrane, what does the word mosaic refers to?

A, the hydrophilic property of fatty acid B, the bilayer nature of the membrane

C, The arrangement the proteins D, The movement of the phospholipids

96, What happens when a plant cell absorbs in more water?

A, Shrink B, Become turgid C, Become witted D, it swells and burst

97, Which of the following organelles is common to both plants and animals?

A, Cell wall B, Chloroplast C, Mitochondria D, Central vacuole

98, If cell fails to form lysosome, which of the following cellular functions will get disrupted first?

A, Protein synthesis B, Chromosomal replication

C, Removal of cellular debris D, Transport across cell membrane

99, For the substances to easily pass across the cells membrane by simple diffusion, which of the
following properties should it possess?

A, Large size B, Ability to dissolve in lipid C, Positive charge D, Negative charge

100, Which knowledge about cell biology did scientists discover after all the others?

A, The first understanding that living things are made up of cells

B, Knowledge about how chromosomes behave during mitosis

C, First understanding about the double helix structure of DNA

D, First understanding about DNA sequence in human genome

101, Who was the first person who believed to have seen live moving cells under a microscope?

A, Robert Hooke B, Rene Dutrochet C, Anton van Leeuwenhoek D, Theodor schwaann

102, Which of the following is lacking in prokaryotic cells?

A, cytosol B, ribosome C, DNA strand D, cellulose

103, Cells were seen using microscope by

A, Schleiden B, Robert Hooke C, Schwann D, Leeuwenhoek

104, Which of the following organelles settle out last when homogenized cells are centrifuged?

A, Chloroplast B, Nucleus C, Mitochondria D, ribosome

105, Through which process can inorganic ions from the soil be absorbed in to the root hairs?

A, Dehydration B, Diffusion C, Active transport D, Osmosis

106, Of the following models describing the nature of the cell membrane, which one was proposed
before all the others?

A, The sandwich model B, Fluid mosaic model

C, The unit membrane model D, The phospholipid bilayer model

107, Cell organelles that contain hydrolytic enzymes are called?

A, Perixosomes B, lysosomes C, Mesosomes D, Ribosomes

108, Which part of the cell makes necessary changes, packages and secretes protein?

A, Gollgy apparatus B, Endoplasmic reticulum

C, Mitochondria D, cell wall

109, The organelles of the cell which is concerned with the synthesis of lipid in addition to being
association with carbohydrate metabolism and detoxification is

A, Golgy body B, thylakoid membrane

C, Rough endoplasmic reticulum D, smooth endoplasmic reticulum

110, Which of the following is not a requirement for a molecule to directly diffuse across the cell

A, Small size B, Non polarity C, Large size and polarity D, Lipid solubility

111, If homogenate eukaryotic cell is spun in a centrifuge, which of the cellular organelle settle out first?

A, Ribosome B, Nucleus C, Chloroplast D, Mitochondria

112, Which of the following is not function of lysosome?

A, Autophagy B, Autolysis ? C, Synthesis D, Digestion

113, Organelles in the cytoplasm that are known as power of the cell are?

A, Mitochondria B, Chloroplast C, Ribosome D, Cellulose

114, Through which of the following methods can blood be separated in to its cellular and fluid parts?

A, Separating funnel B, Centrifuging C, Factional distillation D, Simple distillation

115, Which of the following has the highest water potential than all the others?

A, Pure liquid B, different solution

C, Animal cells D, Different suspensions

116, Which of the following happens if nucleolus is missing in the cell?

A, The nuclear pole will be blocked

B, Ribosomal function will be disrupted

C, DNA synthesis will be enhanced

D, Endoplasmic reticulum will be unfolded


No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer
1 B 26 B 51 C 76 D 101 C
2 B 27 D 52 A 77 A 102 D
3 C 28 C 53 B 78 D 103 D
4 B 29 C 54 B 79 B 104 D
5 B 30 A 55 D 80 C 105 C
6 A 31 D 56 C 81 D 106 A
7 C 32 C 57 B 82 A 107 B
8 D 33 B 58 B 83 D 108 A
9 D 34 C 59 A 84 C 109 D
10 D 35 C 60 C 85 A 110 C
11 B 36 A 61 B 86 D 111 B
12 B 37 B 62 D 87 A 112 C
13 D 38 B 63 A 88 A 113 A
14 C 39 D 64 C 89 A 114 B
15 B 40 A 65 C 90 A 115 C
16 B 41 D 66 D 91 C 116 B
17 C 42 C 67 D 92 C 117
18 D 43 B 68 B 93 C 118
19 B 44 D 69 B 94 B 119
20 D 45 C 70 C 95 D 120
21 B 46 D 71 A 96 B 121
22 C 47 C 72 A 97 C 122
23 B 48 D 73 B 98 C 123
24 C 49 A 74 C 99 B 124
25 C 50 A 75 D 100 A 125
Entrance examination for grade 12 from 1995 – 2011

Grade 11 Unit 5

Energy transformation

1, Which of the needs of living organisms are provided by the sun?

A, Water and minerals B, Light and heat

C, carbon dioxide and minerals D, Oxygen and carbon dioxide

2, Which of the following terms refers to all the cellular process of breaking down and building up of

A, Catabolism B, Anabolism C, Metabolism D, Hydrolysis

3, If oxygen is continuously bubbled through fermentation mixture, Which one of the following would
the yeast stop producing?

A, ATP B, Pyruvic acid C, Carbon dioxide D, Ethyl alcohol

4, where does oxygen we inhale ultimately end up?

A, In ATP formation B, In CO2 formation C, In H2O formation D, in glucose formation

5, What is the energy currency of a cell?

A, DNA B, Glucose C, Starch D, ATP

6, Choose the one that represents anabolic reaction?

A, Deamination B, Photosynthesis C, Digestion D, Aerobic respiration

7, Which of the following happens during the dark reaction of photosynthesis?

