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Recipe for a Richer Life:

The Fastest Way to Cash

CASH IN A FLASH is about creating a fast flow of cash in 90 days or less. It is your
recipe for creating unlimited prosperity – FAST!

It is like the magic of cooking in your microwave, not your crock pot or oven!

There are two basic ways to think about money:



CASH IN A FLASH is about creating extra streams of income – FAST!

There are two types of money streams:


________________ income vs. ________________ income is the difference in

financial ________________ and financial ________________.

What if your life, or the life of your child, depended on

you solving your money problems in the next 90 days?

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 2

The Three Key Ingredients to
Fast Cash




The first key ingredient to FAST CASH is to have a _______________


However, the Wow Now process takes visioning to a much higher level!

Have you ever been so moved and inspired by something that you said:

• It blew me away!
• It will knock your socks off!
• It is absolutely amazing!

Think of something that blew you away right now. Recall it vividly with all of your senses.
See it, smell it, taste it, hear it, feel it.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 3

The Wow Now concept takes visioning to a higher level we call:

Virtualization is much more intense than visualizing. When you involve all five of
your senses it is more real and imprints the images more deeply into your psyche.

Let’s practice!
Imagine your life five years from today…

One ingredient can totally ruin your recipe for financial freedom. What is it?

Fear entices you to vividly imagine the worst possible outcome! We easily experience
our fears with all five senses!

Therefore, you must imagine your dreams more vividly than you naturally imagine your
fears! Your dreams must be more real to you than your fears. They must excite you!

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 4

Wow Now means to go out into your future and create a vision that WOW’s you…now!

The second key ingredient in your recipe for FAST CASH is to make friends with your:

Your Inner Winner will:

1. Encourage and support you

2. Provide you with intuitive thoughts and hunches
3. Give you courage to take powerful action
4. Help you fulfill your dreams for FAST CASH

Your Inner Winner is much like the whisper Oprah Winfrey speaks about:

“God always first speaks to you in the Whisper. So right now…the Universe is
whispering to you about your job…is whispering about your children…is whispering to
you about your relationship. If I were you, I’d take it in the whisper. Because after the
whisper, you get a little thump on your head…A thump on the head is a message, trying
to get through to you. If you don’t pay attention to that, you end up in a big old problem.
That’s a brick falling upside your head because you didn’t hear it in the whisper. And if
you don’t pay attention to the brick then you get a whole wall of bricks falling down. Now
you don’t have a problem, you’ve got a crisis. And if you don’t pay attention to the brick
wall falling…the whole house caves in and you’re in a full blown disaster. So what I try to
do is get it in the whisper. Get it in the whisper. Your life is whispering to you right now.
What is it saying?”

All successful people have learned to be more attuned to The Whisper.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 5

How many of you have a critical voice? A nagging voice that brings you down and
paralyzes you? This is what we call your:

According to experts, everyone has a critical voice. Here’s a quote from Conquer Your
Critical Inner Voice by Robert W. Firestone, PhD, Lisa Firestone, PhD, Joyce Catlett, MA

“The critical inner voice exists to varying degrees in every person. It undermines our
ability to interpret events realistically, triggers negative moods, and sabotages our
pursuit of satisfaction and meaning in life. The voice essentially keeps us locked into our
defense systems, while our healthier side (the real self) strives for freedom from the
constraints of these defenses. These destructive internalized thoughts lead to a sense
of alienation—a feeling of being removed from ourselves and distant from those we love.
When we believe the negative interpretations of the voice and fail to challenge them—
that is, when we “listen” to the voice—we tend to act in ways that have negative
consequences for us.”

The third key ingredient to your financial success is to form a:

Your Dream Team is a tight group of like-minded people to support and encourage
you on your road to success.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 6

Here’s your CASH IN A FLASH Dream Team:






Let’s review the three key ingredients to immediate financial success:

Virtualize your dreams so that they WOW you now!

Develop your strong, supportive voice and ban your Inner Whiner!

Form a strong group of like-minded individuals to assist you in making all your
dreams come true!

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 7

Mind & Heart: The Essentials
for Success

The concept of Wow Now deals with your:

The concept of Inner Winner relates to your heart.

The concept of your Dream Team shows you how to harness minds and hearts together
to achieve a powerful goal.

