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Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 424-17 Filed 09/30/19 Page 1 of 3

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 424-17 Filed 09/30/19 Page 2 of 3


Patrick M. !Boyle
Executive Director

Certification of Patrick M. Boyle·

idation Process 1
as to JP Morg,an Chase's NA 's Intact Lien Val1
Patrick (Mike) Boylie, being an authorized officer of JP Chase, N.A. ("Chase·' ),
le ,
do hereby certify that to the best of my knowledge after a revf,ew of business records, the
following statements are true.and correct

1) During the relevant time period of the activities described bellow, I had primary

responsibility for managing the Recovery Depairtment that handles colle.ction activity for
charged-off loans; including prime, sub,-prime, and home equity loans, in Mortgage Banking.

2) As part of Chase's consumer relief obligations under the HUD Gonsumer Relief
Program and during the relevant time period of the a,cttvities described below, I coordinated the
intact lien validation process. or "lien scrub 11 process for first and second lien extinguishments.

3) Completion of the intact val!dation process was a predicate required by Chase

before any loan could be asserted for HUD Consumer Relief Program.

4) The intact lien validation process was extensive and consisted of both interna[
and external reviews as described below:

a. External reviews ta vaUdate lien status and fien priority were conducted by
CoreLogic - a vendor commonly used in the industry; and

b. Internal lien validation conducted by Chase's "De.cision Sciences" to analyze

CoreLogic's results.

c. lntE:lrnal reviews by Chase ("MIS Scrubs") that included among other things:

i. review of bankruptcy status of any borrower or co-borrowers vl,a Lexis


ii. review of Chase's systems {including POTs Uen Rele, database) to

confirm no change in lien status between the time Chase pulled the
population to the time the population was finalized for mailing; and

iii. revi ew of enhanced indicators to exclude loans sig nifying th at chase's lien
status or eligibility for credit rnay be in question (such as loans coded as
repurchased, part of a note sal•e, or in a litigated status) .

Thi certification dd:tesses tl1,e lien scrub process for the 16th Mail r. TheJie11 scrub fur the preceding
fifteen maile1-s is,:addtessed in my ,certifications dated September 5 2014,ancl ·· ay 6. 20!5.

Chase • 270 Park Avenue, New York, .r.w, 10017

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00159554

Case 1:15-cv-00293-LTS-RWL Document 424-17 Filed 09/30/19 Page 3 of 3

Patrick M. Boyle
EKe<Jutfve Director

Page 2

5) For mailiers occurrtng subsequent to those identified in my certification dated May

6, 2015, until Febr uary 25, 2015, the intact lien va.lidation process oc:curredwithln 30 days ofthe
mailing of those solicited Hen ext1nguishments, as, set forth in the paragraphs below.

a. For the 1:6th Mailer, February 25, 2015, Chase conducted:

I. A CoreLogic lien scrub on or about February 1.2, 2015;
Ii. Dedsian Science lien va,Hdat1ion on or about February 13, 201 5; and
iii. An initial MIS Scrub on or about February 20, 201 S.

b. A delay in updating the system of record for this lien scrub created the
,appearance that the lien scrub took place later than actually performed by the
i. This delay impacted the 16th Mailer.
Ii. The tmpacted loans can be identified by a note placed on each such loan
that specifies the date the lien scrub actually took place.
iii. The Servicer has taken steps to mitigate the risk of a similar delay in the
future, such as a dhang.e in ownersh ip and tighter controls over the
process to update the system of record for lien scrub i1nformation.

6) Following this extensive intact lien vaUdation process, the foHowing code·s were
placed on each account in Recovery One (the sy-stem of record) to identify the loan is eligible for

a. HCE ,(HUD Credit Eligible)

b. HCH (Core logic Confirmed)

c. HUD (Lien Release Request.)

d. HLS (HUD Letter Issued)

Authorized Officer:


Chase • 270 Park A\!er11ue1 New York, NY, 10017

Confidential Treatment Requested by JPMC JPMC-MRS-00159555

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