A, ATP is produced B, NADPH is produced C, Oxygen is split from water D, Carbon dioxide is fixed

8, In cellular respiration, which of the following molecules enters the kreb cycl?

A, Glucose B, Acetyl CoA C, Pyruvic acid D, Lactic acid

9, Which of the following compounds contain more energy per molecule than all the others?

A, ATP B, FADH2 C, NADH2 D, Acetyl CoA

10, In C3 plants( calvin cycle), the carbondioxide acceptor is

A, Oxaloacetic acid B, Ribulose diphosphate C, Phosphoglycerate D, Phosphoenol pyruvate

11, All of the following occur in the mitochondria of the cell except?

A, Keb cycle B, Pyruvate formation C, Oxidative phosphorylation D, Acetyl CoA formation

12, Under aerobic condition, what is the net energy gain from the glycolysis of one molecule of glucose?
A, 2ATP + 2NADH2 B, 2ATP + 4NADH2 C, 4ATP + 2NADH2 D, 3ATP + 4NADH2

13, Which of the following are produced in the light reaction of photosynthesis?

A, ATP B, NADPH C, PGA D, Only A and B are answer

14, Which of the following is not true about the light phase of photosynthesis?

A, Electron flow from photosystem II and I

B, the reactive molecule of photosystem I is P80

C, Electrons lost from the photosystems are replaced by electrons from water

D, ADP is converted to ATP

15, Which molecules in plant cells first capture the energy from the sun light during photosynthesis?

A, Adenosine triphosphate B, Chlorophyll C, Carbon dioxide D, Glucose

16, Which one of the following alternatives gives the products of fermentation of glucose by yeast?

A, lactic acid, Carbon dioxide, 2ATP B, CO2, H2O, 36ATP

C, Alcohol, CO2, 2ATP D, Alcohol, CO2, 36ATP

17, If a cell contains 10NADH + 10FADH2 molecules, a total of how many ATP molecules would it
produce from them?

A, 20 ATP B, 30 ATP C, 50 ATP D, 60 ATP

18, Which of the following is not true of fermentation?

A, Net gain of only two ATP

B, NADH donates electrons to electron transport system

C, Occurs in the cytosol

D, Begins with glucose

19, Which one of the following compounds contains more energy than all the rest per molecule?

A, FADH2 B, Pyruvic acid C, NADH D, ATP

20, Which one of the following is correct sequence for the main processes of cellular respiration?

A, kreb cycle, electron transport system, glycolysis

B, glycolysis, Kreb cycle, electron transport system

C, Electron transport system, glycolysis, Kreb cycle

D, Glycolysis, Electron transport system, kreb cycle

21, Which of the following is most important pigment for photosynthesis?

A, Chlorophyll a B, Chlorophyll b C, Carotenoid D, Xanthophylls

22, The greatest contributor of electrons to electron transport system is

A, oxygen B, Kreb cycle C, The transition reaction D, Glycolysis

23, Which of the following molecules is known as the energy currency of the cell?

A, Glucose B, Starch C, Fat D, ATP

24, What is the source of oxygen that green plants release during photosynthesis?

A, Sugar B, Carbon dioxide C, water D, Chlorophyll

25, Choose the electron acceptor in electron transport chain during aerobic respiration of eukaryotic

A, H2O B, O2 C, CO2 D, NADP

26, Where in the plant cell does kreb cycle (citric acid cycle) takes place?

A, Nucleus B, cytoplasm C, Mitochondria D, Chloroplast

27, Which of the following id true about first stage of photosynthesis?

A, Light dependent B, Temperature dependent C, ATP driven D, Glucose driven

28, What is the process by which cells like amoeba and white blood cells engulf and internalize particles
such as bacteria?

A, Osmosis B, Pinocytosis C, Phagocytosis D, Active transport

29, To which of the following molecule is most of energy released during the kreb cycle transferred?


30, Where in the mitochondria does the kreb cycle take place?

A, on the cristae B, On the matrix

C, between the outer and inner membrane D, On the outer surface of the outer membrane

31, Which process of respiration helps to release most of energy stored in glucose?

A, oxidative phosphorylation B, glycolysis C, Fermentation reaction D, Anaerobic reaction

32, What term is used to describe the chemical process of living organisms that involves both the joining
up of monomers to produce polymers and the splitting of polymers to monomers?

A, Anabolism B, catabolism C, Metabolism D, polymorphism

33, Which of the following steps in cellular respiration can take place in the absence of oxygen?

A, Electron transport B, Glycolysis C, Kreb cycle D, Acetyl CoA formation

34, In aerobic respiration of cells, in which cellular part does the Kreb cycle (citric acid cycle) take place?
A, Chloroplast B, Mitochondria C, Nuclei Lysosome

35, What is the final electron acceptor in electron transport chain?

A, O2 B, H2 C, NADP+ D, NAD+

36, When the muscle cells are in short supply of oxygen, which of the following compounds would be
accumulated in them?

A, ethanol B, Acetic acid C, Lactic acid d, Carbon dioxide

37, Which of the following processes of photosynthesis does not require the presence of light to take

A, the splitting of water B, ATP formation C, Reduction of NADP D, Carbon fixation

38, Which of the following is not one of the stages in cellular respiration?

A, Calvin cycle B, glycolysis C, electron transport system D, Kreb cycle

39, Among the molecules found in cells, which of the following contains less energy?

A, A glucose molecule B, An amino acid C, A Triglyceride D, A water molecule

40, What is the correct equation for cellular respiration?

A, 6CO2 + 6H20 + energy = 6H2O + C6H12O6

B, 6CO2 + C6H12O6 = 6CO2 +6H20 + energy

C, 6O2 + C6H12O6 + energy = 6CO2 + 6H2O

D, 6CO2 + 6H2O = 6O2 + C3H12O6 + energy

41, What amount of net gain in ATP does glycolysis provide to a cell?