A Focused Mind

A Determined Heart

A Dream Team


“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 8

1. What does it mean to be single minded?

2. What does it mean to be wholeheartedly committed to an objective?

3. Reflect on your life and find three examples where you succeeded.




4. Find three examples where you set a goal but failed.




“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 9

Voices, Visions and Vibrations:
Fast Money Begins on the Inside

You must develop a single minded power of focus to:

1. Remain calm and stay confident in spite of stress

2. Vibrate at a higher level to attract the resources you need

3. Eliminate doubt, worry and fear – wealth destroyers

Your mind is a playing field of thought! What is a thought?

There are three types of thought:

1. Self dialogue ___________________________________________________

2. Images ________________________________________________________

3. Feelings _______________________________________________________

We refer to these three forms of thinking as:

1. 2. 3.

Become constantly aware of your thoughts, what you say to yourself and how you say it.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 10

Positive Voices: Empowering
Questions & High Energy Words

Once you’ve learned to manage our critical voice, it’s time to learn how to use your
normal voice to speak to yourself in ways that empower, embolden and encourage

1. Ask only empowering questions.

2. Only speak using high energy & high vibration words.

3. Think only positive thoughts.

Your mind works like:

It functions best when it is asked questions. So be sure and only ask yourself
empowering, uplifting, and emboldening questions!

Most people misuse their minds by asking disempowering and discouraging questions:

• Who do you think you are?

• What’s the matter with you?

• When will my life stop being so hard?

• Where is the justice in this world?

• How long will I have to put up with fools like these?

• Why can’t I ever seem to get ahead?

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 11

“Your mind ultimately answers every question you ask it.” Bucky Fuller

Therefore ask these kinds of questions:

1. How can I turn this into my advantage?

2. What skills do I already have that will help me succeed?

3. How can I make the most of every minute today?

4. Whom can I serve with excellence in order to tenfold my value to the world?

5. What do I need to know to find my fastest path to cash in 90 days or less?

6. Where is the best opportunity for me to pursue?

Which of the following words do you think vibrate with the highest energy?

Happy Sad
Strong Weak
Optimistic Pessimistic
Easy Difficult
Beautiful Ugly
Love Hate
Courage Fear

Catch yourself using a low energy word and say “SWITCH!” and replace it with a high
energy word or phrase.

“Some things are important and some things are just stuff.” Ken Blanchard
on Larry King Live after his house of 30 years burned to the ground in the October 2007
San Diego fires.

What’s important and what’s just stuff to you?

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 12

Exercise your positive brain muscles by focusing on the positive in everything that
happens to you even if it appears at first not to be positive.

Refuse to think:

1. Notice the kind of questions you ask yourself and convert any disempowering questions
into empowering ones.

2. Notice the energy of the words you say over the next three days and count the number
of times you silently say, “Switch.”

3. Notice if the things around you are “Important-Forever” or “Stuff-Temporary.”

4. Each time you notice something you are grateful for say “Wow!” silently. Don’t stop until
you’ve said “Wow!” one hundred times.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 13

Change Your Past: Turn Your Ows
into Wows

How does your mind process images on a scale of 1 – 10? Point to the number that
represents how you think images:

Dark Bright

Blurry Clear & Detailed

Fuzzy Sharp

Vague Vivid

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 14

Recall three positive memories and three not-so-positive memories.

1. Transform ten not-so-positive memories into positive ones.

2. To live with unlimited prosperity you must transform your past into something
meaningful, powerful and positive.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 15

Ka-Ching Thinking: Fill Your Bank
Account to the Brim

Fear is learned from two types of events:

1. One very intense, emotional, painful experience

2. Many small, hurtful experiences that build up a wall of fear over time

Here are the five most common fears:






“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 16

Fear is a very:

Imagine your bank account was directly linked to your thoughts. Every fearful thought
cost you $100. And every positive thought earned you $100.

Instead of criticizing and complaining ask:

• Where is the good in this?

• What can I learn from this?

This is Ka-Ching Thinking!

Learn to laugh faster whenever there’s disaster!

Count the number of times you say Ka-Ching in your mind today!

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 17

Envision Your Future: Three Ways
to Make Your Dreams a Reality

Here are three techniques to create positive, powerful, impactful future memories:


Make your dreams more real than your fears. Use all five senses to experience at the
deepest level possible!


Create a vision that is over the top. Make your dream bigger than life!

