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Part 1: Read the following text in Portuguese from the website of the Portuguese shoe

company Josefinas and translate it into English

Como Tudo começou…

Um dia uma mulher sonhou, outras juntaram-se, e o sonho foi transformado em realidade.
A Josefinas é uma marca portuguesa que nasceu de um sonho. Num país em plena crise, onde
sonhar tinha pouco espaço, o fazer sapatos à mão ganhou um novo nome: Josefinas.

Em Portugal, o savoir-faire dos artesãos e a paixão por uma ideia permanecem intactos, e o
nunca desistir deu um cunho à Josefinas e aos valores que representa. O nome “Josefinas”
nasceu em homenagem à avó da fundadora da marca, que costumava levá-la às aulas de ballet
e que lhe mostrou que as mulheres são capazes de tudo. Esperamos que a história da Josefinas
inspire o caminho de muitas outras mulheres diretamente para a concretização dos seus
sonhos, tal como, diariamente, nos inspira a nós!
133 words

Part 2: Read the text and re-write it by making it more concise and easier to read. You can
make changes to content and language, but the overall/core meaning should be maintained.
The text should be no more than 300 words.

Josefinas values savoir-faire! Handmade to order by master shoemakers and artisans,

especially for you.

We are always on the quest for the best!

Along this amazing road, we have met artisans that have a true passion for their work. They
have been working with us on all our creations and packaging, which are handmade!

The value of uniqueness is the kind of magic we strive to let provide in each product. Thus, we
aim to tell the world about the talent and knowledge it takes for a much better piece of work.
We stand out by creating special handmade items, as artisans are outside the chain of mass

By opening one of our boxes, you will feel the magic of Josefinas. You'll feel the dream of a
lifetime creation, and you'll live an unforgettable experience.

Our goal is to help you see Josefina´s products in the same way as we perceive them.

We deeply admire this talent, and we are grateful to have a chance to work with a great
number of talented people who always leave a piece of themselves in each creation.

We believe in fighting for a better world!

We believe that everything we do must have meaning.
We believe that by helping a woman, we’re contributing to a better and fairer world.
We believe that a handmade product has unparalleled magic.
We believe that life is an imperfect journey.
We believe that no dream can’t come true.
We believe in the power of women.
We believe in change and its power.
We believe our clients are the best in the world.
We believe in a world where pink can be worn by everyone.
We believe in gratitude.
We believe children have the right to education.
We believe every woman has the right to choose her path.
We believe in standing up for what we believe in!

Thank you all for being part of our Family.

379 words

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