A, 2ATP molecule B, 4ATP molecule C, 18ATP molecule D, 36ATP molecule

42, How many moles of ATP would be generated as a result of the oxidation of one mole of FADH2 in an
actively respiring mitochondrion?

A, 0 B, 3 C, 2 D, 6

43, Which of the following is true for cellular respiration?

A, Restricted to plant cells B, restricted to animal cells

C, Occurs in all eukaryotic cells D, Occurs in prokaryotic cells only

44, In cyclic phosphorylation, what is the source of recycled electron?

A, Reduced NADP B, Chlorophyll molecule

C, Adenosine triphosphate D, Photolysis of water molecule

45, If there no free oxygen to breath, which one of the following steps of the respiration process can
operate in our body?

A, Glycolysis B, Kreb cycle

C, Electron transport chain D, Link reaction

46, What is the source of the oxygen that is produced during the process of photosynthesis by higher

A, CO2 B, H2O C, ATP D, Chlorophyll

47, Which energy rich organic compounds contain adenine in its molecule?

A, lipid B, Carbohydrate C, Glucose D, ATP

48, During chemiosmosis, what substance diffuses from one side to the other side of the membrane?

A, Water molecules B, Protons C, Electrons D, ATP molecules

49, Which of the following is not true about photosystem II?

A, the reaction center molecule is p680

B, It passes its excited electron to photosystem I

C, The energy lost from the excited electrons reduce NADP

D, It replenish its lost electron from photolysis of water

50, What is the importance of chemiosmosis in photosynthesis and cellular respiration?

A, Splitting the water molecule B, operating the proton pump

C, Combining hydrogen and carbon D, Synthesizing ATP

51, Where does the light dependent reaction of photosynthesis occur in chloroplast?

A, In the thylakoid membrane B, In the fluid of stroma

C, In all parts of the chloroplast D, In the stomata opening

52, For which of the following is the sugar produced by photosynthesis is not used?

A, To produce biomass B, To make new DNA

C, To produce ATP in respiration D, to produce enzymes

53, In which process is ATP generated during short distance high speed running?

A, Aerobic respiration B, Mitochondrial energy transformation

C, Anaerobic respiration D, The kreb cycle

54, How many net ATP molecules are generated through anaerobic respiration when a single glucose
molecule is changed to pyruvate in the human body?
A, Two B, Three C, Four D, Six

55, During the kreb cycle, which of the following molecules temporarily stores most of the energy
released from the food molecule?


56, At which stage is most of ATP generated in aerobic respiration?

A, Glycolysis B, Link reaction C, Kreb cycle D, electron transport

57, If present in fermentation system, which one of the following could negatively affect alcohol
production buy the yeast?

A, Water B, Oxygen C, Glucose D, Fermentation enzyme

58, Which substance is not necessary for photosynthesis to take place?

A, Chlorophyll B, Carbon dioxide C, oxygen D, water

59, Which of the following is an accurate representation of the relationship between terms metabolism,
catabolism and anabolism?

A, Anabolism = catabolism B, Metabolism = catabolism

C, Anabolism = catabolism + metabolism D, Metabolism = catabolism + anabolism

60, Which is the ultimate source of energy for all organisms living on the earth?

A, water B, oxygen C, Nitrogen D, Sun light

61, Where exactly in the cell does the kreb’s cycle takes place?

A, Mitochondrial matrix B, Inner mitochondrial membrane

C, Cytoplasmic fluid D, Outer mitochondrial membrane

62, The molecule of which pigment is located at the reaction center of photosystem?

A, chlorophyll a B,. Chlorophyll b C, Carotenoid D, Accessary pigment

63, In which of the following ways is the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere fixed into the carbon found
in the organic molecule?

A, In the breathing process of all animals

B, In the decomposition of organic molecules

C, In the process of photosynthesis by green plants

D, In all cellular respiration p[processes of all organisms

64, Which of the following groups of plants carry out light dependent and light independent reaction of
photosynthesis in separate cells?
A, C – 3 plants B, C- 4 plants C, CAM plants D, Plants without chlorophyll

65, During aerobic respiration, what is the route through which protons return from the mitochondrial
inter membrane space back to its matrix?

A, Proton pump B, ATP synthase C, ion channel D, Membrane lipid

66, From which of the process cellular respiration is the majority of the ATP generated?

A, Anaerobic fermentation B, Glycolysis and link reaction

C, Electron transport and chemiosmosis D, Kreb’s cycle and glycolysis

67, On which of the following does algal photosynthesis in a lake depend?

A, The oxygen content of the water B, the nitrogen content of the water

C, The elevation where the lake is found D, the amount of light that penetrate the lake water

68, Which of the following is a coenzyme?

A, NAD B, carbohydrate C, Water molecule D, Protein

69, Which of the following classes of organic molecule is the least important source of energy for cellular

A, Nucleic acid B, Lipids C, Carbohydrates D, proteins

70, Which of the following processes have decreasing effect on the concentration of atmospheric carbon

A, Cellular respiration B, combustion of fossil fuel

C, Decomposition of dead organisms’ D, photosynthesis

71, In which industrial products is pyruvate fermentation by yeast practically applied?

A, Brewing beer B, Swiss cheese making C, Production of vinegar D, yoghurt making

72, When athletes take part in short distance running, how do the cells generate most of the energy that
is quickly needed?

A, Aerobic respirations in muscle cells B, Mitochondria respiration in any cells

C, Anaerobic respiration in muscle cells D, yeast fermentation in the stomach

73, Cells immediately use energy that electrons lose as they pass along the chain of electron carriers to:

A, produce ATP B, pump proton C, Spin the rotor of ATP synthesis D, Reduce NAD

74, Which of the following happens in both cyclic and non-cyclic phosphorylation?

A, ATP is formed B, oxygen is generated C, NADP is reduced D, Water molecule splits

75, What does the fermentation of glucose by yeast normally yield?