“It is a paradoxically but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely
way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself, but at some more ambitious
goal beyond it.” Arnold J. Toynbee

Step into your vision numerous times each day and imagine how good it will be!
Repetition is the mother of learning. Habitually review your dream and it will become a

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 18

Write a newspaper or magazine article about your future success. Forget being
“realistic!” Use your imagination to its wildest extremes. How can you succeed beyond
your wildest dreams if you haven’t thought of what those wild dreams might be?

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 19

The Prosperity Game: Plug Into a
Prosperous Belief System

What do you believe about prosperity?

Do you believe in fundamental abundance?

Fundamental abundance means there is no shortage of money, time, food, water,

opportunities, resources, clients, etc.

There is only one shortage and it is:

Let awareness be your belief system.


Scarcity Sufficiency and Abundance

Only a few succeed Everyone wins

Self service Service to others

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 20

$$$ The Prosperity Game $$$

Objective: To expand your financial imagination, get clear on what you want and bring
about greater abundance by believing you can have it!

Establish a make-believe bank account. Open it on day one with $1000 and deposit
$1000 everyday thereafter. Write checks as you please! You can write checks each day
and spend your imaginary money all in one place or in many.

Play The Prosperity Game for the next 365 days!

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 21

Your Fastest Path to Profit: Make
Money from What You Love

What is your passion? Your Inner Winner will help you determine the passions,
talents, and gifts you already possess.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 22

What do you love to do?
What are you good at?
What is important to you?
What feels right to you?
What kind of people, ideas and/or things are you drawn to?
What fascinates you?
What interests you?
What kind of magazines, books, movies attract you?
What things do you cherish?
What hobbies do you have?
Where do you spend time?
Where do you spend money?
What is your secret wish?
What are you curious about?
What were you doing the last time someone said to you, “How did you do that?”
Who do you like to hang around?
What place just feels right?

The bottom-line of all of this questioning is the discovery of your WHY. Why do you get up
in the morning? Why do you do what you do? Why do you behave the way you do? Why
do you yearn to find your better self? Why? It’s the bottom-line question of your life.

Start with the obvious! Ask yourself:

1. What is something you do well?

2. What is something you do that receives compliments?

3. What do you enjoy doing and for you it is not work?

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 23

Next ask:

Have I ever thought of making money with this?

Imagine you inherit $100 million. Find an old checkbook and actually write out checks to
spend or invest the entire amount of your inheritance. Let your heart guide you.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 24

Show Me the Money: Your Future
is Hidden in Plain Sight

Everything you currently own is a clue to your future fortune.

1. Why did you buy it?

2. Why did it speak to you?

If you had to move across the country what would you sell, give away, throw away or
keep because it still makes your heart flutter? That last one is the key…

Entrepreneurs are on the lookout for things they can sell to people! If you are going to
sell something, you want to sell something you love!

What is a cache? Webster’s defines it as:

1. A hidden storage space for money, provisions or weapons

2. A secret store of valuable or money

You have a secret cache of valuable resources waiting to be monetized.

You’ve heard of a medical CAT Scan machine? Well, we want to introduce you to our
Cache Scan glasses. Each lens identifies valuable assets that can be converted into
fast cash.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 25

Don’t get stuck on HOW?

Focus on what you already know, have and do.

Dr. Muhammad Yunus discovered that the more his clients learn, the dumber they feel.

Work with what you’ve got now!

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 26

To find your low hanging fruit ask these questions:

1. What one core knowledge do you possess?

2. What one skill have you gained that others might need?

3. What one success have you achieved?

4. What one failure have you learned from?

5. What one challenge is facing you right now that you need solutions to?

6. What one burning desire do you have?

7. What one passion drives you?

8. What one talent/gift do you have?

9. What one wisdom have you gleaned from life?

10. What one connection do you have?

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 27

Your Dream T.E.A.M.: Together
Everyone Achieves Miracles

A mastermind alliance is:

• Two or more individuals voluntarily coming together

• Creatively putting their energy behind a major purpose
• With the idea that together they will accomplish more than either would alone

Masterminding uses blended mind power and action to obtain infinite results in all
realms of life.


