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Let’s Do This


Directions: Identify the development caused by technology to the following scenario.

1. Communication with your relatives abroad


Before to contact your relatives in aboard Now, when you in abroad you can use
they using telegram or writing letter. social media such as Facebook, Email,
Messenger, Instagram etc., to
communicate your relatives in abroad.

2. Discussion of your project online.

Before, using books is a way to discuss The day that passed by we’re using
the project online or text book. technology to discuss the project which is
online such as laptop or phone.


3.Submission of written reports

To submit written reports, you need to Now, you can pass your written reports
pass it personally to the teacher, before. to the teacher using laptop, pdf, or
words. But it depends to the teacher if
personally or an online.
4.Meetings or forums

Before, to attend meetings or forum you Now, you can attend via zoom, google
need to go personally to the office. meet or even Microsoft teams and


Before, when you announce you need to Now, you can use social media to
use newspaper, television, or announce announce the important things
it personally.


Directions: Explain the questions below briefly. Five sentences each question will do.

1. Why ethnicity affects the flow of communication?

Ethnicity refers to shared cultural characteristics such as language, ancestry or

cultural tradition. Ethnicity may vary in different person such as white people or even
black people. Affecting the flow of communication by means of ethnicity may occur
chaos. Having an interferance through ethnicity in such way communication interms of
raise for example: different people in different country may not be understand each
other just because they have different ethnicity which we can see it affects. Ethnicty in
terms of language may also affects the communication itself through the use of
different language in different places having a not safe sharing of thoughts. In the end,
ethnicity has a bad effects and also have some good effects in our communication
system that even exchanging ideas to others may have some conflicts because of
different ethnicity.
2. Why gender affects communication?

Gender refers to identification of a person. Gender is a form of reflection on how we

perceive each other. A gender in terms of communication may have some bad side and
also goodside. The bad side is it can affect the way of communication when there is
gender inequality that some people carrying it. In a good side gender can use way of
communication usefully when it comes to public speaking specifically in LgbtQ.

3. How technology affects the communication around the globe?

In assessing technology with our communication many things might happen

specially when it comes to affecting it through our globe. The communication helps us
all in making ideas and shared it to anyone else. The use of technology in a sense of
communication has the better outcome when the technology has the faster way of
spreading words and helps us to easily communicate to others in abroad. The
technology also has its own negative side in terms of signal and interuption that might
occur in making communication to others. For the rest technology really helps us in
making a diversity place that everyone else may encounter.

4. Is technology helpful in making communication easy as wanted to be?

Using technology to communicate effectively among people is a newer skill that not
all workers have. Technology and digital communication have actually helped people
with their communication skills and learning how to create messages that are
understood in so many characters or less. The use of technology varies different skills
that every people must have. In terms of technology it will ease every possible way of
communicationg to other people wether they are near of far. Communication and
technology always has their side to help each other and make things easier to
everyone else.

5. Are you affected by the convenience of communication through the help of

technology? Defend your answer.

Yes, the ease of contact provided by many social networking sites, such Whatsapp,
Facebook, and Instagram, has an impact on us. Explanation: Technology-based
communication constantly influences us. Also,the technology provide sufficient effort that
many people need to have. In terms of application technology has the highest part in
making our lifestyle and interaction to other people way more better. In such world like
this specially in our pandemic days, we all know that many of us having the lockdown
that we all encounter due to the spreading of the virus and as of that the technology
helps and and relieve our stress in making and helping us to communicate to our friends,
families, neighbors and love ones even in other place so technology has the very big
convenience and higher part that our life needed and depends of. At last, thanks to
technology that always evolved through time to time specially in this 21st century era.

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