A, Lactic acid, CO2 and 2ATP B, CO2, H2O and 36 ATP

C, Alcohol, CO2 and 2 ATP D, Alcohol<CO2, and 36 ATP

76, Which of the following is not true about C4 plants such as teff?

A, CO2 is harvested during the night time

B, The bundle sheath cells contain chloroplast

C, Light dependent reactions occurs in the mesophyll cells

D, Chloroplast of bundle sheath cells lack thylakoid

77, What is the purpose of the in folding of the inner membrane of the mitochondrion?

A, Increasing the photosynthesis capacity of the cell

B, spending up the loss of CO2 during fermentation

C, spending up the process of glycolysis

D, increasing the surface area for ATP production

78, What is the molecule in plant cells that first captures the radiant energy from sun light?

A, ATP B, DNA C, Chlorophyll D, Carbon dioxide

79, From which of the following does oxygen released during the process of photosynthesis originate?

A, Pyruvic acid B, CO2 C, Sugar D, Water

80, What happens in the first reaction of kreb cycle during energy transformation?

A, A 2 – C compound is produced B, A 6– C compound is produced

C, A 4 – C compound is produced D, A 5 – C compound is produced

81, Under what condition do C4 plants have more photosynthetic efficiency than C3 plants

A, low water supply B, low temperature c, low light intensity D, low CO2 concentration

82, During which of the following process in cellular respiration are most of the ATPs formed?

A, Glycolysis B, Chemiosmosis C, Link reaction D, kreb cycle

83, Which of the following is the adaptation by C4 plant that helps them to avoid photorespiration?

A, Harvesting of CO2 at night

B, Using separate cells for light and dark reaction

C, Storing CO2 in the vacuole

D, keeping the stomata closed during the day

84, Which one of the following substance is not formed when glucose is fermented by yeast?
A, Alcohol B, ATP C, Lactic acid B, Carbon dioxide

85, Which phosphate bond of the ATP is broken when the energy it contains is needed for cellular

A, The first bond B, the C-c bonds C, The second bind D, the third bond

86, What is the advantage of photosystem containing molecules of different types of light sensitive
pigment having?

A, To absorb light of different wave length

B, to increase the size of photosystem

C, To increase the complexity of the photosystem

D, to increase the surface area for the light absorption

87, Which of the following plants use CAM photosynthesis?

A, Sugar cane B, sorghum C, Maize D, Cactus

88, The conversion of one molecule of glucose to two molecules of pyruvate results in the net formation

A, Two molecules of ATP B, Six molecules of water

C, Three molecules of ATP D, Thirty eight molecules of ATP

89, What happens human red blood cells are kept in hypertonic solution?

A, The same net gain and loss of water B, More water get into the cell than leaving it

C, More water goes out of the cell than getting in

D, The cells prevent water from getting in or leaving out

90, Anabolic metabolism refers to the generation of ATP

A, without the involvement of ADP B, Without the use of glycogen

C, without the use of oxygen D, By the conversion of pyruvate to lactate

91, Glycolysis occurs in the

A, Cytoplasm B, Mitochondria C, Nucleus D, Chloroplast

92, During alcohol fermentation, pyruvic acid is in the presence of pyruvate decarboxylases first
converted to

A, Glucose B, Lactose C, Lactic acid D, Acetaldehyde

93, During which stage of aerobic respiration does oxidative phosphorylation occur?

A, Glycolysis B, Kreb cycler C, Link reaction D, Chemiosmosis

94, During kreb cycle, to which of the following molecules is most of the energy released from food


95, For which of the following processes is ATP not required?

A, diffusion of oxygen into cells

B, Synthesis of molecules

C, Active transport of molecules from one sir another

D, Muscle contraction

96, Among the following four processes, identify the one that evolved before all the other three?

A, Aerobic respiration B, Anaerobic respiration c, Oxidizing atmosphere D, photosynthesis

97, During anaerobic respiration, what is the gross number of ATP molecules that are produced per
glucose molecule?

A, Two B, Three C, Four D, Six

98, At which is most of the carbon dioxide released during aerobic respiration?

A, glycolysis B, kreb cycle C, Electron transport D, chemiosmosis

99, One of the following groups of plants carry out light dependent and light independent reaction of
photosynthesis in separate cells of the leaf?

A, plants adapted to temperature regions

B, Carbon 3 plants

C, Carbon 4 plants

D, Cacti

100, Why is that longer races by athletes must be run slower than shorter races?

A, To give time for lactic acid fermentation in muscle cells

B, To avoid hunger as food is quickly converted to energy

C, To allow aerobic respiration to produce the required ATP

D, To adapt to the weather condition at the racing place

101, Witch of the following takes place under normal conditions, as electron flow down the electron
transport chain of the mitochondria?

A, NADH and FADH2 are oxidized B, The PH of the matrix increase

C, The electrons lose free energy D, An electrochemical gradient is formed

102, In the process of photosynthesis light is necessary to

A, Split CO2 B, release energy

C, Combine CO2 and H20 D, Produce ATP and a reducing substance

103, which is the convergence point of metabolism of the building blocks of carbohydrates, lipids and

A, Cytoplasm B, kreb cycle C, Calvin cycle D, Electron transport

104, Among the following crops, which one uses a non C- 4 photosynthesis?

A, Maize B, Sorghum C, Pineapple D, Sugarcane

105, which of the following molecules can provide the cell the least amount energy per molecule?

A, Glucose B, Reduced NAD C, Reduced FAD D, ATP

106, During photosynthesis, which one of the following is the first step in the transduction of light
energy to chemical energy?

A, ATP formation B, carbon fixation D, Photolysis of water D, Glucose formation

107, Respiration is

A, Anabolic and exergonic B, Catabolic and exergonic

C, Anabolic and endergonic D, Catabolic and endergonic

108, What is the ultimate source of electrons that replace those lost from photosystem II during

A, Photosystem I B, Water C, chlorophyll a D, Chlorophyll b

109, In which part of mitochondria does kreb cycle take place?