1. It does not need to be formal

2. Members do not need advanced degrees

3. They do not need to have executive positions

4. Can be from different walks of life

5. They don’t need to be so-called experts

6. You do not need to meet in person

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 28


1. It works best with up to six members

2. Each candidate should complete an eligibility questionnaire

3. Aim to meet once a week live, by phone, or teleconference

4. Have each member update the group on what has happened since the last
meeting, including any problems or opportunities

5. Have each member ask for resources they may need

6. Establish bylaws or guidelines

Make a list of 20 people you know who might be interested in forming a Dream Team
with you.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 29

Your Personal Wheel of Fortune:
Convert Your Ideas Into Cash

Three Delicious Recipes for Riches

1. Products

2. Services

3. Information

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 30

Take inventory of your marketable products, services and information.

Who will be the end user of the products, services and information that you create?

Here are the four main categories of customers:

1. B to C Business to Consumer

2. B to B Business to Business

3. B to B Business to Business Marketers

4. B to P Business to Philanthropy

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 31

Make a list of the 10 greatest challenges in your life at this time.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 32

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 33
“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 34
“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 35
“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 36
“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 37
Turn Your Problems Into Profits

Entrepreneurs are creators! He/She loves to create. Create what?

Solutions to problems!

Problems are opportunities disguised in work clothes.

The most profitable problems may be the ones you have in your own life. You must
increase your awareness of them in order to capitalize on them.

Picture your awareness as a ladder. At the first rung is a problem. The goal is to rapidly
climb to the top of the ladder and create a solution.

On the first rung there are two critical questions to ask:

1. How will you react and respond?

2. Whom will you talk to for solutions?

It may be lonely at the top for awhile. The higher you climb on the awareness ladder the
fewer people you will find.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 38

There are four currencies to help avoid future problems or navigate them:





What is the best problem to have?

The best problem to have is the one you can solve and monetize at the same time.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 39

Guided Virtualizations to Increase Your Four Currencies


I am a positive people magnetic.

I love people and people love me.
I am happy within myself.
When people see me they get a contact high. They want to meet and be with me.
I see my self living on the “A” list, being invited to play on the “A” list, living, thriving and
comfortable high-fiving on the “A” list.

My self confidence is forever blooming and expanding.

I expect people to meet me with joy and pleasantness.
I move from positive experience to positive experience. I am going from success to
evermore successes.
I see it in my mind. I see it on the stage of my imagination. I go to bed dreaming that it will
happen. I wake up knowing that it will be better than I expect and that I am a high achiever
that succeeds with style, class, nobility, dignity, finesse and joy.
I am attracting all the right people to me for all the right reasons and getting all the right
results, right now.

I think how I can source, serve and give to everyone I meet.

It may be a simple smile, genuine compliment, applause, congratulations on a job or
assignment well done.
I dare to positively give myself away.
I keep sending out good, uplifting, encouraging, positive thoughts about people and the
boomerang effect keeps absolutely coming back to me. People feel it and my reputation
positively goes out before me. I love it. It is fun.
I am living in positive expectancy of unlimited, overflowing good that is coming my way.

I keep an active list of all the people that I want to and need to meet. In my family and
extended family, my neighborhood, my community, my life, my school or kid’s school(s),
my place of worship, work, industry, my community and the world.
I Google images of these future contacts and put them in my journal on my computer
and Photo Shop them next to me, as though we already know each other and are friends
on a first name basis.
My list started with a few and grows daily. It excites my soul.
I see myself getting pictures with each of these people. Pictures that will enhance,
enchant and accelerate my career, lifestyle and future.
I can see myself having my hero gallery on my office wall—to show all visitors—and in
my computer and on my personal web page.
I see myself writing out the questions that I will ask my new friend, colleague and
contact. I see them asking me how they can help me. I am ready and I know what I want
and how I want it.

I can imagine it happening in virtual time so completely, that I know, feel and believe it
will happen in real time.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 40

Getting a referral is a snap. I just ask. I am comfortable and competent in my asking.
We have a good relationship that is becoming better. They know I will do what I say and
say what I will do for them, their friends and colleagues.

I go the extra mile. I ask for and easily get three referrals. I humbly and kindly ask them
to call their best friends and set up my next appointment. They do.
It becomes easier and easier to go from success to success, sale to sale, deal to bigger
and better deal, opportunity to opportunity.

I am writing on a unique, personalized picture card—showing me at my best, or e-

mailing a personal thank you to everyone I meet. It is brief and takes less than 10
minutes per day. I love how it feels.
I am forever getting positive feedback on my little notes and thoughtful remembrances. I
am a master at great human relationships.

