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1. What are the products of aerobic respiration?

A. Glucose and oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide and water
C. Lactic acid
D. Carbon monoxide
2. Where in the cell does aerobic respiration take place?
A. Nucleus
B. Cytoplasm
C. Mitochondria
D. Cell membrane
3. The purpose of cellular respiration is to
A. food from energy
B. release energy from glucose
C. heat for the organism
D. oxygen
4. What is the correct equation for cellular respiration?
A. 6O2 C6H12O6 -> 6CO2 6H2O Energy
B. 6O2 C6H12O6 Energy -> 6CO2 6H2O
C. 6CO2 6H2O -> 6O2 C6H12O6 Energy
D. 6CO2 6H2O Energy -> 6O2 C6H12O6
5. What is one of the reactants of cellular respiration?
A. Energy
B. glucose
C. carbon dioxide
D. water
6. Which is not a product of cellular respiration?
A. oxygen
B. carbon dioxide
C. water
7. What molecule is broken down to provide energy for life processes?
A. Oxygen
B. carbon dioxide
C. glucose
D. water
8. Which process involves the release of energy from food substances in all living cells?
A. Breathing
B. Nutrition
C. respiration
D. digestion
9. What gas is released by plants during photosynthesis?
A. Sulfur
B. carbon dioxide
C. oxygen
D. hydrogen
10. What is the purpose of photosynthesis?
A. make glucose
B. make ATP
C. make light
D. release carbon dioxide
11. What is one of the reactants of cellular respiration?
A. Energy
B. glucose
C. carbon dioxide
D. water
12. In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?
A. Cellular respiration stores ATP, while photosynthesis releases ATP.
B. Cellular respiration produces oxygen, while photosynthesis uses oxygen.
C. Photosynthesis releases energy, while cellular respiration stores energy.
D. Photosynthesis used carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.
13. Cellular Respiration's goal is to
A. make water
B. make ATP
C. make glucose
D. make oxygen
14. What are the products of aerobic respiration?
A. Glucose and oxygen
B. Carbon dioxide and water
C. Lactic acid
D. Carbon monoxide
15. What is a reactant for the electron transport chain?
C. Oxygen
D. Water
16. What is a product of the Electron Transport Chain?
A. CO2
B. O2
C. C6H1206
D. H2O
17. The first step in getting energy in the cell by breaking down glucose is known as
A. the Krebs cycle
B. electron transport
C. fermentation
D. glycolysis
18. Where does glycolysis take place in cells?
A. Cytoplasm
B. Mitochondrion
C. Endoplasmic Reticulum
D. Ribosomes
19. The first step of glycolysis results in the formation of:
A. Glucose-6-Phosphate
B. Fructose-6-Phosphate
D. 1,6 Bis-PhosphoGlycerate
20. The enzyme that produces G3P & DHAP is:
A. Hexokinase
B. Aldolase
C. PhosphoFructoKinase
D. Enolase
21. Glycolysis results in the net gain of:
A. 2 ATP
B. 4 ATP
D. 2 Acetyl CoA
22. Glycolysis results in the total production of:
A. 2 ATP
B. 4 ATP
D. 2 Acetyl CoA
23. If Fructose-1,6-BisPhosphate is put through glycolysis the net result would be:
A. 2 ATP
B. 4 ATP
D. 2 FADH2
24. In the final step of glycolysis ATP is made through the process of:
A. Substrate Level Phosphorylation
B. Oxidative Phosphorylation
C. Photo-Phosphorylation
D. RedOx Reactions
25. Which of the following is not a requirement for glycolysis?
A. Oxygen
D. Glucose
26. How many FADH2 molecules are produced by 1 molecule of glucose?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
27. Krebs Cycle takes place in the:
A. Cytoplasm
B. Matrix
C. Ribsome
D. InterMembrane Space
28. The waste product produced during the Krebs cycle is...
A. Oxygen
B. Water
C. Carbon Dioxide
29. What is decarboxylation?
A. Removal of water
B. Removal of CO2
C. Addition of CO2
D. Addition of water
30. Pyruvate oxidation occurs in the
A. cytosol outside the mitochondrion
B. the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion
C. in the mitochondrial matrix
D. the outer membrane of the mitochondrion
31. NAD is
A. A vitamin
B. The reduced form of a oenzyme required for glycolysis
C. Oxidized form of a coenzyme required for the Kreb's cycle
D. All of the above
32. The CO2 that is produced immediately before the Krebs cycle comes from
A. the removal of a C atom from glucose
B. the addition of a C atom to glucose
C. the removal of one carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms from a pyruvate
D. the addition of one carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms to a pyruvate
33. Which process does not take place during transition stage of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA
A. Reduction
B. Oxidation
C. Decarboxylation
D. Addition of Coenzyme A
34. The number of ATP molecules produced out of Krebs Cycle is:
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 0
35. Krebs Cycle takes place in the:
A. Cytoplasm
B. Matrix
C. Ribsome
D. InterMembrane Space
36. The first step in getting energy in the cell by breaking down glucose is known as
A. the Krebs cycle
B. electron transport
C. fermentation
D. glycolysis
37. Which of the following is not an end product of the Kreb's cycle?
B. CO2
C. pyruvate
38. What is one thing that is NOT related to The Kreb's Cycle?
A. Carbon Dioxide
C. Pyruvates
39. In DNA, Adenine bonds with ______.
A. Guanine
B. Thymine
C. Cytosine
D. Adenine
40. Which scientists determined the shape of DNA
A. Francis Crick & James Watson
B. Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase
C. Rosalind Franklin & Maurice Wilkins
D. None of them
41. Which of the following elements does a Nucleic Acid have that a Carbohydrate and Lipid do not?
A. Carbon
B. Oxygen
C. Hydrogen
D. Nitrogen
42. From the nucleotide on the right, which part is labeled 2?
A. Sugar
B. Phosphate
C. Nitrogenous Base
D. Phosphorous
43. When coiled together, DNA looks like a:
A. Single Helix
B. Double Helix
C. Triple Helix
D. Broken Ladder
44. The backbone of DNA is made up of ___ & ____ units.
A. sugar & base
B. sugar & phosphate
C. base & phosphate
D. phosphate & phosphate
45. Why is DNA important?
A. it is very small and very complicated
B. it's in everything
C. it serves as the blueprint for traits of all living things
D. because we eat it every day for energy
46. What is the relationship between a protein, the cell, and DNA?
A. DNA is produced by protein which is produced in the cell
B. Protein is composed of DNA which is produced in the cell
C. DNA controls the production of protein in the cell
D. A cell is composed of DNA and protein
47. How does RNA differ from DNA?
A. RNA contains uracil and deoxyribose
B. RNA contains ribose and thymine
C. RNA contains uracil and ribose
D. RNA contains adenine and ribose
48. In eukaryotes, functional messenger RNA molecules are made from
A. exons spliced together after introns are removed
B. introns spliced together after eons are removed
C. exons spliced together with introns
D. long pieces of RNA shortened by the Dicer enzyme
49. Which of the following describes RNA?
A. RNA is usually double-stranded and contains the base thymine
B. RNA is usually single-stranded and contains the base uracil
C. RNA is longer than DNA and uses five bases to encode information
D. RNA is made in the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and stays there to carry out its functions
50. In messenger RNA, each codon specifies a particular
A. Nucleotide
B. Enzyme
C. amino acid
D. promoter
51. The number of codons in the genetic code is
A. 3
B. 4
C. 20
D. 64
52. Before cells can divide, what must be copied?
A. Mitochondria
B. Cytoplasm
D. Cell Wall
53. Humans have ____ pairs of chromosomes.
A. 21
B. 23
C. 46
D. None of the above
54. The cell spends most of it's life in ______.
A. Mitosis
B. Cytokinesis
C. Interphase
D. None of the above
55. Chromosomes carry identical sets of what in their sister chromatids?
A. Proteins
B. carbon molecules
C. genetic information
D. phospholipids
56. How many chromosomes do humans have?
A. 46
B. 21
C. 10
D. 44
57. Put the following stages of mitosis in order: anaphase, prophase, metaphase, and telophase.
A. prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase
B. prophase, anaphase, metaphase, telophase
C. prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
D. prophase, telophase, metaphase, anaphase
58. In what organelle is the genetic material found inside?
A. Endoplasmic Reticulum
B. Golgi Complex
C. Nucleolus
D. Nucleus
59. How many nucleotides make up a codon?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. 15
60. What is the order for Protein Synthesis?
A. Transcription -> Translation -> Protein
B. Translation - > Transcription -> Protein
C. Protein -> Transcription -> Translation
D. Translation -> Protein -> Transcription
61. Genes are found on...
A. chromosomes
B. alleles
C. proteins
D. anthers