A,, In the inner membrane space B, on the inner membrane surface

C, on the outer membrane surface D, In the matrix

110, How many ATP molecules are produced during the complete cellular respiration of one glucose

A, 2 B, 4 C, 36 D, 18

111, Which procedure allows biologists to separate cellular organelles and study their structure and
composition separately?

A, Dehydrogenation b, Polymerization C, Phosphorylation D, Cell fractionation

112, If the average diameter of the human red blood cells is 0. 000007m, which one is the correct
diameter when expressed in a smaller unit?

A, 7000nm B, 0.007µm C, 7nm D, 0.000007µm

113, The different steps for complete aerobic respirations are?

A, Glycolysis and oxidative phosphorylation

B, Glycolysis and kreb cycle

C, Kreb cycle and terminal oxidation

D, Glycolysis, kreb cycle and terminal oxidation

114, Witch of the following indicates the process of photosynthesis?

A, Reductive, endergonic and anabolic

B, Reductive, endergonic and catabolic

C, Reductive, exergonic and catabolic

D, Reductive, exergonic and anabolic

115, In an experiment to study photosynthesis, a plant was provided with radioactive carbon dioxide as
metabolic terrace and the radioactive carbon was incorporated first into oxaloacetate. Which one of the
following would best characterize this plant?

A, C3 plant B, C4 plant C, CAM plant D, Heterotrophic plant

116, Which of the four stages in aerobic respiration of glucose does not produce ATP?

A, Glycolysis B, Kreb cycle C, The link reaction D, Electron transport and chemiosmosis

117, Which of the following results in the production of oxygen during photosynthesis?

A, Reducing NADP+

B, Electron transfer system of photosystem II

C, Electron transfer system of photosystem I

D, Splitting of the water molecules

118, Which one is fist inhibited if a cell contains excess of ATP?

A, Glycolysis B, Kreb cycle C, Oxidative phosphorylation D, Electron transport


No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer
1 B 26 B 51 A 76 C 101 D
2 C 27 A 52 D 77 D 102 D
3 D 28 C 53 C 78 C 103 A
4 C 29 C 54 A 79 D 104 C
5 D 30 C 55 C 80 B 105 D
6 B 31 A 56 D 81 D 106 A
7 D 32 C 57 B 82 B 107 B
8 B 33 B 58 C 83 B 108 B
9 D 34 B 59 D 84 C 109 D
10 B 35 A 60 D 85 D 110 C
11 B 36 C 61 B 86 A 111 D
12 A 37 D 62 A 87 D 112 A
13 D 38 A 63 C 88 A 113 D
14 B 39 D 64 B 89 C 114 A
15 B 40 B 65 A 90 C 115 B
16 C 41 A 66 C 91 A 116 C
17 C 42 C 67 D 92 D 117 B
18 B 43 C 68 A 93 D 118 D
19 B 44 B 69 A 94 A 119
20 B 45 A 70 D 95 A 120
21 A 46 B 71 A 96 B 121
22 B 47 D 72 C 97 C 122
23 D 48 B 73 B 98 C 123
24 C 49 C 74 C 99 A 124
25 B 50 B 75 C 100 A 125
Entrance examination for grade 12 from 1995 – 2011

Grade 12 Unit 1


1, Which of the following is the mode of genome replication in AIDS virus?


2, Select the alternative that contains only vector borne infections

A, Malaria , Trachoma, Syphilis, Tapeworm

B, Malaria, Leishmaaniasis, Trypanosomiasis, Typhus

C, Diphtheria, Tuberculosis, Cholera, Meningitis

D, Leprosy, ring worm, Pneumonia, hook worm

3, Which of the following groups probably ate more of herbivorous diet?

A, Homo erectus B, Homo Habilis C, Cro- magnon humans D, Australopithecus afarensis

4, Which of the following disease of animal would be controlled if one is able to control tse tse fly?

A, Hart water B, Rinder pest C, Trypanosomiasis D, Black leg

5, In Ethiopia, which of the following genera of microorganisms has the potential to be used for single
cell protein production?

A, Spirulina B, Bacillus C, Rhizobium D, Agrobacterium

6, Choose the one in which the disease and its categorical names are mismatched?

A, Senile dementia – deficiency disease

B, Pellagra – deficiency disease

C, typhus – vector borne disease

D, Parkinson’s disease – degenerative disease

7, In which Ethiopian traditional food preparation is the action microorganisms least evident?

A, Injera making B, kocho making C, Kinche making D, Irgo ( yoghurt ) making

8, Which of the following characteristics of life is not possessed by virus?

A, Mutation B, Nucleic acid C, Respiration D, Reproduction

9, If culture of green is exposed to light of different colors one at a time, which colors generate more

A, Blue and red light B, Green and yellow light

C, Orange and yellow light D, ultraviolet and infrared light

10, The bird flu is currently threatening the global poultry industry. What is the causative agent of this

A, Bacteria B, Fungi C, Virus D, Worm

11, Which of the following is the causative agent of AIDS?

A, Fungus B, Bacterium C, Virus D, protozoa

12, Which of the following can be one reason for the difficulty to produce a vaccine again HIV / AIDS?

A, The small size of the virus

B, The high variability of the virus

C, Its possession of RNA instead of DNA

D, The presence of protective envelope derived from the host cell

13, If all dogs in your community are vaccinated, which of the following diseases will be put under
control in your community?

A, Meningitis B, rabies C, Leshmaniasis d, Syphilis

14, Which of the following is mechanism by which bacteriophages transfer genes from one bacterium to

A, Binary fission B, conjugation C, Transduction D, transformation

15, If HIV patients take a drug that inhibits the function of the viral reverse transcriptase enzyme which
of the following processes would be primarily affected?