On the stage of my imagination and in the theatre of my mind I see myself meeting,
greeting and befriending everyone with joy, happiness and a positive spirit of
cooperation and harmony.

My meetings and greetings are always above average because I plan them in my mind
and heart first. I greet each person and all their support people with a smiling soul, face,
handshake, (where appropriate hug), kindness and buoyant expectancy.

I carry a digital camera with me everywhere I go. It is either hooked on my belt or in my

purse. I humbly ask if we can have a picture together and the answer is almost always
yes. I always take two or more pictures so I can flatter them with a good picture that
shows them at their best. I promise to send an email copy and humbly and respectfully
ask for their email address. It is the BEST way to get each person’s correct, real and
current email address.
Later, when I send a letter, business proposition or proposal, I include our picture
together, that gets us by all the gate keepers with finesse and ease.


My vacations are exciting to contemplate, think about, plan and design.

I desire and deserve extraordinary vacations.
I know where I want to go, with whom, when and who I want to help me make it a
positive lifetime memory.
I want and will get the best of the best.
I will chat with people that have been there and loved it, so I can match and surpass
even the fun that they had.
I plan my free time vacations first. That gives me great times to look forward to.
I am worth ultra V.I.P. vacations.
I can easily and effortlessly afford my trip, travels, tours and tips. I have surplus money
to make this happen.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 41

My close friends say, “When you go there…you must meet _____.” She is just a great
and inspiring friend that you haven’t met yet. You will love and enjoy each other. You will
have the time of your life together. They are like-minded, fun, blissful, joyous and know
everyone. They are the contact that will make your time there magnificent, omni-
memorable and a treasured experience.”

I want a Blue Badge, as the standard of excellence, to be my guide when I need it in

foreign cities. He or she will know how to translate from my language to theirs with
effortless ease and make conversation exquisitely exciting.
They know what is worthwhile and important to see, smell, feel, taste, explore and get
pictures of. They have access to the who’s who and who’s through to every place I go.
They can make contacts to get me money-making contracts that I want and need.
They know how to maximize my business profits, my personal meeting times and the
best “not to be missed’ places to enrich my experiences.
They will become lifelong friends that I recommend with ease to all my friends. They will
also tell me of other Blue Badges that are superior like them so wherever I travel, I go
with safety, joy, eagerness and ease.

Getting there and back is a joy of joys.

I segment-intend every part of my journey and itinerary, bit by bit.
I think enthusiastically about my future travels.
I love this process and my future experiences that are yet to be.
I pre-frame that everything will be absolutely delightful.
My state of mind creates my future state of result.
As great as I can conceive it, I know it will be even better, more wonderful than I
imagined. Why? Because during my entire segment intending, I keep imagining and
relishing only the positive images, signs, wonders and awe to flood my inner
experiences, which will create my outer experiences.
I either own or will buy exactly what I need for my perfect trip and travels.
I am bringing with me perfect little, light-weight, meaningful gifts to give to those who
host me, work with and for me, tour me, source and serve me on my trip and travel.
I know what I am going to do, when and with whom.

I have given myself and my schedule enough free time to rest, power nap, refresh,
rejuvenate, replenish, re-think, review and be ready for spontaneous late night
experiences, parties and bonus functions and touring that are guaranteed to happen.
I will be ready, willing and able to handle everything with aplomb.
I see myself packing with happiness, ease, plenty of time and excitement.
I am packing elegantly, effectively and bringing exactly what I need and no more or less.
My bags have an identifiable marking on them that is immediately visible to me, so they
are effortless to retrieve at baggage claim.

I am traveling with style, class, flair and happy desire. In limos I am in the back seat. On
commercial planes I am in the front. On private jets, I travel with people, colleagues and
friends that make time evaporate seemingly instantly as we are enjoyably together in
conversation and thoughts of contribution. We are interested in those we tour with and
they are interested in me. I am interesting. They are interested in all that I say, do and
contribute to the conversation.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 42

I am being greeted everywhere with smiles, excitement, friendship and hope of more fun
than anyone has ever had. Sometimes there are flowers, music and even attending
celebrities and dignitaries.