1. Matching

A. What are the products of aerobic respiration?

B. Where in the cell does aerobic respiration take place?
C. What is the correct equation for cellular respiration?
D. What is one of the reactants of cellular respiration?
1. Mitochondria
2. Carbon dioxide and water
3. 6O2 C6H12O6 -> 6CO2 6H2O Energy
4. glucose
5. energy

2. Matching

A. In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?

B. What is a reactant for the electron transport chain?
C. What is a product of the Electron Transport Chain?
D. f Fructose-1,6-BisPhosphate is put through glycolysis the net result would be:
1. 4 ATP
2. Photosynthesis used carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces
carbon dioxide. 1
3. Oxygen
4. H2O
5. CO2
3. Matching
A. The enzyme that produces G3P & DHAP is:
B. Glycolysis results in the total production of:
C. Which of the following is not a requirement for glycolysis?
D. NAD is
1. Oxygen
2. Aldolase
3. Oxidized form of a coenzyme required for the Kreb's cycle
4. 4 ATP
5. Photo-Phosphorylation

4. Matching
A. Which process does not take place during transition stage of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA 3
B. The number of ATP molecules produced out of Krebs Cycle is: 2
C. In the final step of glycolysis ATP is made through the process of: 5
D. Pyruvate oxidation occurs in the 1
1. the intermembrane space of the mitochondrion
2. 2
3. Reduction
4. 3
5. Oxidized form of a coenzyme required for the Kreb's cycle

E. Which of the following is not an end product of the Kreb's cycle?

F. Which of the following elements does a Nucleic Acid have that a Carbohydrate and Lipid do
G. From the nucleotide on the right, which part is labeled 2?
H. In messenger RNA, each codon specifies a particular
1. Sugar
2. amino acid

3. pyruvate
4. Nitrogen
5. Oxygen

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