A, Entry of the virus into the patient’s body B, Copying of DNA into RNA

C, Copying of RNA into DNA D, Protein synthesis

16, Anti HIV/AIDS clubs are today common in schools and colleges, what is the main contribution in the
fight against the pandemic?

A, Provide medication for AIDS patients B, Encourage the girls to have the boy friends

C, Encourage the boys to have girlfriends D, Raise awareness about the problem among students

17, Some countries demand foreign travelers to produce HIV/AIDS free certificate before letting them
enter the country What do we call this type of disease control mechanism?

A, Legislative B, Physical C, Cultural D, Biological

18, Which of the following statement is correct about HIV?

A, It is bacteriophage B, It is retrovirus C, It is a DNA virus D, It infects pants and animals alike

19, Select the kingdom of life in which cellular organelles are without membrane around them?
A, Plantae B, Protista C, Monera D, Fungi

20, Identify from the following a biological control method of malaria?

A, Use of fishes to feed on mosquito larvae

B, Use of DDT spraying to kill mosquitoes

C, Using crop rotation system in farm

D, Hand picking and physical removal of weeds and affected plants

21, Which of the following is true about meanings contained in the in the name HIV and AIDs?

A, HIV refers to symptoms that characterize the condition

B, AIDS refers to the causative agent

C, AIDS refers to the symptoms

D, HIV refers to the probable origin from the chimpanzee

22, Identify the disease that is not correctly paired with the substance whose deficiency causes the

A, Berbei – nicotinic acid B, Scurvy – vitamin C C, Night blindness – Vitamin A D, Rickets – vitamin D

23, Of the following, which cell type is attacked by HIV?

A, Red blood cells C, Sperm cells C, Egg cells D, T helper cells

24, If one regularly includes orange in his daily diet, which deficiency disease would be avoided?

A, Night blindness B, Pellagra C, Beiberi D, scurvy

25, Which of the following disease of livestock is associated with tsetse flies?

A, Rinderpest B, Trypanosomiasis C, Blacking D, Anthrax

26, What are the causes of infectious disease?

A, The parental genes B, Microorganisms C, Carcinogenic substances D, Bad life style

27, Among the following human diseases, identify the one that is transmitted through a vector?

A, Leprosy B, Chancroid C, Gonorrhea D, Leishmaniasis

28, A number of virus including HIV, have more than one strain. This show the viruses are;

A, Capable of living outside their host cell C, capable of reproduction

B, Capable of mutation D, Obligate parasites

29, Which is not true of prokaryotes? They

A, Are living cells B, Lack true nucleus

C, All are parasites D, Are either Archaebacteria or eubacteria

30, Which of the following are rod shaped bacteria?

A, Cocci B, Spirochetes C, Spirilla D, Bacilli

31, The cells of which group of microorganisms can be described as prokaryotic?

A, Virus B, Protozoa C, Algae D, Bacteria

32, What are bacteriophages?

A, Bacteria B, Virus C, protozoa D, fungi

33, Which of the following is major killer of AIDS patients?

A, Pneumonia B, anemia C, opportunistic infection D, Mal nutrition

34, Among the following infectious human diseases, identify the one that is caused by a virus?

A, Yellow fever B, Pneumonia C, cholera Typhoid fever

35, Why T lymphocytes more vulnerable to HIV infection?

A, Because they posses

A, Thin cell membrane B, gp 120 on their surface

C, HIV receptor protein D, Large pores in their cell membrane

36, Which of the following statement is true about bacteria?

A, Bacteria found in human body are all parasitic B, all bacteria are harmful because they spoil food

C, all bacteria cause disease to humans, plants, and animals in some ways

D, some bacteria living in human body make vitamins needed by the body

37, Which one of the following is mode of reproduction in bacteria?

A, Mitosis B, Binary fission C, Conjugation D, Lysogenization

38, If AIDS patient given antiretroviral drugs are targeted against the protease enzyme, which one of the
following stages of the HIV life cycle would be inhibited

A, Entry into the host cell B, Reverse transcription

C, Integration of viral DNA into host DNA D, Assembly of viral parts into a whole virus

39, Which of the following I true about those bacteria which dwell in hot spring?

A, they are not metabolically active

B, they use non protein enzymes

C, they get energy of activation from the spring heat

D, their enzymes do not denature at the temperature

40, Choose the disease that is caused by what is known as the droplet infection?

A, Flu B, AIDS C, Cholera D, Malaria

41, Which of the following is the best collective name for all bacteria with spherical shape?

A, Cocci B, Bacilli C, Spirochaetes D, Streptococci

42, In which part of the cell do gram positive and gram negative bacteria differ regarding their staining
property with gram stains?

A, Cytoplasm B, Cell membrane C, Cell wall D, Nucleus

43, To which of the following does HIV belong?

A, Plasmid B, Retroviruses C, DNA virus D, Bacteriophage

44, What are the individual strands of fungal mycelium called?

A, Fungus B, Spores C, Hyphae D, Hydra

45, What is the mode of transmission of diseases such as cholera and typhoid fever?

A, Sexual intercourse B, Bites of animal vectors

C, Blood to blood contact D, Drinking contaminated water

46, Viruses are better characterized as:

A, Decomposer B, Producers C, Carnivores D, parasites

47, Which of the following is true about the antiretroviral drugs currently used to treat AIDS patient?

A, they cure AIDS B, They stop HIV transmission

C, They serve as anti HIV vaccine D, They slow down HIV multiplication

48, What are the most frequent causative agents of food poisoning?

A, Bacteria B, Protozoa C, viruses D, Worms

49, Which of the following practice does not normally transmit HIV?

A, Sexual intercourse through anus B, Sharing injection needles

C, blood transfusion D, shaking hands

50, Which of the following human diseases can be prevented by taking proper diet?

A, Degenerative disease B, genetic disease C, Social disease D, deficiency disease

51, To which of the following groups do those bacteriophages that integrate their DNA into the
chromosomes of their bacterial host belong?
A, Virulent viruses B, Lytic viruses C, Lysogenic viruses D, non-parasitic viruses

52, Which groups of microorganisms causes disease known as athlete’s foot?