When I arrive at my hotel, resort, condo, home of a friend or final destination I am

greeted with smiles, pleasantness, a happy demeanor, a feeling of utter welcome-ness
and gratitude for coming.
They have everything ready. For me there is never any waiting, delay or detour. It comes
off flawlessly. I get their best bell person who is pleasant, pleasing in tone, helpful to the
max, effortlessly giving me a tour of the facility and all its amenities and its ‘must’
experiences. I am told who the best masseuse is, the meal that is not to be missed and
special occasion flowers, gifts, wines or treats that are available for the mere asking.
I am treated like a queen (or king.)

I will experience the exotic, the exciting, the unusual and the heart touchingly delightful. I
will eat at the White House, the State Department, world capitals, and dine at barrios.
I will dine with presidents and paupers, kings and kinsmen, Gurus’ and gutter rats,
Maharaja’s and the minions of the world and will enjoy my every experience.
I will feel comfortable and complete wherever I go. I feel good within myself so I will have
the time of my life.

I am magically invited, mostly without prodding, to all the happening events, parties and
gigs that are there. I use my inner knower to discern what is going to become a memory
of memories.

I love traveling. I love having more than enough intelligence, mind power, physical
fitness, time, connections and money to make my travels positive 360* events that I will
talk about for a lifetime.
My memory banks are full of brilliant stories that I keep creating and adding to and my
travels will make for a superb autobiography that others will love to read.


My time is my own.
I own my time; my time does not own me.
My time is elastic, plastic and fantastic.
I virtualize my time.
I create flow in my imagination, before I go into any situation.
I come from the end result that I want, by starting at the realization of what I truly want.
I am clear about what I want.
I live in the dreaminess of it in advance of catching up to my heartfelt desires.
I am excited that I am in control of my time.

Time is plastic. My time is mine. I use it to my advantage and benefit. I feel good about
my every little use of time. As a result I leverage my time and get more done in less time.
I realize everyone—rich or poor—have exactly the same amount of time. Therefore, I
wisely and judiciously invest my time happily and joyously to maximize my results and

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 43

Others are always and forever complimenting on how much I have accomplished and in
how little time I have done it. I have always used the compression principle. I ask myself,
“How can I finish an hour’s work in 20 minutes, with ease and effortlessness and without
stress or anxiety?”

I am here to be. I am being effective with my time investments. I am multiplying my

talents and not burying them. I am excited and feel the realization and manifestation that
I declare now virtually before it is apparent to anyone else.
I hold my time truths sacred to my inner awareness, where all the real time clocks exist.

In my meditations, after my deep breathing and invocation of spirit, I can expand my

being to go beyond the universe to the absolute where there is no time or space. Here I
can think big, be big and achieve big. In my mental workshop there is no time, no space
and no place, only profound experiences. In my mental workshop, I can be anything I
want to be. I alone, only me, by myself, can adjust time backwards, forwards or put it into
a holding pattern.

I am wowed by my ability. I know it’s true, because I am doing it. I can lock in and hold the
virtualization for 17 seconds of focused deep concentration in the quiet of my mind and
know without equivocation that I will synchronize in future time and space with my idea.

In my mind, I have many rooms. One of my rooms is a time room. I am always happy to look
at the wall clocks in this room because I am their director; they are not my director. I can stop
them, start them, run them backwards or forwards. I run them with an individual project or plan
or desire that I have created, innovated or accepted as a personal challenge.
Each project has its own time line designed, in advance, by me. It fills me with glee. I am
tickled inwardly to smile and see my projects are done, even before they are begun. It
makes my soul smile, chortle and giggle. I am happy to know that I control my future
and its functionality for me. In here, I can hear, if I want to, people important to me
saying: “Job well done, you are amazing. How ever did you do it so quickly?”

My time control and management ability is absolute. I have my desired outcomes. I see myself
creating massive value and massive results working with people that will show up
spontaneously just in the nick of time to finalize excellent and compellingly magnificent results.

Time is my friend. Time is my ally. Time works for me; I do not work for time.

Infinite time is available to me. The more projects I have the more time I create. Time
being plastic is malleable and valuable. Time expands to the pressure applied to it. Time
contracts when I demand and command it to do so. Time is elastic.
When I am bored, which is an inside out experience—time drags and lags. When I am
tuned in, turned on and deliciously excited and delighted to make things happen in the
sweet now—time evaporates. The more I create the more it evaporates.