A, Bacteria B, fungi C, protozoa D, Viruses

53, Choose the one which is different from the others?

A, Genetically modified organisms B, Genetically engineered organisms

C, Pathogenic organisms D, transgenic organisms

54, What is the advantage of using HAART for treatment of HIV?

A, It gives lasting immunity to HIV B, It prevents mutation of HIV

C, It prevents re infection by HIV D, It helps to break the life cycle of HIV

55, On which one of the following principles is most of anti HIV drugs currently in use working?

A, Inhibition of enzyme action B, Degradation of viral RNA

C, digesting of viral particles D, phagocytosis of the virus

56, If a new anti HIV drug is to be developed to prevent the virus from entering the host cell, which one
of the following processes should the drug target?

A, Reverse transcription B, Bonding Gp 120 and CD4

C, Integration of viral DNA in to host DNA D, Assembly of viral parts in to whole virus

57, Which of the following groups of bacteria consists of rod shaped?

A, Gram positive B, Bacilli C, Cocci D, Spirilla

58, Which of the following is true about protozoa?

A, they are group of bacteria B, they are one celled plants

C, they represent both plants and animals D, They are unicellular animals

59, Which of the following do viruses share with the cell?

A, Cell wall B, Cytoplasm C, Nucleic acid D, Protoplasm

60, Choose the characteristics that viruses share with living things?

A, they are made up of many specialized cells B, They contain genetic materials

C, they reproduce by mitosis D, They contain chlorophyll

61, Which stage in the life cycle of HIV inhibited by the anti-retro viral drug known as integrase

A, Conversion of viral RNA to DNA B, Replication of the viral genome

C, Insertion of the viral genome into host genome D, Release of viral progeny from the cell

62, What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

A, AIDS is the virus and HIV is the disease B, Both AIDS and HIV refers to the disease

C, AIDS is the disease and HIV is the virus D, Both AIDS and HIV refers to the virus

63, What does the absence of chloroplast in unicellular organisms indicate?

A, Reproduction by sexual; means B, Autotrophic nutrition

C, Heterotrophic nutrition D, Complete lack of metabolic processes

64, What the color do gram positive bacteria stain with gram stains?

A, Red B, pink C, purple D, white

65, Among the following organisms which one belongs to the prokaryotes?

A, Paramecium B, Streptococcus C, Spirogyra D, tapeworm

66, What is the process called when two bacteria directly contact cell to cell and exchange their genetic

A, Conjugation B, transformation C, Co transformation D, transduction

67, Which of the following features makes humans T- lymphocyte cells more vulnerable to HIV attack?
Presence of

A, Cell membrane B, DNA on chromosomes

C, CD4 on the membrane surface D, DNA on the chromosome

68, In which of the following ways retro virus differ from the other RNA viruses?

A, Their genetic material is DNA B, Their genetic material is RNA

C, They copy RNA to DNA molecule D, They copy RNA from DNA molecule

69, Which of the following groups of microorganisms does not contain parasitic members?

A, Bacteria B, Algae C, Fungi D, Protozoa

70, Which one of the following is the smallest of all?

A red blood cells B, Viruses C, Bacteria D, Protozoa

71, Which of the following is the routine method used by clinics to test people for HIV infection?

A, Microscopic examination for the virus B, counting the number of white blood cells

C, testing for human anti HIV antibody D, measuring the amount of antibody

72, The T- lymphocyte cells of AIDS patients are destroyed by

A, Multiplication of HIV inside the cell B, Infection of opportunistic organisms

C, The immune system of the host organisms itself D, The CD4 receptors on the cell surface

73, Which stage of the lifecycle of HIV is disrupted if AIDS patients are with drug that has a protease
inhibiting activity?

A, Entry of the virus into the host B, Conversion of viral RNA to DNA

C, Integration of viral DNA into host DNA D, Assembly of viral parts into whole virus

74, One of the following is true about bacteriophages that have lysogenic life cycle?

A, They are RNA viruses

B, They integrate their nucleic acid in to that of the host

C, They multiply in the host immediately after infection

D, Pathogen viruses are release by chronic release method

75, Which of the following type if cancer is known to mostly develop in AIDS patient?

A, Cervical cancer B, Stomach cancer C, Kaposi’s sarcoma D, Breast cancer

76, In which of the following living organisms do the cells lack organized nuclei?

A, Fungi B, protozoa C, Bacteria D, Algae

77, Which of the following is major mechanism by which AIDS is transmitted?

A, Mother to fetal transmission B, Heterosexual intercourse

C, Homosexual intercourse D, Contaminated Blood transfusion

78, Which of the following disease is correctly matched with its causative agent?

A, Malaria- fungus B, AIDS- virus C, ring worm- Protozoa D, Syphilis- Worms

79, Which step in HIV life cycle is disrupted by antiretroviral drug that competitively inhibits
transcriptase enzyme?

A, Entry into te3 host cell B, assembly of viral parts into a virus

C, Formation of DNA from RNA D, Integration of viral DNA into host DNA

80, In what way would AIDS patient benefits from treatment with antiretroviral drugs?

A, reduction of HIV replication C, Provision of cure for AIDS

C, Immunizing against HIV D, killing of opportunistic infectious agent

81, Which of the following is the best collective name for all bacteria with spherical shape?

A, Spirochaetes B, Baacilli C, Cocci D, Streptococci

82, Which of the following disease is transmitted by mosquito?

A, Diabetes mellitus B, Kaposis cancer C, Rabies D, Malaria

83, Which of the following microorganisms are prokaryotic?

A, Bacteria B, protozoa C, yeast D, Algae

84, Form which of the following diseases can one be protected by sleeping under the cover of mosquito

A, Sleeping sickness B, AIDS C, Malaria D, Athlete’s foot

85, Which of the following has the highest risk of HIV transmission?