Time invested is time well used. I want to invest and use my time until I exhaust the
fabric of my being. I know in advance I will get a phenomenal ROI (Return on
Investment). Why? Because I know when I control my time, I control my life, my future,
my results and my happiness. The happiest people are the creators, innovators and
contributors and that’s me personified.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 44


I am a money attracter.
Money is magnetized to my very being.
I am in tune with the right vibration to attract more and more money.
I think right about money.
I see, feel and believe that I will attract ever more money into my experience.
Money loves me.
Money loves to fill my pockets, bank accounts, grow in my investments and business.
People and businesses love to give me money.
Money is always and in all ways, welcome in my life.
I do right with money. Money does right with me.

Money comes to me in various forms and fashions. I accept it as coins, paper, world-
wide currency on the Internet via Pay Pal, World Pay and however.
I am ethical, honest and moral in all my thinking and doing with money.
Money is arriving in vast abundance.
Money is a cascading, overflowing, ever flowing abundance coming to me.
Plentitude is the truth of all of my experiences.

Money excites and delights me.

I am forever experiencing and expressing more and more and more and more money.
It is fun for me to attract infinite amounts of money.
Money gushes to me from the East, West, North, South and from all directions—all the
I have more than enough money for all my needs, wants, desires, demands and the
contributions that I want to make.

I want cash-in-a-flash.
I am giving myself a thought command that I will have it.
As I go to sleep tonight, I will repeat as many times as possible, “I will have the money I
need now. It is coming to me easily and effortlessly via one great idea and one perfect
I love and am happy about my telling my thinking how to think and my feelings how to feel.
I will have a perfect sleep and slumber and wake up eager, enthusiastic, refreshed and
ready to conquer my day.
I tell myself just before winking off that I will wake up at my ideal time and have my
I have paper and a pen on my night table next to the bed and will fully capture this
creative and compellingly simple money-making idea.
I will implement it flawlessly with grace and ease.
I will have my cash-in-a-flash.
Everyone will be astounded, amazed, helpful and congratulatory.
Everyone wants to hear my great and inspiring story so that they can do the same or
My life is blessed and keeps on getting better.
My great blessings cause everyone around me and that hear of me to be ever more

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 45

The Mother Lode: A Steady Stream
of Profit Checks from Products

There are two doors in life:


This is all about salary, benefits and stability.


This is all about sales, profits and risk.

If you choose door #1 you lose both, because

security is just an illusion.

Real estate should be your primary product. No matter what, people need shelter.

There are fortunes to be made buying, selling and renting real estate. People
understand it, therefore it is low hanging fruit.

Here are three more reasons why:

1. America is a magnet for people all over the world

2. Inflation will continue to be with us for as long as you live

3. You don’t have to have increasing prices in real estate to make

immediate money

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 46

Your Three Primary Products to Sell

1. Real estate

2. Other people’s products

3. Your own product

Follow your heart! It is your Inner Winner.

It is your own personal “how to” book. Follow those hunches, those whispers, those
special insights.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 47

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The Only Way Out is to Sell Your
Way Out: Share Your Passion

The one key skill every entrepreneur must have is the ability to sell.

Life is 100% selling!

1. Mind Set

2. Skill Set

3. Action Set

There are two kinds of selling:


You sincerely believe in what you are selling and you have an innate passion for your
product, service or information (PSI)

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 53


You don’t believe in what you are selling, you don’t have the passion or the belief. You
are just doing it because you need the money.

But what about rejection?

The secret to selling and overcoming your fear of rejection is to believe in your PSI and
to desire success so strongly that even rejection will not deter you.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 54

Look through the list of things to sell in your workbook and commit to selling one of them
in the next 90 days.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 55

The Millionaire Matrix: Seven Ways
to Earn a Million Dollars

We will discuss the three primary paths to prosperity.

They all focus on earning profits – not a salary.

Profits are earned by selling stuff.

The Millionaire Matrix

1. Do you want to sell a million widgets at a $1 profit?

2. Or, do you want to sell one widget at a $1 million profit?

“If you BELIEVE it and DESIRE it, you can ACQUIRE it.” Robert G. Allen

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 56

Intellectual property is the real estate of the twenty first century.