A, Hand shaking B, Needle sharing C, Towel sharing D, Toilet sharing

86, Which of the following occurs during dark reaction of photosynthesis?

A, Water is split B, Energy capturing reaction C, NADPH is synthesized D, ATP is used up

87, Which of the following human cell type is attacked by HIV?

A, Red blood cells B, White blood cells C, T- lymphocytes D, Leukocytes

88, Among the following which one best describes the cells of bacteria?

A, Eukaryotic B, prokaryotic C, both eukaryotic and prokaryotic D, Neither prokaryote nor eukaryote

89, Which of the following groups of viruses copy their RNA to DNA?

A, Bacteriophages B, DNA viruses C, RNA viruses D, retroviruses

90, What is the name of a major group of eukaryotic organisms that obtain their nutrition using
extracellular digestion?

A, Viruses B, Bacteria C, fungi D, Algae

91, In what main ways do retroviruses such as HIV differ from other type of RNA viruses?

A, They require a host cell to reproduce

B, They reversely copy RNA to DNA

C, Their genes are resistance to mutation

D, They are free living viruses

92, Which of the following is taken as a signal for the final stage of HIV infection?

A, Signs of a disease kaposi’s sarcoma B, outbreak of some genetic disease

C, Uninfected T- helper cells present D, No infection by other parasitic diseases

93, In which organ of human body are more bacteria found?

A, Lungs B, Stomach C, Small intestine D, large intestine

94, From which groups of microorganisms the first antibiotics produced?

A, Gram negative B, gram positive

C, Fungal organisms D, Viral organisms

95, The best way to control HIV/AIDS is

A, Adequate distribution of condoms B, Adequate distribution of antiviral

C, breaking the transmission pathway D, Awareness creation

96, Which of the following is essential in order for a virus replication?

A, The capsid must enter the host cell cytoplasm

B, The host cell must be undergoing mitosis

C, The host cell must lack cell membrane

D, the genome must be released into the cytoplasm

97, Retroviruses are able to reverse transcribe RNA to DNA in order to

A, command the host cell in the production of genomes similar to that of the host

B, Control the formation of viral protein and RNA that can be assembled in to new viruses practices

C, Replicate without any interruption

D, Control the formation of viral protein and DNA that can be assembled into new viral practice

98, In which of the following groups of organisms are all the members of unicellular?

A, Algae B, bacteria C, Fungi D, Virus

99, Which clinical test is routinely performed to diagnose patient for AIDS?

A, Culturing opportunistic infectious agent

B, Serological test for anti HIV antibody

C, culturing the virus on a special media

D, Determining hemoglobin amount

100, Which one of the following human disease is not correctly matched with its mode of transmission?

A, Malaria – vector B, Cholera – contaminated water

C, Sleeping sickness – physical contact D, Influenza – droplet infection

101, In what way does an antiretroviral drug help AIDS patient? It

A, provides immunity B, Stops the multiplication of HIV

C, Stimulates the multiplication of T- helper cells D, Kills opportunistic infectious agent

102, What is capsid?

A, The RNA of a virus B, The DNA of a virus

C, The protein shell of a virus D, The genetic material of a virus

103, From which group of microorganisms was the first antibiotic produced?

A, Members of the fungi B, Members of the virus

C, Gram negative bacteria D, Gram positive bacteria

104, What is the main method of transmission of botulism?

A, Direct contact B, Eating contaminated food

C, Droplet infection D, Drinking contaminated water

105, Transfer of gene or genes through virus is called

A, transformation B, conjugation C, Genetic engineering D, transduction

106, When reverse transcriptase a useful enzyme? When

A, Nutrients are scarce

B, There are no host cells present

C, RNA virus converts its RNA to DNA

107, Spikes are forming in the new virus

In what ways does retro virus differ from other RNA viruses?

A, Their genetic material is RNA B, They copy RNA to DNA

C, They are parasitic D, They are smaller in size

108, Which of the following is the correct statement about the difference between bacterium and virus?

A, DNA is present in the former, but absent in the later

B, Protein is absent in the former, but present in the later

C, The former is cellular, but the latter is acellular

D, The former causes malaria, but the later causes cholera

109, Which of the following statement is not correct?

A, HIV – positive people are forced by law to disclose their HIV status

B, Employers may not dismiss an employee because of his /her HIV status

C, There is no medication that can reduce your chance of contracting HIV

D, Mothers can give their babies by means of breast feeding

110, Which one of the following happens during integration of viruses into host cells?

A, The viral DNA is inserted into the host DNA

B, The viral DNA inters the host cell

C, The virus attaches to the hoist cell receptor

D, The virus takes over the host cells machinery


No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer No. Answer
1 D 26 B 51 C 76 C 101 B
2 B 27 D 52 B 77 B 102 C
3 D 28 B 53 C 78 B 103 A
4 C 29 C 54 B 79 D 104 B
5 A 30 D 55 D 80 A 105 D
6 A 31 D 56 C 81 C 106 C
7 C 32 B 57 B 82 D 107 B
8 C 33 B 58 D 83 A 108 C
9 A 34 A 59 C 84 C 109 A
10 C 35 C 60 B 85 B 110 B
11 C 36 D 61 A 86 D 111
12 B 37 B 62 C 87 C 112
13 B 38 D 63 C 88 B 113
14 C 39 D 64 C 89 D 114
15 C 40 A 65 B 90 C 115
16 D 41 A 66 A 91 B 116
17 A 42 C 67 C 92 A 117
18 B 43 B 68 C 93 D 118
19 C 44 C 69 B 94 C 119
20 A 45 D 70 B 95 C 120
21 C 46 D 71 B 96 A 121
22 A 47 D 72 A 97 B 122
23 D 48 A 73 A 98 B 123
24 D 49 D 74 B 99 B 124
25 B 50 D 75 C 100 C 125

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