The Benefits of Information Marketing

• Easy to research
• Easy to create
• Easy and cheap to test
• Easy and cheap to produce, inventory and correct
• Low cost start-up
• High perceived value
• High markup
• Income while you sleep
• Unlimited worldwide market
• Can operate from any mailbox in the world
• Copyright protection from competitors
• Prestigious, impressive career, “I’m an author.”
• Satisfaction of leaving a record for future generations
• Make a difference

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 57

50 Ways to Profit from Intellectual Property

1. Books 26. Home-Study Courses

2. E-Books 27. Tele-seminars
3. Audio Books 28. Weekend Retreats
4. Audio Programs 29. Subscription Audio CD Series
5. Single Audio Cassettes 30. Ghostwriting & Co-Authoring
6. Video Trainings 31. Branded Retail Products
7. Multi-Media Systems 32. Mini-Books
8. Workbooks 33. Trade Associations
9. Coaching Programs 34. Conventions & Trade Shows
10. Mentoring & Apprenticeship Programs 35. Agenting & Information Arbitrage
11. Speaking Internationally 36. Seminar Company Workshops
12. Speaking in Breakout Sessions 37. Business-Building Systems
13. Speaking Representing Your Employer 38. Practice-Management Tools
14. Train-the-Trainer Programs 39. Newsletters
15. Public Seminars 40. Radio or TV Show
16. Corporate Training Programs 41. Philanthropic Foundation
17. Presenter at Large Events 42. Media Expert
18. Boot Camps 43. Syndicated Column
19. Tele-Boot Camps 44. Private-Label Magazine
20. Hourly Consulting 45. Rights – Yours
21. Long-Term Consulting 46. Rights – Other People’s
22. Subscription Consulting 47. Special Reports & White Papers
23. Spokesperson Contracts 48. CD-ROM & DVD Training
24. Licensing 49. Counseling Services
25. Infomercial Products 50. Adult Professional Education

So how will you earn your fortune

with intellectual property?

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 58

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“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 63
The Dash to Cash: Watch Out

The beginning of money is the “soft stuff,” the internal stuff, the heart and mind stuff.
This is the starting line.


Rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 10 ~ 1 is ice cold and 10 is boiling hot.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
♦ M: I am committed to a clear & measurable objective. ____

♦ I I virtualize myself having accomplished it. ____

♦ N I bring the confidence of my many past successes. ____

♦ D I bring the wisdom learned from my many challenges. ____

♦ & My critical voice does not affect my effectiveness at all. . ____

♦ H I am passionate about achieving my objective. ____

♦ E My objective is in alignment with my purpose. ____

♦ A My intuition is congruent with me accomplishing it. ____

♦ R I feel that Higher Powers approve and are cheering me on. ____

♦ T I am determined and unstoppable. I never give in. ____

If you score 50 or less, you’re cold. Are you sure you want to do this?

If you scored 51-80, you’re warm. Reconsider your plans.

If you scored 81-90, you’re getting hotter. You’ll probably make it—eventually.
“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 64
If you scored 91-100, you’re passionately convinced. Watch out world!

Imagine the Winner’s mindset a sprinter has in the blocks:

• He is not focused on anything but the finish line 100 yards away.

• He does not ponder any doubt or fear knowing that every negative thought has
a consequence and he doesn’t want to pay the price.

• Any distraction will deduct milliseconds off his time and only the top three
finishers advance.

• If he misses by a millisecond he goes home without a medal.

• He is in the NOW, he has heightened awareness.

How about you?

• How do you start your day?

• Are you focused on the finish line or do you even know where it is?

• Do you lose precious time and money to useless distractions?

• Do you regularly entertain your doubts and fears?

If you really want something, you’ll find a way.

If you really don’t, you’ll find and excuse!

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 65

Now it’s time to follow the recipe you’ve learned the last three days!


Focus Your Mind and its visions, voices and vibrations.


Listen to your intuitions. Pursue your passions.


Engage your Dream Team. Explore with them your plan. Let them improve it. Determine
what you are going to sell. Get ready to sell it.


MIND Are you convinced that you will do whatever it takes to get what you want?

HEART What do you really, really want? What is your burning desire?

TEAM Are your teammates as convinced and passionate as you are?



On your mark.

Get set.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 66


Blessonomics 101: Make an
Enlightened Fortune

Blessonomics Principle #1

Create value with something (PSI) you love.

Blessonomics Principle #2

Share a portion of your profits as quickly as possible.

What you give returns to you multiplied.

“CASH IN A FLASH” by Mark Victor Hansen and Robert G. Allen 67

Think about what you would do if you had $1,000 to give away.

• Would you give it all to one person or one cause, or would you split it up among

• What would you do if you had $1 million to give away?

• What if you had $1 billion to give?

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